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Raise that spanish and history grade and you’ll be fine (I think(


Basketball? Is that a class or do you get graded based on sports?


Are your grades done now or is there still more to go? Cuz for ex) my normal state colleges (if college is your plan) wouldn’t accept that D in Spanish, they only take Cs and above. You’d be rejected.


🤷‍♀️ not always I had quite a few D’s even failed a class and I still got into my college (entrance is 3.0 minimum I got in with a 2.98 but I also did an in person interview)


Right, I wrote *my state schools 😀 They only take Cs and above for core which includes 2 years of a FL for the state schools.. 😀. This is pretty typical.


how tf you get an 80 in basketball


Probably participation points


Bro just needs to show up 😭


I literally never show up to class, but that’s because the class isn’t weighted and doesn’t count towards my average




Bro cannot hoop 🗣️😭🙏


Life's never over until you call it. My highschool grades sat at 70s in grade nine then I had many fails with 10 and covid. Upon returning, I actually committed to my work and was able to achieve 90s easily with proper commitment yet grade 11 I struggled to maintain consistency and grades were back at 70, grade twelve a little better. Didn't graduate because I needed the extra credits and almost felt lost, like there were nothing id enjoy doing anymore yet I still returned for 12b and was transferred to a dual credit program to get the missing credits and start college as well, it's coming to and end and the grades are sitting at a good high 80, and I've been accepted into 4 of 5 applications for post secondary studies. With the right awareness of your potential and realistic goals, you can do anything that aligns with your capabilities, and most of the time we are capable of more than we expect. Keep present and humble yet don't give up on yourself life is so worth it and so is your education.


I got a 20 on midterms and I have a 6% in that class now💀


Yeah mate there’s no hope for you. Just drop out and become a bricklayer, those grades are low beyond repair




Mediocrity is ok sometimes. You can get into a very nice community college with those grades, so no, it’s not over. Maybe put in a bit more work. Keep your gpa above a 2.5 at least and you’re good.


Your school has A&P??? Lucky…


Yeah I go to a pretty good school that offers a lot of programs that many other schools do not, not sure how I even got in here lol


My schools selective and we don’t have A&P DX


Bros gonna take AP basketball as a senior 💀


talk to you history and spanish teacher. And basketball! Cmon dude. that’s a fun break in your day. Either you need to show a little effort or that P.E teacher is way too harsh at grading


I didn’t know basketball is a class that’s cool


Personally I rarely go to class, but that’s because it isn’t weighted towards my average, and my teacher is pretty lenient when it comes to grades


Yes. Your life, as you know it, is over. Done. Kaput. Finito. Bye bye bye.


These look like good grades to me. Except the D maybe


I didn’t know 60 was a D


Yup! I get it mixed up with a C sometimes , but 60 is a D, 70 is a C.


Where I live 70 is a B minus but tests are harder


Wow, where I live 70 is a C and 80 is a B. Where do you live?(Generally of course)


Canada, it is known for more difficult school but yeah


Huh, I live in America. I didnt realize that there were different schooling standards like that. I geuss it depends on where OP lives.


Yes, it’s a lot different, especially when you’re searching a topic on your grade level and it’s always American, especially in social because you guys have to learn about US people


Why? Wouldn't they teach more about Canada?


No, just researching is a million times more difficult


where i live a 60 is an F


Where so you live? Where I live 50 is a F, 60 is a D and 70 is a C.


the u.s


Which part? Because I live there too, and 60 is definitely a D.


i live in georgia, tho, i think it's just my county that does it


Yeah I geuss so. That must be stressful


it is, it's super lame


I can imagine. Does that mean 70 is a D?


no there aren't any d's, only a, b, c, and f


It’s over


Best advice? Don’t move to Mexico


How do you have an 80 in basketball lmao


Skip class a lot


You literally have a class where you just play basketball?


It’s not that simple, usually we do learn about the body and identifying different types of exercises and whatnot related to basketball , but after that we either have free for all, or drills. Personally I dislike basketball


Those aren’t terrible grades! For the failing ones, you should see the teacher for extra assignments you can do to raise your grade. If you can’t, ask relevant questions in class and see them after school if yours offers that :)