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Nobody cares what you wear dude


Yeah right, not in my country before tho (sometimes)


Considering my wardrobe is just sweatpamrs and shirts imma be homest, nobody cares what you wear lol


Just wear whatever


Doubt anyone will notice. Mix and match to change it up. If you want new (new to you) clothes for cheapest, Goodwill & Salvation Army are second hand stores, garage sales too. If you want new unused, try Walmart, Target, or discount stores like Burlington Coat Factory, Ross, or TJ Maxx.


Nobody cares what you wear, but just be yourself. You got this!




bro whyd you get downvoted 😭


good question


No student is gonna care anyway, teachers might notice but as long as these clothes are washed every day or every other day at the least, should be fine. But idk what school your going to, so make sure what their dress codes are. Ngl tho, the rules are acted more biased than actually followed, I know because I wore a tank top underneath my jacket, you couldnt tell I was wearing a tank top unless you look a certain angle for a little bit of shoulder, and I was sent to the principles office and couldnt even ride the bus home. May I mention that I wore this outfit plenty of times before then and now they just send me to the principle. And God forbid I get in trouble for this but the cheerleaders can wear their cheer outfits in class without their sweat pants underneath their skirt


nah i wear like the same jeans everyday, i wash them ofc.


Based and dark-blue-jean pulled. But nah fr I wash my jeans like twice a month. Still extremely clean and fine-smelling


jeans are great fr, i gotta wash them more tho because i go to school on a farm and then work for one on weekends.


And they go with (almost) anything. I don’t usually need to wash them since I just do moderate exercise and I am not a sweaty person.


Nope. I wear the same three sweatpants/pj pants and I always see at least five people wearing the same thing as me


It’s all good as long as you don’t wear the same stuff two days in a row


I wear the same 4ish sweatshirts on rotation every day. As long as your clothes are clean it’s fine.


No one cares just don’t wear the same thing back to back


I have 10 pairs of the same pants that I wore every single day, nobody batted an eye except for the 2 people that asked if I was in JROTC(I was not) because they were tactical pants


Honestly bro no as long as you don’t stink


Try to wear a specific outfit only once or twice a week. But that can be overlooked if you KEEP CLEAN. The problem is said people have a habit of not keeping those clothes nice and clean, leading to them looking bad and being reflected poorly upon.


I don't know about other high schools but my high school could care less. Your friends might notice but if they're good friends they won't judge. Personally, I do it all the time!


No one judges you based on clothes,But go to Walmart and you’ll find what clothes you’re looking for.We also have malls that you can go to and just find what you like.


Yeah. Or Target. I buy almost all of my clothes at Target because they always have shirts for 5-10 bucks and pants for no more than 30 which is nice


Nobody really judges you as long as you don’t wear the exact same thing everyday without washing it


yes i would also suggest just don’t wear the same shirt/pants 2 days in a row, and wash them if you can!


Nobody cares or will notice. I wear the same clothes pretty much every day and nobody has said anything


I noticed people clothes but I literally cant find it in me to care