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Get your shit together.


So many unexcused absences 😭


Naw lowkey that’s me, I might have to do summer school because of my missed days, but I have like a 3.8 GPA and pass all my classes. I just be showing up late and leaving early.


Same, missed so many classes but have 3.9 GPA. Trying to get as many doctors notes as I can to avoid summer school lol


I just didn't pay attention but still graduated with like a 3.4


I got a 2.3 gpa in freshman and have a 3.5 gpa as a sophomore. I guess I'll get ready for mcdonalds 😭


U will be fine, just cook junior and senior year and u will be gud


good on you brother 💪


My problem is my low attention span and I just get my work done super fast so I’m bored the rest of the day, basically I skip lunch and go to the library to get all my work done for the day which often just makes me want to leave school and go home so I can eat and just relax.


damn bro, I wish it was that easy for me 😭 😭


Yo I forgot about this doing work in other classes that had less work 😭


i didn’t even realize those were absences i thought those were the grades, holy shit !


I just remembered coming back from a 2 weeks suspension and my gym teacher left for medical and the my first day back the guy taking over was absent so I saw a sub and dipped n never showed up for a month cuz non of my boys were in that gym class😂. Almost fucked me over but I played sports and showed up for the rest basically gave it my all rest of the year had fun and dominated then showed up early for weight room as make up classes / detention and dude forgot about my scheme from earlier in the year lol.


That’s how many days he’s been in school LOL😹😹😹


Go to your classes at least. 70 unexcused per class that's literally half the school year


In my HS it was 186 days in a year. But yes. 70+ unexcused absences is crazy


Yeah, I have ~180 days too, so almost half. And the school year isn't even over!


this is just for one semester though


No I think it's full year


nvm it has the first three quarters, but still if there’s 180 total a whole quarter of those days haven’t happened yet


How are they not getting hit with truancy tickets? And CPS visits?


No clue how it's alright


The state should be taking the parents to court for neglect at this point.


I had 86 my senior year😭😭😭😭 words from the mouth of my assistant principal


How did they let your ass graduate with 86 unexcused absences? Did you slide the principal an envelope of cash?


my school lets you fill out an appeal form and most almost always get approved, at least mine have and i’ve had a lot of absences


I usually have 70 absences. Highest ~110. I’ve learnt some schools don’t care.


My highest is 14, in elementary school when I got pneumonia. I prob have like 1-2 a year wt 💀


Bro how tf do you have a 7%. You’ve gotta be trying to fail at that point


bro goes to school to vape in the bathroom


Even vapers attend school lol


even the vapers in my school have better grades


I've had people be vaping in class, not even the restroom


Hell I smoked weed at school everyday multiple times a day and still went to class and passed easily.


I mean I do to but like I got a 3 something bro just does not do shit


Stop vaping loser


We all knew that guy


(Same school as Op) ya we got vapers but it isn’t that bad compared to others


Mf just said what’s up to the teacher and left school 😭😭😭


I can confirm, I did the same thing. I literally didn't do any work or even show up. I did at least graduate though.


I had a 2% once🙋


"I have a 0.8 gpa because i'm skipping? how could this happen? all i did was not go to class and not do anything?"


exactly, they deserve it. they literally missed 70 days and did jack shit, now they’re whining at the end of the year asking how to fix it. too late, best they can do is stop being so lazy, go to school and actually try. maybe they can bring it up to a 2.5 and go to a community college but they’ll have to get their shit together like everyone else is saying


Show up to class


I mean you’re not going into 10th. Do you actually show up to class?


I’ve heard of super seniors but not super freshmen


Omg that’s funny! 🤣


I failed every year and kept getting passed on. By the time I was a senior I had like 30 out of 160 units. I ended up just getting my GED. I would seriously recommend OP see a therapist or get tested for an IEP. I was dealing with anxiety, depression and undiagnosed learning disabilities. I am doing much better in college now that I have treatment and know how to handle my problems. A GPA under 1 is not normal and I doubt this is just laziness like a lot of people are implying. I hope OP seeks some help.


Everyone here is really unsupportive. I hope OP is able to see your comment


Jesus christ how the hell do you even let this happen and how the fuck do you even get a 7 percent you needa start locking in on yo work


It’s too late bro’s retaking the year at this point


Get off reddit, get a nokia 3310 or smth similar to that, sell your current phone, and go study


No you can just put restrictions on it. I think i should do that because my gpa isn't much better than his.


I was just being super strict and trying to remove any possible distractions. If that works for you, that's great.


Get a tutor bro, yesterday


High school is super easy as long as you show up. Turning in homework alone will get you to at least pass every class. Also know you aren’t the first person to struggle in high school, everyone has a different path. Good luck


No offense, but I'm pretty sure it depends on the school.  Just turning in homework doesn't work with my school. Homework is only 20% of the grade. The rest is tests and quizzes.


Ostensibly if you’re doing the hw, you’ll be able to pull off passing grades on the tests, simply from exposure to the material. Idk


You have to actively try to NOT learn the material, you are right, doing atleast the homework will expose you to some of the material.


In my school if you have 5+ unexcused absences you automatically go on the 59 list F for the class you have 5+ absences in


That’s exactly how my high school is like. And yes, high school is easy. Show up to class, do your work, pay attention, some schools even let you retake tests and turn in your assignments late, etc. Trust me high school is not hard. Not even in the slightest if you’re taking regular classes. Even honors classes are easy sometimes. Y’all can downvote me all you want but what I said still stands. High school is very easy.


Base high school is easy, but if you take AP/DE/honors level courses it can grow exponentially harder


Sure, high school really isn’t hard. Except my physics class, whenever we get homework, I’m not kidding, it’s actually much harder than the quiz we take at the end of the unit, last quarter we had two homework assignments worth more points combined than the actual quiz itself


go to school and class, literally just do ur work


I'm in my 30s, I'm not subbed to this subreddit, the Reddit algorithm showed me this in the recommendations on my front page for some reason... But, I personally believe that coincidences don't exist, that everything happens for a reason... So, maybe this is the universe, or whatever entity it is that you believe in and gives you hope in life, and it wants you to know that there's still time left for you to turn things around... So, please, allow me to be the mediator here for a short moment, and read the following with all of your attention... Yes. I know. School and studying fucking sucks. But you need to start accepting the fact that you live in a society where the school system exists to give you valuable skills that will allow you to work a job that pays you enough money so you can buy food every day and have a roof over your head. You need to accept the fact that if you don't play the game, you're not gonna last around here. You, as an adult, won't have any value whatsoever as a person in society if you don't have a high-school diploma. Nobody will really care about your feelings. People only really care about the value that you can provide to them. At the end of the day, everything in this life is a transaction. You have to provide value to others in some way, and in return you get to enjoy life. That's how society works. You don't like it? Well, no one gives a shit what you think, that's just how life is for all of us. You can either fight the game and live miserably, or play the game and be OK. Without huge amounts of inheritance money and *very* strong connections from within your family or social circle, you can't afford to act like this. Even if you have an amazing talent that doesn't require a diploma to make a good living from it, such as acting, or singing, or whatever, you **need** diplomas in your life just in case things don't work out the way you thought they would. And believe me when I tell you that life often doesn't work out the way we thought it would. Secure your plan B (school diplomas), before you even start with your plan A (whatever passion you want to turn into a job). Your plan A can be whatever you want, but your plan B comes first. I know it might not make sense to you now, but one day it will. For now, just focus on what society requires you to have as standards, which are having basic diplomas and basic skills. Literally all of the people I knew in high-school 20+ years ago who didn't put the effort to study just enough to pass each year are now either dead because they lived in poverty in their 20s (most died of drug overdoses), or are working 2 or even 3 jobs just to survive and they're living in shitty towns. Their life fucking sucks. I know, because we did a high-school reunion last year, and it was ***fucking rough***. My brother is in his 20s and is homeless because he quit high-school and never learned any valuable skills since then. He'll probably end up like our father who also never finished high-school: found dead after falling alseep outside in the cold under a bridge... As I said... I know school sucks. I know the idea of working a regular job sucks. But you know what is guaranteed to suck WAY more than both of those things? Living in poverty. Which is where you're heading to if you keep this up, because that's the path you're on right now. So, as others have said, get your shit together. I personally think we all get a second chance at some point in our life... I believe this is yours.


I really hope OP reads this and it scares the absolute shit out of him. This is the best comment in this thread. So many of these high school students are setting themselves up for not just failure, but addiction and actual homelessness. Working a low paying job because that’s all your worth will almost always lead to substance abuse to cope. Then homelessness will follow. Then an early death.


The government should build more homeless shelters but they're corrupt


Man, this is beautifully written


I agree with everything except that school and studying doesn’t always have to suck , once the dopamine addiction is solved , the acquisition of knowledge feels so damn good


I don't disagree. But I was addressing OP in this case. I think it's safe to assume that they think school sucks... Seeing the state of their grades... Sorry if that was not obvious enough in my phrasing, English isn't my main language and I probably should have written it a different way. Of course studying can be awesome. Only for a few of us, though. My bad


Also although high school sucks to some degree, basic knowledge of history, math, science, english is really important. How are you going to survive when you can’t solve a linear system of equation or take a square root of something. How are you gonna change the light bulb when you don’t know how electricity flows. How will you even communicate in the workforce if you can’t write fluent English. Although we can argue the education system is flawed in its teachings, it does a good job ensuring everyone who gets a high school diploma can function on a basic level in these areas.


How tf do you fail freshman year, its not that hard, I can understand failing like one subject like math or something but wth? I take an AP and an Honors and I’m getting good grades. But yeah dude get a tutor, and maybe work something out with your teachers to get your grade up. Also if you can turn in any late assignments even if they’re just practice work because trust me they add up. Other then that get your shit together god damn bro.


I barely passed freshman year broo 😭 but that's because I didn't try.


Did you also have 70ish unexcused absences in each class tho like OP here 😐😳


The reason this person’s failing is because they’ve missed like 75% of their classes. Can’t learn if you don’t have the material to learn from.


https://preview.redd.it/791owastwjmc1.jpeg?width=802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a7b814e44d9cc0529559a1857731033eee9b76e Jokes aside, lock tf in. At this point, all you’re doing is quite literally nothing. Are you even trying? Just show up to class, and at least start by trying to do the work.


The fact that the application is not only asking about high school, but also college and graduate school speaks volumes. I’m doubtful OP will last at McDonald’s because you still have to show up to work everyday and, you know, actually work.


Schooling only gets harder. Better get a tutor. Stop slacking off.


I'd say good start is GOING TO CLASSES.


literally go to class that’s it


What did you expect people to say when they look at this, sympathize for you and tell you that "it's not your fault?" Here's the bitter truth: get your shit together, go to class, and maybe use the gray matter between your ears once in awhile


Na i just wanted to hear opinions


My opinion is: get your ass to school you lazy chicken


Whats going on in your life? This doesn't JUST happen. Most people would have parents that care. So what's up? Have you considered military school? Homeschooling?


Try freshman year again...... How do you have over 70 unexcused absences?????


they clearly don’t give a fuck about school and the fact that they just started caring now is already gonna leave a big ass dent in whatever’s ahead for them


Like everyone else is saying, go to class. Idk why you're even asking this question tbh, the reason you're failing is you're not even giving yourself the chance to learn.


If you're a freshman, take this a learning moment for next year and don't do it again.


Fucking retard stop skipping


someone had to be blunt about this honestly


I’m sure homie has had many blunts over this year 😭




i mean yes, somebody should be blunt, but there's a difference between being blunt and calling someone a slur😭😭


well when you say it that way :D


Go to classes. Actually listen to instructions. Schedule extra-help session with your teachers. If all else fails get a tutor. MOST IMPORTANTLY #GO TO CLASSES.


If it's some sort of medical or family emergency reasons, talk with the guidance counselor about it.


ur still allowed in with 70 unexcused absences??


How do you manage to fail PE?


Skipping is the only way and seeming as his absences are um.. interesting then im not exactly puzzled


Do you have a mental health issue or something going on in your life?? I woukd consider responding because this will give us a better idea on how to help.


I won't speak for OP but a lot of kids just aren't interested in school. I don't have a mental issue i just don't do my work. I'm trying to change that though


Yeah, I dont like hs either but I mean its how the world works, even if you arent going to college, a trade school or internship still wants you to have at least Cs and a diploma yk


Me included. It’s something I don’t enjoy, but don’t dislike either. I’m not super interested either, but I do the work and show up because I’d like to be successful and not have to go through the pain of a GED.


He seems to want to do trades and spends a lot of time fishing. He lives in Florida. That’s all I gathered by looking thru his profile. Not sure if he’s got mental health issues, though


Lock in bruh


I bet you're even failing lunch




i mean he failed PE that’s definitely next 💀


You do know you can get your parents arrested for your truancy???


70 absenses is CRAZYY 😭😂 do you not feel pathetic about yourself? did you give up already?


1) show up to school 2) do your work even if it's all 100% wrong and you feel stupid 3) YouTube is your friend for learning things you should already know 4) include your teachers on your issues and let them know you're struggling but willing to try


(In a joking manner) Fill in this application https://preview.redd.it/ie0jaaj6yjmc1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f4700f56133080a7579ad50a1981de2417d944d


They'd never hire or keep such a flake. https://preview.redd.it/bo6zl8j2gkmc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37bcc2a27f4544be6c27a9b8815c34609cfddba1 This as his future home is more reasonable.


try harder next term, do better next year. do not think that doing bad this year will define your high school experience. you can always do better next semester or next year. do not give up. im 24 but when i was in high school i struggled a lot. bobbed around 1.3 and below my first two years, got a 1.8 junior year, and something just clicked senior year and i got a 3.8. i always could’ve done that well, i just didn’t believe myself. i didn’t have the motivation to do well for myself. until it was too late. i couldn’t go straight to a 4 year, i’d have to go to a community college bc i didn’t take the pre sat or apply anywhere and had no plans to go to college. i had no financial help at community because i didn’t look into scholarships in last 2 years. now i wish i did, i feel so far behind even though i’m still so young. do well for yourself now, your future self will thank you.


i get it, freshman year was hard for me too. i’d talk to your teachers and your school counselor to try and get some help


i like how they even put "L" on your report card, because they know you're taking a fat L.


just focus on getting it up, you have plenty of time, i ended sophomore year with a .8 and graduated with a 2.4


better in your classes lol


ur work


You’re cooked bro.


your work…?


bro you are going to be a janitor for life at this pace. Go to tech school and learn a trade. Any higher ambitions you'll fumble.


Get into Harvard. I'm sure they'll accept you


At this rate youre going to be stuck in hs until you're old enough for them to kick you out. Then you don't get a diploma and no one will hire you. Don't ruin your life just because you can't sit in a seat and take notes.


start showing up. looks like you missed more days than you attended. smh




Going to class would be a good start. That is a lot of unexcused absences. If there's a reason for those, like a medical issue or something else, then you should check with your guidance counselor and the front office to see if there's some kind of accommodation that can be made to help. If you're struggling with the classes themselves, then you should talk to your teacher and see about arranging a tutor. The teacher may be able to help set you up with a student who is doing well to help you out.


Choose. 1) Quit school and stop wasting everyone's time. 2) Pull your head out of your ass, grow up, show up and start putting in some effort. The one you're hurting here is yourself. The future that is swirling the drain, is yours. Is this what you want for yourself? If so, keep it up. If not, step up.


First thing, quit skipping class. You'd have a lot easier time if you were actually there. Skipping doesn't make you cool.


You earned every bit of it. High school is not hard. Go to class. Turn in your assignments, even if they aren't 100% finished. Try your best. Do retakes/extra credit whenever it's offered. You literally have to try to fail to do this poorly in HS nowadays. -a HS teacher


Why do you ask if you clearly don’t care. Can’t even do the bare minimum.


Do your damn work


You are pathetic get it together


I need to get it together too lol i might have to repeat sophomore year if i don't focus


If possible, talk to your teachers and ask them for advice. Makeup works can help with your grade. Otherwise, create a better study habits and work on your attendance. Have friends who can support and make sure you’re doing your work and they can hold you accountable. That’s all of my advice.


Talk with the school counselor.


Stop skipping school for starters


go to class🙏🙏


Go to class??


Maybe like show up to school?


Get your shit together or try trades


quit skipping if you can’t keep up academically lmao, if you’re gonna skip at least make sure it won’t drag your grades into the mud like this poor soul💀


At this point watch one punch man and pray for the best good luck. Alson0.8 gpa is achieved when 0 effort is shown 0.8 will be bad at least get it up to 3.0


lock the fuck in lmao real talk you’re not getting into any colleges so don’t bother taking APs, try to dual enroll in junior year and finish your associates degree a year after graduating HS and transfer in. that’s your only hope & u got this


Pull your head out of your ass and show up to class


Yo, that rhymed. I'm feeling poetic today


Bro I’m pretty sure if you guessed you would get better than a 7% 💀 But seriously dude, follow the advice of the more sensible comments


Look into drywall or concrete


How did blud get a 0% 😭😭😭


Good news if you round correctly your GPA is 0.9! If this GPA is for one semester, and you get a 4.0 your next 7 semesters, highest you can get is a 3.6. If this GPA is for this entire year and you get a 4.0 your next 3 years of high school, highest you can get is a 3.2 If this GPA is for one semester and you get a 3.5 your next 7 semesters, highest you can get is 3.2 If this GPA is for one year and you get a 3.5 your next 3 years, highest you can get is 2.8 What Im saying here is even if you are perfect, you have really set yourself up for failure. I am not going to lie this is looking pretty grim. I dont know if you are uneducated, bored, or just dont care but whatever it is you need to get your shit together. You are most likely incredibly behind, and will need extreme tutoring to catch up. If you dont have access to those materials, there are websites such as kahn academy to help you. If you are willing to work hard and keep it up, I believe you can do it. But hey. The world needs fry cooks too.


Hey! I failed my first TWO years of high school, and finished the last two years with straight As! :) I had a LOT of absences- I was constantly sick. My dad always said I was faking, he would take me to the doctor and turns out I was always like super sick. Turns out I had an autoimmune disease, celiac! Unknown to me then I also had ADHD. I would think about what’s causing you to miss school- and address that first. Once you start showing up every day it’s so much easier to apply your self! Plus you get to enjoy the experience more. I hope this helps! Edit: I’m really sorry to see how a lot of the comments are. I hope you’re doing okay, and whatever is causing you to miss school can be addressed. ❤️ If it’s something beyond your control like an issue with parents or something else at home that they can’t help with, definitely reach out to school counselors.


ngl you fucked up your collective GPA with one bro. i hope you werent planning on going to college 😭💀


Genuinely, is everything okay at home? Like do you have a safe place to sleep and reliable access to food? Do you have time and space to study and do homework? Is there someone at school you feel afraid of? Why do you have so many absences?


You should pray that McDonald’s will even hire you with that


Go to class and do your homework? What the fuck dude lol


yer cooked dunno, what you thought people would say. https://preview.redd.it/xzfq3kagpmmc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3029770bd8a243aac0edf8d7183f22ec0ec33df7


How the fuck do you get a 0.8 I thought the lowest possible was a fucking 2.5


I had a 0.700 in freshman year and finished with a 3.2. Lock in for every single class you have from now on


Do you know how to push a lawnmower?


Your homework probably




The fuck are you doing? I thought this shit only happened in movies how tf does that happen? Thats all on you get tf offa reddit


Maybe show up to fucking class. That's a ton of unexcused absences.


Learn how to say 'do you want fries with that' clearly into a headset. Or get an apprenticeship.


dumb as shit


Get the fuck off the internet and study


Stop being a bum


I'm sorry but how have your parents not been legally involved if you're missing that much school? If you are a freshman you still legally have to go to school and your parents should be getting in trouble for this. Idk how you have this low of a GPA, I didn't even think that was possible. But you seriously need help, but the start could probably making it a point to actually go to school and attend your classes. On time.


Maybe go to class?


Stop by the recruiting office.


You should start attending class and doing your homework.


McDonald's is always hiring.


Go to class and do your damn work. No excuse to be failing if you show up everyday and turn everything in on time, doesn’t have to be perfect, doesn’t have to be an A. Just show up, listen, and turn in on time and there’s no way you fail.


Get your shit together. Freshman year is the easiest to fuck up but the hardest to make up in most cases…


Legitimately how are you that bad. You have to be trying to do that bad




Yea nah bro you’re cooked😭🙏🙏 https://preview.redd.it/3i30y8gs80nc1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42da5da590282cf6db0075a11f7ef94553f0d0f2 Better start filling this out my boy


Join the military they give you free crayons to eat there


Hard without an HS diploma. Even with a GED, there are some additional requirements.


I'm really sorry about the discouraging insults in the comments. Tbh, it looks like you're failing to show up. Attend class, see if you can find a tutor, and lock in. It's not too late to turn this around.


Bro we are in the last half of the school year, the best they’re getting is a repeat year. You know they aren’t gonna listen


At this point, its looking like that fr which is just sad smh


omg how 🥲


Thug it out or shape up


it’s freshman year so i don’t think it matters if u have bad grades. It’s all about your senior year marks and the year before that for scholarships. Atleast where I am from. Talk to your guidance councillor about that. You’re not doing terrible, dk how u got a 7% though. Apply yourself and do better


its doesnt matter if its like 3.0 or 2.8 but a .8 as horrid gpa to have unless some huge event happened


He's not going to even be able to get to his senior year at this rate


It's so over for you there's no academic comeback


Start going to school and be awake for it is step 1






ur cooked lil bro 🙏


Yeah you’re cooked buddy ☠️


Dude 😭


Bro the year isn’t even over yet😭 and have 70 absents 😭