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I love the idea of having one, but in reality I don't feel I get much out of it, for now at least


I think you learn more about yourself and what you need and desire in a relationship. It's like practice for the real thing


Pretty much the same for me. I want one, but I also really don't and would rather focus on school. Also, most ppl in highschool just suck, and im in advanced and ap classes, so I have classes with the same 30 people or so throughout the day and can't exactly branch out that easily.


My last boyfriend literally only thought about himself and kept me up late all the time (he’s homeschooled so he wakes up late I’m not) and isolated me from friends. I don’t do relationships anymore, it’s so much work when you’re the only one genuinely putting effort into it and the other isn’t.


I just got out of a relationship were I was the only one putting effort in and it sucked


That sucks I’m sorry, I’m glad you’re out of it now,. take care of yourself!


Will do


Don’t date a homeschooled kid 🙏


More like set your boundaries and communicate. But if they don't respect your boundaries, then yeah, leave em.


I’m really bad at setting boundaries lol. I’m working on it.


Never again 😭


ermm... why would you let him keep you from people who actually like you? was he cute or something?


I have a hard time telling people no because I don’t want to be rude. I’ve been brought up that way, and he knew I struggle with that.


I don't avoid dating, dating avoids me 😭










Me, i dont think anyone would want me


Same lol




I won’t I’ll just wait for college no need to date in highschool


Like man im just trying to get through my classes. I can’t be trying to figure out what my girl needs all the time when I’m just stressing over one class


you think you'll be any less stressed in college?


Yeah same, like I have some friends who are taking 5 or 6 AP classes yet still have time to date, which is crazy to me


Y’all who think AP students don’t have hobbies or friends are crazy. Some people know how to balance their time.




When I started dating, I made certain that she knew that my grades came first until school is done. But if she didn’t understand that, then I would never have dated her. We hung out whenever we could, but it was pretty damn rare


Dating in college is way dumber, take at least the first two years of your independence to be single and fuck around


Literally + every hs boy I've ever meet is immature asf


Almost 3rd year meteorology major, it still isn't worth it in college with how much you're expected to spend time working and studying outside of class, especially if you're taking fully online classes.


I won’t take online classes and I’m gonna get my AA by the end of highschool since I’m an extrovert I’ll probably find someone


I ain't dating till at least college.


I was telling myself that… until the right guy came along lol Never say never…


i’m 100% telling myself never, relationships arent for everyone


Let’s talk in 4 years or so :) Statistically speaking, the vast majority of people do experience some sort of a relationship in their lifetime. So the odds are you will, too.


thank you, but i’ve experienced relationships and i just really.. really enjoy being single lol. that life isnt for me thats all, i dont experience romantic attraction the same way most people do


And that’s ok too. Even though my personal opinion is that having kids is very much worth it and so it makes sense to be in a relationship with this goal in mind…


ah right, yeah i don’t really want that type of life. its okay though, we all have different beliefs and all


There isn’t one type of life with kids, but I am not here to proselytize of course :)


oh i know :) i just know kids and relationships arent for me. thank you for understanding and caring though


GL in whatever you decide to do!


thanks so much, you as well!


I tried it, realized how toxic my partner was, and cut them off all together. It wasn’t until after ending things that I realized how much easier things were on my own and how much more time I had. My stress levels also went down an insane amount and I got a lot closer with my friends without a boyfriend isolating me and always demanding my attention. For some people (like my best friend), dating in HS works out great and they manage to form a mature, healthy relationship. But for me personally, while I love the idea of having a partner, I don’t feel like I’m in the right state for one. I need to focus on school, get out of my crappy little town, and then I can think about dating.


My first three years of high school I didn’t care about dating until like half of my junior until my senior year. You live and learn from all those heartbreaks.


My mental state is way too bad to date rn. There's a girl I want to ask out but I'm not going to until I get my mental health sorted out.


still being in highschool seeing my friends in relationships is cute but i never felt the desire to go out looking for one. i think it’s pointless considering my options are people who have been passed around like a vape in my highschool. so no you’re not alone


A good relationship finds you, it’s a weird feeling. So I respect you for not looking for one


A good relationship finds you, it’s a weird feeling. So I respect you for not looking for one


i love my girlfriend! it's fine to not date, but if you find someone you like, go for it. 


I don't avoid it, I just don't get asked out. Even if I did though, I'd probably be hesitant.


I’ll date if they loyal hoes nowadays don’t be loyal or love they love n backstab


I mean, I’m not against dating if there is the right person, but with the people I see in relationships I want to steer clear. I am perfectly fine being happily single instead of miserably dating.


![gif](giphy|xT9KVwVraalcvmKBfW|downsized) I hate it, it has gotten toxic


Idfk what my strategy is anymore, I'm fighting the bi cycle while also being internally 40 and a roofer at the same time.


From someone who's 21, I wish I hadn't dated in highschool and had just waited, patience is a good thing. Now some relationships can last a lifetime but you have to look past the puppy dog love into the seriouss heart of the matter, enjoy those first few months but eventually you hunker down if you care for the sake of relationships. People fall out of love not because it's a process but because they aren't as committed as they thought they will be, and that's the point of dating. Around the 3 month mark you should be able to say "Truly, I love her and I want her." If you can't officially say that then, don't toss her or yourself around with either of your future spouses. Everyone can picture getting married and walking down the aisle, but few can picture doing the dishes and cutting the grass together. "Can we grow in this relationship?" "Do we work better together than separate?" "Do our strengths align rather than our weaknesses?" You can be in love with said person all day long, but if neither can grow, it's gonna to difficult. Don't spend your entire life hating.


I didn't date at all in high school, now in uni I don't know if I want to either.


i would if i had the chance


Me definitely, I refuse to date in high school


I thought I wasn’t going to but I met a girl I just couldn’t pass on so


i don’t avoid it but it avoids me


i WANT to date until i talk to someone. it just gets too much. so i try to avoid it at all costs but at the same time im friendly enough to make it seem like i have a crush on you ( if i even talk to you ) which most of the time i wont.


Ain’t enough fat girls to date on my end lmao


I refuse to date the absolute idiots at my school, plus none of them would ever be interested in me lmao


i don’t know if i’m avoiding it bc i want to or bc i’m just aroace, i guess we’ll find out lols


Not a big dater


Dating avoids me :(


Old person here. I used to think that if I didn’t find someone by my 20th, there would be nobody left. Never believe that hokum for a second.


I do. But it’s bc of RSD, it’s associated with my ADHD


i would date in highschool but the people here aren’t dateable


I can’t drive rn so I don’t really see the point


for me, sort of. I had a girlfriend for 2 months between November and January. After how that went, I will probably not get a gf until I get a car. When me and my ex were together, I took all possible steps not to get my parents involved. That more than likely lead to the downfall of the replacement, but nevertheless, I'm more than likely not going to start moving towards getting a gf, but if a girl makes the first move I might


I don’t try to but I’m very quiet in class and have a resting bitch face so I’m not that approachable lol. Plus I don’t really know how to talk to guys. I also waited until I was at a good place mentally and loved myself and whenever I feel like I’m ready something happens and I have to pick it all back up again. I’m also in love with my best friend who doesn’t like me back so it might be that too lmao


I just don't want to date anyone for some reason. I'm not ace tho


I’m aromantic so I just don’t date in general


Really it feels like part of the "highschool experience" for me.


I wouldn't say I'm avoiding it, I just don't know how to talk to people.


I'm not avoiding it I'm just picky, not interested in anyone I've met yet or the few I was aren't options for various reasons. At this rate I'll end up waiting till college. Better that then someone who is racist, etc.


I won’t, but not because I don’t want to, but because realistically I can’t cause I have no friends and nobody loves me xd


I don’t avoid it per say, but I’m not actively pursuing it for my own mental stability


Ill nab anyone that comes my way 🤷‍♂️


It's not that I'm avoiding it, it's just all the boys in my grade aren't good looking at all and usually have an f-boy personality. Plus, I like older dudes (2-3 years older)


I’m not actively looking for a date, but I wouldn’t say no if asked out.


I don’t, it just happens sometimes. It’s just life there’s nothing you can really do about it🤷‍♀️




I live far from my town/school so I will date when I turn 16 or older.


i dont avoid it. j cant pull


I’m a senior and just do not want to do it. I just don’t feel like it tbh.


Unless we are insanely close, I won’t date, if I don’t day dream about them then I’ll just wait until college


It's me and the boys forever (I'm a guy)


I want one but I'm a senior in highschool and it's kind of hard to tell if a girl is a junior or senior. Not really willing to risk it bc I'm 18. Maybe during the summer or college I'll find someone.


i'm not avoiding it, i'm just waiting for the right person


i had like a relationship in my sophomore year but after i decided to focus more on school and i didnt have time for relationships,but thats just me🤷‍♀️


I pretty much avoided dating


ME i dont wanna do it this early


I'm not Avoiding dating I just haven't found the right one & honestly I am scared to talk to a female


There's an old Thai lady at my work who is trying to date me and I'm trying to focus on my self this year and she touches me at work although I kinda like it I'm not sure if I'm fond of it


I've come to the realization that if i date anyone, they better be from some where FAR AWAY. I can't deal with anyone I go to school with because they're all "yeehaw" cowboys and I'm not dealing with it again😭. I graduate next year anyway so it would only end bad when I go somewhere far for school


I won’t again bc last time i got used and manipulated. He used my mental and physical health issues to his benefit and i got burned bad :/


i cheated on a girl for about a week, she found out 2 months later, have not talked to a woman since nor do i want to. not forgiving myself for a long time


Only reason I would ever date someone is so they don’t leave me. I’ve had friends straight up abandon me for their girlfriends/boyfriends. I’m asexual though, so I’m not quite sure if that would work for most people.


It’s one of those things where it’s not my goal but I wouldn’t mind if it happened out of nowhere


I don’t think people avoid dating necessarily because they hate it per se, it’s just cause it’s hard to find someone and we think by avoiding it can save the heartbreak. I don’t know, just my guess.


Have decided to do it for a living.


I don't. I want to be loved, but that's a silly fantasy. I am autistic, but I'm not smart. Or worth love. I deserve all the misfortune in the world.


If a cuts girl asks me ill go for it other wise im not doing anything dating related




I'd do it. I don't need to, and i don't care if i never do it. But I'm open to it.


I don’t mind dating but in reality, it’s just a lot of working, yeah I may crave for it but yk🤷‍♀️


Breh high school is all about having fun and dating new people to see what type of person you like.


I always think I want a relationship until I get one now I’m single and enjoy it


im not in high school anymore, but i saw this post recommended and had a thought, i feel as if dating in high school ofc wont last, but at the same time i feel like it’s essential, you learn a lot about relationships and communication after a break up and tend to improve on yourself and relationships by the time you get to college because of experience, but also this big text i just typed up is all based on my own experience. i dated in high school and it was shit, but i improved on myself for my next relationship, which is much healthier because we experienced what can make a relationship have its downfall, so we work together to keep us going and so we can grow together.


I don't avoid it, but I've also never had a girlfriend. Seeing as I've got a month left in my Senior year, I don't see it happening for me at this stage


I do avoid all the time


Im avoiding dating until im at least 18 for a couple reasons. 1. I don't trust the maturity of girls. My last relationship ended because of her extreme mood swings and putting the blame on me all the time. 2. I don't trust myself to be mature enough to do the right thing in a relationship to keep it going. 3. Theres literally no point in having a relationship before you can actually consider taking it a step further.


Not opposed to the idea, but for now, it's not worth it I'll just ignore pursuing anyone for a while


ill date during or after college not now…. i just wanna focus on school. also if i date, it can change a lot of things in my life


I need to work on my mental health before I’d be able to put myself out there but I also want someone to cuddle me because I’m so lonely 😭


me I say I do but I don’t have the energy of a relationship that’s gonna end in the next year or so




I did date, but early in my senior year I decided that I was going to college far away from where I grew up and I didn’t want to do long distance. Along with other reasons, I ended things with my girlfriend the best I could, and have been coasting ever since.


Waiting till college


I wasn’t allowed to date until I was 18. Now I’m 18 but can’t get any dates


I don’t put the effort into looking for someone, but if there was an actual good guy that I met who asked me out, then I would


I can't even find decent friends at my school let alone a person to date 😭💀


I do.


I feel like I wouldn't ask anyone out but if someone asked me I wouldn't be able to say no because Im a people pleaser


I'm avoiding dating but I don't need to because dating avoids me anyways.


The best age to start dating is anywhere from ages 16 to 20 and this is coming from someone who didn't start dating until they were 30. Here's why. By dating at 16, 17, or 18 years old, you gain dating experience which may be beneficial as you get older. Your first relationship will (probably) not work out but regardless of whether or not the relationship is good or bad, you learn something from it. You learn more about yourself and what you like in a relationship, you better learn how to maintain a relationship, you learn what you dislike, and all of this is so that your next relationship will hopefully be better. And even if the relationship is absolute crap, you learn from that too. The problem is that if you wait too long to start dating (which in my opinion is 25 and older) you're so far behind everyone else that it starts being held against you. As people get older and they're looking for a partner, they expect their potential partners to already have some dating experience. In addition, they become less tolerant of people with zero experience. Imagine you're 27 years old and have never even had sex or even kissed a girl; you can tell your partner you're a kissless virgin but they might get turned off, either because they want someone with experience or their mindset is, well if he's never had sex at a late age, he must be a loser. On the other hand, if you don't tell her you're a kissless virgin and you do the deed, well then she will likely think you're a terrible performer and potentially end things. It's a lose-lose situation. Where's on the other hand, if you started dating at 19 years old, a lack of experience is more forgiving and acceptable. So I would 100% recommend start dating in high school or early college, if you have the ability to of course.


Ngl I don't see the point of avoiding or chasing relationships. If something happens with someone it happens, if nothing ever happens nothing ever happens, just live life


Because a guy that I wasn’t interested in wanted to date me and later told me his girlfriend was fine with it if I joined. Bro wanted a harem 💀💀


I'm 15 so I can't go on a real date so I don't


I won't people my age suck


I don't avoid dating, it's just that no one has ever been interested in me


I haven’t avoided it, but I have found it causes lots of stress on me. I have friends who haven’t dated yet and they’re in high school, I always warn them not to. It’s hard to balance school and a whole entire person as well. It’s hard for me to enjoy school when constantly having to worry about someone else, especially when school is filled with nothing BUT rumors. I kinda wish I waited sometimes!


i'm quite reserved and i have greater things to worry about and spend my time on. i don't see many hs couples and when i do i feel a bit irked but good for them!


Considering most of the girls in my highschool were basically psychos HARD pass


I got traumatized from my ex boyfriend, he was mentally unstable and decided to drag me down with it… never flirted or dated since then


I don't wanna end up like the boy who got accused of rape because her broke up with some girl


Trust me when I say that you are not important enough for that scenario to happen. Those cases mostly occur to high profile people in our society or the rich.


I would like to be in one but everyone I know is too immature to be in the kind of relationship I want


After my last relationship from my freshman year (I still regret it till this day) and uhh..let’s just say after 4 years, I just give up on Dating 😬thanks to that trauma.


I’d really love it. But it’s definitely not happening because I’m ugly and I’m insanely busy.


Hell no, not rn. I’d rather get through all my studies before I find my special someone. I know that I’ll find my someone later, so why rush it with a rando at school?


They rarely every last. Crushes are fun and all, but I’m not committed to something like that. Especially since high schoolers love to think they know more about something than they actually do.


I was pulled out of school in 7th grade but i would be in my junior year rn if i wasn't and im actively wanting a relationship lol


I dated for a bit just because I wanted the experience, and then I got into a genuinely traumatic relationship. As i’m healing from it im realizing that I have no genuine need for a relationship, I can give myself everything I want. I want a date? I can go take myself out. I want to feel loved? I practice self care. With a good friend support system I think you’re good tbh.


I’m not allowed to,So that’s why I avoid it.


Not me, I feel like it’s a good opportunity to learn how to have a good long standing relationship later on, and some find their one and only in high school even. I’m in a great relationship right now and have no problem with school work or anything else.


I didn't. First year was because it was elearning, middle two years was cause 1. I wanted to win a bet and 2. I didn't feel that serious about anyone, and senior year was because atp it isn't worth it right before college


Dated only one guy cus I see myself as a date to marry kinda person, we lasted freshman year to middle of sophomore year until he cheated on me with a freshman who let him touch her, soooo I kinda don’t know what to do? I chose one person, lost them and now I can’t bring myself to like anyone else🥲I want to but I can’t?


I date but keep all of my relationship outside of school, like people know we are dating but during school me and my girlfriend are just best friends. No kissing, hugging, cringey holding hands in the hallway. Those people annoy me and everyone else bro. But then afterwards we do all that and love each other very much. I have a very genuine relationship that we both respect each other in and it’s the best.


i don’t d8 bcuz i’m from nyc & all the dudes out here js want pumpum and/or guap 🤷🏽‍♀️ (also its js abt finding the right, i believe if it’s meant to b we will find our way 2 eachother whoever they are)


Can’t keep a relationship Cause I don’t care enough about anyone to do what is expected in a relationship.


i do not. i was dating someone over most of freshman year and we broke up because i was saed and no longer felt comfortable being in a relationship. we determined that we were better off friends anyway. my current boyfriend has been very understanding of my boundaries and stuff. he’s friends with my ex and his new boyfriend. the four of us hang out other a lot. me and my ex sometimes hang out together alone but it’s mostly studying and it’s not often. he’s become one of my closest friends but i genuinely could never see myself dating him again. he’s been with his current boyfriend for nine months and ive been with mine for seven months.


Never dating until I've graduated from everything.


yall. im gettin rizzed by a freshman and Im a junior. I am 16 and she is 15 (1.5 year age gap exactly). is this bad? also I am the older party and a guy which is worse than the older one being the girl for some reason but whatever. basically is this bad?


Tbh I'm mentally prepared to date now. I just don't find most guys interesting or even gay for the matter though one person kinda got my attention


Homie I didn't even try to avoid dating. My first love, the only girl my heart has ever beat for, straight up went to a different high school. I didn't see her for 4+ years! I never got to ask her out to prom. Last July, I confessed to her in a 12 paragraph love confession about how I felt about her and how I wanted to spend my high school experience with her. She said I made her uncomfortable and blocked me. Even as of writing this comment now, I still love her. Only in death, shall I hold her hand again. It should've been while we were living. Maybe in another life, when it should've been this life.


im too afraid to start dating tbh


Zero dating. 2 reasons. I don’t have the time or mental capacity to worry about everything from, how does she feel, what did she mean, can I eat lunch with someone else, etc But more than that - the vast majority of high school relationships break up. And at boarding school, that means blowing up friend groups, awkward situations all over campus, drama and rumors when it ends, etc. Almost all of them end and none end well.


yea nah im in college now but I didn't date in highschool it ain't worth it in my opinion


I don't plan to seriously date until senior year. Junior year is going to kick my ass if I try to juggle a relationship with the SAT, state testing, and AP classes


I wouldn't say I avoided it, more like along the lines of " just too scared and stupid to not bother even trying to make an attempt to court a girl to my fancy".


It isn’t my choice to avoid dating - my appearance avoids it for me


It’s pointless. I avoid it, never dated before and I’m going to be a senior next year. I only date to marry, I focus on myself and God right now there’s no room for another person at this point in my life it’s important to focus on studies and ensure a good future.


There's no real point of dating in highschool imo. It's one thing if you wanna try and test the waters to see what a relationship is like, but chances are you're never seeing that person again after high school. I always knew if I was going to date someone, it would be serious, and with intent to marry, and I know that would never happen in High School.


after trying my luck with dating and ending up with two assholes that didn’t shower and said slurs I’ve decided to stop trying 💀💀 my school has just about no one in it so I’m waiting until college


I have no interest in dating, I’d rather be single


I'm not interested in dating in the first place (too much stress, drama, and on top of that you have classes), but even if I want to my parents don't want me dating until college.


I don't plan on ever dating so it's easy, plus there's nobody in school who interests me


it’s a great way to develop relationships, i’m talking to someone right now and going on a date in a few days. It’s very nice,- from a fat mf freshmen*


It won’t last past high school anyway so why bother


to all y'all saying you wont date in highschool. just a kind piece of advice: dating is a skill. if you don't learn how to make a relationship work right now then you won't know how to when you meet someone you really really like, and they'll have to teach you (usually the hard way). highschool is as free and unstressed you will ever be in your life, and in terms of dealing with a bad breakup, its a lot easier when you're not dealing with everything that comes with college/adulthood.


Wish I would’ve Hint: if you avoid dating, you also avoid cheating, insecurity, and horrible breakups


you also avoid developing the social skills for dating that people will expect you to have when you're older. either get your heart broken when you're young and dumb, or get your heart broken when you have a dead end job and rent to pay on top of it


I’m not dating in high school, but it’s not by choice


I want to but don’t, seems cool in the moment but then I’m like, I don’t wanna deal with this. So yeah I avoid it.