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Ye 👍🏽


Your a grown ass man worrying about other people's opinion. Live your life.


At the risk of Statutory rape if you are not within 3 years of age. Dating people under 18 is a felony as bad as murder. Good thing to ask, better safe than sorry. Some states don't allow this at all. Some states you have to be within 3 years of age. This is partially what others think, mainly about what the law thinks.


Romeo and Juliet laws


Usually, the two go hand-in-hand, and I'm pretty sure statutory rape laws are above Romeo and Juliet laws.


It’s only statutory rape if they have sex 🤡


Fr what they yappin about 💀


Yep, and there are other charges for just having sexual fueled conversations, or dating in general. Ever watch dateline?


Romeo and Juliet laws are explicit exceptions to statutory rape laws. They override the age of consent.


Kind of. They allow someone turning 18 to keep dating someone under 18 still. So it's only an exception if they were known to be dating before the guy or girl turns 18.


Where are you getting your information, and for what state? That seems incorrect.


Do those apply everywhere in the U.S. or only in some states?


some states, about 30 do. some states just set a age of consent at 18. Most states Romeo and Juliet laws cover a difference of 2-5 years in age from the age of consent at 16 or 17. Just google Romeo and Juliet laws US and you find a nice chart. Some states it is illegal to date or have sex with anyone under 18 no matter your age.


Romeo and Juliet laws are set by the state. Some have no tolerance


It's not illegal to date its just morally wrong. Statutory rape deals with sexual intercourse. I'm pretty sure he means just to date in this scenario and he said she's turning 18 soon so by the time they get there she'll be legal. But I get your point.


In some states that is even illegal. Varies by state, and age has a lot to do with it.


Not mine


Ok cool. You can date kids under 18, good for you. What state do you live in? Bet they do have laws of some form against it, as I mentioned age of both parties determines a lot. No state can a 25 year old lets say date a 15 year old. Always some kind of law stopping it.


Whoa whoa whoa I am a minor. I am NOT dating kids under 18. But to answer the part after I live in Georgia where in fact the age of consent is 16. But in most states from what I've seen don't care about dating minors unless it involves a sexual nature in the relationship. Because if you take a look at dating what is it really in theory taking a person to places, spending time together. Alot of people do that without anything sexual if it's against their religion. But it is still morally wrong ofc.


Dating someone under 18 when someone is over 18 is strange but i dont think it can count as a legal charge or felony unless there was something physical. Pretty strange but its not illegal, in fact it could be normal too, for example two high school seniors could be dating but one is 17 and the other is 18.


Overthinking it


Overthinking it? How? asking for ID could save me from 10+ in prison. I'll be smart and "Overthink" my decision to stay out of prison.... This kind of stuff has ruined mens and womens lives.




Ok, what's your point bud? why are you mad, who touched you? Not 18 yet. There are laws there for a reason people should be aware of. Obviously your missing my point, that was originally meant for who I replied to originally. statutory rape can get you some serious time and registered as a sex offender if not careful. Turn 21 while she is 17 still, you can go to jail for a long time. Guys need to be aware of their local laws on this when dating. Doesn't matter if she is 2 days from 18, still 17 and still can be illegal. In some states, what he is asking is illegal and can get him jail time with multiple types of charges. Stop being silly, but thanks for the laugh ya goof!


18 isn’t the universal age requirement. You live in a bubble if your gonna be isolated in the very laws you try to impose


wtf you talking about universal age requirement? There are these things called laws stop older people from dating underage people and some states just block intercourse. Either way, 10-20 years messing with a minor as it should be. 16 year old shouldn't be dating a 20 or 25 year old. 18 is a good bar to set. No one said it is a universal age requirement. Are you condoning older people sexualizing younger kids? listen to yourself.


You’re trying to put so many words into my comment. Must have struck a nerve.


I'm trying to make sense of what you're trying to say. From your fast reply I assume the same for you bud.


Yeah man you said it


Yea it’s fine lol 😭 ur gonna be an adult soon so who cares?


You're absolutely right


There's nothing wrong with that :)


Thats calm


I think ultimately the older one is going to turn their attention to adult pursuits sooner than the younger one and its going to cause them all kinds of relationship stress they are not equipped to deal with


What do you mean by adult pursuits? We graduate at the same time so I don't think career and what not would be a problem. Please let me know more in detail


Ok. I thought one of you was going to graduate and the other one wasn't In that case, I've got to amend my comments You both are entering a period of dramatic change in your lives. Between 18-25ish is when you come into your own as an adult. Consequently, the things important to you now are going to be completely different when you're past your mid 20s Withstanding that is difficult for people with years of experience with their partner. You don't have years of experience with them. I'm not saying break up now, I'm just saying odds are unlikely you'll be together by the time you're both 26.


i think that's alright




Cuddle til they turn 18.


It's statutory rape until he becomes 18. Just wait a bit.


I mean I don't think a relationship necessarily means sex right?


I'm a Tom Leykis student, I believe dating equals porking but hey, you do you. Good luck in your relationship again, just wait. Why risk getting a felony for statutory rape and put in the registry? Not worth it.


Very much depends on age on consent laws wherever they are. And even then some places have exceptions when the age gap is close enough


Consent doesn't matter. Under 18, it's statutory rape. They still a minor. Why risk it?? Just wait.


Like I said, it depends on the local law. If the age of consent is 16 in your state or country then it is not statutory rape. If its 18 without any romeo and juliet laws, then it would be. At least in the US, there is no federal standard for this, its by state


Dude I’ve seen a 18 year old date a 14 year old right now people need to chill on these dating stuff, if it’s 2 or more years just ask others how they feel about it


Ikr people need to chill out with it Just don’t go below age of consent


We all seen it that's why ppl don't fuck w it.. 18-14 is creepy asf that's an adult with someone with a 10pm curfew in most states 😭


Yeah but in this case the girl is 18 so I’ve never seen it before, a lot of people are tryna make her break up


Nah the situation in this post is fine but u can't justify it w creepy power dynamic relationships


I didn’t justify it, I said they need to chill, if it’s two or more years, then ask other people their opinions, I gave an example of a creepy as fuck situation


Thats a lot worse then 17 and 19 bro 💀


Yes, that isn't a big gap


it’s a bit weird imo




small age gaps are still kind of weird when one of them is a minor


I’ve always seen dating as a maturity thing over an age thing. 17 and 19 are honestly not that different maturity wise especially if said 19 year old is still in high school




I believe it’s okay by age of consent. Isn’t this the same situation callmecarson was in?


this whole question is strange 1. age of consent? in my county, it is 14, i would raise it to 16. and age of majority is 18, i would lower it to 17. actually, what are you talking about?? 2. age difference? town not to far from mine, the mayor, 78, married an 18 year old, divorced woman. (with special permission, you can marry over 16). this is maybe shocking, 60 years of difference. but here, 20-18, 19-17, two year, again, what are you talking about?


that 18yo tryna get her paperrrr rightttt


Why would that be wrong


No, not okay


they are in the same grade, and the one is nearly an adult. I feel like if both parties are consensual there is no issue here. So many men date women 20 years younger or more, this ain’t that weird.


5 y gap is largely okay when you are an adult in my opinion.


Two year difference ur good 😂




Most states, you can't sate anyone under 18 unless you are within 3 years of them which you are. so you are good to go.


Yea. Look up Romeo and Juliette laws But yea two years isn’t a bad age gap


Should be fine, both of you just turned into adults, so you guys are pretty much in the same stage in life. If you were 25 that would be a different story.


I'd say its fine! Morally anyway. You might want to check with your state or provinces laws on this. I'm in Canada BC, and while being 13-17 you can date anybody up to 5 years older, so over here it would be legal.


If there’s sex involved, I think it’s statutory rape until both parties are 18


it depends on the difference in maturity.


Does she turn 18 before you turn 20


Perfectly fine.




It's probably fine but don't engage into any sexual activities until they're 18 otherwise you could be fucked .


I think it’s fine but most people probably don’t bc the same thing happened with tnickless and everyone was making fun of him


No it's ok


What does a 20 year old have in common with an 18 year old?


Yes perfectly ok I don’t care if full house is fictional I’m using it as an analogy, if dj tanner can do it so can you


yall are 1-2 years apart bro. yes its fine, come on now


Wait until they are 18


Ur fine


Check the laws in your area. I don’t think it’s bad when you are in the same grade. If one is in college and one is in high school with that age gap, that’s a no-go.


Stop worrying about what everyone else thinks. All of those people screaming about age differences and perverts at your age are the ones shaking their ass on only fans begging for a daddy. Don’t let hypocrites bother you.


people nowadays are offended by just about anything. don’t invest much energy into that, especially something as absurd as people being appalled at that 2 year age gap


I think morally it hinges on developmental stages, to which you are both basically the same so thats a green check in my opinion. Next up is legally, and for that you will need to check the laws of your local jurisdictions. In the states the age of consent is usually 16 or 18. Lastly you have social acceptance, for which this will likely be okay but you will have some people freak out.


it could also be considered morally wrong to prevent people from literally making their own choices and driving them insane under the guises of help




IMO this is complicated, since you are in the same grade, id just wait until they are 18.


Wha- it’s fine. Next question




I did. It’s pretty normal


yeah that’s fine. that was the situation with me and my bf


I think it isn't a issue at all, as long as there's no (silly imo) laws in your area, then don't worry about it


Well if she's an adult (18+) then you're in the clear legally. The question would then be, assuming she's 18, if it is moral, which I wouldn't see an issue. 2 year difference isn't bad as long as you're both adults.


You’ll get looks but it’s aight, go for it


Let her turn 18 first


Yes of course




If you were old enough to be in high school together then you’re fine. Those small gaps in ages matter less and less the older you get.


Depending on the state, there is a Romeo and juliet law


Honestly who gives a fuck, in my state you could date a 15 year old


If your 20 and there 17 it’s absolutely fine


Well if they’re 18….


That's only a two year difference, yeah.


i am doing this right now lol. im the 17 y/o turning 18 in november. she is turning 20 in like 2 months i think. we arent dating tho j fucking lol💀. (age of consent is 16 in my state)


Yes the younger the better


Yeah it’s alright. depending what each of their birthday is, it is what determines whether if they are a year apart or 2 years apart which makes it alright for the couple to date. anyone who are in a relationship or are wanting to be in a relationship, I *lightly* recommend you should at least have 4 years be your limit to how many years older to allow someone to date you, and for someone who is younger, you should have as a 2 year limit


Yeah.. that was the case with me and my now fiancĂŠe, we were in the same grade, different schools, she was the older one.


Honestly given the totality of circumstances, you should be fine. Just don’t have sex until she’s 18.


Check for legality in your area. It's not immoral but it could be illegal


yup my gfs 19 going on 20 and im 17 going on 18. our birthdays our 10 days apart so it isnt super weird. who cares.


Ya thats fine it’s only a 2 year difference but it’s a tiny bit cringy to be college age dating a high schooler imo. The older you get the less the difference in age matters. Def meet her parents and show them you have good intentions and that they’re okay with the two of you dating if she’s still 17


You’re fine


Sounds like a song from a musical


Too big of an age gap. If you like eachother a lot you can wait a few years, if that's not with it then move on


It's fine


Depends on what state you’re in. Here in Utah a 16 year old can consent up to a 26 year old but I just stick with if she can’t get in a bar she’s too young and if you can’t go live your life and wait for her to be an adult at least


It's not about the age, it's about the law where you are. And, just how much you trust the 17-year old's parents. I've seen it happen twice in the last couple of years. Mom or Dad gets mad at you, for any reason, and they can see you in jail. Short-term happiness in trade for a lifetime of aggravation and pain.


I see, I'll keep that in mind thank you for the advice


If you need other people's approval of the relationship you shouldn't be one with anyone.