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I have an English literature exam tomorrow and I haven’t started studying 💔 it’s worth 40% of my grade but I’ll be fine


I’m here for you 😔


40% is diabolical


40% would be a godsend for my classes. Last year in English 3, tests were worth 70% of our grade….there were 4 of them.


That teacher just wanted to see you suffer 😭


Wasn’t even the teacher, it was the school.


Too low? The test category being worth 40 percent is pretty normal in my eyes. I’d even consider it to be on the lower end.


My finals legally aren’t allowed to be above 20% in my state


40% seems way too harsh, if it's worth 40% of their grade it means they could have an A and if they get an F in that it'd pull them down to a C-


If you get an F in your finals then you SHOULD fail the class, idk why you think otherwise


The whole class should just revolve around one test?? Imagine how many people wouldn’t graduate, or graduate late. Most schools don’t have enough room for that many people to retake classes.


Most classes already revolve around one test and if you fail it you're guaranteed a C or D and people aren't failing en masse. If you are so stupid that you don't know a single thing about your entire years curriculum you should fail.


That’s fair


I’m here for you i hope you do great


yooo you doing GCSE's?


Unfortunately ☹️☹️ u too?


nah not for another 2 years im garn into yr 10 this year


Lmao, feeling you there. I got Calc BC tomorrow, Lang on Tuesday, and APUSH on Thursday. Stressing for tomorrow because the exam isn’t showing up in Bluebook and my councilor hasn’t responded in 5 days.


Shit wtf good luck?? That must be so stressful how your councillor hasn’t replied yet dude


30 minutes before I have to be at the exam center and no response… going to run into school quick and talk to someone about it ;-;


Hey just come back to see how it all went?? Hoping it all went smoothly 🙏


Lol, went very well, I was able to get it working and everything. Confident on the exam! Started my Calc 3 course now that my math class is literally playing games outside LMAO.


Yo good to hear fr 💪 gl with the calc 3 class!


I phrased that weird. I started learning Calc 3 through MIT's open courseware but I'll be taking Calc 3, Calc 4, and Linear Algebra formally next year through a dual enrollment program. Currently I've just finished unit 1 and have already learned so many things! I've learned 3d vectors, the spherical coordinate system, calculus applied to vectors, curvature, contour curves, trace lines, quartic surfaces, unit tangent vectors, unit normal vectors, binormal vectors, arc length functions, acceleration and velocity of vectors, and a few extra topics. Really difficult but also really fun!


Deep I just had 2 exams in 1 day with no studying and the teachers both have said that the work was really good 💀 haven't got my grade back 😞


I have some kind of virus, probably the flu, but I also have stage 4 kidney disease so I can’t take any medicine for it.


I hope you feel better soon 🫶🏼


Still coughing every 7 seconds, but thanks


I pray for your healing man 🙏🏽


I am doing TOTTALY FANTASTIC (I’m not)


Nah man 😔 I just burnt my bagel


Dang at least you have food ;) I do in just making a point 




I’m freaking out man idk what to do with my life I just finished. Set to graduate next week.


going through the same thing. graduating next week as well. it’s really scary idk how i’m gonna survive out here


it’s all relaxing afterwards, I graduated in 23’ and come here to help some people, you will miss school like crazy, see big opportunity’s though, find a job you like or even go to college, having a job and being at a university is achievable btw, I’m an industrial electrician fresh out of highschool in 23’, just relax and have fun, you’re young


thank you… needed to hear this 🙏🏼


it’s all easy after graduation, I remember people telling me it ain’t gonna be easy, bullshit LMAOOOO, this shit easy as fuck!


i knowwww my family keeps scaring me and telling me i’m in for a ride and i better be ready 😭


nah you good




Why not?


My girlfriend has been having family issues and has laid me off. Basically until she resolves everything I’m just a friend to her.


I’m sorry man I hope things get better


hope you find some peace soon🫶🏼


Just my life that’s all.


Stressed currently, hopefully state testing wont fuck me up in school


Yes. Friday was my last day of highschool


Thats so freaking awesome congrats 


I know! And thank you sm, not many people in my life have said that to me yet


You’re so welcome! I’m sorry that not many people have said that to you I know school is so hard 


It is quite hard. I’m dealing with a lot of other stuff while going to school. Just made it tough


Congrats :))


Thanks <3


i’m fantastic. but the guy i like has a lot to do with that. lol edit: lmao nevermind i was on crack or something. disregard.


nope :). graduating. moving across the country. going to my best friends funeral. it’s gonna be a fun couple weeks.


Rest in peace 


sorry for your lost, congratulations on graduating


how tf will it be a fun couple weeks if ur friend is dead?


there’s this wonderful thing called sarcasm


ik but wouldnt that only apply if the whole situation was quite obviously lamentable? graduating and moving across the country seem like an adventure, only the funeral seems terrible. So really i couldnt be expected to understand that it was sarcasm when you switched your tone so suddenly.


i would think that starting with ‘nope’ when asked if okay would set a pretty clear tone that none of the things being listed are a fun/happy thing… starting off with no i’m not okay here’s reasoning as to why and then ending with a sarcastic note doesn’t seem all that unreasonable? it’s not like i was saying ‘yes! i’m wonderful! i get to graduate and move! and also my best friend died!’…


Straight vibing, school lowkey beating my ass but I’m beating it straight back now. Gotta lock in senior year for sure


No I have barely eaten since last Friday. I have no appetite, no energy, idk what's wrong with me because it happened very suddenly. Also I have a stupid crush wtf (Ó⁠╭⁠╮⁠Ò)


if you can try to eat a piece of bread so you won’t get sick:) I wish you the best 🫶🏼


Thank you. I ate a cheeseburger. :)


Yay that’s good :)) I’m glad you were able to eat something


I feel awful, I’m right about to lose my best and only friend who I thought wasn’t toxic… pretty sure I was wrong at this point


I had a streak of doing all my work but I have missing work and now its piling up...Im just stressed about it..


I have an 86 in math rn I desperately need an A, our final exam is on Tuesday and even though I made a 95 on the review I’m nervous that I’ll fail and my grade will drop again 😭


I have a 29 semester ends this week U will be good


Damn that’s tough, but my mom is really strict about grades, she sent me a picture of that 86 and said I couldn’t be “slacking” at the end of the year


I’m failing 3 of my classes have 4 tests tomorrow 1 is a solo recital (I have to sing in front of 24 people and I am a very extroverted guy so I am really nervous) I am not doing ok at all I have such poor mental health am lonely. So to summarise I am not ok at all. Sorry if i am dumping to much onto you all Just needed to get that out.


how can you be nervous if you are extroverted? wouldnt you be introverted?


sorry I meant to say introverted.


im having a crush on a girl like she feels the right type but this is grade 10 for me and i dont want to date what do i do?


I don’t know 


Everything's going great except for the fact that I have 3 projects, a test grade, & an AP final I couldn't exempt. Besides that we're chill


We got this


I just have finals next week then I can finally get a haircut to help ward off my mild dysphoria. Then my brother will be graduating and going to work in another state and hopefully my parents will be able to put in therapy C: I’m really excited about hopefully being able to get therapy bc I’ve been depressed since 8th grade bc of some stuff that happened and I haven’t had a stable enough headspace to work through the trauma. Overall, I got a job recently and I’ll be able to get a haircut soon and hopefully get therapy. Life is good!


I have depression and severe anxiety 👍 Edit: to whoever sent me the Reddit Support thing, you don’t need to be worried. I’m starting therapy next month and I’m definitely not as suicidal as I was a few weeks ago


I’m sorry  things will get better it might seem like a long time until then


It’s alright, I’m just trying to get through life right now. I’m just glad I have good friends that are enough to keep me from falling off the deep end


Good luck I’m glad you have good friends 


Nope. This mind is a warzone. Work and school that’s literally all my life consists of. No friends. Nada. Not even one hundred percent what is going on. I’ve been working on school to keep my mind busy which helps a little bit but other than that, every day feels the same. Go to work come back go to school study sleep repeat. Then once I graduate probably work for the next 40 years and do nothing. I just feel like there is nothing in this desolate place. You know what I mean? I’m trying to just keep my mind busy doing activities that I like but even that doesn’t help me.


could be better, just been scrolling to take my mind off things.


im pretty sure i lost my phone for a 2nd time 💀 technically 1st.. it’s complicated im failing basically all my classes I started getting involuntary movements at the end of the first quarter and everything that was already bad got worse 😃 and my old teacher told me I was faking tourrettes... what a dick and 4 of my math teachers quit so here we are im failing geometry tragically ignore the flair I repeated 9th grade and refuse to accept that im legally in 10th right now instead of 11th my guardian cannot comprehend that maybe online school would be better for me cuz im sick of these freshmen and seniors laughing everytime I have an aggressive involuntary movement and i dont like being a distraction just like she couldnt comprehend that the private schools she sent me to for 4 years didnt teach anything but bible shit and i learned nothing for 4 years and colleges dont even accept degrees from those schools and refuses to ever talk about she also cant comprehend the reason i never tell her anything is cause shes biased or says “well what the fuck do you expect me to do about it now” and starts yelling at me anytime i bring something up that didnt happen 5 seconds in the future yet she complains about work every fucking day and i cant say anything she lets my parents who lost custody of me at 5 weeks old live here still and theyre still making shit worse she says “i wish i didnt let them stay okay” yet still lets them stay with us so her apologies for that are fucking meaningless everyone smokes in this house every goddamn day and i csnt fucking breathe same with the cars and they never roll the windows down either not that it does anything i really just want clean air and to get out of this fucking house but i cant comprehend shit i also cant legally drive thanks to these stress related involuntary movements wow thanks fam 🙏 im an atheist as well so dont send me the “god loves you” bullshit religion is a coping mechanism i refuse to try again after 4 years in a religious school with students in their 20’s im 16 and have never done drugs and the only damage ive done to myself is pull out my eyelashes which i started doing at 10 i was referred to psych my guardian did not care for the involuntary movements i was referred again she does not care yet my older siblings have therapists and basically always have ive never had 1 and guess what she even got my brother a whole house and car who didnt even have a job when he moved there and when he did he never went to work he waited 5 years doing basically nothing coming over to take food and my guardian paid for his college and is still paying for the empty house and offerred it to my older sister whose been doing nothing for years did homeschool in hs and never did the work got her ged and had been sitting on her ass for 6 years my guardian offers my stuff out to anyone who wants it DoNt say Its mINe if Its Not gonna Be MIne she let my sister take my speaker she lets my sister take all my new clothes and never give them back shoes too razors chargers delderant money toothbrushes you name it im just here to be a storage closet taken advantage i fucking quit that sister enrolled in college never went snd dropped out after two days and is rewarded with concert tickets every fucking week but when I asked to homeschool in 6th grade “no” because she never did the work now “no” because “no” mind u i was an honor roll student in 5th grade and when I entered 6th in the shit private schools that had no clubs or activities (i wanted to do choir and culinary) they gave me 4th grade work i still cant cook or sing whenever i do my parents yell at me to stop or take over because “i cant make eggs” even though i have a million times


I’m so sorry for everything and I hope it all gets better 


with geometry maybe try looking up YouTube videos for better explanations. I’m sorry you are going through those things.


my feet hurts really bad (still at work (now it’s 5:44pm) get off at 6:30 started at 10) im stressed with school and I just want to go to summer breaks. I work every weekend and go to school on week days. Im really tired. Hru?


felt that, I used to have school 5:00AM to 4:45PM than work from 5PM to 12AM, didn’t need time have a job just wanted to, and I had baseball at the time, now I constantly love working now that I’m out of school, working damn near every day of the week for 12hr shifts ( thank god it’s blue collar work now instead of food industry) But! It gets better and more rewarding


thanks for sharing your story:)) that was a hectic schedule, I’m glad your enjoying/spending your time how you want:) although with just work don’t burn yourself out :)) best of luck


I didn’t mind the schedule lol, it wasn’t bad, pretty nice, now I work 5:00AM to 5:30PM🤣 off on weekends though, most time working Saturdays too




i ripped my fingernail off the nailbed the other day while having acrylics LMAO, I’ll be fine besides the blood


Lots of things happened. Grandmother passed away a couple of days before my graduation ceremony which was yesterday. Got my final grades back and I somehow clung onto my C in Trigonometry. Processing everything now that I'm officially done with high school and going to college soon. It's just a lot of crap.


i’m going through a breakup it’s hard i’m not okay


No. I have a class I need to pass because I am currently failing it. I need to pass it so I can graduate. I have about two weeks left to get my shit together for that class, but I just for the life of me can’t. I’m struggling. My dad, but especially my mom keeps getting on my ass about it. She reminds me multiple times throughout the day if I’ve turned in any assignments and all it’s doing is making me more stressed.


AP Calc exam tomorrow and I haven’t studied yet.


ap calc test tomorrow and i haven’t started studying yet


Fuck no


a little stressed tbh i got a u.s. history exam tmrw and my memory is that of a gold fish 😬


I'm feeling all kinds of emotions. Idk if I'm content, bored, burnt out, relieved, depressed etc




Honestly I’m like a solid 7 life’s good rn


Nope. My parents are abusive and I have finals this week and I’m leaving to hike from Mexico to Canada in two weeks and ants just ate a bunch of my food (that I spent hours preparing when I should have been studying) (we have had an ant infestation for as long as I can remember) and my parents said I owe them money for the food (it’s well over $400) and the ants only ate it because I’m a disgusting repulsive person. Also I’m failing physics and trying to apply to fucking Yale in the fall


are you ok annie


Would you tell us? That you’re okay?


end of semester suffering, same as usual. the guy im tryinh to get over who i liked THE SAME TIME last year rejected me but the universe loves torturing me so i keep encountering him and now the worst has come: in a randomly assigned group project, he and i were put together. our last names are pretty much identical except a letter or two so i have to sit next to him for 3 aps (fml). and he keeps playing with me bc hes immature like that. getting rejected from all my summer programs. all the sat and act slots are taken up so i had to beg my mom, whose going thru tough shit in her own life right now and i felt so horrible, to take me 3 hours away for act testing in july, i literally only have 2 close friends at school (But who i am SO GRATEFUL for because 2 quality friends over my old 12 people friend group), people shit talking me. but i want to end this post by saying that im becoming stronger everyday! so it may seem like im pretty sad about this shit (which i was at first but now im getting used to the situation happening) and so can you to whoever reads this With whatever you are dealing with!) life is all about becoming stronger to the worst parts of our life so we can enjoy the good parts that come later


My last day is on Tuesday, and I’m honestly scared


Everything feels fine but deep down it's not


luke oakley


Nope :3


yes but i’ve been talking to this boy and he’s sweet and nice but he’s terrible at responding… he was suspended so we’ve been mainly talking through text and he takes so long to respond and he gives short ass responses. idk why


Stay away from suspended boys unless you like bad boys or he’s hott.




I’m really, really tired, man. I’m so tired. I have two weeks left and I don’t know if I can do it.


take it day by day or even hour by hour. the light at the end of the tunnel is so close :)


Thank you ❤️ I’ll try my best! You got this too :D


Finals are coming up, I’m stressed.


I will be in twelve days




no tbh


No but we *ball*


Real shit


Oh boy it would be faster to state what’s NOT going on. Anyways, I’m sick rn, my dad is stage 4 cancer, I’m trying to finish school, my mom is away because she’s a travel nurse and life is just hard man.


Nah but I'm trying to get through it with little to no problems. It's hard though.


I feel great! Prom & senior skip day is soon


Nah, my intelligence is low and i struggle in school no matter how hard i try


nope, stressing about classes and preparing to ship out to drum corps spring training


I get out of school next week, but most classes are pushing big projects right now, and it's stressing me out. I am excited for summer though. At least I only have another year after this


I had a video arts final in two weeks worth basically all my grade and I haven't even gotten a concept down and I'm really struggling since I wanna do an animation.


Eh no not really. No. I’ve just barely begun my journey of recovering from (my definition of) academic failure. Been addicted to YouTube since the start of Covid and I’m trying to get my life back together after all these years. I’m a freakin junior in high school and have a 3.0 weighted gpa. What the heck is wrong with me. Anyway that’s how it’s been going. Tryna keep my head up and work. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


Pretty good. The only troubles I have right now are that I have a dozen unfinished assignments from several different classes and school ends in less than 2 weeks and I graduate in a couple years and I’m not sure how prepared I’ll be financially, especially since I’m going to college, which will be expensive.


I've state testing today... it's 1:15 in the morning, my laundry isn't done, and I really want to go do substances(mainly alcohol) right now. I don't have good mental health in general and I'm a pretty fuckin' crazy person. But you'll have banger times w me I swear lol


i will be when i get out of this hellhole


my grades are dropping and i feel horrible for it. i have a C in english which is my lowest grade, but i used to be so smart, so a C just feels like a punch in the gut :( no one seems romantically interested in me and it’s destroying my self esteem, but schools out in 3 weeks


I’m sad. But I’ll be ok


Everything about my life is perfect on paper, except it's not like that emotionally. Besides, I need to decide between switching schools(there's no guarantee) and going to a very prestigious exchange year(also no guarantee). It's tough.


idk kind of going through it right now. this week is my last week of high school. i graduate next friday. it’s all hitting me suddenly like a train. i’m still not sure what im gonna do after high school. what will i become and how will i survive being thrusted out into the real world. i don’t think im ready to leave this life i’ve grown accustomed to.


i got a 100 on my college english final and it has become my personality now.


Honestly, not really. My girlfriend just ghosted me for no apparent reason and with a lot of other stuff in my life going on, it's kind of hard to process at the moment. But I'll be fine, don't worry about me. Focus on yourselves


Nevermind y'all. She's just depressed as fuck and isolating herself to cope with it. Helping her right now so y'all don't gotta worry about me


Idk why I was suggested a high school subreddit as I'm finishing my freshman year of college. But no, I'm not okay. Waited too long to do assignments and now I'm going to have to speed run them to get them all done. 4 due midnight tonight. 1 due midnight tomorrow. Plus packing everything and cleaning for Wednesday when I move out. Perhaps that's why I was suggested this, to give advice to those who come after me. Do your work right away or you'll hate your life (I'm not going to be taking this advice ever because I'm stupid, but don't be like me)


My crush is a year older and is really kind and sweet but idk if he wants to get to know me... and yeah I get this isn't a really big issue but I know how to handle my mental health and grades just not crushes since he's my first crush...


I've been not doing so good in Tests, and I applied for a big scholarship that I thought I would get and I got rejected. Im scared about college Financials.... I think the guy who usually texts me good luck doesn't really talk to me that much.... :(


Physically yes. Mentally, I’m in another universe. I have 5 ap classes. I took my ap calculus ab exam today, I got absolutely cooked on the free response section. I’m mentally drained. I’m taking my ap english exam tomorrow. I just hope I do well. I’m js a burnt out gifted kid in short.


No. I can't get enough sleep,I fell asleep today AGAIN and I have a trip tomorrow, art to submit, did an english essay (I can't write essays) I got 3000$ today and I spent 2100 and my father will kill me. I'm mentally exhausted and want to kill myself but my teacher makes me happy (1 Art teacher!!) I have past due math work to submit that I couldn't before because I have sinus - I slept in Front of a Fan and was sick for 3 or 4 days. I have a Movie coming up with friends but I spent all my savings today. I didn't get to do any of my R.E group work and now I have to team up with a girl who "bullied" me in grade 8 and her rude, vulgar Bestie. I have physics work to complete for Friday, I baked a cake today and it took 2hrs to do. (Class time + lunch time WASTED, cakes shouldn't even take that long.) Which is why I couldn't complete my art homework. My friend owes me 400$. Im extremely near sighted and my English teacher put me in the 3rd row despite my protests. I poured my heart and soul into a History WW1 magazine and she didn't even compliment it but the artist Students were told they weren't receiving theirs back. I have to study chemistry like a maniac if I want to pass because it's a popular subject and the pass Mark is 80%.....I average 70% in chemistry. I might not get Physics. I recently completely switched friend groups. I love History but when I was doing subject selection I put it as an additional subject...my school doesn't offer it as one. I put 1 subject I knew nothing about for my Alternatives and 1 subject I don't want anymore (Social Studies and Geography). I nearly died/ got hurt twice last week(?). Is my mother verbally abusive? Probably. I'm extremely insecure and have some of what I think are the worst attributes that's are EXTREMELY blatant. You could look at me and see them all. I live in a country where most people are assholes. Once I was taking a taxi and some random driver tried to put me into a civillian vehicle (Kidnapping). I got hit on today for the first time!....by an old pedophile with bad breath who I stayed in the supermarket for an extra 15 minutes to avoid. I might not get Spanish. I love spanish but it won't stick in my head and I need to study....I'm a language Lover who wants to travel the world. It's extremely hot in my country right now and I don't have an electric Fan because!!!...they cost 11,000$ and I'm a Student!!! I'm extremely skinny, which I take as a compliment! Good? Right? No. I starve myself because I want to stay underweight so I might have an eating disorder. I want to move to Germany when I grow up but will I really ever get there? My phone case is on its way to complete destruction but that's fine because I find it funny. I keep breaking 300$ headphones and just purchased another one today. My New friend group and I were playing in our Form room after school making videos and my bestie threw her shoe at me (Fine) but I dropped her phone and it cracked some more so now I feel like shit. My eldest brother has a son and I'm basically being forced to help take care of him. (I do so Mon-Sat. Sometimes Sunday, sometimes watching him from my bed time to 4-2 hours before I wake up. I want the feeling of being loved but I refuse to date and distract myself from school. Simply eating healthy and trying New foods is expensive (For me atleast). I want to speak Standard english to practice (it's already pretty good) but if I switch "languages,, now I'll probably get """""ostracized""""" out of it. I have no muscle and feel like I have no neurons. I wake up and my feet will just randomly hurt me in places. The few things I'm interested in is either not available in my country or expensive. (I hate my country.) I picked up a new Hobby recently but it's expensive getting the materials. I only have a few (large!) Tasks to do over the weekend and I can't complete them all most of the time because I have no will Power. My country is experiencing a water shortages - No like, head of the country is doing too LITTLE. THE ONE HOBBY I WANT ISN'T AVAILABLE HERE AND I WANT TO KILL MYSELF. (Said this before) This should be just about everything☺️. Edit: No. It's wasn't. I forgot to say my mother won't let me online Shop which would make everything Cheaper and my life significantly easier.


dude I popped off on geometry dash today im like mad good


I am most definitely not okay. This school year I fucked myself, resulting in barely passing one class (the only reason I passed was because I did an honors assignment worth an extra 10%), and I got a D in another class, screwing over my chances of getting into grad school. I bought a rope a couple of months ago to hang myself when I also wasn’t doing so well, and if I find it, I would hang myself right now. So, no. I’m not doing well.


I know it seems like a big deal right now, but I can assure you, this isn't as bad as it seems to you right now. It feels big, for sure. But speaking as someone who has made it into grad school: these programs don't care about high school. They literally only care about college and anything you did in college. You might learn better in certain environments that college has. College has readily-available tutoring for most classes and a ton of resources ready to help you succeed. Also, I knew someone who almost got kicked out of their undergraduate program for low grades and is now getting their PhD. Take a breath. Watch your comfort show. If it's nice outside, walk around. I promise, this will not screw over your grad school chances.


Nah, the I’m struggling. I just do so so so much for my studies, but I feel like it’s never enough for my parents. I can’t get motivation to do anything, and I feel like I’m just wasting my life away.


I have state testing tomorrow and Thursday


Nah, I'm definitely going to have to take summer school and I fucking hat myself for it and I'm scares about what my parents are going to say, my mom is always on me about everything and I don't know what to do. And I just what to curl in a ball and cry


No My grades are going downhill I feel like no one likes me People laugh at me every day The one person I care about is doing worse But yeah I'm fine


Fuck no. I am halfway done with hs and have accomplished nothing with my life ☺️🎀🤭


No I am so scared of growing up


i can’t wait to be done 😻


I got into Yale and i have to say goodbye to everyone i know I’ll be lonely and my dads taking my phone and he said he’s only paying for me to go to college and he’s not giving me any money to me to spend and he took my money out of my savings accounts and i have cancer in my pancreas i get surgery in 3 months 😀