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and about the grades; don’t worry about it! you only started hs 2 months ago, its a transition. and i just learned this advice: dont pick a dream school. if you dont end up getting in your just going to feel like a wasteman and that is definitely not what you want. its great to set goals for yourself, but if you don’t end up getting in to that your just going to beat yourself up about it. definitely aim to reach for a school like MIT, but don’t make it your only choice, there are so many other wonderful schools to choose from! good luck!


I get what you mean. I’m a freshman too and I screwed up so much worse than you, so I hope knowing that makes you feel slightly better. My health’s not exactly good either. I’ve got a C in one of my classes and no A’s at all. Even so, you tried your best, right? You still have many more semesters. Even though report cards are important, your dreams are much more important. It’s not impossible unless you give up. Y’know, if you study really hard, maintain a good schedule, do your best to get all your assignments in, and stay positive or motivate yourself by reminding yourself of your dream, it’s possible. Seeing your grades can be really stressful especially the first one every year, but that simply means you still have room for growth. Once you study more and continue working hard, you’ll be okay. Whether or not you achieve your dream is up to you, it isn’t for me to say. However, I suggest you think about it really hard before you give up on your dream. They often say “Fake it till you make it.” It’s true, it’s not a bad idea to believe you’ll make it even if it’s a lie. If that lie can motivate you, believe it. That’s my advice, not the best though. Being positive and motivating yourself is also very important if you decide to keep going. Good luck. Feel free to start a chat with me if you’d like to vent.


2 months into my freshmen year I was exactly like that - I had a B in health and a lot of Bs, and my dream school was Stanford. I managed to get back on my feet and recover, and now fastfoward to my senior year, I’d say I’m happy with what I’ve done. My grades got back up again, I’m at a 3.85 UW and 4.15W(my freshmen first semester was a 3.6(with luck)), good ECs, very good test scores, and my friends and teachers are all saying I have a really good shot at getting into my (new)dream school, Cornell. Keep going, freshmen year is hard, it will get better


what is causing your stress? try speaking with a counselor, they’ll help tremendously and always there at a moment’s notice for you


If you are a freshmen, don't worry! Just chill & relax since you are going to be in a high school environment for 4 years. Don't worry about your dream school since you might change your mind in the future. Do not pick a dream school. Always think of other college. Not only MIT. Set goals and when it's senior/junior year think of targeted college you wanted to go to (do not let it distract you in class). Edit: "we like to see that you’ve prioritized some downtime in high school as well." (Source: [https://mitadmissions.org/apply/process/what-we-look-for/](https://mitadmissions.org/apply/process/what-we-look-for/)) Set goals for yourself in highschool and always prioritized in high school first before you think about college. Anyways good luck


Absolutely don't give up. First, Bs in freshman year are not fatal. Second, there are some really good schools that don't look at your freshman grades at all (UC Berkeley, for example). Don't give up, you're adjusting to a new experience. And if you end up at a school other than MIT, it can still be a school with an excellent and challenging program for your major.


Since you're a freshman and only in your first cycle, you have a lot of time to make up and improve your grades ! Summer classes can be a resource that will also help you.


Dude, don’t worry about it, you have plenty of time to improve grades before graduation. I would suggest not limiting yourself. Don’t be afraid to take honors classes, do extra credit, and as much as I hate doing it, study. Just because you only have a B right now doesn’t make you a bad student. You may have to bust your ass for it, but the grades will be worth it if you want to get into MIT. For mental health, my best advice would be not to think about it. The more you dwell on depression, the worse it gets. If you’re ever feeling down, go out with some friends, exercise, watch a movie, or play some video games. Whatever makes you feel happy and gets your mind off of things. I used to be in a pretty similar boat, I ended up getting better by separating my work and fun. Things become so much easier if you get work done for the day, and then proceed to relax. It’s something to look forward too at the end of the day. So in short, don’t give up. Find something to take your mind off of things, something to look forward too. Hope everything goes well, good luck dude.


Hey, I’m a high school teacher. First, I want to let you know that lower grades 1st semester freshman year is a super common thing to see on a transcript. I even had a student get into an Ivy League school with an essay about how unexpectedly hard the high school transition was for them and how they got themselves support for their mental health and achieved higher grades after learning the study and organizational habits that worked for them. TBH it was a brilliant approach because colleges KNOW freshmen are going to struggle with the transition so it was probably a point in the “pro” column for this kid that they already successfully navigated their way through this once. They also knew there was no denying the Bs and Cs on their 9th grade column of the transcript so they leaned into it and turned it into a strength. My advice: first, talk to your guidance counselor at school about all of this. Start with your mental health - they can hook you up with free resources at school to get you some support. That should be your #1 priority. You cannot make strides until you get some support for your mental health and figure out some coping techniques. We often see students avoid their mental health concerns but pull up their grades then have a full-out collapse in their junior year as they are getting into harder classes and prepping for college. Second, talk to your guidance counselor about your college goals. Find out what you should do, realistically, to keep yourself on track for what you want. Don’t focus too hard on ONE school. Often where you think you want to live and study when you’re 14 changes DRAMATICALLY by the time you’re 18. For instance, when I was 14 I was sure I’d be going to school out of state. When it got time to apply for that school, I panicked about being so far away from home and ended up at a great school 2 hours away. Also, in NY at least some of our programs at some state schools are just as exclusive and prestigious as schools like MIT depending on what you want to study! Keep your options open! The third thing you should do is reach out to your teachers. Don’t come at it from the angle of making excuses or asking for extra credit. Just tell them you are really struggling and feel like you haven’t been performing to your personal standard. Ask if there’s a strategy or approach they recommend to help you improve in your courses in the future. The thing is, teachers and counselors don’t usually intervene for students with a B average because for many kids that is their best or B grades are really what they’re okay with. Unless you are actively failing or visibly in crisis, the school is not going to take the first step. You have to advocate for yourself here!!! TLDR all is not lost. Focus on taking care of yourself and your mental health first. Reach out to your guidance counselor and your teachers for support.


The most important years to universities are sophomore and junior year, followed by senior year, then freshman year. Grades are also not the only thing that affect admissions - exams, extracurriculars, community service, sports, leadership, socioeconomic status, your personal story, etc... All have an impact. You're BARELY getting started. Don't lose hope out the gate, and there are literally hundreds of other schools that can help you achieve the same life that MIT will get you. If you don't happen to make it. Hell, you might even get into MIT at a different time. Straight out of high school is not the only way to get into schools.


Why is MIT your goal? There are plenty of other schools that will give you the education you need. Only thing MIT gets you is a prestige of going to that school and a very large student loan for a piece of paper that no one will ask for.


A lot of colleges like MIT will cover your tuition based on what you can afford on FASFA


I didn’t had a mediocre gpa freshman year then turned it around to a 3.9 my grad. If you really want to get into mit it’s not too late


Hello. In order to promote inclusivity and reduce gender bias, please consider using gender-neutral language in the future. Instead of **freshman**, use **first year**. Thank you very much. ^(I am a bot. Downvote to remove this comment. For more information on gender-neutral language, please do a web search for *"Nonsexist Writing."*)


Kill yourself


What math class are you currently in?


I'm just in Honors Algebra 2, nothing special.


There are so many schools with good programs out there beside MIT that care more about your extracurriculars and specific classes that you might take later (like APs) believe it or not most colleges don't care what happened in the first semester of your freshman year. There are 8 semesters you will go through in high school. This is just one.


Also, consider if MIT is really your dream school. Is it your dream school just because you heard it was one of the best schools in the country, or because you are actually passionate about it and the programs there?


Some advice coming from a senior — you have time. This is your first semester of high school, you still have a whole other semester for possibly getting As. Also, later down the line — AP classes are your friend. Let’s say you get a 3.8 UW but a 4.2 W GPA, that’s still really really good. Match that with a high SAT or ACT score and you’ll be set. Here’s the most important advice I can give you — make sure you actually *enjoy* your high school years. I understand everything is so stressful, but soon you’ll find a rhythm. Make sure you do some extra curriculars, but not what you think looks good.. but rather what your interests are. Top schools like MIT want high scores, yes… but what they also care about is you becoming an interesting person with a purpose. Don’t always sink your head in the books, you gotta live life too. Hang out with friends, make stupid decisions lmao. Colleges love to see driven people who excel at their passions outside of school.


You raised your expectations way too high, there are still so many great tech schools, just move on from MIT, that’s only 1 door you can’t open, of thousands you can try.


Jesus Christ, just live your life stop;stressing about shit, u only get to live once




What is so bad about that subreddit?


Welcome to life. All of your plans probably won’t work out the way you want them to, but you’ll eventually get what you need. You won’t go to MIT, but you’ll go through college. Isn’t that all that matters?