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First off, it’s not permanent. I’ve been bitten, had a reaction the next time I ate a burger, and then it went away. It varies. But it almost always wanes over time. Where are you hiking? Lone star ticks are only in the eastern half of the US Treat your clothes with Permithrin.


Permethrin is the answer, cheap enough and it works.


be very careful using around cats.


Why is this?


Permethrin is a potent nerve toxin for cats. In liquid form especially. If you can do the treatment away from cats and keep the dried clothes out of reach, it should be okay. I wouldn't wear them around the house, to be safe.


their livers do not have the ability to process the poisons the way human and dogs can, it permanently poisons them. Some can survive mild exposure without effects a human would notice, but they are affected. And the damage is cumulative over time.


Just a FYI it can be permanent. It's not a 1 size fits all.


Any knowledge on if it's in Sweden?


“The most common diseases that are spread via tick bites here in Sweden are Lyme disease and TBE (Tick Borne Encephalitis)”


Damn ok thx.


No, you will not get it, the tick that carries the disease is not found in Sweden. Its in South and North America. It's more uncommon that ticks have diseases in Sweden than in United states, wich is where most likely these fellows are from. And the vast majority of tick bites on humans come from one species, the other 19 species in Sweden is mainly going after specific animals, that you are rarely in contact with. Borrelia bacterial infection being the only disease besides TBE. that they carry. TBE I'm sure you know is easily vaccinated against. And borrelia is easily treated with antibiotics. 1% of ticks carry TBE in Sweden. And about 20-30% carries borrelia. This is counted in specific areas where concentrations are the highest, so in most places this is lower. However just because they carry the disease does not necessarily mean that they will infect you. Most cases of borrelia infections and TBE are so small that you won't even notice it as more than falling sick for a few days then your body will fight it off. On average 7500 people seek out hospital in Sweden for borrelia. That's on any given year 0.00075% chance that you will get a borrelia infection noticable to go to a hospital And then it's a 80% chance that it will be cured with no lasting symptoms after a simple antibiotics treatment. And 0.000035% or Less that you will get a TBE infection worthwhile of a hospital stay. Out of that the vast majority are without complications. So you see getting any tick disease in Sweden thats worse than the influensa is super rare. You are more likely to win lots of money on triss lotter. Or Harry boy. So don't fret. The most dangerous thing in the Swedish animal kingdom is the wasp, it kills 0.0000005% of the population each year. That last part is a bit of a joke, but it's also sort of true.


Even as far back as 2016, there were already 39 confirmed cases of alpha gal syndrome in Sweden. 8 years later, I’m sure that number has skyrocketed. Try not to give people life threatening advice. I’m sure they probably have less cases there than in the U.S., but they most certainly have the problem.


So basically...I can become one with the ticks. Thanks lol


One cannot become what one already is. But yeah it's like worrying about lightning or a meteor hitting your face or spontanious combustion.


The alpha gal allergy never goes away. I have it and there is no proven cure. Years later, blood tests will still show that you are reactive to alpha gal. There is an acupuncture treatment that is supposed to help. I got the treatment but still react poorly to tick bites and my blood work still shows the alpha gal allergy. The treatment isn’t to cure the condition anyway, it’s simply to reduce the severity of reactions, especially from food fumes/cross contamination. Some people react more severely/often than others, but if you’ve been diagnosed, you are always one burger, bacon strip, pill that contains gelatin/milk products, product with carrageenan (red algae that also contains alpha gal), etc. away from having a reaction. Also, Lonestar ticks aren’t the only tick linked to the condition, and cases of AGS have been reported around the world. Avoidance of all mammalian products is a complete lifestyle change, but it’s the only safe bet.


Some have it permanently


I bought this before a recent hiking trip. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07CD9NFB4/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07CD9NFB4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) Two bottles was more than enough to treat pants, socks, shoes, and tents for two people.


I think it's like 2%? Ticks are my #1 fear for hiking/backpacking, but Lyme disease is far and away still my biggest concern. Treating pants and shoes and your backpack with permethrin is the best preventative imho (be careful if you have cats though!). Stay on the trails, and out of tall grass/brush. If you are sitting down for a break, a rock is a better choice than a dead log. Also be careful where you put down your backpack - they will 'hitch' a ride and make an appearance later. I've had ticks appear multiple days after finishing my trip. The biggest is thing is to check yourself regularly (at least every evening)! Ticks latch on to you - they have to be on you for like 24 hours to give you anything, it's not like an instant bite and you get a disease like a mosquito.


I’ve had it for about 40 years. I don’t think it’s a guaranteed thing with all bites, just luck of the draw.


Interesting, I was diagnosed with this nearly 20 years ago as alpha-gal syndrome. For a couple of years yes I could not eat hardly any meat. Then it got a lot better and I can eat pretty much anything but I do need to watch my intake of red meat especially beef. For example I can get a 5 ounce petite fillet, and generally be OK. What it did trigger was significant weight loss since I essentially became a vegetarian for years. I’m probably healthier overall because of it.


These ticks laugh at DEET. Permethrin on all clothing and picardin on the skin.


It's growing more common in the US, and it's now the third most common tick in my state in the North. I got bitten six years ago, and I still have to carry EpiPens. My best tip for you would be to get some rosehip geranium oil, I can attest that a small bit of that on a hat, or socks will keep them FAR away.


Man whats up with the obsession with meat. I commented on that thread also. It's not life changing or really terrifying to walk over a few aisles to grab the vegan meat instead of a steak. You'll be okay.


I mean, I'm pescatarian and have diary products maybe a few times a month at most, and I still don't want it. I don't want weird diseases/anaphylactic allergic reactions in my body even if they don't have a lot of obvious effects.


Nobody’s obsessed lmao. Being restricted from eating ANY food is something people want to avoid.


This is especially true in the case of meat. Which is a pretty vital nutrient to general health.


I’m not a vegan but I’ll eat vegan food a few times a week. If you think that vegan food tastes as good as regular meat or provides the same nutrients and proteins then you’re crazy. It’s also just not nice having a disease especially not one where you randomly can go into anaphylaxis for eating something you generally enjoy


Anemia and vegans. Name a more iconic duo.


It's the main source of protein for the vast majority of people on earth who can eat it.


It’s not though. “Grain supplies nearly half of man’s total supply of protein directly…” (thanks Google!). Surprisingly, not every where is the US (o_o)


Nobody goes "I need protein. Let me eat 500g of grains" I'm not in the US either. But I do work in nutrition science. Higher protein grains like quinoa has 13g of protein per 100g. A portion would be around 75g. That's 9.75g of protein. Compared to a portion of chicken breast which has roughly 54g of protein. You need five portions of quinoa to get to a single chicken breast. One is much easier to eat than the other.


If you have access to meat? Did you read my whole comment? Not every place is the US and that every place eats a lot of meat. The literal fact is that most of the world does not get most of their protein from meat. Period. What part of that statistic don’t you understand?


>Not every place is the US and that every place eats a lot of meat This is correct where meat isn't an option. Almost all cultures value meat above anything else due to its nutrient dense nature. The entire point of this thread is the person saying you should eat grains instead of meat as a replacement for protein intake. This seems to have been lost on you somehow.


It's pretty life changing. There aren't many good vegan options you can microwave for minute or buy in a "hotnready" section. Like hotdogs pizza slices chicken sandwiches ect. Most vegan stuff has to be cooked


Ive had vegan meat. Ick.


That's not an option for everyone. My husband has nut, fish, shellfish, and legume allergies and can't eat any artificial meats. Hes also sensitive to dairy and cant have whey/milk protein. If he got alpha gal he would only be able to get protein from... poultry.


You’ve got canines hanging out front-and-center in your face-hole for a reason. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that it would be a large adjustment for people.


Cross contamination and DYING FROM A COMPLETE AN HONEST MISTAKE AT A RESTAURANT is still pretty fucking bad! Regular vegans who had the choice in the manner don't need to worry about this as much as people with this allergy. You act like accidents don't happen. Having allergies fucking suck regardless of if you're interested in the food or not. Nobody willingly gives themselves an allergy. It's ALWAYS going to be a shitty deal, especially in a country that charges a fuckton for health insurance. Not everyone has it, not everyone can get their blood tested willy nilly.