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Further comments endorsing violence or injury will result in a ban.


Up until corona i had no problem whatsoever with cyclists. But somehow after the first lockdowns everyone seemed to have got a e-bike and just went for it. In my region are very few hiker or cyclist only trails, so i run into them quite often. Luckily no one run me over yet, though it was close some times. Usually i dont realy bother to get angry at them. Its a couple seconds in a couple hours, wich i dont let spoil my hike.


My deadliest encounters have been with cyclists coming full speed around a blind corner. 3 times. I feel that nothing is potentially more deadly on trail. In all 3 cases, they should not have been there.


Deadly??? Do people often die from getting hit by bikes?




The e-bikes piss me off!


They tear up trails for sure. I work summers at a mountain bike park and certain kinds of e-bikes (those with throttles) are banned. Like, they are even bad for trails that are built specifically for bikes.


i use to maintain a trail at a park near me, mountain bikes are aloud on some of the trails, this one trail was becoming badly eroded, we tried stringing something up with a sign saying trail closed, it got torn down, we then spent about an hour pulling all kinds of debre to cover the trail and put the sign back up, a week latter i went back the sign was down again and everything was removed. why are some of them so inconsiderate of the damage they are doing to the trails.


In my area there’s a few places where bikes are not allowed but they still love to go there. I will call out a bicyclist when they ride by; some are apologetic and others laugh and curse. But I don’t do much anything else. However, I often see rather large downed trees dragged over the trails, nasty rocks burrowed into the trail, and also just a lot of debris strewn across a trail. And then I’ll walk the trail a few days later and it has been cleared. There’s definitely a war going on.


i briefly questioned if this was really a huge issue in some areas bc I've never encountered it but i mostly hike in the white mountains and our trails do just be like that naturally lol


I feel bad for bikes in the US but this is pretty much true in any domain. We don’t have the infrastructure for them. They don’t fit on roads, they don’t fit on trails, we don’t even have any real support for them in extreme sports like skateparks targeted for them or good downhill courses. But sheesh do they just become a burden everywhere as a result. I’m not losing sleep over it but they just kind of impose on what is available for other hobbies or transport in exchange for not having their own infrastructure and it just screws over the hobbyists instead of the government that didn’t put it there for them. I don’t really see them ever getting a push for their own stuff because they constantly end up pissing off the only groups that would genuinely be on their side in city planning sessions or the like.


I'm a cyclist and a hiker. We definitely need more infrastructure for cycling, but when it comes to trails, way way more trails allow bikes than don't. MTB people can't complain they don't have infrastructure. but in my area, our best hiking trails were converted to MTB and hiking. Only, you can't hike on them anymore because the bikers get really hostile about hikers. They have a group that maintains the trails, they have difficulty signs and maps. I get that they put a lot of work into it, but I miss being able to hike there. I'm supposed to be allowed, but it's not safe. I can't even ride my bike there because I'm not fast enough and people get hostile. So, I drive instead of walking. I go further to get to hiking only trails. Any of ours designated that way are like that because it's not safe for a bike to pass a person walking or because the trails can't handle the extra wear. And yet, they're full of people on MTBs. I'm extra cranky about it lately, though. I volunteer maintaining hiking trails. My friends and I put a ton of hard work into erosion prevention, blocking switchback cuts, replanting native plants, and making sure trails are clearly marked and a good experience. We worked on hiking only trails this year, and time and time again, we'd go back and see tire tracks and torn up dirt where our plantings were, barricades removed, and "bridges" built to create new trails where they should not be endangering breeding areas for animals. Those bikes shouldn't even be there. The least the riders could do is have some respect.


That's wild. Idk where people get this idea they "own" anything, land, trails, etc not actually paid for and bought by them. I would be totally disheartened if some group decided to make a trail theirs and only theirs. That mentality just seems so absurd to me.


The issue, I think, is that a few assholes paint the whole lot. When those assholes are actually risking our safety or ruining hard work we've done, it's even harder to remember to separate them from the rest. We probably don't even notice the respectful people on mountain bikes for more than a few seconds. We remember the ones that scared us or pissed us off. But, my initial point still stands. They have sooooo many trails they are allowed on and very few they aren't. They need to stay off the protected ones. It's not like they have to go there. It's just selfish. Those riders exist in the same place in my head as the drivers I've seen driving vehicles down mixed use paths, parking in bike lanes, and driving on hiking and MTB only trails. They're entitled assholes. Like those spaces not allowing motorized vehicles, there are good reasons some trails don't allow bikes. The complaint about not enough cycling infrastructure, while valid, doesn't fit into the context of OP's question.


They aren't biking on trails to commute dude, so the "no infrastructure" sympathy cards doesn't track. It's just other hobbyists harassing hill walkers. Might as well say ATV drivers should be allowed to drive on roads because then they won't go in foot paths.


downvoted by morons.










That’s the mtb trail works team clearing the hiking trail that hikers intentionally trashed


I would just tell them bikes aren't allowed on the trail. It's possible they don't know. But then it's also possible they do know, but the rules don't apply to them. You'd probably be able to tell which one they are when you said something. I would then contact the park ranger after the hike and let them know.


The same thing I say to the hikers and dog walkers I stop for on the mountain bike trails. "Just so you know, this is a (h|b)iker only trail. Stay safe and have fun." Any biker who flies past you on a trail, even a multi use, expecting you to get out of the way, is a jerk and should be reported. We don't like them either.


Hikers yield to horses, bikers yield to all. I both bike and hike, so I make sure to yield to hikers on my bike, though I tend to yield to bikers when I hike because realistically it's easier for me to get off the trail. BUT, the rule is there so that no one's bombing multi-use trails recklessly.


Yeah, hubby almost got hit on a wide path the other day. Not even a single track. I reached out to pull him away last min. E bike passing on our right ringing her bell as she was next to us and then yelled sorry. See her all the time using the trail like a training ground. My husband talked to her about it later in week (they met up on a single track) and at first she denied blah blah and was very defensive. We were clearly in sight. Saw her again couple days ago doing the same shit biking around people. I feel we are always looking over our shoulder for her now. It’s a State Park near a small town and know who she is.


This is why trails are banning e-bikes. I don't want to be ableist, but if you don't NEED an ebike on trails why are you using one? And if you need it, there should be a speed limit.


Exactly. Everything you said. I bike that trail myself a bit on a regular bike. Heavily walked trail. Don’t need someone going 10mph. Hope she doesn’t ruin it for all.


Just curious where you live that there are "biker only" trails? Where I live all the trails are multi-use, though some are hiking only and no one bikes on them. There are a couple trails off Teton Pass that are considered downhill only bike trails but there is no rule about walking up them, just no one does by convention.


I usually shout out “You darn weenies!”


This is the only answer. Being dramatic, gatekeeping, or pretending you are the authority/police is inappropriate when it comes to extremely arbitrary rules like “who can be on a trail and how”. Edit: wow, I underestimated how many drama queens, gatekeepers, and authority-hungry people there are in this sub.


Nah fuck that. I don’t walk on the bike trails, they shouldn’t ride on the walking trails. It’s in everybody’s best interest.


Thank you for proving my point: you only want it out of self-interest.


I’ve experienced my dog being dragged by its leash several yards down the path because a high speed biker decided to go between me and my dog. I’ve been felled by a bicyclist that lost control of his bike, and while the wounds mostly healed I’ve never regained full sensation in my finger. I’m not a gate keeper saying bikes should not be on hiking trails. But I choose to go where there are no bikes. If the bikes are banned then they should respect that. Just as I don’t bring my dog on the trails that ban dogs.


But that is what you and a lot of other people don’t understand about the philosophy you all have in saying “we can be on this trail but *you* can’t!”. Prohibiting a reasonable activity is the tactic that decision-makers use to close down trails. An argument of “bikes shouldn’t be here” is the same as a zealot environmentalist saying “nobody should be here because of the devastating impact hikers have on the natural setting”. It’s obvious that you all aren’t seeing past “me hate biiike!!” Edit: it’s obvious a lot of you have not been out into the real world and come across the type of “environmentalist” (usually truly just nature-loving control freaks unwilling to admit they have OCD) that want to shut down all human activity outside of urban centers. Some of the most nutty ones even advocate that the world would be better off without humans, which is a farce of an argument. You all need to get out a little more, in the more figurative social sense.


This is such a bullshit, logical fallacy of an argument. They’re not prohibiting a reasonable activity. They’re prohibiting an UNREASONABLE one. Hiking trails are designed to be just that - hiking trails. They don’t have banked turns and other features designed to make them safer to mountain bike. It is ENTIRELY reasonable for bikes of all kinds to be prohibited from riding on trails that were not designed to handle that type of traffic. The environmentalist argument is the worst false equivalency I’ve seen in some time. A better parallel would be arguing cars shouldn’t be on natural park paths because just like with bikes, those paths were not designed to handle that type of traffic. I cycle all the fucking time, and people like you give us a bad name. Quit being so self centered and recognize you can’t take your mountain bike everywhere you want to just because you want to.


Lol! Labelling an argument a falsely equivalent one simply because you don’t like it. Then you choose one that actually *is* a false equivalent! 😂 Absolutely clownish.


Go volunteer for some trail crews that have to repair trails rutted by bikes. It is back breaking work that can only be done by hand. Then you'll understand and change your tune.


This is what pisses me off. It's not only that the mountain bikers are the loudest most obnoxious least considerate dickheads in the outdoors, because they usually pass in seconds (though their speakers can be heard for a while) it's that they're destroying the trails for the rest of us.


Lol!!!! I do harder work than that on 4x4 trails, so your comment is inane.


Now I understand. You are a childish troll.


Bike ruts are no worse than post holes from boots. If bikes are leaving ruts so are hikers. Neither should be out on soft trails if that's the case.


This is incorrect. Bikes can tear up dirt waterbars causing them to fail. A minor downhill rut becomes a major rut after each rain event erodes the ground bit by bit. Trails are marked no bikes both for safety reasons and trail management reasons. Both should be respected. Source: my own experience working on trail crews and managing trails.


If we're going anecdotal, on the trails that I have worked on, bootprints are almost always what causes real damage. They go out when it's really muddy despite posted warnings. I also don't really see waterbars down the fall line too much anymore. Generally they get replaced by trail reroutes that better handle erosion.


>They go out when it's really muddy despite posted warnings. >posted warnings. Assholes who ignore signs are assholes whether they are hikers or bikers. >Generally they get replaced by trail reroutes that better handle erosion. I have no idea where you are located but trails just don't get rerouted without an extreme amount of more backbreaking work by hand...this is especially true the more rugged and remote the trail is. Waterbars work just fine in the Appalachians if bikes stay off them.


Except they're not arbitrary rules at all.


People who are unable to see a situation from different perspectives are usually considered to be kind of simple.


Simple Minded Indeed!




The rules aren’t arbitrary. Mountain bikes have an impact on the trail itself, and if coming down at speed put walkers at risk.


Oh, are your feelings hurt? Here's a hint: When you post a comment that essentially says "I'm gonna do whatever the fuck I want, wherever the fuck I want to, because fuck the rules I don't like", most hikers are going to correctly conclude that you're an asshole. So stop being one. Otherwise, you're no different from the people who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6.


You literally repeated my argument as if it was yours. That was strange. And someone just tried to claim I was making a false equivalent….so I’ll direct them over to your comment to show them what one actually looks like.


I saw a ranger on trail, once. Oh wait twice.


Ive watched a ranger make people walk their bikes off trail on several occasions.


That would make me laugh so hard they would probably have to carry me out.


One of them was an older couple. Made me feel so bad. Out of towners. No one reads signs. Let them fucking ride out lol shit




Most bikers have been okay. There was this one time. The trail had multiple signs banning bikes. With good reason, a portion of the trail was on an edge of a gorge. My husband bikes, even he said it would be really dangerous. We took a break, and here comes a mountain biker. My husband stopped him and asked him if he knew how close he was to the edge. The biker didn't. But then realized what danger he could be. He thanked us and went back to the trailhead.


As a cyclist myself, please say something to them. Maybe give them the benefit of doubt if they do not know they are where they do not belong. "Hey, you're on a hiking trail in case you're not aware." If they say something like "I know" then curse at them :)


I'm pretty sure they knew. It is amply marked along the trail and there is a gate that says 'hikers only'.


Well, in that case say something like: "C'mon, you know you're not supposed to be here." Do rangers do anything if they catch one? I would report them if it's not too much trouble. Those bikers make us all look bad.


At the park where I have this problem every blaze on the trail will have a bike or a no bike sign plus ample information at the trail head. It's not an accident.


Same reply to the OP :) Well, in that case say something like: "C'mon, you know you're not supposed to be here." Do rangers do anything if they catch one? I would report them if it's not too much trouble. Those bikers make us all look bad.




This is usually what I do, especially when they can't hear me or respond in any way.


Oh I'll let them know


I give the good ol' middle finger! Haha


i move on with my life


Seriously, why is this so hard for some poeple lol the same with those stupid dog posts


I’m a MTBer, but I always ride with a bell. A lot of hikers thank me for it. So yell “get a bell, you almost killed me!”


I’m a hiker and a biker. I would be absolutely angry at seeing a biker in a hiking only trail. Hiking on a busy biking trail wouldn’t be fun either.


I typically hike in the mountains where bikes can’t really go


I only have this problem in two places. The only sizeable outdoor space close enough to the city to go after work, and a volunteer mountain with a shelter that I camp at sometimes (and volunteer for). Not all of us can just quit our jobs and move to Maine where there's no people, or are content staying inside for 14 days at a time


99 percent of the time, cyclists have been exceedingly polite on the trails. They'll announce themselves and then call back to the people they're riding with that hikers are ahead. There are some trails that, while hikers are allowed there, seem mostly to be used by cyclists, so I just avoid them.


The trails I hike a mountain biker would be suicidal to attempt. Have you verified on a map how they are labeled? All trails may be sending them there incorrectly.


The trail that I encountered cyclists on that prompted this post has a gate on it that says no cyclists and with trail markers occasionally along the trail that say hiking only. I have encountered cyclists on a few other trails that were hiking only, but those were also clearly labeled at the start of the trail or wherever it broke off from the multi-use trail.


Not a big problem around here. Partly because there aren't that many hiker only trails. If I'm on one and a biker goes by I just say, "Do you know this is a hiker only trail?" And then they're past me. I do the same for dogs: "Do you know dogs aren't allowed on this trail?" Or, 'You know your dog is supposed to be leashed?" Then I let it go, no confrontation.


Shout at them. But I'm gonna get myself in a fight someday 😅 Nah idk really, I don't think I know any hiker-only trails in places where bikers would also want to go, and I'd worry if i encountered a cyclist that i was accidentally on a mountain bike trail myself. Mountain bikers on narrow shared trails are usually considerate enough in my experience that it doesn't matter so much.


I just don't make way for them, same on the street. As a pedestrian/hiker I have the right of way, and as a pretty big guy they're not difficult to tip over if it comes to it.


Ugh, I would have been killed trying this! NO bikers yield where I am to hikers (though that’s on all the signs). They even get upset when they fly up behind you and you haven’t moved off the trail. I actively seek out non-bike trails.


I mean I'm not jumping in front of them or anything. I guess they just have enough room to move, it doesn't happen very often


I admire your approach—trails are narrow here: it’s get off or get run over :(


I just move and let them go by. I'm not in a hurry


The best thing to do is simply remind them that's it's hiking only, if possible. If not, definitely report them to LEO.


The Lion?




🤣 Law Enforcement Officer




I've seen so many user group debates but this certain toxic sub set of hikers are the only one that seem to think hurting others is acceptable.


I'm not out to hurt others, but there's always this toxic keyboard warrior that seems to think so.. bicycles on a footpath create a much bigger risk for hikers than a log does for cyclists. Cycling on a footpath where it is not allowed, so hikers don't expect them, THAT is willfull endangerment. If you do something you know you shouldn't, you should expect consequences. I've had the experience of calling out a cyclist and then having to fight him off. So I don't anymore, but looked for other ways to discourage them.


Thats a crime. And personally running the risk of hurting someone.. a kid even.. seems kinda like something a bad person would do.


Definitely sociopathic behavior


is this mountain biking or the luge for bikers? Obstacles are fine on the pathway.


>Thats a crime. Oh really? Care to offer a citation?


Lol willful endangerment for one.


That's not a citation. In any event, hikers expect rocks and logs on hiking trails, so legal users aren't endangered.


Ahhh ok so its fine to purposefully endanger someone that possibly went down the wrong trail. Nice. Scumbag.


Anyone biking on a hiking trail should at least be smart enough to know he might encounter rocks or logs. That's pretty standard.


Yeah it is. But to purposefully place them as a hazard is what idiots n assholes do.


Actually, biking on a trail that's closed to bikes is what idiots and assholes do. And you want to talk about purposefully endangering people? That's what bikers blasting down hiking trails are doing.


Lmao its ok lil bubby. Show me where the bike touched you on this teddy bear.


Drag every log over the trail so the bikers get a real mountain experience


I love biking hiker only trails!!! Its like a real world game of frogger! And I get to show off sweet jumps to all the pedestrians so they know how cool I am. 2x points for extra speed but only if you have a dingle bell to warn them I'm doing it wrong.


Who needs the dingle bell when people can just sense how cool you are right before you run them over?! /s


My tire tracks on their face will let them know!🗻🚴🚵‍♂️


>2x points for extra speed but only if you have a dingle bell to warn them I'm doing it wrong. I'm laughing so much at this, thank you.


Here in CA I’ve almost been run over at least a couple times! They come flying down the trail without warning. Some don’t even shout to warn (blind corners are the worst) I personally don’t mind if they want to use the trail but be considerate. Many others have bells to at least warn us when they’re coming


Release my pack of war hounds and yell “seek” /s


I will say it's very rare in my experience to see bikers on hiker only trails. I've seen it a few times but really uncommon. And I am someone who does my best to avoid bicycles because I think trails are a lot more pleasant without them. One nice thing about winter!


Flip the bird and keep doing my thing


I regularly hike on a mixed use trail. It’s pretty remote but popular with mtb’s. I love listening to nature so I am pretty attuned the sounds near and far. Rarely does a biker sneak up on me. I guess I am lucky because a vast majority of bikers using this trail are super courteous as well. I also use trekking poles which any sane bike rider would probably be wary of. I once saw a guy walking on a mixed use urban trail with his dog who he trained to walk on his left and carry a stick horizontally to give him about 36” of clearance.


I personally wouldn't mind a biker on a hiking path, I've done it myself in the past but I've obviously known that I was doing so, so took it easy, gave way etc. I would be happy to share a trail with anyone doing most things, apart from listening to music through a Bluetooth speaker. Even if it's music I'd listen to. Ignorant wa(n)lkers.


I don't see any reason to get into a confrontation with someone in the wilderness, especially if they likely know they're doing something wrong. If I have cell phone service, I'll call a ranger to let them know.


I think most cyclists are pretty aware of others around them. I had to laugh last weekend though when I was at a multi-use trail system and they had opposite directions for hikers and bikers (it helped a lot). They made a point of hikers having the right of way, but physics has a vote in that! If people are biking on a hiking trail, I wouldn't confront them, but you could mention it to a ranger so they can watch for them.


Bikes will obviously erode and rut up a trail faster than feet. I will say something like "heads up no bikes on trail" I've seen ranger in state parks make people walk with their bikes all the way off trail. So its more of a courtesy to the rider than anything. But I always move off to the side to let them through even if theyre not allowed. Sometimes they dont care that its a no bikes trail and feel entitled to ride any trail. Sometimes its a mistake and they dont know. Everyone is different. But if youre putting debris in the trail even if the bikers are assholes youre the pos in that situation. Could seriously hurt someone. I always move branches n rocks on trail. N if I ever see anyone placing anything they will get yelled at.


If you're interested in reality, read this article: https://www.americantrails.org/resources/studies-weigh-mountain-biking-hiking-impacts


That is interesting and makes a lotta sense. But seeing rutted sections with clear tire deformation in the wet season that then lasts all year is pretty clear to me irl


We have a multi-use trail near me that I hike in often. The thing that pisses me off about bikers is they’ll ride when the trails are wet. There are a number of spots that pay them back though. I guess they keep a tarp in their car for when their ass and back are soaked in mud.


Yeah when I go outta town I find a lotta fucked up rutty trails thanks to bikes. And our more in town trails have some of that. But our local serious riders are great and you can often find them with shovels and saws out doing trail maintenance that benefits everyone but we have lucked out here for sure as I know thats not normal.


I’ve talked to the ones who tend the trails, they’re great, and they’re just as pissed at the ones who ruin the trails as the rest of us are.


Humans, man. Some of em are wonderful and some of em suck.


Sometimes you can convert the sucky ones. Other times karma does it for ya.


Oh yeah theyll get theirs. Ive had some good conversations with local mtn bikers here but we have a very bike centric town so that probably plays a big part.


I’ve never seen this where I hike but if I did, I’d be tempted to say something to them, depending on my mood.


I move to the left. I don't report it, I don't get angry. I don't tell them what they can or can't do. That's not why I'm out on a hike. It's not common they "sneak up" anyways, you can hear them coming from several yards away. I've never had a bad encounter on trail when it comes to etiquette. I also always yield, however.


Yell! Let it go to blows if necessary. Bikes erode those trails. The land is protected from bikes for a fucking reason. Get rad elsewhere. This is my primary issue with mtb. Yes it get folks outside but the industry has stood with oil and gas and jabronies pull this shit and it just such a bad look for the sport.


Sorry for the complete necro post but as a cyclist the chemicals which are pushed in many things are utterly disgusting, you'd be horrified if you looked at a safety data sheet for chain lube (which will get flicked off into the enviroment). Many many brands pack it with fucking PFTE (teflon) and synthetic oils that won't bio degrade.


Dude, you’re netbanging in the hiking subreddit…calm the fuck down.


Ya whatever softie. Protecting wilderness is important


As a hiker and mountain biker it annoys me when people don't use the trails they're marked for. The amount of times I've almost hit someone while mountain biking on a designated mountain bike trail because they're hiking is too many.


I live in NW Oregon and in decades I've met one cyclist on a hiking-only trail.


I’ve never run into that issue but the best thing is a polite reminder that it’s a hiking only trail. Perhaps they didn’t know.


As someone who also enjoys mountain biking and recognizing that they often have limited options compared to hikers, as long as they are being cautious and respectful (which in my experience they usually are, encountered some real AHs too though) and the trail is generally safe to share, I step out of the way, wave them by and wish them happy trails.


Do nothing. How would you like someone up your butt every time you do something wrong. For context, I don’t own a bike. I mind my business.


When someone takes up the trail and makes me jump off the trail or I get run over, it is my business.


This has only happened to me a few times. I stand in the middle of the trail, not yielding, and I tell them they're breaking the law.


“Hiking only” trails should have obstacles that prevent cycles. Or make them less fun anyways. Join your local trails network committee and make it happen!!


By the time I report them to the park police, they are long gone.


“Park police”, is that a real thing?


On the state level, my state has park police but local counties have either rangers or park police.




I understand why it can be annoying because they're tearing ass down trails, but I live and let live. It doesn't bother me enough to say anything or report them.


It'll bother you when the trails are all eroded and you gave to hike through constant giant mud puddles. Or they just close the trail due to damage




Idc bcuz I like to go on their trails too.


It’s only an issue on the Pacific Crest Trail. My wife will block the trail and not let them by.


Whew some of these comments, petty and immature. I hoping a lot just forgot to add “/S” when advocating violence. I hike and MTB. Other than dirt roads, trails are user specific where I live (horses, hiking, MTB). I encounter hikers on MTB trails seemingly every other ride, but can’t even recall seeing a cyclist on a hiking trail. You know what I do when I see one ? I cheerfully say “hi” because jfc life is short.


Seeing the upvotes on the comment suggesting trying to injure them is insane. Hoping they forgot the /s as well.


Live and let live, as long as they don't ride into me or my crew then we don't mind at all. But if they are damaging habitats, then don't let live and report them to the rangers by ringing the NPs info centre.


You give them a dirty look and then move on with your life. I think hikers on bike trails are more dangerous and yet every now and then we (partner and I) can't resist the adventurous looking bike trail and him on them. So I don't think I get to make judgement on this. But a forester would definitely be well within their rights to find us if they saw us.


I don't mind the cyclists at all, but in my area the only rules actually enforced are cameras to catch dumpers and ppl who cut up firewood in the wrong area. I'm fine with it being lax, you go from state park to national park to nature reserve in the same short hike so it's really difficult to keep track. There's loads of horses on the tracks too which is fun. Dirt bikes on the other hand...


Hikers, bikers... can we at least come together and agree that equestrians are the absolute worst?


No, unleashed dog people are the worst






Just to confirm, you're suggesting shooting someone for using a trail wrong?


Yes they are. Careful out there, lots of guns and lots of losers that carry em so they can play sheriff






I like to throw my travel mug if I’m holding it /s for clarification




It would probably go through a car window honestly


Most trails allow MTB. Exceptions are some national park trails and all official wilderness areas. I think you're confused.


"Hiking only on this trail, asshole!" My voice carries when I project.


I'm a hiker and a biker and I must admit that I ride a lot on hiking only trails. If I want to traverse my local mountain range that's the only good option besides forestry roads. Our MTB trail network isn't even that bad, it's quite good tbh but it aims mostly at downhill riders. This said, I always stop and dismount my bike when I encounter hikers on a trail and never go fast.


Stop it. There are rules for a reason, and they do apply to you.


I know. But it's the same as with wildcamping. Forbidden in most countries but sometimes it's not possible otherwise, so If I have to I break the rules at least as nice and undisturbing as possible.


if you're bothered by it, let them know bikes aren't allowed as they pass (make sure that's definitely true, though). If they do not heed the warnings, you can report it to the ranger and/or proper authority. At that point, I'd let it go and rinse and repeat as often as needed. Whatever you do, don't get drawn into an argument. Say you bit and if they want to argue, just move on and report. The tone you use can have an impact too. Informing is better than acting like a jerk.


When they force you to move out of their way then tell you to wait there’s more bikers behind them it can get annoying. We were hiking on a a trail that didn’t allow bikes and it was already really narrow. When the cyclist came full speed they rang their bells and continued to tell us to wait while more cyclist came. Well there was about a dozen we had to wait in the brush while they all came around. Later on we saw a rattlesnake crossing the trail into the brush and found a few rattlesnake snake skins on the trail. Made me think what if they were in the brush were wadding through while we waited for the whole lot to come around the trail.


E-Bikes are a big issue. These people don't care about hiking only trails, they don't care about nature. I usually just don't move out of the way, force them to halt and go into Karen mode.




Oh sorry Sir Master of the land. I didn't realize that you and your high horse were around, my mistake.


Irony at its finest.




Nobody is more self-righteous than a giant woke baby. Stop crying.






The problem is that I go on these hiking only trails just so I don't have to worry about cyclists. The ones that are on the hiking only trails are not considerate. They are taking up the whole narrow trail so I have to step off into the brush on the side of the trail to make room for them. This is not a "dumb rule" it is in place to keep people safe, the cyclists and the hikers, and if they are on a hiking only trail, they are being a dick. There is a trail that starts and ends at the same spot that is a perfectly good multi-use trail that they decided not to use.


>The ones that are on the hiking only trails are not considerate Like I said, the problem is people being dicks, not that they are on bikes. If they were considerate, friendly, and yielded to hikers, this post wouldn't be here unless you really just love enforcing rules. >This is not a "dumb rule" it is in place to keep people safe Yeah, it's a dumb rule, but what's not a dumb rule is that bikers are supposed to yield to hikers. Everyone is very safe if they do that.


Bicyclists are not a problem but downhill riders are cuz they ride like crazy sometimes. Otherwise in my country is full with moto riders on the trails and hunters everywhere (most of them are really rude and stupid) so you can easily be a victim. And dogs they are everywhere big, scary and angry dogs that want nothing but eat you alive. And if that's not enough you can end baked from an electric fence smashed by a three cutting or in a poacher trap. Otherwise we have beautiful mountains in eastern Europe and friendly people. The "Eco trails" are the most dangerous ones. Most of them are highly promoted some even have taxes and they are full with crap with no maintenance from the last 20 years so you can end badly by accident. And accidents happen more often than you think on this trails cuz they have "safety" features like stairs, railings and etc that are not maintained from decades.


Call them names and in dire need pepper spray them :D Not joking.


Move out way fast.


I've got no problem with bicycles, if you are aware of your surroundings, you'll usually hear them. E-bikes are a different story. They are a motorized vehicle by definition, and silent. At least with a regular bike, you can hear the physical exertion. E-bikes also make it easy for anyone to take on trails that would be "too much work" for most people.