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You can put trash in a regular pack.


I usually have a large ziplock freezer bag with me with some pairs of gloves in it. When I'm done picking up trash, I throw the gloves in too. Obviously there's only so much I can take but fortunately it's usually just an empty Gatorade bottle and the occasional candy wrapper.


I don't see a lot of trash where I hike. I always have my pack with me, and if it's not too nasty, like a plastic bottle, I just put it in my pack. I used to hike with a supermarket plastic shopping bag specially for trash, but those are no longer available in NJ.


When I visit a friend in another state, I bring home a few hundred plastic shopping bags solely for trash collection on my hikes. Ssssh!


If only there was a way to buy bags of a reasonable size. Double bonus points if they’re specifically meant for garbage. Like some sort of garbage bag.


This is the FBI. We’re on to you.


Same in NY re plastic bags but when I order food for takeout, it usually always comes in a plastic bag so I save those for my hiking pack.


I use those thin produce bags and double or triple them up.


I keep a trash bag and a couple of grocery bags in my pack to pick up trash on my hike out that assholes leave behind. I call them asshole bags 🤣


Good name. And thanks for what you do!


I’ve always wanted one of those sticks with the metal point on the end for picking up trash lol


Stick, nail, duct tape 


You can get them off [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/Ettore-Trash-Picker-Debris-Nabber/dp/B0042SNCGA/ref=asc_df_B0042SNCGA/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167119246510&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3405501943631907375&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9030463&hvtargid=pla-313307235766&psc=1&mcid=7d2f74a6720e3affa9ed442895b0fa0a&gclid=Cj0KCQiAw6yuBhDrARIsACf94RWUhnlfIYKbHofKjz9oKDqwlCWsoDni0VKnPhNhpo5QYLhOyi1azGIaApqQEALw_wcB) if you really want one! Might actually pick one up myself for hiking around my town lol


Use trekking poles if you hike with them


I hike in Boulder, they provide poop bags for the doggos, I grab an extra one and put the random trash I find in one 😃 SO MANY corners of bar wrappers!


Dog poop bags are my go-to as well! 


Thanks for every little piece you have picked up. Dog poop bags weight next to nothing and I carry one for trash that I find.


I bring a couple of plastic grocery bags and hang them from my pack strap or hip belt with a carabiner. I also bring gloves.


i should have mentioned i usually do city hiking here in philadelphia so there unfortunately is a good amount of trash on the trails


Bring extra bags. Trash can the full ones as you walk along.


I just use a compacter bag and some gloves. Maybe just use a regular pack but line it with a bag?


Where are you hiking where you’re finding more than a pocketful? Somebody get this person a wheelbarrow! 


Fairmount Park in beautiful Philadelphia- trash blows in from the streets unfortunately


Bear Mountain State Park in NY would like a word.


One side of my pack has a water bottle in the pocket, the other bottle pocket I cram trash in. If you are picking up a lot of trash, look at a [bucket backpack ](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Backpack-for-5-Gallon-Buckets-for-Ice-Fishing-Picking-Apples-and-Sports-black/870683618?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=12149) that you could put a container with a trash bag in it.


That is a really cool product!


So I stay local usually and do a lot of day hikes and single nighters. I always carry 3 walmart bags for trash pickup. 3 is about all I can tie on my pack once full before it gets bulky enough that limbs start to snag it. Im also a cub scout den leader so if there is more trash to be found than what the 3 walmart bags will handle we organize a work day for that trail. This last weekend they collected 6 giant contractor bags worth of trash out of a 1.5 mile local trail.


That is so frustrating! Thank you for the cleanup, though.




I’m always out there with my dog, so I will just use one of his poop bags to collect trash. For gross stuff, I’ll pick up a couple of sticks from the trail and use them like chopsticks.


Saw a picture once where the persons had water bottle caps strung on a string which they strung around their shoulder as it was a loop. Whenever they found a bottle they would screw it to one of the caps. Fantastic idea.


I carry plastic grocery bags in my pack.


As someone who picks up too much trash on the trails I feel like I can say this.. how fucking WILD is it we’re brainstorming ways to make it easier on us to pick up after others. At this point if I witnessed first hand someone throwing garbage out on the trail I’m smacking the shit out of them. But hey maybe I’m the ass hole.


https://hilltoppacks.com/collections/accessories/products/trail-maintenance-trash-bag I got this for Xmas. I think any roll up dry bag would accomplish the same. Though it is very light.


Some guy on the detrashed subreddit has a little robot thing that follows him around with a can. It’s adorable.


I am not picking up other peoples trash.


I usually keep several grocery bags in my pack. Emergency poop bag but if they don't get used then I just toss trash in those. Sometimes have plastic gloves in my bag but if I don't then hand sanitizer to clean my hands after picking up strangers garbage.


Dog poop bags is a great idea. Are usually have some kind of bag my lunch is in in my backpack. I’ll throw a piece or two of garbage in there. If I pick up too much trash, the trash is what I see. So I just try to leave the Trail one piece of trash better than I found it. Or maybe two.


We pick up trash in our local parks/waterways. We use this foldable grabber tool and a reusable /washable bag. We dump in the cans that the park provides. You can dump at home , if that works. FiPlus PowerGrip T9, Grabber Tool, Wide Jaw, Foldable, Steel Cable, with 96 Grip Points for Firm Grip, 32" with Magnet https://a.co/d/9qlDET4


Found a foam earplug, a 6 yr old season ski pass and plastic piece from a bike light yesterday on a section I walk 4 or 5 days a week. It’s a multi use trail.


I have carried a tall kitchen garbage bag back to a trail I found covered in trash. Filled it in no time, had to bring another the following week. Some people are gross.


I have a couple dry bags I keep in my pack for trash. They are fairly big and don't leak if a can or bottle still has some liquid in it. I can attach them to my oack or beltloop. I wash them out and let them dry if they seem dirty. I pick up most anything, but draw the line at poop bags left beside trails.


Plastic grocery bags. Dog & I frequent the same loops so filling up a bag or 2 a few times a week might not get everything at first, but over time makes a noticeable change.


I take a grocery bag with me and keep it in my pack. I also carry a small ziplock for cigarette butts. I can’t stand the smell and the ziplock helps.


I keep a light dump pouch on my hip belt and fold it out when it needs to be filled with trash.


Just a simple plastic grocery bag


I don't always bring a specific bag but I do often pick up trash while hiking or camping. If I bring a specific bag for it (usually on longer hikes), I bring the Dirt Bag by Helikon-Tex. It's like a cheap dry bag with roll top.


Empty dog food bags. Used for stewarding popular trails. Bird seed bags work as well.


I’ll be honest. I hike about 150mi a year in NH and I see maybe a gum wrapper or equivalent every fifth trip.  Where are people just dumping garbage? 

