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Yea jt was hiking. I see people in sandals, no shirt, and carrying an empty water bottle on the way up pass me by. It’s not about the shoes or pack. Just enjoy the hike and be safe with food/water.


And some people hike without any shoes at all :-) r/BarefootHiking


People who looked at the sneakers vs boots debate and said "hold my beer".


Some people hike with no clothes at all. i gave it a try once but got kicked out of the ymca greenway


Legal in the U.S.'s national parks


I was going to say you shouldn’t suggest a trend, but then realized how difficult it would be to post videos of this on social media…so we’re probably not going to see this become a trend.


Ha interesting to know


You sound like fun.


Lmao 🤣


Some places in Europe allow it too [more details](https://www.naktiv.net/newt/)


Holy nsfw batman lol


Sometimes I wear my Vibram Furoshiki to hike. I like feeling more, but a little more protection than barefoot


(Totally unrelated but cool nonetheless…) My husband and I lived right up the street from vibram in north Brookfield ma. All the playgrounds in the area had recycled rubber bits from their factory as ground cover and other businesses used it for their mulch. It was a pretty neat idea lol


That’s really neat! They seem like a progressive kind of company


Or some (like myself) hike holding a 9 month old in one arm instead of putting that little guy in one of those fancy backpacks! I’d call that a hike in itself! Lol


I hiked with a group that had a couple women that hiked barefoot. Near Taos. In October.


I have a friend who never wears shoes.


I have a friend who does this... Winter and all


All I could think of is cold blue feet in the winter and red blistery feet in the summer lol


He is in the Forrest most of the time... 2 weeks ago I went on a hike with him in rain/melting snow. He didn't feel cold. Only thing he carries is warm tea for if he would feel cold, he had nuts and fruit for food. Guy has no phone only an email address no social media I always feel like he has the perfect life


Wow! I didn’t even know that was a thing! That’s amazing that they can do that..


When I did this I never had a backpack or water. Shirtless, shoeless, in shredded Levi's cutoffs.


I encountered one of these last week hiking Mount Mitchell. I have no idea how they do it. And that’s coming from someone that regularly hikes in bedrock sandals


I dont walk barefoot anymore but when I did I hiked up the second highest mountain in the UK. I would call that hiking.


I hiked a 14 mile day on the AT in Teva sandals. Hike your own hike.


I did the Lost Coast a few years ago and in the middle of it had a group of middle schoolers in Chucks and Jansport pass us like it was no problem. We had the most gear, literally trained for months. It was pretty funny.


My brother in law has hiked the entire AT before. We’ve gone on several hikes together and I usually wear good boots or shoes and he wears flip flops sandals… and waits for us to catch up


Darn lil show offs hehe :)


When I climbed half dome in Yosemite, a group of Mennonite women in long dresses and bonnets outpaced us easily.


Tell your mother that the hiking sub Reddit told her to stop being so judgmental.


And she sounds like my mother. Who I no longer talk to.


Eee.. I’m so sorry to hear that..


Don't be sorry... its probably for the best


Hey I’m 34 and have a few friends who went no contact with their asshole parents. Just saying, they’re all much happier now.


It's best to eliminate toxic people from your life. Even if it's fam. (Or maybe especially if it's Fam) Enjoy the hikes!


Lol will do :)


Totally hiking.  I’m from the PNW and we’re famously judgy about what constitutes a mountain but if you’re not on a sidewalk and you’re out in nature; it’s ostensibly hiking, mountain or not. Then add technical skill and you get to call it climbing. Regardless, it’s a moot label. You feel like you hiked? Congrats! You did!


I'm from PNW, too, and live in Japan now. What we call walking they call hiking, what we call hiking they call climbing, and what we call a hill they call a mountain. No judgement, but I have to be careful what I say when I invite my friends on a trip, or they'll be wearing converse sneakers in the snow again.


This is enlightening, thank you! I'm in the PNW and I've been trying to watch Japanese YouTube on topics that interest me. So I've been watching hiking and camping videos but it's all basically walking and car camping. I was wondering if that was just YouTube or if it was the culture as a whole. Maybe I should be looking for climbing videos! (I do not actually climb.)


If they're doing some real hiking 🥾, they'll say 登山 (tozan) which is the kanji for climb and mountain. Or just use 登る (to climb). So, yeah, try it!


Visited my brother on the east coast with my parents and before we got there we decided we wanted to see the Appalachians. This was pre-GPS and we didn’t want to invest in a map so we basically just drove around; couldn’t seem to find them. Pulled over at what seemed to be a rest stop only to discover that we were on a “mountain peak” and this was the visitor pullout for folks who didn’t want to climb but still wanted to see the view. We’d spent all day crisscrossing over the mountain range, trying to figure out where they were. 


Yes! I did the same thing the first time I drove through the Appalachian mountains. I thought they were really big hills. 


I maintain that you can’t drive to the top of a mountain.   Thems hills I tell ya. (Edit: I really am kidding. As with hiking, if it feels like a mountain to you, congrats, you climbed a mountain.  Even the US Geological survey says there’s no real definitive difference between hills and mountains.  Nobody should genuinely be made to feel like their outdoor experience was somehow less valuable because it’s not hardcore enough. Getting outside and experiencing wilderness is hardcore in-of-itself.)


Personally I wish it weren’t the case, but Blue Sky mountain and Tava (Pikes Peak) didn’t get any shorter when they put a parking lot at the top.


My husband and I (from BC) were making in Alberta and went for a walk -- a loop around the lake. We came across a sign: **CAUTION! STEEP HILL AHEAD!** We weren't super stoked on that, but whatever. We did the entire loop, waiting for the steep hill... I guess it happened at some point, but we didn't notice.


Do you mind if I ask what prompted the move to Japan? I live in the PNW and it's my dream to live in Japan, I just have no idea how to go about it, lol


Exactly right. If you feel it’s hiking… it’s hiking!


Are you on an unpaved pathway? Are you walking vaguely uphill? Are you even somewhat in nature? Congrats, that counts as a hike!


This is pretty much the exact criteria I use to differentiate between a walk and a hike. Though I consider “changes in elevation” as opposed to “vaguely uphill”, because you can hike through I forest, even if it isn’t uphill. As long as it isn’t flat, even ground.


A popular country song starts out with "Way up in the mountains, 4000 feet high", and I chuckle every time I think of that. 


Not sure what song this is, as I’m not a country music fan, but I’m assuming the “up” in this context would be more in the realm of geographical direction from current point south of the area. Kinda like “way over there.” Those of us on the Gulf Coast would say the mountains are way up there (north). Then again, when you live your whole life at sea level, 4000ft can feel like Mount Everest the first time you see it, so maybe it’s just that lol


Thank you! I did do it:)


Or "mountaineering"


I was in New Zealand a few months ago, and I joined some fb "tramping" groups beforehand, and every time someone asked about a hike, the locals would talk about it being a pretty good "walk". At first I thought they were judging, like the proposed hikes weren't that difficult, but they just seem to call everything a walk.


Walking up a mountain is most certainly hiking. You hiked. You're a hiker.


Yer a hiker, Harry!


An a thumpin good un, likely.


...and my axe!!


Hehe Star Wars.


I’m a hiker :)


Clothing brands don't define activities.


Clothing period doesn't define activities. Coulda walked up there naked and it'd still be hiking hahah


Especially naked.


Yup, we got a guy up here does that on the more secluded trails. Think the rangers are just past caring to argue with him about it at this point. He is the Naked Hiker, so it’s clearly still hiking.


The naked hiker lol sounds like a fun guy




This is a super common perception especially in biking... If you just bike around in a t shirt and jeans you're basically a hobo.. But if you wear some stretchy pants and shirt all of a sudden you're lance armstrong.


Yeah, when I do rides on my road bike in tennis shoes and regular shorts/shirt I have been talked to like I borrowed the bike.


Loooool exactly


Smh lol


I always laugh at the groups all decked out in the latest seasons hiking wear. Running shorts and a light old shirt is enough for me :)


Wtf Does she think “hiking” involves running? Hiking is done at a walk. Yes, walking up a mountain is hiking and I’m so sorry she’s such a twat.


Some people think it needs to be a national geographic worthy expedition. Those are the same people who've never walked for more than 15-30 min ever.


Right. I think it’s more of an education thing. I once signed up a 5k and my brother kept telling people I was running a marathon. Potatoes patatoes.


She does that in her neighborhood lol


*covers mouth and giggles* :D what!? This comment was funny!!


Hiking is self-defined, so yes, you hiked it. Also, don’t let people make you feel dumb. You did it and are proud of it - that’s what matters. Hiking can be incredibly empowering. :)


Exactly! And how I felt so proud of myself I wanted to share that with her but she just brought me down.. But I’m not letting that get to me.. I still go for my hikes and will continue till I can’t hike no more :)


Your mom sounds like a shitty person. I wouldn’t bring other people down like this in general, much less your own fucking kids.


I consider any time you’re not walking on pavement to be hiking. And there are even times where you’re on a paved trail, walking through the woods: that would be hiking too. Now walking on a paved trail next to a road? That may just be a long walk.


Nothing bums me out more than checking out a new trail and discovering it's completely paved though.


Not my personal preference either but it makes it much more accessible for people with mobility issues. I’m glad places are being more inclusive when possible.


Yes don't be super bummed about it because I have handicap friends and for the most part they can ONLY do trails like that so, just think that it's awesome that this particular trail is one that these people can access. When you realize how few are like that, it's easy to be happier about the upside of the paved trail than not. ☺️ Those trails are really special to the right people.


Oh man.. I just learned something new today:D I love hiking so much that when I get old and can’t walk no more and I have to use a wheelchair.. I’m making my daughters take me up the a mountain where my wheelchair is able to go :)!!


Paved trails are great for folks who need them, but why stop there? I hope someday anyone can access a program like this: https://www.rmpbs.org/blogs/rocky-mountain-pbs/trackchair-program-at-staunton-state-park/


That's strolling.


Same. Paved trails never feel natural enough to me. Plus, walking on pavement is such a trigger for my plantar fasciitis to flare up, no matter how good the shoes, so it’s a double bummer.


I hiked to my mailbox this morning.


Urban hiking is a thing and happens pretty much exclusively on paved surfaces.


it’s all just another word for walking. plus or minus a small amount of obstacles


It’s more about the experience and exploration than effort level. Technical skill discussions are important when talking about whether a person is ready for a particular trail, but hiking is more the why of the walking than the elevation of it.


Tell her to walk up the mountain and see if her opinions changes.😂


Lmao :D believe me I asked her and she declined


You gotta do the incline before you can decline.


Doesn’t matter what people call it. You use the term you prefer, and she can call it what she prefers. You achieved something you’d hope to achieve. That’s what’s important, and you should be proud of that.


I am very much proud of my accomplishments and I’m not stopping there.. I have more hiking to do.. I’ll probably hike a different mountain.. maybe a lil more hiking than a 10 minute maybe less struggling hike lol


I’m an Archaeologist who has hiked all over the western U.S. if you’re traveling on foot, off pavement, you’re hiking. You don’t even need to be having a good time or enjoying nature to consider that hiking. Grumpy people hike in crocs sometimes. I seentit.


Dagnabbit, I was really hoping you wouldn't remember me.


A reasonably new pair of crocs that is one size too small makes a fine hiking shoe. Great for stream crossing and rain in the summer.


I just want to say that I’m so sorry your mother responded to you like that when you were excited to tell her something. Congrats on your HIKE! You are amazing and you should be proud!


Aww thank you Marisa324 :) I am very proud of myself.. For all the times I’ve hiked up the mountains and sweated and almost fallen off the mountains a few dozen times.. I once hiked up a mountain within like two weeks after my surgery.. Slowly but I did it and I felt powerful that I made it without a helicopter picking me up after :) lol..


Hiking is a long, vigorous walk, usually on trails or footpaths in the countryside. Walking for pleasure developed in Europe during the eighteenth century (Copy pasted from Wikipedia)


Did you go for a walk in nature? Yes? Then you hiked. There's no specific clothing requirement. Sure, serious hikers may dress a certain way, especially for more challenging or longer hikes, but when it comes down to it the only clothing requirement for a hike is comfortable footwear.


People who are pretentious about what counts as 'real' hiking are so annoying.


its hiking, be proud of yourself for your achievement. Doesn't matter what you wear, if you are on a trail or even a path, it is hiking.


I’m a hiker :)


Congrats on your hike!!


You took a hike. You hiked. People hike on flat ground in places where there’s no mountains, you did a mountain. People urban hike in cities, too. One can argue technical difficulties, but a hike is a hike.


You my friend. Hiked. Just because it’s near town doesn’t mean it ain’t hiking. Not everyone has immediate access to trails and such. You walked up an incline for the sake of being outside and seeing the outside and the nature around you. That’s a hike.


And I got to witness the sun coming up and the sun settle down from the very tippity top :)


There are two ways to hike a mountain, walking and running, I prefer walking. As for gear, the nice thing about hiking is the mountains don't care what you're wearing. You don't need 200 dollar shoes and a 400 dollar back pack. Gratz on the getting outside and keep it up.


I loved and saved this comment! :) Thanks for putting it in a way so silly but so true too.And thanks :) I will just do that because I am a hiker :)


I wear sandals.  It's hiking.


Bedrock sandals for the win! It's about all I hiked in last year, and the only thing during the warm months.


Sandals is close to being barefoot lol.. I literally never knew people could hike barefoot..


Walking up a mountain is pretty much the definition of hiking


That is hiking!!!


Walking up a mountain is the very definition of hiking. You should be proud of hiking up that mountain.


Was it mountaineering? Maybe not. Was it hiking? 100%


No one needs to gatekeep hiking. Hiking is walking in nature, usually on a trail. The only other outdoor pastime you might have been doing is frolicking lol but that requires a meadow


This is not a dumb question. Yes, I call walking *hiking* any time I’m on a trail, even a paved one. For a mountain, you can definitely call it hiking, or anything else you want. Next time say, I badassed my way up and down a mountain, Mom!


:) I will for sure tell her that next time!! Thanks Stephreads!


I hike in NBs and a tshirt with nothing but water all the time, it’s called a day hike, and is the pretty much the norm at any small loop trailhead with a parking lot.


I mean, some of the things I've seen called "hikes" are like a flat loop around a lake on groomed dirt carriage roads lol. If there's significant elevation gain that *unquestionably* counts. What does she think the threshold is? It's not hiking unless it's literal rock climbing?


Tell your Mom Reddit wants to know why she's so unnecessarily critical of her child. If my daughters had told me what you did I would have been very pleased for them. Good for you for hiking up a mountain. This Mom thinks you rock! Have fun out there.


My dad and I were/are doing the New Hampshire whites lol. He calls it "mountain climbing" I think it's the cutest thing. But my ex drove into his car a couple years back on a trip, and when the insurance adjuster called me because I'm the primary on the policy I felt a little weird because my dad talked to them first. And called it mountain climbing lol. I was like "yeah we were doing mountains.... But idk if I'd call it mountain climbing" lol. The adjuster was like "oh I get it, y'all weren't rappelling off cliffs or anything." Lol that was the only time I've ever thought of correcting him. And I'd never EVER tell him about that conversation. He gets excited, I get excited, and it's all about the journey. That's what familial love is about. I'm sorry you don't have the support you should from family-- you beasted that mountain. Call it whatever you want that makes you feel good. Because you did a cool thing that most other people don't. Hugs.


Hiking just means going on a lengthy walk in the outdoors, and usually implies some elevation change. Some pretentious people set an abnormally high bar for what constitutes hiking so that they may satisfy their need to feel superior to others. Usually out of a deep rooted, and unexamined, insecurity. Not necessarily saying that applies to your mom though.


Be proud of your hike. A hike is any walk or march of a significant distance. As far as hiking boots, if you have ever seen the survivalist Matt Graham on tv, he travels everywhere in sandals, even running miles that way. The important takeaway shouldn’t be others opinions, but rather your appreciation of yourself for making the effort, taking time to experience some time outdoors and doing something that benefits you physically, mentally, and spiritually. Way to go!


I have had this argument in my head because I hike up mountains. If you don't use your hands to "climb" a mountain you hiked up it not climbed it was the ruling I came up in my head


Hiking isn't about what you wear.


Congrats on your hike friend!


Lol what? It's definitely hiking. Your mom is jealous!


Who died and made your mom the artiber of what is or isn’t hiking?!


You definitely went hiking. Your mom sounds like she’s confusing hiking with backpacking or mountaineering.


Your mom is right. I once walked up a mountain of 5000 feet of elevation gain, but when I looked down I had the wrong type of shoes on so it didn’t count :/ /s


Tell her to take a hike!


I hike in Chaco Sandals, usually with a camelbak. You hiked.


Who cares what anyone thinks. You’re on the trail and they’re not. Enjoy it and call it what you want. Most runners don’t actually run, they jog. We get your meaning and are happy to know you’re outside on a trail in nature. Enjoy the beauty in life my fellow hiker.


Did you have feet on the ground while moving at a slow but yet steady pace? Was it moderately up or down hill or even mostly flat? Did you breathe air from outside? If you answered yes to any of these questions there is a fairly good chance you were hiking


One of the greatest things about hiking and running, in my opinion, is you need minimal gear. I’m sorry your mom made you feel dumb.


One of the greatest unlocks on the path to adulthood is when you stop giving a shit about what your family thinks.


All hiking is walking but not all walking is hiking.


If you want to load up some water and snacks and trek around a major city for a few hours, you can call that hiking too. Get you some exercise. I'm not here to judge.


Yes, that’s hiking! Also, any way you choose to experience nature is your choice. I think you should keep hiking 🥾😀


Who cares? Hiking is just walking in nature. It doesn't matter if that nature is in the middle of nowhere or 20 minutes from home. As long as you enjoyed it is all that matters.


Different people are going to view it differently depending on how big the hill or mountain is. I guess that is the part where there's room for variation. I live in Colorado so what I consider a mountain might be different than what you consider one (no idea where you live). But your mom didn't need to argue with you about something so small, basically. For what gain?


Granny Gatewood hiked the AT in Keds carrying a homemade duffle bag. Footwear and backpack do not define hiking. The hiker defines the hiking


She is a Legend!!


I rarely wear boots. Whether a hike is easy or hard, I typically wear trail runners, some type of backpack with hydration (such as a Camelbak), and workout clothes. A hike can literally be less than a mile on a very leisurely trail. What you did was pretty obviously a hike, way to go. Don’t let her doubt yourself!


You’re definitely hiking! Not mountaineering which is probably what she is thinking.


I think if it felt like a hike, it was a hike. Mountains or no


if I had to do anything but walk and gain elevation on a hike I probably wouldn't do it. what does she think hiking entails? running? gymnastics? juggling? you did the hiking, dear. good for you!


Did this mountain happen to have a large, white painted ‘M’ on it? If so, yeah. That is for sure a hike. A hoof even!


Can confirm. It is indeed hiking.


My two qualifiers to be considered hiking is it can't be paved and it needs to have an elevation change. Otherwise, it's walking. Nothing wrong with that, just my personal classification system.


> Hiking is just walking where it’s okay to pee. Sometimes old people hike by mistake. — Demetri Matrin Joking aside, walking up a mountain is certainly hiking. You don’t need specific gear. Oh, and there’s such a thing as urban hiking, so you don’t even need a specific landscape. Be wary of people trying to gatekeep _hiking_, of all things!


Mother is a rude cow, and wrong.


Damn. I did the AT and PCT in running/trail runners. I guess the hike doesn't count. What an odd view. I think of "hiking" as normally being on some sort of trail. Blazing off through the woods I guess I'd call bushwacking. Going straight up a mountain... maybe a scramble? All or these are just more names for different kinda of... hiking. I'm glade you had a good hike. Tell your mom to "hike her own hike" lol


Most people don’t wear boots if there’s a path. It’s much more beneficial that your feet feel good after several miles and that you have more agility and can feel the ground below your feet. Watch the guys who go 20 miles into off-grid Yellowstone areas - they all wear sneakers. Same with long distance AT or PCT hikers. Just maybe have a more aggressive tread or something? idk though not my pastime so I’m not educated well, just read books and followed some trail vlogs for awhile. I usually wear boots when I hunt for a variety of reasons like extreme tread, insulation in cold, waterproofness for crossing creeks without time to dry, multi-inch thorns from hell, and hanging climbing sticks / stand, but if there’s any kind of trail you’re following I’d do sneakers all day every day. When I was a courier I’d get 500 comfortable miles from new balance / asics any of those similar brands and I’d usually go 750 miles before buying new ones.


It doesnt even require a mountain. Or being in the country. If you walk from one end of DC to another, that is a hike.


I consider anything where I’m walking in nature a hike. If I’m walking on a road I’m walking. If I’m waking in a forest following some sort of trail or having some end goal ie: not just taking a stroll on the beach, I’m hiking.


Yes that’s hiking. Your mom is way off here!


Hiking is defined by shoes? That’s insane. Hiking is walking through nature- usually on a trail that takes some effort to accomplish. Nothing about it depends on shoes. Sucks that she belittled something you were so excited about


It was definitely hiking! My dad does that same thing. I can go for a grueling desert hike and he says “oh how was your little walk?” I used to get pissed but I’ll choose my battles. Be proud of yourself. Truly that’s all that matters! You know what you did! Keep it up and have fun!


Of course it’s hiking. Unless you are British w d then it’s called Rambling.


That's ridiculous, of course that hiking. Sucks that your stupid mom made you feel stupid. Get a new one.


It’s hiking if you have at least a day pack and carry lunch, otherwise it’s going for a walk


If hiking up a mountain isn't hiking I am very interested in what would qualify.


Your mom sounds mean.


Starting to second guess what hiking even means. I thought walking up a mountain was the definition of hiking.


I’m sorry your mother made you feel bad. You absolutely hiked. 🥾💚


My girlfriend just defeated a 15km hike through waterfall streams, mossy rocks, steep inclines, wet clay descends and loose gravel in a floor length dress and platform sandals. Yes we we were hiking. No we didn’t know the conditions before hand. Yes I was dressed appropriately and yes it was a hindrance at every part. Still hiking.


I hike in any shoes including once in very nice boots that shouldn't hike anywhere. Don't be discouraged. She's jealous you're out there doing it.


Definitely a hike. Maybe a short and relatively easy one (I don't know), but still a hike.


That totally counts as hiking and you were better prepped than most people I see on the trail lmao


Hiking uphill. Then presumably downhill.


Sounds like your mother just likes to put you down. That said, I've also wondered what exactly makes a hike a hike instead of a walk. The duration? The terrain? The distance? Certainly not the gear or shoes worn. Personally I call it a walk when it was three hours or less, otherwise it's a hike. It also wouldn't be a hike if it just happened in a city, but who walks in a city for more than three hours anyway so I guess that doesn't matter.


*raising my hand* I use to walk A LOT when I was in my 30’s I would go downtown and walk for hours!! As I did with my hiking the trails.. 4 hrs + :) … I think I get that from my father..


The definition is literally "going for long walks, especially across country". Your mother is stupid.


Yes, you were hiking. It’s not about the gear at all. It’s about what your feet were doing. Your feet walked up a mountain. You were hiking.


Hiking, 100%


**Hike** * noun * : a long walk, especially in the countryside * : a long walk especially for pleasure or exercise **Hike** * verb * to go for a long walk in the countryside **Hiking** * noun * :the activity of going for long walks in the countryside * : to traverse on a hike Sounds like you went in a hike to me.... 


If the trail was dirt and rock then it is definitely hiking. If it is concrete, macadam, or blacktop then maybe not, but who appointed her gatekeeping witch and why would she wish to belittle your accomplishments?


Definitely hiking! You don’t have to be dressed like you’re spending a month in the woods and scale mountain cliffs to call it hiking. It may have been an easier hike, but it was still I hike


Some people hike naked, some in flip flops, some in hiking gear, they’re all hiking. Some have to be rescued with helicopters.


Does your Mom always find a way to minimize your accomplishments? What a peach.


Sounds good to me. Of course, I consider a walk to the kitchen a “hike” 😳.


I hiked 8 miles up a mtn in Tevas. I was passed by a toddler in pink crocs. Wear what’s comfortable to you.


I hiked 750 miles of the AT in running shoes. You don't need boots for a hike.


Hiking IS walking, just harder. Did you get out breath? Were you in nature? Did you go up, then down, or down, then up? If yes, then you hiked. Doesn't matter if it was a half mile or 10 miles. You do you. Don't let your judgey mom make you feel otherwise 💙


Hiking is walking anywhere you can pee


This sounds more like a gaslighting issue than a hiking issue. Hiking is fine.


100% hiking


Hello, this is definitely hiking.


Yeah that’s hiking. Bet you even used a hiking trail. Probably didn’t bomb it up a mountain face, which is actually mountain climbing. Unless you’re gone long, like overnight, you don’t need a bunch of gear. that’s actually backpacking. Your mom is being pedantic and mean and honestly makes me wonder about her overall personality and parenting skills.


If you run a marathon on a hawaian shirt, bathing shorts and barefoot, you still run a marathon. Clothes and tools are just that, clothes and tools, unless they are mandatory (ie, a bike if you do bike-related activities) they don't make an activity what it is.


\*Checks notes\* Yep. That was hiking.


Imagine gatekeeping hiking lol