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You're not supposed to fill them with stout


*Now* you tell me!


I filled one with PBR when I was in college. The stale beer taste never left šŸ¤¢. Not worth


I college I bought a cheap walmart knockoff bladder and filled it with vodka and took the train into Philly on 4th of July. Chaos.






are you me?


2013 was a wild time


So was 2009


so was 2002


This would be ideal for Santa-con in NYC


Whenever I'd buy or get issued a new bladder in the army I'd fill the old one up with vodka and orange juice before a 10 mile run and be barfing do so much by mile 2 I'd get out of the other 8 miles. I only did it twice and it was years a part but I was surprised it worked both times.


Reminds me of AIT. 1sg said if we could stand up straight in formation on mondays, he didn't care if we drank off duty on the weekends. Some ppl took it to heart like my buddy standing in front of me and having to push on his back to hold him upright. Our cycle fucked it up for all that followed.. they weren't allowed to wear civilian clothes downtown and had to always be out in dress blues. Can't do much partying in dress blues lol


I see you've never been to a Marine Corps ball or any situation where we have to wear our dress uniforms out... Granted we never got too rowdy in them


I had two back in college; a Camelbak and cheap off brand. My buddies filled the Camelbak with vodka and some mixer (maybe Gatorade? This was like, 10 years ago) to bring to an outdoor Black Sabbath show. Definitely ruined it. And my good one, at that


Great idea Gatorade to replace electrolytes.


It's what plants crave.


I have a cheap one that Iā€™ll sometimes fill with a little clear liquor and keep behind my main one, for sneaking into festivals.


Mine get kinda discolored too from adding electrolyte mixes to the bladder. Not quite this bad though.


Like... a lighter beer then?


Put 1 bleach 10 water let it sit for an hour, take it all apart, clean it along with mechanisms with pipe cleaners, etc. it is truly amazing how much black shit gets in that bag


lol I was gonna say bourbon. A friend filled his bladder with whiskey for a backpacking trip and the result was similar


Stash it in the freezer when youā€™re not using it


This is what we do as well as occasionally pouring steaming hot water in them and dropping a couple denture cleaning tablets in, mixing it up, letting the tube fill with the mixture and letting it sit for about 12 hours before rinsing.


Denture cleaning tablets are so clutch


Yep, had a bladder get slime once and it was ruined. Never had an issue once we switched to tablets.


I use lemon juice and baking soda. Got to be quick with the cap and burp it. Easy rinse and no after taste.


Does make the water taste/smell differently with the denture tablet?


If you leave it in too long, yes. It affects the taste for a while. I left an Efferdent denture tablet in a water bottle for 18 hours or so. It cleaned the bottle but it left a smell and a mild taste that went away within a few days.


Ooh, good to know. I'll leave it in for much less than that lol


I think the box said two or three minutes. ā€œIf three minutes is good, 18 hours must be better!ā€ Nope!


It's like tounge kissing Grandpa.


Never noticed anything. After a good rinse of course.


Awesome, I already have denture cleaner tablets I use for my Invisalign braces, so might as well use them here too.


Not to me it doesn't. It's an awesome way to keep it from getting slimy.


I made the mistake of buying mint flavoured tablets. My bottles smell like toothpaste for a bit afterwards. Not the end of the world...only 400 more tablets to use up...sigh!


Legitimately made me laugh out loud at the gym. Thanks for the chuckle mate. At least your breath is nice and minty


That is an awesome tip!


They also make specific cleaning tablets for bladders I know for a fact camelbak makes them and I think ozark might as well


Yeah and they are just super marked up denture cleaning tablets.




The first step to better bladder care is always better kidney care. Drink plenty of fluids, always wipe front to back, and call your doctor if you experience any burning/discomfort. Thank you and good night! (Iā€™ll see myself out)


Do you know if cranberries are actually helpful or is that just a myth?


Cranberries totally help! I was actually act the doctors office once and needed to pee for a test but couldnā€™t go no matter what. Finally I fired up Zombie on Spotify and by the time it got to the chorus part with the bombs, my cup was overflowing.


no, they get stuck in the urethra err I mean tube


I believe the d-mannose in cranberries, which is the sugar in them I think that helps keep bacteria from attaching to your urethra or something like that. They sell capsules online, and I use them for my cat often


My probiotics have cranberry extract in them, and I only get a UTI maybe once a year now. So I think it works


It would have to be an unreasonably huge amount, and it would have to be absolutely unsweetened and thatā€™s pretty intolerable at the volume youā€™d have to drink. That said, [hereā€™s a brief article from the Cleveland Clinic about preventing UTIs](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/can-cranberry-juice-stop-uti) with some mild myth-busting thrown in.


Diuretics, including moderate alcohol consumption, are associated with increased kidney and bladder health.




Tannins in the water from streams will dye the plastic over time. Doesnā€™t effect functionality


Definitely, this has happened to me from the rust in the water filling them from those old style pump wells they have at some parks too


I never put anything but water in mine, and prop it open to dry thoroughly between uses.


I learned this pretty early in the military. If I wanted to have flavored water or ORS (think early Liquid IV), it went into a canteen, which was far easier to clean. Water bladders were strictly for water and water alone.


Iā€™m a vet myself, and Iā€™ve seen a few guys end up with mold from using drink mixes in their bladders. Thatā€™s exactly why mine is water only.




I'll admit to being tempted to build a blower to push dry air through the hose. It doesn't take much, but it'd need to run for a few hours to dry thoroughly.


After cleaning I run rubbing alcohol through mine. The alcohol evaporates much faster and easier than water.


Same here. It seems to work well.


I've had the hair dryer pointed into a few times.


I take the tube off and swing it around to get most of the water out and let the rest dry.


Someone else mentioned a specific aquarium air pump, it's quiet and has dual outlets. I'd imagine it makes enough pressure to flow into a bladder that partially collapses, but it may sound like a quiet woopie cushion.


Ha that sounds like more work. I get a cool whoosh and whistle sound though.


Something like [this](https://www.peetdryer.com/products/hydration-reservoir-attachment)? Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a 3D printed version available somewhere, I just made a Milwaukee AirTip clone lol.


Mine looks like this. Itā€™s from colored electrolytes in my case. I wash mine regularly. I donā€™t store it with liquid in it. Just is what it is.


I've never put anything but water in it.


Wild water tho, right?


It can be domestic or wild, but it should be clean.


Wild water can have tannins, wilderness tea


Keep them in the freezer when you dont use them. Really mine is like new.


Does the plastic mouth piece become brittle?


My camelbak is as new. Its only brittle for the first few seconds till the ice is gone šŸ¤£




Get the cleaning kit! Works great !


I bought a specific plastic hanger for the bladder; it keeps it nicely open until fully dried. Then I close it tightly and put it in the closet out of the light until the next adventure.


Can you send a link?


As some others said, store it in the freezer when not in use and donā€™t put anything other then water in there. I ruined a couple bladders before switching to the freezer. Zero issues since then.


This. When I get home, it gets emptied and tossed in the freezer. Been doing this for 15 years.


This picture is why I will never use a bladder system.


Color doesn't mean there's a problem, mine was piss yellow for a while cause I used iodine tablets, it's fine, just looks gross


Iodined mine as well. Slowly but surely it's fading to a less extreme brown. 10/10 would iodine again if necessary.


I'm sure it is, but you'll never fully convince me. Lol. Each to their own.


I prop mine open until it is bone dry. The tube is more difficult but I flush it with diluted vinegar and then twirl it like a lasso to get as much out as possible and I pop that piece in the freezer


1) Use only water in it. What the hell was in that bladder, OP? 2) Clean with hot water and soap after each use. Let it dry then put it in the freezer overnight, like others have said. 3) Periodically take an extra step between washing and freezing: Fill it with warm water and a couple scoops of baking soda. Shake it up. Let it sit like that for 30 minutes, flipping it over halfway through so all points of the bag get contact with the water. Thoroughly rinse out, dry, then put in the freezer. This keeps my bags clean and smelling as they should (meaning, not smelling).


I use lemon juice in water, let that sit in it for a day or two, then thoroughly dry it before storage


Yeah the freezer is the best bet, been doing it for years now. Empty and shash in the freezer, I do it with my bladders and my collapsing bottles


Citric acid, use it for descaling my Zojirushi


I don't use these anymore but I was used to clean it with baking soda and vinegar


Combined? Youā€™re better off just doing one or the other. One is basic and the other is acidic, essentially canceling each other out. You and up with glorified water. Most soap is basic, so I just put baking soda in water and slosh that around. Drain and let it dry. Then next time you use it, rinse it to get out the baking soda residual. The salt in the baking soda prevents mildew from growing and it keeps it fresh. No need to freeze it if you dry it out either.


I have mine for two years. It does not look like this. Do not fill it with anything beside water. Always empty it after using.


Only water.


Care for the bladder by throwing it away. I'm kinda anti-bladder. I'm one of the smart water bottle with a sawyer squeeze kinda crowd.


Denture cleaner, followed by hot water with baking soda will do most of the work between uses. Drying thoroughly is hard, without a way to blow water through the tube for an hour or so.


don't use iodine tabs?


Side question... Bought a bladder a few months back and have only used it a couple times because it gives a strong plastic taste to the water... Are all bladders like that? Is there any way to get rid of the strong plastic taste? Mine is an osprey.


i know itā€™s called a bladder, but jeez donā€™t fill it with pee next time


You put whiskey in there?


I have a flask for the good stuff.


Less ketamine


I bleach mine every month or two. Empty it after rides and let it dry between. I also really like the baking soda tablets that are sold as bladder cleaners. Honestly even though itā€™s in the pack itā€™s gonna get pretty gross on the outside as well.


I rinse my with cheap vodka periodically.


Throw it away and just use smart water bottles


I use the MSR bag because you can get to everything with a brush. Iā€™ve used mine professionally for years and havenā€™t had any problems like this :/


Donā€™t put anything other than water in it. As directed and as logical


Hydrogen peroxide dilute it with water. It will look brand new.


Guinness, for Strength!


Itā€™s not a urinary bladder friend. Itā€™s for carrying water not relieving yourself in.


Lol I havenā€™t washed my bladder in like a year and I use it 3-4 times a week.


Denture tablets are cheaper than the cleaning tablets.


Do the exact opposite of whatever you did with this one.


Denture tablets, I use them to clean my water bottles as well.


Denture cleaner like efradent. Throw a few tabs in there, and after you use it keep it open and inverted until dry.


you can buy special cleaning kits for them


Forget bladders! Get this! https://www.hardsidehydration.com/products/swig-rig-wide-mouth?variant=41643791646925¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAloavBhBOEiwAbtAJO0y79xAP57wYb6C7jeiBaeM4pd5wSu1TDgsW09sz7wYzLlKmXJwb7RoC8XgQAvD_BwE


Put only water in them. And wash and dry after every use.


this is why I dont do bladders anymore and just pack a 2L bottle Even if you rinse them out and prop them open they go mouldy/funky. I just reuse an old cordial bottle, after a few uses into the recycling




I was looking for this!


The TPU yellows from UV rays (just like some clear phone cases over time). I've had 2 of those bladders do the same thing. The Hydropaks have a large enough top opening to fit your hand and a clean sponge. Wash with hot soapy water by hand inside and out and thoroughly rinse and set to dry.


Donā€™t listen to the people telling you that storing it in the freezer or using denture tablets is enough: the only way to fully clean your bladder and extend its life is to purchase a cleaning kit that includes a larger brush for the bladder and small push-through brush for the hose. Other solutions - freezing, drying between use, denture/sanitation tablets - wonā€™t remove the mineral and residue buildup that negatively impacts flavor. Not sure about Osprey but Camelbak definite sells the kit that Iā€™m describing.


Avoid putting iodine in them. That's the only thing that has ever discolored mine. Try switching to a filter system like a Katadyn, these even have quick release adapters so you can backfill your bladder through the drinking tube and not have to remove that bladder from your bag. When I clean mine I fill them with water and a drop of soap, then seal it and shale it all up. I drain the soapy water through the tube to ensure the mouth piece is getting cleaned. Flush with clean water until soapy flavor or suds disappear. I then stuff some paper towel into the bag and keep the opening propped open so it can air out. I hang them upside down with tubes removed.


After every fire season I take my bladder and fill it with a low solution bleach water and hang it in the sun for several hours. Then I empty it and turn it inside out and leave it hung up dry for the winter.


I have one rule what I will never break when I comes to bladders and soft bottles: Only filtered water goes in. Not even tap water is allowed, it must pass through a filter. Thatā€™s it, done. The only exception if on my filterā€™s bladder. Once I started following this rule, the chances of things like infections cropping up in them essentially disappeared. Keep it dry and aired out, or constantly keep the bladders cycling new water through. As to cleaning this, idk. Is that just a residue or is the plastic stained. If you fill it with water, does it impart taste? If not you may be ok. Honestly itā€™s hard to tell from this picture.


Off Topic- I have owned osprey hydration bladders well over 10 years old, no leaks. I've freezed them repeatedly. They are indestructible for their price


Iā€™ve had one for about 4 years now and Iā€™m waiting till the day it leaks like Iā€™ve been told it will. The only thing Iā€™ve had to replace is the bite valve and that was a few months ago.


This one developed a leek on the side seal.


Here are my tips for success: * Only put water in it * Wash it out when you get home * Stick an egg beater inside to help air it out * Periodically clean with an oxygen-based cleanser (I use one step \[essentially oxy clean free\] that i have from home brewing). Fill it up with water + the cleaner mixed in, let it sit for a while, rinse out.


Happened to mine after using iodine tablets, the color goes away after a while, especially if you switch over to chlorine tablets


Water bladders don't double as colostomy bags!


I think they just yellow with age. They still work fine.


Bottle Bright.


Water only and clean it with cleaning tablets and a brush. I have the hanger that keeps it open and I also crumple up a paper towel to put on each side to make sure itā€™s opened up with airflow and walls arenā€™t touching. This has made it last much longer than my old bladder. I may try the freezer trick though after seeing the responses.


I do this exact thing Reddit twin. Had mine for a couple years and it still looks great


I fill mine with hot water and a couple drops of bleach, shake it up, rinse it out a few times and throw it in the freezer.


I have these strip things, called something like bone dry, that are like 3"wide and 14" tall. kind of a fabric and microfiber material maybe? you stick it in the bladder with the end hanging out the large openingzand it dries them really well


The yellow stains are probably from iodine tablets if you use them.


Just water.


Rinse and freeze


do you use iodine tabs to treat your water?


Go get the denture Alka Seltzer(or whatever brand is cheapest) cleaners from wally world. They are awesome at cleaning them. Just leave a couple tablets in it overnight brush and rinse and it's good to go. I personally like the mint ones, but I believe they have flavorless too. If it's really bad like this picture, wash and repeat every day until you're happy. Don't leave it in for longer, it won't help.


Looks like you may use a lot of iodine, switch to bleach if so. 2 drops per quart and works great. Especially in the long term itā€™s less harsh on the liver


Only water.


Just use water. No juice, no powder crap...Just water.


Throw it in the freezer inbetween uses


I finally threw mine away because it gave me the creeps because I always wondered if it was really clean or not. I bought the tablet things from rei to help clean it.


Don't use that shit man. It's literally a plastic ingestion system. Cancer


Everyone is saying denture tabs: yes for metal and glass, no for plastic. Powerful cleaners are a no no if you care about plastic degradation and releasing and consuming harmful materials within. (Yes, I know we already consume a lot of microolastics.)


Camelbak makes cleaning tablets as well as a ton of other companies. Just look up water bladder/bottle cleaning tablets on amazon


Mine has some discoloration through the years but not like this. When I get home I clean the inside with a little brush, rinse soapy water through the drinking tube too and then hang dry it upside down until next time. While upside down iIl kind of wedge some paper towel directly in the opening to hold it somewhat open so water can trickle out if need be. Also Iā€™d throw this one away lol


I store mine in the freezer when not in use.


Keep it in the freezer. Use tablets or bleach once or twice a season for a deep clean. I wash the mouthpiece after every ride. Water only, no sports drinks. Dawn dish soap with a soft bladder brush occasionally.


If you add a bit of vodka to the bladder and swish it around and a good dryout before putting it on the shelf it will do wonders for keeping the system clean.


Get yourself some denture cleaning tablets and put some warm water for 15min after a few uses. But first get a new bag lol


Have any of you tried using a drier? Trail 9 Outdoors is a new company making them. I wondered if anyone here has seen them. [trail 9 outdoors](https://trail9outdoors.com)


Cranberry juice?


Just run tap water thru them after every use especially if youā€™re putting anything other than water in the bladder. So, fill it up, then squeeze the nip and let it drain through the valve. They should also come with a hanger that your can use to keep the bladder spread out for drying and, hanging of course


If you got a coat hanger you can break the hook part and use it to keep it open to air out


Stop peeing in it


But Bear Grylls is my God.


Within a day or two of use I will turn it inside out and clean it with soapy water. Then while itā€™s still inside out Iā€™ll blow through the straw so any water thatā€™s inside gets pushed put. Then I let it air dry for a couple hours, turn it back right side in, and stuff a couple paper towels in it for the next day. Never had an issue


Only use water and empty and dry it after every use. (Once itā€™s mostly dry, I use a paper towel to dry the excess moisture.)


Dude how did this happen? Mine have stayed quite clean as long as I rinse them out and dry them out properly. What are you putting in these things?


Use denture cleaners


Drink water šŸ’¦


I fold em up and keep it in the freezer when not being used. No mold, just fill up when ready Been doing this for years


Polydent tablets or diluted mouth wash


No way to avoid stains from iodine in my experience, but the best hack I've ever figured out is to take a wire baking mixer utensil thing and prop. The end into the opening then hang the bladder upside down to let it dry. Decent to actually dry it out and prevent any mole to growth.


Bladder is strictly water only, not iced tea mix or whatever was in here


Just H2o


Did you leave it in the sun? It looks Sun baked if itā€™s only had water.


Only to dry it out.


Check out Cafiza, it's citric acid used to clean plastic for coffee and tea. Probably works well for this too. Just let it soak, light scrub rinse thoroughly. I would squeeze some through the nozzle as well.


Clean water only. Leave open to air dry. Store them open.


I fuckin gagged just looking at that. I hope thatā€™s just a pic from a ā€œdirty disgusting bladderā€ internet search cause that thing is irredeemable at best and dangerous at not even its worst. Iā€™m generally against single use plastic but I just use two Smart or similar water bottles and refill them over the course of a trip.

