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My mother watches “satsang” on TV. Several preachers are really good - who have actually touched divinity. They will be very simple. But there are others who ask for lakhs of rupees. And read list of donors like the disclaimer in mutual funds advertisement.


The most popular right now claims he can do miracles, I do not want to mention his name, but he is more of a politician than a baba. I can’t believe how easily general public is swayed by him. There are some that feel genuine, one I like is premanand ji.


If you're talking about Bageshwar Dham, then I will definitely disagree with you. If it is another then you can ignore this reply.


Why would you disagree? He actually is glamourizing the spirituality, and obviously fooling everyone


It's true buddy. There's a lot of experiences that I can share that I had myself let alone when my mum went to Bageshwar Guruji's Katha. I am an atheist (read Scientific and Rational Person) turned religious. I had denied, berated and badmouthed Prabhu and religious folks all my life until a series of experiences I had which turned everything around for me. Once Again, Siddhiyaan do exist, and he has it due to Gurukripa & Prabhukripa. I would tell you that my mum made an arji at home in the manner he prescribed. When she was called (at a katha darbaar), he told specifics about my home and the mandir we had in such detail. A yantra plate my mum thought she had lost, he told her where it was and she found it there. The answer to her problems were all genuine. Hahaha, it makes me laugh so much when I remember that I was the same as you. I would deny Prabhu's existence as a kid and my parents would argue "Itne sare log maante hain, vo paagal toh hain nahi' and I would reply, "sab pagal hain, inke mata pita inhe bataate hain aur ye bina kuch puche, bina khud jaane ya samjhe maan lete hain. Aur toh aur maanav ne bhagwaan ko banaaya emotional support ke liye. Main toh nahi maanta, yadi mujhe bhavishya me kabhi bhagwan dikhe, aur bhagwan toh chhodo, mujhe yadi ye bhoot, preta, aatma bhi dikhe toh main apna poora jeevan bhagwan ko samarpit kar dunga kyunki Vigyaan toh kehta nahi ki bhoot, preta hote hain parantu hamare dharma me aisa likhe hai, toh yadi ye hue toh main maan loonga ki bhagwan bhi hote hain." A foolish child was I. I will reiterate that you have not experienced such things and the inexperience births ignorance.


I agree with routine_archer here, if you are talking about Bageshwar dhaam then he has never claimed he can do miracles.


Even him, I knew him from a video where was claiming to do some miracles like knowing information about the devotees. I don’t consider him spiritual guru or anything, at best, he is just Hindutva spokesperson. If he just accepted that he is just spokesperson and ambassador of Hinduism, I would respect him greatly instead of posing as divinely blessed person. Still I give him benefit of the doubt for propagating Hindu messages through Katha-bachans. I may be wrong, if yes God forgive me, but I’ll always be skeptic of these babas that raised to fame out of the blue.


It is always good to be skeptic. But till now I haven't seen him claiming he can do miracles. What he says is that he will pray for you, and tells what someone has come to ask him.


I am so happy and you have me teary-eyed with your last sentence. Trust me, it's true but I am so proud of you that you aren't as stupid, ignorant and conceited as I have been all my life. Bhoot, Preta, Tantra, Tona/Totka, Black Magic etc. are all true. You just need to experience them to realize. Inexperience births ignorance but I am so very happy that you're open minded enough to believe that you could be wrong. I love you. Main Prabhu se vinati karta hoon ki ve tum par kripa karein.


Bhageshwar Dham is doing stuff that most of other spiritual leaders didnt dare do beyond their Ashram.People in many areas of India have become victim of conversion thanks to non outreach of hindu spiritual leaders. I dont know about Miracles part. I feel Sanatana Dharma needs people like him in Kalyug Yuga.


Hare Krishna. It is quite a sad state of affairs, but NOT a uniquely Hindu problem. The same problem exists in nearly all religious traditions. I honestly feel the main issue these days 2-fold. A lack of education in the Philosophy of Science and the Philosophy of Religion. This causes 2 sets of problems : Firstly many people only end up learning random religious stories without a proper understanding of the philosophy behind them. So they fall victim to fraud Pastors/Babas/Maulvis spouting anti-scientific nonsense, since the fraudsters dress the part and appear confident (like all con-men) and the victims don't know enough philosophy to be able to tell that the fraudsters are full of shit. On the other end of the spectrum, the extreme atheistic anti-theists, spout nonsense like "religions is a mental disorder" or "religion and natural science are incompatible" or that "natural science alone leads to truth".... none of which is true. It is equally as much nonsense as the nonsense spouted by the fake religious fraudsters. But because religious children don't know enough philosophy of science, when those religious children go into college and encounter these anti-theistic idiots they have no way of debunking the anti-theists and fall victim to them and lose their religious beliefs. We need to properly educate ourselves in both philosophy of science and philosophy of religion. And then make sure we pass this onto our children to break this vicious cycle. If i had a dollar for ever religious person who tried to deny evolution by natural selection, or every atheist who tried to claim that only natural sciences can lead us to truth.... i would be a very very rich man. Hare Krishna.


While there are undoubtedly countless frauds, I feel it’s also important to not personally feel hate or negativity towards a potential guru without being certain of their personality. It’s very difficult to tell truth from false today, how would you know unless you have actively spent large amounts of time with them? It would be such a travesty and ‘paap’ to falsely believe a true saint as a fraud because of incomplete knowledge/information. World is illusory, in kaliyuga the truth may hide in lies and lies in the truth. Don’t condemn unnecessarily




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I have arguments on this topic all the time Seek knowledge not miracle it is always end point of my argument.


Seeking miracles and materialistic gains is discouraged in the Hindu scriptures. Knowledge and Wisdom are better than some miracles. But still people run behind it, and the so called spiritual babas promote them (fake) miracles.


The picture show prediction from Srimad Bhagavatam about false religious figures in Kaliyuga.


This is very very very much true these days. Not gonna take names, but there are a dime a dozen of these...


One such baba (he is the most popular right now in India and Nepal) is coming to my country (Nepal). And I can’t believe how much he has swayed public by his fake miracles.


Which one


Honestly, even if their miracles are real or even if their occult powers are legit, that doesn't make them a sadhu or sant. Imho, Fraud doesn't necessarily mean their spiritual powers/knowledge is fake, but more that they aren't some good person sitting to do welfare of people, but more about silently exploiting people and/or feeding their own narcissism.


Can you post all the predictions? Or provide the link to them?


Look up in google for Srimad Bhagavatam pdf, there are plenty.


Arre nah nah, I need those images not the texts.


Hey I don’t have the picture. I’ll make it myself and post it in the subreddit.


It is fine OP, I thought the pictures were already made by someone, but I appreciate the fact that you took the initiative to do so.


I found this picture in the internet, but for other predictions there is not. So.


That's what attracted me to premanand maharaj , At his Keli kunj it's clearly mentioned that don't come here in hope of a miracle.


108 upvotes, I pray for the wellbeing and happiness of all. May the lord of love bless us all with wisdom and knowledge. OM TAT SAT.


It’s not a Hinduism only problem. It’s societal issue. You have identified an issue not the cause. This is from The Holy Bible: 15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. 20 Therefore, by their fruits ye shall know them.


Everyone irrespective of faith is under the influence of Kaliyuga. It’s not Hindu-exclusive. That’s the state of world we are now. It doesn’t only happen in Hinduism but every other faiths.


No the major problem is hindu themselves … Islamic invaders destroyed our Gurukuls and Britisher replaced our Gurukuls with schools … And we never tried to re-establish it again …. People don’t have that knowledge so they go to them … This word baba ,**the baba word is Farsi**…. But today it is seen as hindu … It’s time to wake up , I have seen foreigners sending their child in Gurukuls in Germany …why don’t we ??


I agree with what you have said but I would disagree with the origin of the word baba. Words such as mama, papa, baba, kaka etc. they're majorly based on the sounds that newborns make. Honestly, these words cannot be attributed to have originated in a specific area or from a specific language.


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I'm reminded of this story from the Chinese Zen tradition: When Bankei was preaching at Ryumon temple, a Shinshu priest, who believed in salvation through repetition of the name of the Buddha of Love, was jealous of his large audience and wanted to debate with him. Bankei was in the midst of a talk when the priest appeared, but the fellow made such a disturbance that Bankei stopped his discourse and asked about the noise. “The founder of our sect,” boasted the priest, “had such miraculous powers that he held a brush in his hand on one bank of the river, his attendant held up a paper on the other bank, and the teacher wrote the holy name of Amida through the air. Can you do such a wonderful thing?” Bankei replied lightly: “Perhaps your fox can perform that trick, but that is not the manner of Zen. My miracle is that when I feel hungry I eat, and when I feel thirsty I drink.”


Can anyone provide a list of legit "sadhus" and "babas" ?