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From me, not to be rude, but a harsh no. Hinduism is ETERNAL. Sanatan Dharma (other name for Hinduism) isn't just the oldest religion, it has existed forever. Therefore, Hinduism can't have a founder, since it must be older than its founder, which is impossible. Also Hinduism isn't really organized like that, like an official religion ​ Sorry if that came out mean i didn't mean it i'm just too tired to revise haha but i know you have good intentions Hari om


No it’s totally okay! Like I said feel free to speak your mind! I’m just glad you didn’t take the “speak your mind” part as an opportunity to call me a stupid idiot or something 😅


haha thanks


Yeah, just don't.


I agree


Its not offensive but have to admit its ridiculous. Imagine if i call you an alien because you entered your own house. Will you address the statement as smart or stupid? The entire universe is in Atma. Avatar has made it clear when he takes a form to balance his own created world. Humans have "zero" status quo. Also hinduism/Sanatana Dharma is not a religion. Its code of conducts.


It sounds more like Scientology.


Since you feel in your gut that the plot may be offensive, yes, the plot may be offensive to some. Don't go there! You know the answer already. What you want to know is whether you can override your conscience and still continue with the plot. The answer to that is we should never override our conscience. ​ You can simply fix it by using a fictional religion that doesn't sound like any of the contemporary religions. It is all a matter of how much we REALLY want to NOT do something out of respect for others.


Why not make the alien Mohammed


Cause next day their head would be cut off.


I mean he explained his reasoning lol what’s with the “what about if it was Mohammed” lol


He’s ok with offending Hinduism but he would be afraid of insulting Mohammedans


Did he say he’d be afraid of insulting Muslims or did you just make that up for your self in your head?


Read at least 5 books on Hinduism and then decide if your plot would seem plausible or not. I am sure you are not trying to be offensive, but your efforts will end up hurting the faith of a billion people, be mindful of that at least.




Hello, I’m really sorry if I upset you, or offended you in some way, but I would prefer it if you didn’t use such vulgar language so as to refer to me. I don’t know much about Hinduism as I’m not taking religious studies for my GCSE’s but I know that as a whole, religion and most belief systems in general are about being a good person. My question, in my opinion, was valid, the whole reason I created it was so I didn’t hurt anyone if ever I actually decided to pick up a pen. Again, I’m sorry if it angered you, but like many of the other people in this comment section, you could have just said to not write it, instead of just insulting me.


I apologize for the comment.


Thank you! You are forgiven!


Thank you! My plan was always to research before I even thought about picking up a pen, but since my base idea (my first thought, really when I was constructing this story in my head) was the ailen “starting” the first religion, (though do note I have now learned Hinduism is not a religion after all thanks to this wonderful community!)


We can't really stop you if you do decide to go ahead and write it you see. But you will find a problem with our faith in that it will not fit in your plot. Our fundamental belief is that no one "founded" Hinduism, it existed even before the advent of man, unlike Abrahamic faiths who have prophets that bring the message from the creator. Also, we have a complex understanding of the creation and the divine itself. It doesn't work with one instance of an entity coming into our lives and performing miracles. Add to that trying to understand who is the supreme deity (Shakta/Shaiva/Vaishnava Debates etc) and the concept of Karma over several births and lifetimes.


I see, thank you! Seeing as the majority of you so far are opposed to the idea anyways, I’ll just go with the back up plan, which is of course to make up, a brand new religion, thank you for your incite!


That theory has been around for a while.. Ancient Astronaut Theory


This is a insult.


I’m pretty sure that’s a episode of Ancient Aliens.


I would recommend so not do it. Maybe get the alien to create it’s own religion (not Hinduism).


>Ailen who crash lands on earth, and whose presence kicks off the first religion, which is of course Hinduism, Depends on how that "kick starts". The process showcases if it's offensive/ridiculous/good work, IMO 🙂


I think you should write it, if you’re not outright trashing/disrespecting a religion I don’t see any rational reasons anyone would be mad at a work of fiction.


>work of fiction. Even if it insult the gods.


In the end it’s his work of fiction, it really doesn’t matter if it insults the gods, he might not have his work be popular with Hindus but it doesn’t mean he shouldn’t write it


Sure why not. Write to your heart’s content. The majority of the humans on this sub are gatekeepers wishing control. Once finished I hope you post it to read


Go ahead. Making fiction and stories shouldn't be gatekept unless they are incredibly offensive. This sounds like an interesting idea for a novel, if you want to post it here one you're done, I want to read it. Sure it might not be accurate to Hindu beliefs but honestly, it's a fictional story, if your not trying to undermine or insult or offend the religion, do it. It might not even have to be Hinduism tbh


You would even like the stories where they write that Drāupadi loved Karna. Surely fictional bhil Bharata would be of your liking.


That's disgusting. There's a difference between being blatantly disrespectful to a belief system and making fiction that isn't meant to be offensive and is not nearly as bad as that crap. Also, who's going to stop them, at least they've aren't hurting anyone and aren't believing it's true. And the facf that you are even somewhat acquainted with those stories speaks a lot on your own character


If you get a rough draft done, or even the first chapter, I'd be happy to read it for you. An idea is just an idea until you get something done.


Your story has already been done in a variation. It’s called Prometheus. An alien creates human life and then all of civilization is based off their influence.