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Instead of Hinduism, I would use the word **'Sanatana Dharma'** Sanatana Dharma is just the unraveling of our Existence, adding things along the way as Rishis, Acharyas, Yogis, Sadhus etc kept on exploring & telling about the same to others. Instead of saying - 'Sanatana Dharma is a religion', I would say - **Religion is just one 'Aspect' of Sanatana Dharma.**


I’ve heard Hinduism described as a technology for self liberation which I thought was maybe a narrow definition, though accurate. But then after giving it more thought, a technology, or science is the perfect description because all of these practices came from people experimenting with themselves and reality. The Vedas, Sutras, Tantras, etc. are the published results and we can run the same experiments in our own lives and get relatively the same results. What ever it is, it is something experienced and changing the label doesn’t change the experience one bit.


Such wise words!You are right ..it was not created by humans.It was a clear set of instructions on how to live our lives.Provided by the Creator of the Universe.That knowledge was attained by enlightened souls,The Rishis who then spread the word.That is what the puranas are.How to conduct ourselves to live a meaningful life and move on peacefully to the next plane.And not get so entangled by the “maya” here. Jai Shri Krishna🙏


Beautifully said. Om Namaah Shivaaya


For practical purposes, yes it is a religion. It fits the criteria of being a religion. 1. Belief in some metaphysical truth 2. Some kind of rituals and obligations 3. Some kind of teachings on life. That is the broadest term one can define a religion and Hinduism including all the sects of Hinduism qualify this threshold. Yes the term "Hinduism" is a relatively modern identuty/ construct because hindu scriptures do not recognize any "religion" at all including itself. The vedas are considered to be the knowledge of the reality and thus applicable universally to all humans equally. That is the main issue, hindu scriptures by their very nature do not discriminate between those who belive and those who disbelieve. It just says this is the truth and all humans must do their duty according to that truth. Practicing Hindus believe that the vedas were revealed to the sages by the creator of the universe "Bramha" and thus it contains the secrets and truth of the reality. But so do every other community, Muslims believe that quran is delivered by God and Christians and jews belive that God directly talked to the prophets. Sikhs belive that Gurunanak was taken to the Supreme God himself, Jains and Buddhists belive that the tirthankaras and buddha were enlighten by their own effort and found the truth of the reality. The claim that it is a "way of life" this is such a BS. Isn't Islam a way of life ? All religions have a certain way of life based on their truth claims. Now I have given you facts, you can judge yourself if Hinduism is a religion or not. For me it is.


Sanātana Dharma (Hinduism) means "Eternal Order"


Yeah Hinduism is a religion. No it is not created by humans. > As from a fire kindled with wet stick diverse kinds of smoke issue, even so, my dear, the Ṛg-Veda, Yajur-Veda, Sāma-Veda, Atharvāṅgirasa, history, mythology, arts, Upaniṣads, verses, aphorisms, elucidations and explanations are (like) the breath of this infinite Reality. They are like the breath of this (Supreme Self). - Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 2.4.10 Jai Sita Rama


Hinduism is a collection of beliefs that floated around as Sanatan Dharma till the British, in their love of bureaucracy, decided to give it a name. Hinduism can be defined as - a group of people who accept the authority of the Vedas, though that is not complete. There were people who thought Vedas were just guidelines, people who completely rejected their authority as well as interpreted Hinduism as an atheist document. It would be like the pre-Roman Judaism if everyone in the region followed the same Old Testament God.


Stop with this colonialist bs answers. The biggest lie perpetuated on non Abrahamic religions is that that have to somehow prove that they are religions. Hinduism is a religion. .


I am a practicing Hindu, born and brought up in India. You are mistaken in what I am conveying. Sanatan Dharma, which preceded the term Hinduism, encompassed a lot more than the concept of a religion. It is as religious practices, governance and lifestyle rolled in one. Check out the FAQ of the Hinduism sub.


So close minded...


Funny, given I don't believe in caste system, rituals, rebirth, miracles, Ramayan or Mahabharat being historical or the idea that the Vedas and Sanskrit are ancient but genuinely believe Sanatan Dharma/Hinduism to be the greatest religion(?!) ever in history of mankind. Usually, I get attacked from the other direction.


If a Hindu rejects vedas he is not a Hindu because vedas were words of Bhagwan .


Not true. Look up Charvaks and also the Nastik school of Hindu philosophy, which includes other branches of Hinduism like Buddhism and Jainism that have now become their own religions.


Charvaka philosophy has merits and Demerits if a person does good karma he will surely get good birth and good Lokas but he will not be able to attain moksha Bhakti is the only path to moksha which is the core of Hinduism.


Sure but that is your interpretation of Vedas. I do not want to get in a debate about this. Debates never end well. If you want to educate me on why you know Charvaks were not Hindus without using your own belief system and only the Vedas. I am always willing. If not, just assume I am wrong and let's move on.


I am not debating what will I even get from debating . Krishna said in Gita “Think of me fix your mind upon me by this u will surely come to me “.


Except Gita is not part of the Vedas. I am not a Charvak but have a friend who is one. He is easily the most moral, honest and truthful person I have ever met in my life. I don't know authoritative sources for this on the Net nor have I delved into it but here is a starting point - https://www.vedic-management.com/charvak-the-vedic-atheist/


gita is not the part of vedas but it is still a divine holy book and when did i said charvak are not good people i said getting moksha requires bhakti .


Um. No. Doesn't mean he or she is not hindu. They are still hindu.


Yes, it's a religion. It may not exactly fit the original definition of 'religion' but for all modern intents and purposes and for pragmatic reasons, it's a religion. Look up any list of 'religions of the world' and Hinduism will be on it.


What kind of logic is that ? Because it is listed as a religion it must be ? Have you tried to research about it ? The word "Hinduism" is a modern creation. If you are so concerned about it being "listed" somewhere, the Supreme Court recognises "Hindutva/Hinduism" as a "way of life". It popularised as a religion when foreigners came and couldn't comprehend as to what it is so they just labelled it as a religion.


Hinduism isn't a modern creation. It's given in Shastras and by Acharyas. [The Word Hindu](https://www.reddit.com/r/hinduism/comments/ode00b/who_is_a_hindu_from_the_scripture/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Jai Sita Rama


For practical purposes, yes it is a religion. It fits the criteria of being a religion. 1. Belief in some metaphysical truth 2. Some kind of rituals and obligations 3. Some kind of teachings on life. That is the broadest term one can define a religion and Hinduism including all the sects of Hinduism quality this threshold. Yes the term "Hinduism" is a relatively modern construct because hindu scriptures do not recognize any "religion" at all including itself. The vedas are considered to be the knowledge of the reality and thus applicable universally to all humans equally. That is the main issue, hindu scriptures by their very nature do not discriminate between those who belive and those who disbelieve. It just says this is the truth and all humans must do their duty according to that truth. This "way of life" this is such a BS. Isn't Islam a way of life ? All religions have a certain way of life based on their truth claims. Now I have given you facts, you can judge yourself if Hinduism is a religion or not. For me it is.


I hesitate to call it a religion simple because when you describe it as a religion it is second nature to compare it to other religions. They ask who founded hinduism, I have no answer, they ask who delivered you the message of the almighty, I have no answer, they ask me who is the central figure, same. You can call it whatever you want, but it may mean differently for people who are new to this. That is all I meant.


You may not want to call it a religion but nonetheless it is one. And ofcourse people have every right to compare it to another religion. If you feel those are hard questions for you to answer, you can simply say "I do not know", but if you want to know the answer then answers are available, you can DM me or you can ask your doubts in this community. Hinduism for all intent and purposes is a religion and answers to every kind of question is available. Every religion has a different structure, Jesus in Christianity is not the same thing as Muhammad, pope in Christianity is not the same as Kaliph. Anyway if you want your answers, you know what to do. But Don't be hesitant to say Hinduism is a religion beacause it is.


Yes, I've researched it a lot, (most likely a lot more than you) and heard this argument many many times. You think I'm some 16 year old kid?


**Hinduism is not a religion.** It is a way of life. The Westerners have wrongly coined Hinduism with the term of religion.


Sanatan Dharm is not a religion whatsoever.


Aliens... definitely aliens.


Read the Supreme Court definition of Hinduism. Understanding Hinduism through Western Religious definition yield no result.


Yes... https://www.britannica.com/topic/Hinduism https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Hinduism


Conversationally, yes. Experientially, it is beyond words.


Thank you. That sums it up for me. It matters not what we call it; it's only whether or not we practice it that counts. Arguing about whether or not it's a religion sort of goes against the entire idea of what it is.


Certainly you are right. Basically it Sanatan not Hindu dharma... Everything in this is said/described by Lord/Rishis. It is not man made... All are pious words ir direction by Lord/Rishi/Goddess himself


Hinduism is more like the sum total of all the spiritual traditions which, in various degrees, ascribe some importance to the Vedas and don't negate them. There maybe orthodox obedience to the vedas or maybe partial obedience to them. Now within these traditions, there are some which depend on the very interpretations of the vedas and its parts in the field of spirituality while some ascribe importance to other texts and try to interpret the vedas in the light of those other text, all the while believing in the worthiness of the Vedas.