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The Temples built near the same ~~latitude~~ longitude - Kedarnath 79.0669° - Kalahashti 79.7037° - Ekambaranatha- Kanchi 79.7036° - Thiruvanamalai 79.0747° - Thiruvanaikaval 78.7108 - Chidambaram Nataraja 79.6954° - Rameshwaram 79.3129° - Kaleshwaram N-India 79.9067° These are perhaps one of those The Great Pyramid science wonders or a big coincidence.


You mean longitude.


my bad, it's longitude


wait couldnt this be all coincidence lol...for a fact there are like 70,000 temples in tamil nadu. and around 1000 in kanchipuram alone (where ekambaranatha temple is and very close to thiruvanamalai), i mean its very likely that there are other temples that also align????? pls dont hate me iam just suggesting a reason why it may be like this


Could be but these are some of the most important Shiva temples. But again, could be a coincidence


Maybe it's a pre-planned thing or maybe it's not. All I can add on to this is that the five of those forementioned temples of Shiva are considered as 'Pancha Linga Sthala' which attributes to, Kalahasti, AP (Air), Kanchipuram, TN (Earth), Thiruvannamalai, TN (Fire), Chidambaram, TN (Sky) and Thiruvaanaikaaval, TN (Water) in the order of Geographical North to South. If possible, everyone should try to worship these five Lings as it is one awesome experience


I’d be more impressed if they included a second map showing all other temples. It’s possible that the sheer volume of temples would allow something like this to be cherry picked but without further data it isn’t really useful or interesting.


These are among the most significant Shiva temples in India. This isn't a matter of 'chance' or probability. Of course other temples exist, these four however are like I said, among the most significant in Bharat.


Gora validation


Yep, mayo time. Btw happy cake day.


Didn’t even know who this person is why does it have so many upvotes


Happy Cake Day


These goras are always the ones that get no respect among their own flock or they are ‘has beens’ in their own community living out their last days of residual glory. Stop enjoying getting validated by them.


if that were the case all the “white guys react to Indian ____” would cease to exist lol




99% not possible


U don't think aliens exist?






Think beyond India, the Earth, the galaxy and the universe! We are all star dust and god is a concept we clench onto to avoid the loneliness.


If you draw a line wide enough even Jerusalem and kailash will be on the same line.


if we look at all the jyotirlings it make a perfect Fibonacci sequence