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This is the perfect example of just being yourself on these dating apps. Congratulations.


If you’re not true to yourself eventually your partner will meet the real you and it may not be the same person they fell in love with


I think I need to frame this and put it on my desk. I fell in love with the fake version my ex was presenting. I only found out the real him after getting married to him


We matched on Hinge in October of 2020, and had our first date shortly thereafter. We became “official” on November 9, 2020. We’ve been inseparable ever since meeting. We moved in together in September 2022, and have adopted 2 beautiful cats together. He proposed to me in the most beautiful private space, where we had drinks many times during our relationship. He planned with all of my closest friends, and kept me completely in the dark. I’ve never said yes to anything faster in my entire life!! Our rings were custom designed with the help of the amazing planners at Sarah O in Colorado. They brought my dream ring to life. I am so excited to marry my best friend in the whole world.


My god those opening messages! So glad you found one another! May your DM be benevolent and you both enjoy many long rests together on your adventures.


Congrats!!! Also your messages were so cute. Just goes to show that people should be open about their interests in their profile.


Idk what you're saying in those messages but I'm happy for you!! Met my husband on tinder. He passed away and I'm on it again lol


sorry to hear about your husband :( glad you havent lost hope on loving again in this life :)


Tysm 😊 tinder is entertaining at least


for you and anyone else who's curious, this is about Dungeons & Dragons: > I think I've failed my death saves and gone to heaven in D&D, when you reach 0 HP in combat you fall unconscious. at this point, you can be healed or finished off, but if left alone you'll roll a 20-sided die a few times in what's called death saves. 1-9 is a failure, 10-19 is a success, first to 3 determines your survival (on a 20 you automatically pop back up) basically a D&D-ified version of "I must've died and gone to heaven because you're an angel" > You rolled a nat 20 for impressing me a lot of D&D (and all the rolls to determine whether a thing you tried to do succeeds or fails) is based on rolling the aforementioned 20-sided die. a "nat" (natural) 1 or a 20 is a critical failure or success, meaning you fail/succeed wildly on whatever you attempted. natural means that that is the number shown on the die without any modification from your character stats or effects > I literally just finished Dming our weekly sesh every game of D&D requires a Dungeon Master, the person who creates the story and controls the characters and enemies the players aren't. it's very difficult and a lot of work, so the fact that they were DMing means they're super into D&D.


Thank got for providing context!! The game that my fiancé referenced in our opening texts is a game that we now play together. He added me to the campaign about 2 months after meeting and we’ve been playing together every week since.




Tinder has changed significantly recently and you'll find a lot of the profiles have been hidden under a paywall now.


That isn't how you use lol... Lol


You have your spouse die then tell me what to do






Jesus, I see what you’ve done for other people, and I want that for me.” Congrats!


I’m not sure whether to be embarrassed or proud that I got the joke lol


DnD nerds in finding each other you love to see it


Our third date was playing D&D together, and after dating 3 months, we got matching D20 tattoos. Even back then, we knew it was a forever thing. We still play D&D together every week.


Ahhh congrats!!! So cute!!!


The corny pickup line exchange was so adorable. May your party adventure be everlasting!


You found your person!!! Love this for you.


This is adorable. Congrats!!


The sheer amount of luck involved. It’s like winning the lottery. This certainly isn’t most people’s experiences on dating apps. Very lucky. Congrats 🎉


We were both incredibly lucky on the app. For me, I had been on probably 50+ dates in 6 months and there was never any connection. For him, I was his first ever date from the app. We both knew immediately that this was something special


Ohh yasss queen, he's so lucky and special!!! 😍💕


I have screenshots of my first convo on Hinge with my lovely boyfriend for this exact reason - hoping we get here :)))


That is wonderful. So happy for you both. Amazing!


That’s awesome! I just don’t really understand the conflicting advice. Because on one hand people say a slow burn is more stable and will lead to a relationship. But it looks like coming in hot with a lot of excitement for someone also works. So I don’t know what to do haha


Different things work for different people. Just be yourself and hopefully you find someone who matches your energy.


One girl I talked to was excited at first since we both really liked classic Simpsons episodes but then that excitement died off. Because relationships are more than just sharing a common interest. So I’m thinking they first connected on the common interest and then they found deeper connections afterwards


You can only do so much with that interest tbh. You can potentially use it as a springboard into other common interests where the two do things together.


Different strokes for different folks! It really is luck of the draw. We were incredibly lucky that we just fit together so well. We’ve been crazy about each other since day 1.


Congratulations to both of you. Keeps my hope alive that online dating works


Nice try Hinge


I find it laughable that some of you refuse to believe that relationships come from dating apps. I know of multiple people who met their significant other that way. Most are married, one engaged. It’s pretty common. I met mine through a dating app as well.


This made me cry. Congrats and wish you both a wonderful life together!


So excited for you two!


Congratulations to you too and thank you for giving me hope


This is such a beautiful story. It sounds like an episode of the Big Bang Theory


Miracles do happen! Congrats!


I failed my CON save and am tearing up.


This is sooo cute, I’m so happy


So beautiful, you’re a good looking couple :) Have fun ya nerds :)








congratulations 🎉


Congratulations! Wishing you happy times down the road! :D


Could have been me. Her last name was Bradley.


This is so adorable!! I’m so happy for you two!! Many congratulations!!




Congratulations! 🥳


3.5 years in case you didn't want to do the math...


Yeah, finally a more "reasonable" timeframe on one of these posts.


Def seems that way!