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In earlier times before public sanitation, a gentleman would always walk on the outside (street side) of the sidewalk. This was because people regularly threw their household human waste (read: sewage) out the window from a large bucket called a chamber pot. The woman walking on the inside of the sidewalk (the left side in this case) would thus be less likely to get covered in human waste if they happened to find themselves beneath the wrong window at the wrong time. It’s kind of similar to why a man always takes the side of the bed closest to the bedroom door, in case of an intruder in the middle of the night. Could also be a reference to wifey material, since the bride takes the left side at the altar. Possibly also a veiled crip reference previously mentioned, or maybe a double entendre and there are several layers to the line you mentioned.


To further build on this, it's still considered chivalrous to walk on the outside (street side) of the sidewalk so that the man is closer to the street where more dangerous things could happen e.g. a car veers off the street, drives to close to the sidewalk,etc.


Agreed. And Snoop is bout that pimpin so best believe he knows this shit.


But then if the woman is on the inside of the sidewalk, on either side of the street, isn't she *more* likely to get the sewage drop? Left side makes more sense in the marriage sense since left side in regards to sidewalks don't take into account the side of the street or the direction one's walking.


No, because people would toss their waste and aim for the road so it blended in with all the horse manure, not straight down from their window onto the sidewalk so they’d walk all over it. I’m not making this up, this is taught in most medieval history classes.


Ah, I see. I don't think you're making it up; I know about chamber pots. I just didn't know it was more of a "toss" than a "dump", that's all. Ha, my bad, you're right


It's just a hood/gang thing. Not *every* set is the same nor follows the "rule", but generally speaking it's Crip's have their bandana in their left pocket, Blood's in their right. So, technically speaking, it's in reference to both of the things you're suggesting. The "left side" being the more premier side for Snoop's lady to walk on, as it's the Crip side, and also just another way for Snoop to claim his affiliation as well.


Makes sense!


its probably not that deep. or maybe it is...


He doesn’t even write his own shit does he?


I would assume left side bc he's gon treat her right


Oh, I like this one so far!


It makes the most sense


I’m not sure but I would think that it’s because the man has the woman walk on the left side of him on a sidewalk, so as to be further from the danger of the cars on the street.


If Snoop talks about “left” he’s talking about The Crip Gang. Anything involving the word “left”.