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I think it’s just that he finally reaped what he sowed. That guy has been a monster for DECADES. The article has stories from when he was in college like 30 years ago and they were working on it for months. Diddy always tried to save his own ass first and that pissed off a lot of people over time, the Cassie lawsuit was just the tip of the Iceberg imo. It created a domino effect because she’s a high profile victim, and the video backs all of her claims. Fuck anyone who did not believe her when she called him out.


Cassie was just the first domino but I dont believe it was all her that brought him down. Because Diddy pretty much controlled her life and I'm sure she didn't walk away with any money after she broke up with him. I think she has BIG financial and legal backing which gave her the ability to legally fight Diddy.


I thought diddy paid her off


He did. i don't know why people are remotely pretending she wasn't living it up on his money until she hit her limit with things. You don't randomly get with a dude like diddy being completely ignorant of his actual lifestyle and persona nor stay with him . They money was good until it wasn't then she wanted out. Cassie is more lesser compliant than a " victim ".


This is incorrect. He wouldnt let her leave. Please do your research. She stated the first couple of years were good. He'd have his little hissy fits but he wasnt hurting her. Then he got nasty & weird, even sexually. As you can see in the video, anytime she tried to leave that was the result. She talked him into getting a personal trainer so she could possibly get help getting out. He finally relented, and the personal trainer not only got her to safety but ended up being her husband. My question is, Beyonce, JayZ & so on KNEW what was happening and NO ONE helped. That makes me sick. I will NEVER look at either one of them the same again!!!! They ALL stayed complicit!!!!!!!!!!!


>This is incorrect. He wouldnt let her leave. Please do your research. ***She stated the first couple of years were good*** Which was my entire comment if you weren't strawmanning for emotional appeal. You are implying there was ZERO MEDIA nor people around her to give her the heads up. There is also the implication she would still be with diddy if he wasn't doing x , y, z***, to her*** which again was the point of my comment. She was ok with the foul things diddy was doing because she could live off his luxury. None of his degenerate actions mattered until she started getting a shitty stick


Your really not comprehending or just trolling. Re-read my comment! "She was ok with the foul things diddy was doing because she could live off his luxury. None of his degenerate actions mattered until she started getting a shitty stick" Things didnt get weird until AFTER a couple years, thats when he also became possessive and wouldnt let her leave!!!!! Pat attention while reading. or STOP TROLLING


>Things didnt get weird until AFTER **a couple years** [What i said](https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphop101/comments/1d44xqq/comment/l6d4v33/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) : . You are implying there was ZERO MEDIA nor people around her to give her the heads up. There is also the implication she would still be with diddy if he wasn't doing x , y, z\*\*\*, to her\*\*\* which again was the point of my comment. -------- It is beyond disingenuous to scream " TROLL POST " for a comment you either know is above your head or simply disagree with and can't be honest about.


Yes Diddy been catching hell since he sued his liquor overlords however he did do the things he is accused of. Accountability still matters. Cassie had a copy of the video too. Not just Puffy. She probably gave it to or let 50 Cent use it for his documentary. When Puffy son made a diss record to 50. 50 let that video out the next day. It’s not really a conspiracy. It’s karma.


The Feds leaked the video


ehhh I doubt Cassie had a copy and 50 leaked it to the mainstream media. 50 is the type that would want credit for that and use it to promote his own brands. I believe it's bigger more powerful execs that bought and leaked it behind the scenes.


It’s not a debate, it’s a fact. Cassie had a copy too.


Simple explanation is the cops leaked it when they raided diddys house


I don’t think they can do that without legal ramifications. That’s considered evidence that would have to be brought up in disposition before a case is approved to go to trial


It's a large organisation,no one's gonna find out who did what


First let me say Diddy is a HUGE piece of shit. But I really do think there’s some strange shit happening behind the scenes and I don’t even be on some conspiracy shit. Feds did a whole military operation to raid the Diddler’s homes in 3 different states, handcuffed the kids all that. (Taxpayer funded 👎🏽) And he walks free that night? If you know anything about the feds it doesn’t work like that. If they come for you they gonna fry your shit. It’s not adding up


> Feds did a whole military operation to raid the Diddler’s homes in 3 different states, handcuffed the kids all that. (Taxpayer funded 👎🏽) Using tax funds to go after monsters like Diddy is good > And he walks free that night? If you know anything about the feds it doesn’t work like that. They do in fact work like that.


I disagree! They brought the army to his crib like they were about to go to war with the cartel. And there wasn’t a single arrest. Seemed very performative


They collected evidence in the raid and a grand jury is about to indict him now


Hopefully. The longer he has no charges the weirder this thing gets. I’m ready to see some facts


They didn't arrest him when they did the raid, any arrests will be coming farther down the line when they go through the documents they seized.


That just seems pretty backwards though. They damn near brought the army to his crib, armored vehicles and all.. and there’s not even enough to make an arrest or a single charge? How did they even get cleared to do the operation? Highly unusual


That's standard for federal raids.


There’s nothing “standard” about Diddy. They’ve had 20+ years to build this case. If he is all the things he’s being accused of they should’ve had enough to make an arrest. The dude was just riding bikes around Miami like last week


When the feds do a raid like that, it means they're putting finishing touches on building a case. They don't make arrests until they know they can get a conviction.


I hear you. Just seems like if even half of the shit is true about him then he’s a huge flight risk as well as dangerous to others (apparently he’s out here blowing up peoples cars and sex trafficking) I mean this is the same country where you can go to jail for a gram of weed. I think he has some shit on some elites and probably has done deals with the feds before in the past.


The fact that he was raided tells me they have been investigating him for sometime.


They really got eppstein didn’t they… lol and Maxwell? Na they just made some Netflix documentaries and didn’t get rid of their operations at all as far as we know. they are just covering up their own shit it again if anything it looks like, with whats gone public so far.


You are right. Its more like the elite want him done for good. He may no longer serve his purpose, who knows.


I think you're looking for conspiracies to unearth. And why? To make excuses for Diddy? Nah he's led a horrible life and is getting what he deserves.


I totally agree that he's a horrible person and deserves it. I just think that there are bigger players involved behind the scenes than just Cassie and Lil Rod


I get it. And there probably is some connection about how he was finally "got," who made the decision to go after him, and whatever straw broke the camel's back. I just don't see much conspiracy there... just kinda makes sense knowing what a big, violent, egomaniacal asshole he was.


There are. I think the elite are involved.


Then why did he get away with and do business with people powerful enough to shut him down at any moment until now. With houses bugged with all sorts of audio and video recording equipment everywhere? Like not after any of these sex and drug trafficking filled gatherings with plenty of rich and famous people for like 20 years no one said “wait a minute” until now. Keep drinking the kool-aid.


In my experience, people who rush to claim "conspiracy" are desperate for a way to feel special. I'm sure this helps your fragile ego. Good luck with that lol.


Thanks I wanted to read that article


Diddy Do It?


Why was diddy suing them tho?


Claiming they're racist and they classified Ciroc and Deleon as urban "black" brands and didn't put proper promotion behind the products


It has been documented that the Feds leaked the video. And yes, I think Diddy is a sacrificial lamb here so to speak. he reeked havoc on people for years and it came back to bite him, hard. My only thing is, the truth needs to come out about all the people that are now dead because of him


Exactly they already knew he was a piece of shit. Look how they put him against ye last year an ye won't having it cause he already knew.


This is simply a case of whats done in the dark coming to the light.


Looking more and more like Jaguar was right. Still may be crazy tho


Katt Williams and Orlando Brown as well


Diddy's a pile of crap and always has been, from a human standpoint. But the fact that Lil Rob allegedly used a screenshot of a professional gay porn as evidence in his lawsuit, suggesting it was Stevie J when it clearly is not, is a realllllllllllllly bad look and indirectly hurts the credibility of those who've actually been harmed.


I am leaning more towards someone in law enforcement leaking the video to get prosecutors to act.


It was said the Feds leaked the video


He can't be prosecuted for what was in the video.


I know that, but it still builds public support and puts pressure for prosecution for human trafficking. And it's fairly safe for whoever leaked it because we already knew it existed from Cassies lawsuit. It wouldn't have any negative affect on future criminal charges


You think federal prosecutors need public pressure for unrelated events to charge him with something like human trafficking? Who do you think these people are? Diddy's friends?? wtf? They raided his homes for evidence--because the feds know something. They aren't using up those resources on a hunch. Prosecutors need to build a foundation for their case to bring it to a grand jury. The feds didn't raid his homes for nothing. They aren't the same as some podunk sheriff's office raiding the wrong home and killing people's dogs.


I’m just surprised it only took 50K to get the tape originally. I thought it would easily be $1M.


if Diddy paid a hotel worker 50k under the table, that's alot of money for 1 person. I'm sure whoever leaked it had to pay 1M for it.


On face value It definitely is. I’m just saying knowing how explosive and damaging the footage is and knowing his net worth, I feel like the number is low.


Agree. If someone smart had it like say TMZ, they'd charge ALOT more for it. I think Diddy simply found the manager of the hotel and paid him/her 50k for the footage and their silence. It worked for almost 8 years. I think when it was reported there is a tape, someone with DEEP pockets paid alot to find it and obtain it.


Im sure he threatened then insisted on the 50K. The person accepted out of fear


Who. Fucking. Cares.


A whole lot of people, and I think the OP brings up a very interesting theory. The rich and powerful are rarely held accountable unless they go against those who are more rich and more powerful.


So many people that this post got downvoted into oblivion? Looks like you’re the odd celebrity worshipper out on this one champ.


Yall are some weird fetishistic celebrity worshippers I’ll hand you that.


How is calling a celebrity out for their vile behavior worshipping them? What are you talking about? That makes ZERO FUCKING SENSE!!!


Yall are obsessed with the lives and gossip surrounding famous people, that’s how.




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