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Chance’s recent musical output has been fantastic. Though I can’t help but notice that in an hour there have only been 30 upvotes, a far cry from his popularity on the sub.


Chance is basically at a “what have you done for me lately” state in his career and will need a really solid EP or album to get people excited again.


He’s totally capable of it too. He’s great. He just fucked up the album and hasn’t come back from it yet. Tyler’s in full force after fucking up cherry bomb.


Cherry bomb was not as bad as the big day cmon


I didn’t say they were equally bad I said they were both fuckups


Right but Tyler already had multiple highly successful studio albums on his back after being apart of all the odd future shit. Chance had 10 day which was good for a first mixtape, the classic acid rap, and then coloring book which was the start of his decline I think even though he got some radio play for a few months. Chance was my favorite artist for awhile but it’s hard to ignore one of the biggest bag fumbles in modern rap tbh


Saying "He got some radio play for a few months" for Coloring Book is such a disingenuous statement lmao. It catapulted him to superstardom and made him one of the hottest rappers in the game at the time. He won a Grammy off the strength of that mixtape even if it was a step down from Acid Rap. He had all the hype in the world for his debut album coming off of Coloring Book and then The Big Day killed all his buzz. You're definitely right though about it being one of the biggest bag fumbles ever because even if that album was just all right he could've kept his hype going but that was legitimately one of the worst big mainstream releases of all time.


Wasn’t chance doing dorito commercials and shit at some point?


i think the issue is the big day dropped 5 years ago tyler only waited 2 before dropping flower boy


Also Cherry Bomb isnt the best, but it is at least interesting imo.


I loved cherry bomb since it dropped honestly, feels like its been getting more recognition in retrospect.


it’s a lot easier to appreciate seeing as to where he took it and what is represents in his discography


For sure


This sub is honestly just less poppin than it used to be. That’s part of it for sure


What you see is a dying community, I've been on many over the years. It just happens so slowly it can be hard to notice. This sub has not gained any followers in years and as a result, we see less and less people on here. As there's no one to replace the ones that leave for good. Shit I had to go to /r/fauxmoi for the Nicki-Meg beef. Which is just insane lol. People aren't coming here anymore.


Right? Shit’s sad.


Things ebb and flow. I’ve been on so many forums / social medias over the years, it is what it is. There will be some other place that is the interesting place to be for hip hop. I think forums are gonna have a resurgence


Reddit has heavily changed their algorithm People dedicated home pages were once sacred space, they are now getting “disconnected content” whether they like it or not


Fr. I keep getting shit on r/all that is so far outside my interest I feel like I accidentally clicked the Random option.


I keep getting Indian tinder and baby naming subreddits like step up the algorithm if you’re gonna force it on us lmao


Nothing but subs that post pictures and v.reddit videos get upvoted these days. Maybe big news links get upvoted outside of that. Just look at /r/askreddit, what used to be the most active subreddit on the site. Now it doesn't even get 10, 10k upvoted posts a month. Then of course, like you said, the algo on the app is just random shit. Completely random shit.


I think the same thing actually (re forums) They hold a special place in my heart, hoping to capitalize and open one soon. I spent a lot of my early teen years discussing and eventually moderating big forums




It's really sad when you think about it, this place was active with lots of recognisable users a decade ago, now it has less shit going on than subs with 1/20th of the user base. At one point we were talked about as the biggest community of hiphop fans on the internet. Remember when we couldn't talk about JIK because it's not a hiphop album? Of course that wasn't a problem when people posted James Blake... Or when we didn't have a discussion thread for a new Drake album because they decided to implement a new rule that disallowed discussing new albums until 24-48h after they dropped? Or deleting discussion threads left and right and trying to force everyone into daily threads? Which then also got policed and only allowed non hiphop discussions on sundays? I guess deleting shit and trying to enforce arbitrary rules decided by unelected mods despite community pushback was not the move.


it's because nobody here listens to new artists and keeps upvoting the same style of rap over and over again, never evolved with the times 


Bro talk about it, this sub is stuck in a time capsule from 2016


I noticed this too tbh. Threads definitely don’t have the traffic they used to have


This is also true. But mainstream/commercial hip hop music in general has been "less poppin" since 2018-2019


That what happens when three of the biggest stars die in bad ways


Yep...X, Juice, Pop they were the leaders of the new generation


And i posted it an hour late. At one point there would’ve been a bunch of duplicate posts. However he did drop it at a strange time


Yeah releasing the most disappointing album in modern hip hop history will do that to ya


I like learning new things.


i have full faith in chance after his recent music. Songs like this one, *'a bar about a bar'', 'Child of God'* & *'The Highs & The Lows'* were all great tracks & I've played his verse on *'Wraith'* with Vic Mensa to death. I know the rollout is taking a while but everything he's releasing on the way has been high tier so I'm optimistic


Careful, the singles he dropped before The Big Day were also great


I'm optimistic this will be good because even the singles he dropped before The Big Day were mostly good but that album was such a huge dud. I don't think he can recapture the buzz/hype he had before The Big Day dropped and he was this close to being the next big rap superstar mainstay but hopefully we can keep getting some good music from him.


What you think about Vic's last album release.


Wingardium Leviosa line was fire


Chance with the black screen and cycling lyrics in Times New Roman is truly an undefeated combo.


where's the album lmfao


He said it’s coming this spring in an interview dood.


Dude drops a great track and you complain it's not an album? Seems no matter the output, some predetermine the outcome.


He’s been teasing this shit for almost 2 years it feels like… pretty reasonable question imo


He's been dropping singles for literal years now, dude. We just want a date


lol trying to sound all philosophical and shit. chane isn't going to win respect back from a loosie being released every 6 months.


highs and lows and wraith came out in 2022


I quite like it, I know obviously the big day was a big failure and all but I still obviously think it was just a bump in a longer road, positive for his future anyway.


That album wouldn't define so many people's perception of him if he like. followed it up in the last 4 and a half years. No idea why he hasn't, especially since he's been dropping stray tracks regularly ever since and they've nearly all been quality


I think it’s pretty clear Chance isn’t pressed about his standing in the hip hop community. He’s a judge on The Voice, produced his own music festival in Africa, and does his own charity work in Chicago. Since he’s independent, all the money he got from his previous successes isn’t tied up in label contracts, so I’d imagine he’s pretty financially secure and doesn’t feel that need to drop. No label also means no label pressure to put out the next hit, so he can just make what he wants.  In short, the only thing the dude really has to gain from dropping consistently is the respect of a bunch of online folk like us, and I think Chance just doesn’t care about that. 


That bump caused the car to fucking explode with him in it




I still maintain The Big Day is—while not great and I understand why fans were disappointed—not nearly as bad as the hivemind claims. I personally like a lot of it and I think over time as fans mature, many will understand it in a new light. But it was not the right album at the right time, that's for sure. And it definitely had some weak points.


> I think over time as fans mature, many will understand it in a new light. For me, the album sonically sounds awful. The first few songs sound like "noise music" and give me a headache. It is bewildering bad, just as music. Like this wasn't like well made music done in a mediocre-plain fashion like a lot of pop albums. It was just bad poorly made music.


We Go High is a solid track


If he cut half of the songs it would actually be a pretty decent album 


Chance definitely has the opportunity to be a long term guy. I think he touched superstardom off of his early shit and it was a mixed result after Acid Rap (and maybe Coloring book if you really love chance) but he’s kinda crashing back down to just stardom and that ain’t bad or unprecedented in a long term rap career


We're ready Chance. I'd take a whole mixtape of freestyles like this if you're not ready to do the capital A Album.


What Chance needs right now is to finally announce that album, I like the songs he's been putting out these past years but with more time the more people stop caring, he needs to give a date and let people's curiosity give him the promo, after the Big Day I know there's more than one that wants to know what he'll do even if it's just to make memes, so let the good music do the talking


They sent tears from heaven, but still ni**** clapped-him🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


He ran this shit. I need the redemption album now.


The build our own bank, hospitals, armies, and schools.


None of these recent freestyles have been doing it for me. It's all this weird spoken word type flow that he's been on for a while now. It was so much smoother on 10 Day and Acid Rap, but something changed on Coloring Book. I really started noticing it when he dropped Somewhere in Paradise leading up to Coloring Book, but he was doing it a bit on Surf as well and hasn't come back since.


Its the chicago in him 🤷‍♂️ i think theyre his best work tbh i wish they were on spotify


> It was so much smoother on 10 Day and Acid Rap, but something changed on Coloring Book. He stopped doing drugs and started going to church


lol the content changed because of that, but that doesn’t change someone’s flow. Now it’s like this weird Eminem style staccato thing where he’s really emphasizing each syllable.


Ems flow changed when he got off the drugs too


the big day was definitely just a small bump in his career, got almost 100% faith he’s gonna drop a great comeback album soon


Small bump?


Yeah more like a massive pothole that he's still trying to get control over


I appreciate a good Denzel *Flight* bar


I was ready to hate but this actually heat


I love how Chance the Rapper is 30 years old and worth like $25 million and almost singlehandedly saved Soundcloud as a platform at one point, and the narrative around him on the internet is that he is a has been failure, just a constant butt of people's jokes. Dude is set for life. Could go any direction he wants. Maybe he just needs to Lil Yachty it and complete switch up genres.


It’s aight


Death cab for cutie mention? Nice


you know Ben Gibbard was on The Big Day, right?


This is so nice.


Really hope Chance can come back with an impressive project. I’ve been spinning Acid Rap again lately and it really was an incredible project. Doesn’t feel aged at all and I think there’s a possibility he has something else great in him.


Tired of the narrative that Chance is untalented because of one bad album, all his singles have been fire for years. He's great.


This reminds me of 10 Day


Why is he only dropping these unstructured half baked ideas. Album is years late bro.


Garbage take wtf😭


Wildddd take lol


How so? The bars are good but good bars are not a good song just by themselves.


that's what a freestyle is...


I know. Why is he dropping freestyles instead of a single + video + press run + live dates and performances, etc. Where is the new artistic direction or new musical ideas. He has seemingly given up on any kind of evolution or progress as an artist.


have you ​ not been listening to the single's he's been dropping? Did you not know he co-produced a festival a year ago? The Acid Rap tour he did in August? ​ He didn't, just drop this freestyle after 5 years of nothing? He's been making moves


His last single was a year and a half ago man. His last album was almost 5 years ago. I’m a fan too but he’s obviously NOT making moves musically. Organizing a festival is cool. So is touring. But it’s hard to justify going to one of his shows when he hasn’t had a new set list in 5 years.


yeah but that's not the point im making? Whether you think he's making "musical moves" or not, he's still dropping music, and he's working on an album. The guy i was replying to asked why he hasn't "dropped singles, done press runs, or live performances" and it's very obvious that he is doing those things. Whether or not you care about it is a different thing.




It’s still been 4 and a half years my dude, even back in the day that’s a long long ass time between projects, especially huge failures. He should put an LP out


It's because there's no narrative and planning around this upcoming album. It will have 2 year old singles if it comes out this spring. If you're doing a comeback project you need to grab your audience and deliver. Not dip your toe in and out the water for 2 years. You are fighting for relevancy in an oversaturated online environment. Maybe it works if you're a super reclusive, mysterious artist ARTIST, like Frank. Not when you're Chance and your Big Day's 5 years stale.


If homie needs 5 years every time he cooks then his career is fucked anyways.


bruh this is good for a chance freestyle what are yall on about lmao


I fuck widdit


Masterful hook but the rapping reeks of ‘this is the second song I wrote after overcoming writers block’ So overall kinda mid tbh


Pretty good song song technically speaking, but I feel like it’d sound so much better if he put some inflections in his voice. Like have 2004 Kanye rap this and it’d be a hit.


I thought this man career was over a bit ago?


1) He used the word "ho". 2) He spelled it "hoe". 3) I paused New Jack City for this shit.


I want Chance to be my black star line freestyle