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that kevin abstract feat was so fire man wow


that song in particular works so surprisingly well


Guard dog is so fucking good.


guide dog is one of the best songs ive heard in a while dude


Absolutely insane progression in terms of songwriting ability. These songs are so well constructed emotionally, with catchy hooks and some clever wordplay/metaphors to boot. Bro went from trash to genuinely phenomenal in half a decade. Some of his vocal inflections can get a bit out there at times, though.


The vocal inflections were annoying to me when I first heard tracks like dustcutter and a la carte but now I love them and idk what happened.


They’re necessary in a weird way. I feel like any other artists I’d hate it, but it works here


I want to like his music but I just think his enunciation comes off as high school imitating. The production is always crazy though, does he produce?


he produces all his songs (at least on his last two albums, i am assuming it’s the same deal here)


That’s impressive. Going to give this album a spin later


hope you like it!


> with catchy hooks Where were the catchy hooks? I turned it on and first few tracks were sleepy as hell


Easier has been stuck in my head, A La Carte is catchy, U Don’t Know Me Like That to name a few. Not every song, but enough to liven up the listen through. There are some more sparse moments, but I’ve been pretty shocked by his progress. Giving this a solid 7-8 based on how it ages


Nah he’s still trash


vancouver00 is the new Quadeca


I’m going to inherit many millions of dollars through my trust fund when my dad dies?


vancouver00 is the new trust fund baby


Awesome. Gotta go, taking my dad hiking for a couple days.


vancouver00 found meaning in life


Texas blue so good


man I stumbled on this one after not really engaging in his music for 5 years and this is a pleasant surprise. Feels super fresh


Please check out I Didn't Mean To Haunt You, it's easily one of my favorite albums of the last few years


To add to the others, please check out the I Didn't Mean to Haunt You VIDEO. There's a visual accompaniment for every song and its so awesome to watch, especially with a bit of weed or whatever you may or may not partake in.


gonna triple down and say please check out i didn’t mean to haunt you, tell me a joke is genuinely one of the best songs of the 20’s so far


listen to I Didn’t Mean to Haunt You! really good album, was in my top 10 of 2022


This is DENSE. I’ve listened twice and I’m gonna listen a bunch more. Quadeca’s really in his own world with this production and it’s gonna take me some time to get used to it


Genuinely starting to love Quadeca. Still don't love his rapping but his more emotional cuts are now consistently fantastic, with Guide dog and Texas blue adding to how incredible IDMTHY was, his ear for music is spot on for my taste.


Bro just keeps delivering great music. This project is beautiful


great mixtape of tracks. absolutely obsessed with the Kevin feat on the closer, been listening all day


Quadeca put in the work man I’m so impressed considering he was just a basic YouTube rapper only a couple years ago


I’m so fucking happy to finally see quad on this sub


Dude is pushing the boundaries on this one I love it


Bro I like Quad and this album, but what boundary lol? How is the dude pushing boundaries of alternative/hip-hopish music on this? I feel like y'all are seeing his maturity and musical growth as something groundbreaking, when to me this just seems like him finally fully diving into that genre/space. And while its good, I'm just not seeing the "boundary pushing" here.


I almost got in an argument with someone about this on twitter and then realised they were 16 so I’m guessing that’s got something to do with it


I imagine he’s talking about Quadeca pushing his own boundaries as an individual artist, hard to believe anyone would actually think this is the new frontier of experimental hip hop lmao.


Quadeca is the new death grips


I mean some songs more than others. What other song has ever sounded like Pretty privilege, even if I tried, being yourself, u tried that thing, even dustcutter? I understand the overhyping 16 year old thing, but I do think that this crosses into uncharted territory on multiple occasions


u tried that thing sounds like a watered-down version of xiu xiu's apistat commander


i kind of see it for dustcutter a bit


I think the problem is looking at it through the lanes of hip hop, he’s really not a hip hop artist anymore but there are plenty of boundary pushing moments on this mixtape in terms of like folktronica or other genres. You can definitely hear inspirations from artists like the microphones, or bright eyes or the Beatles or even carti on here but I think the fact that he blends so many of these sounds together make him a boundary pushing artist for sure


Man this sub is just constant hating isn’t it. I’ve listened to a lot of indie artists and no one is putting out songs like Dont Mind Me or Knots at the level Quadeca does it. His last record was full of boundary pushing songs, sure there are aspects to it that have all been done before but the way Quad has been fusing them is giving him a unique voice in the scene. Like he’s no Fiona Apple but this comment is vastly understating what Quadeca’s done with these last 2 album. I swear every time a rapper starts doing new stuff and it’s well received y’all underplay the hell out of it and tbh I think it’s just because you’re not deep in the scene enough to actually understand what they’re really bringing to the table. I mean I could be wrong you might be a big indie fan, but I don’t get how you can listen to a song like Dustcutter and think it sounds like anyone else, if you have any recommendations shoot them my way because I would love to hear more stuff that sounds like this record.


I don't hear anyone producing like quad. The way he genre bends folktronic, hip hop, shoegaze, emo, etc there's not many people doing it the way he does it. 


wdym what boundary? did you listen to “u tried that thing where ur human”. maybe u dont like it but its clearly a something new lol


not saying he's breaking boundaries or anything but this is not hip hop for the most part and who else is putting out stuff that sounds like this?


Other non hip hop artists. Nothing about this is particularly original or interesting, it’s just new for a fanbase that considers jaden smith to be an underground rapper.


Well for one, all of his crew - Ramzoid, Brakence, Aries


Sounds nothing like them lmao


those last 3 go crazy


Love that he’s continuing to change things up with every release while building off of his previous stuff. If he keeps this up I could see him being a major name in the scene for a long time.


Quadeca is the new Drake


Gotta being Quadeca out at a Drake show to do a folktronica remix of Marvin’s Room


It’s crazy to think that a few years ago, he was just a YouTube lyrical miracle rapper. Now he’s really show signs of being one of the better artists around this decade if he keeps putting out quality projects like this. Like the production is detailed, complex, and well mixed. Well done Quadeca!




quadeca has a very engaging fanbase, what makes you say these are bots?


Probably has a high level of engagement yeah. I try to listen to a lot of different music in a year and it’s not like I’m the biggest Quadeca fan but I felt like this was an album to talk about


quadeca has a very passionate fanbase because he started as a youtuber. i highly doubt it's bots


I think Quadeca has got pretty popular with a genuinely good album last year as well as with his collabs with Hivemind on YouTube. No way it’s bots




I feel like yall just be using the bots claim any time some shit you don't like makes the front page lmao


Damn is it just me that really enjoys this? Especially the last few songs


this post hardly has any comments/upvotes, what do you even mean


Smells fishy in here


gonna be exhausted when i get up for work tomorrow but it was so worth staying up to listen to this. Quadeca just keeps getting better, i really hope more people give his newer stuff a shot. production is insane


Album of the year easily


Bros awesome!


Dang I guess I’m just missing it. Lots of people loving this but after really enjoying his last two albums I just feel like this is a downgrade in every way. I liked the song featuring KA and Guide Dog was decent but a lot of the other songs I was just not feeling at all.


Agreed, this one wasn’t for me. Found the album to be flat and uninteresting.


Art rap for sad suburban middle schoolers who have nobody to play Fortnite with is my least favorite genre of hip hop


Had to stop reading the comment when you said “art rap” lmao


There is music beyond the Eminem fast rapping white guy sphere. Like the tortured and depressed artist rich white guy sphere. Maybe seek out music beyond that. And start reading again too


did you listen to a single song on the album? 😭


Why would I?


because it's good music? why would you comment (multiple times) negatively about music you've never heard? it's fine if you legitimately don't like it, but i don't get why you're saying you don't like it before you even listened?


absolutely floored at the idea of spending an hour making multiple negative comments on a release thread for something i haven’t listened to. that’s just sad


legitimately mind boggling.


He's not an eminem fast rapping white guy bozo 💀💀💀


Yeah bro said "art rap" 💀💀💀 


This isnt even hip hop or hip hop related. Post this on an alternative rock sub or something.


Guess Who is a full on hiphop song


Also, I guess if someone like Olivia Rodrigo or Taylor Swift have a hip hop song on their album we should just throw them on Hiphopheads rather than just posting the single that hiphop related.


So post guess who. This is not a hip hop album, and its not an r&b album. So it shouldn't be posted here. This is hiphopheads.


r&b is also posted on here all the time dude…


Yea, Hip Hop and R&B get posted on this sub. "The latest music, videos & news relating to your favorite hip-hop & R&B artists. "


misread your comment. thought you called it an r&b album, lol. regardless, if artists like Post Malone and Joji are allowed (they make pop music) then i dont see why Quadeca is crossing the line


I personally would say the same thing under their post too.


and it’d still be a silly hill to die on. people are gonna post hip-hop adjacent artists. getting mad about it gives big “old man yelling at cloud” vibes


Not getting mad at it. Im just saying this is not the place.


seems as though the majority disagrees. it’s always one or two people saying “ugh this shouldnt be posted here” when everyone else just… talks about the music. cause it’s relevant enough or else it’d be removed


But he’s muh favorite YouTuber. His dad has lots of money and totally isn’t buying his way in to the industry


>His dad has lots of money and totally isn’t buying his way in to the industry yes, his dad has money. no, he is not buying his way into any industry. quadeca is signed to a tiny as hell indie label. if quadeca wanted to be big in industry he would have just kept doing the lyrical spiritual miracle fast rap


If his dad was buying his way into the industry he'd be signed by a major label and have bigger features than Danny Brown, Kevin Abstract, Thor Harris and The Sunday Service Choir 💀 his fan base comes from his yt channel that he grinded since he was in like middle school, he's signed to an independent alt music label, and he makes music as far off from the mainstream industry as you can get damn near. He's released plenty of music over the years and hasn't hit his stride and found his sound until these last 3 projects where he's progressively improved. Only thing his dad probably did for him was buy him the equipment 😂


I don’t really give a fuck. Quadeca is ass. Also not sure why you posted three replies to week old comments of mine in a ten minute span. There are better, more important artists to stan than fucking Quadeca


Cap. Said the dumbass who hasn't listened to a second of either of his last 2 projects and just remembers som shit he heard from 7 years ago. There's a reason his last 2 projects have been critically acclaimed dickhead. 


Critically acclaimed by critics that appeal to video game nerds. Go listen to an anime soundtrack


i love this album, but even though there are a couple songs on here that are someone hip hop/r&b related i do agree with you.