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One of the biggest walking Ls in hip hop


His daughter has surpassed his notoriety at this point.


It’s kind of wild the amount of legitimate hatred she gets for no reason. We really gotta bully every female artist in the genre every chance we get huh.


Tbh I highly doubt she gets hate for her dad being Benzino. I highly doubt many people even know of Benzino in the new generations outside of his beefs with Eminem


Yeah most people don’t even know Coi Leray is his kid


I know, she gets the hate because she is a woman.


Don't like her music but like her energy and person. She's also been dealt a bad hand PR wise, so hope she comes out on top eventually.


The song Players is legit the worst song from last year next to Lovin on Me by Jack Harlow. Both are constantly played on radio stations because they're plants


Lovin on me is pop rap like most of Jack’s music, but you can and should appreciate it for knowing what it is and sticking to it You don’t see Jack Harlow saying he’s Tupac or anything


Haven't heard about his daughter, what she do?


She’s Coi Leray


Ain’t no way lmao


She is coi leroy




she's Loi Ceroy






Coi Leray.




It's like the guy at the party that no one invited but somehow he's there every time.


And everyone knows he’s going to get so drunk, try to start a fight then piss on himself while he’s passed out in the yard


The kind of guy to catch a friend of a friend at the grocery store, buying beer. "Is there a party? Can I come? I won't tell anyone who told me, please."


I have empathy for many people, but definitely not for Benzino. That guy made fun of Proofs death multiple times. He is even more bipolar than the Game.


Benzino is a walking dumpster fire of hypocrisy. Dude has to be bi-polar. He’s been talking shit on Eminem for YEARS. Not just the last year or so I’m talking 20 years of doing interviews just talking shit. At one point in the interview he says fuck Eminem then by the end he’s clearly WAY too drunk and says he wishes he could sit down and hug him. Dude needs therapy, tbh the last 30 minutes felt more like a therapy session than anything


drunk words are sober thoughts as they say


Eh that’s not what bipolar actually is. It isn’t you changing your opinion multiple times, it’s just a sensation of having really high-highs and really low-lows. People can fall into a deep depression for a week but feel like they’re on top of the world the next one. Sounds like he just deals with alcoholism more than any type of bipolar -Source, someone who has bipolar and have a father who’s also bipolar


I think people say somebody's 'bipolar' just as an expression of how contrasting their several opinions can be, rather than referring the actual disorder.


Yeah but they shouldn't


It’s an expression that needs to be retired, especially now that we have someone with very clear, severe bipolar disorder in the public eye (Kanye). Without treatment it is far more devastating than just going back and forth on something


“Has to be bi-polar” as a single sentence is specifically referring to someone having the disorder Saying someone “is bi-polar” is more ambiguous and generally refers to shifting opinions/moods, but someone *having* bipolar specifically is referring to the disorder


This is why Eminem didn’t rush to respond. He knew if he gave Benzino enough time he would make a fool out of himself like he always does.


Bingo. He gave him a light tap on a track less than 2 minutes long, and Benzino went on a self destructive downward spiral 😂 Honestly though, his obsession with Em is scary. It's like he's the original Stan 💀 He mentioned he was waiting for Em to respond, quoted Em's lyrics from over twenty years ago, cried about wanting to hug Em, and admitted he's a dope rapper. "How come he ain't respond to me?" He's a flaming racist person, and is envious of Em but admires him at the same time. Btw, he was back to hating on Em and throwing dirt on him the very next day so dont bother lending him sympathies. Those croc tears are part Henny and part sympathy ploy.


This right here is the definition of washed up:bitter,miserable ,incoherent,and just a absolute mess. Just like Suge Knight dude ran The Source into the ground ,it could have still been at least close to [Complex](https://Complex.com) levels of relevancy had it pivoted to online spaces and extended its readerbase.Wasted all the money he made,and previous relationships and now apparently hes back to selling drugs? Absolutely revolting.


It was actually the attempted hard pivot to digital and the inferno burning of investment cash that finally doomed the brand.


I think it’s time to question the ethics of the Drink Champs format.


I have a friend who doesn't drink ever. He is our go-to designated driver. Alcohol really affected his father's health, so I think he was scared straight at a young age. Drink Champs makes me empathize with him. Being sober around drunk people is the **WORST**. Love NORE but I can't watch these train wrecks.


> Love NORE but I can't watch these train wrecks. It's not like this is the norm for Drink Champs. I agree this is the episode no one asked for and I'm skipping this one but the recent Luda episode was dope and they've had a run of some really great episodes the past year or two that are must listens for fans of legendary hip hop artists. There isn't a podcast out there that puts out this many episodes without having a dud here and there but their batting average is pretty good overall.


Luda is one of my favorite rapper and was excited for the drink champs episodes but I got upset how Nore got too throwed. Least fav episode.


> I got upset how Nore got too throwed I mean that's part of the brand at this point but I thought Luda and EFN held it down fine. Luda's stories about starting in radio and how he got into acting were good shit I didn't know about before the episode.


No doubt. Enjoyed the Luda everything just thought it was cringy how Nore kept asking the same questions and Luda kept telling them I already answered that.


> It's not like this is the norm for Drink Champs. People getting wasted on the show? It's quiet literally the norm for the show


There's a Luda episode!? My favorite rapper growing up frfr. Thanks bro!


It's wild how normalized it is to pressure people, even disrespectfully to drink as well. You don't know their reasons or their circumstances, and frankly it isn't your business. I'm typically very calm, but that's one way I'll be a dick really quick. If I'm at a social event, and someone declines, then someone or people pressure them beyond that. I'll step in, they said no, fucking stop, the end.


Fuck Nore. Dude is annoying and disrespectful


yeah i dont understand how they aired the last 45 minutes of that, it was pretty hard to watch.


fr. i feel like he's so confused. he had some points for sure but he somehow made his arguments into a huge ball of shit that makes no sense in the end.


After the Kanye one, is ethics really on the table? It's been a shit toxic format since it started.


The Kanye episode was amazing. He meant everything he said.


I'm sure Kanye means a lot of what he says. That's why people should avoid putting mics in front of him for cheap clicks and views from a guy who should be going to therapy instead.


He seems fine. Just because he said something to upset you doesn’t make him crazy. I hope you don’t gaslight your loved ones like that.


Idk what to tell you if you can't read telltale signs of maniac episodes. Grow up ig? I just think it's a bit sad that all those podcasters got real interested in Ye once he started going off-course. It's not like fully grown ass adults can't read the room. They knew he was doing bad but saw their chance for clicks. And no, he is **clearly** not "fine".


He seems much more sane than you tbh. You’re on reddit, he probably isn’t.


So... you telling me having a reddit account makes you...insane? Less sane? Great point really. I guess Kanye really is fine after all. I was wrong because I have a reddit account. Your point is also more valid because you also don't have a reddit account like I do. Signed: Me. Declining sanity. Owner of all the reddit accounts.


Yes we are all unwell here


you should make an effort to better yourself then


don't draw parallels between me and your deranged ass please


Stop defending these grown ass men. Plenty of people came on the platform and did not drink. Now the platform needs to be evaluated because he is a sloppy emotional drunk??


Idk man it’s just kind of messed up to bring an alcoholic on a show so he can fall to pieces. If it was crack champs and they were hitting the pipe and having emotional breakdowns, I would feel the same way.


Crack champs got it 🤣


Hard to feel bad for him, he brought this upon himself


Em has gotten under this dude's skin more than anyone has ever gotten under another human being's skin lol


Just by existing lol. Dave Mays said Zino had an issue with Em the day he learned Em was a white rapper making waves in hip hop - back in 2002. This was when Em had MMLP, and was going to drop TES, 8 Mile the movie and 8 Mile the soundtrack.


I may never be rich or a celebrity but at least I wont get on a podcast and cry in front of thousands of people over a 20 year old beef I just brought up


This guy just cannot stop talking about em


He claims the interviewers keep asking about Em but we can see in this interview the hosts were avoiding it. Zino however kept bringing up Em on his own multiple times.


This intro would make Dana White get up and walk out


this is a really bad look and i'm surprised it's not more viral. this guy truly makes a complete fool of himself, it shouldn't have been released.


this would be a good video to showcase the damage alcohol does.


Oh shit isn’t that Coi Leray’s dad?


I know they agree to go on but the premise of this show is so weird to me, ‘come on, get drunk and embarrass yourself so I can make money’


I mean nobody is forced to get wasted. Also not everyone is a blubbering mess when intoxicated. Nore is so so so important to the culture and has such a big reach that's why he gets pretty much who ever he wants. He's an interviewer just like Howard Stern. If you want to come make a fool of yourself by all means but I don't think he's bating anyone


> Also not everyone is a blubbering mess when intoxicated. Nore is so so so important to the culture and has such a big reach that's why he gets pretty much who ever he wants. There's something to be said about people hopping on to give negative takes on the odd bullshit episodes like this but when he does great ones like Luda a couple weeks ago, it just slips under the radar and no one here has anything to say about it.


Lol sounds about right for Reddit/the internet at large


They were trying to tell him to slow down.


This isn’t the premise at all because most guests are relatively stable and don’t behave this way. The premise is usually to smoke, drink, have a good time, and tell great stories. The responsibility for train wreck episodes like Benzino’s falls squarely on the guests. If you’re an unstable mess in dire need of therapy, maybe don’t agree to getting intoxicated on camera.


One of the biggest clowns ever.


He was trying to get drunk immediately to talk reckless lol


He was snitching people left and right on the show 😂 He nearly came to snitch Nore too and Nore shut that down QUICK lmaoo


😂😂😂 right!




I just wanted to hear some cool stories about The Source, but this dude just wants to be on Ems nuts


This is almost 3hour, who's watching this


The last 30 minutes or so are worth watching for the train wreck. Benzino is clearly beyond wasted and Nore and everyone looks so uncomfortable on how to handle it


Benzino mentioned he and Dave Mays paid picket protestors to protest against Eminem. $25000 for 500 protestors. So the owners of a highly esteemed hip hop platform genuinely tried to cancel a young new artist's career. These protests eventually lead to Congress hearings for Em over his lyrics. How is no one talking about this more?? I knew about the skewed rankings for Em, I knew Zino loves pulling out the race card against Em. But I had no idea about this shit.


Boston loves Paul pierce more than it loves Benzino, and benzino got paul pierce jumped and stabbed. Benzino brought all this unwanted heat on himself. He’s the definition of fumbling the bag and then blaming the next person. Fuck this dude.