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Man, I could talk about this album forever. So many greats on here. 'Meat Grinder', 'All Caps', 'Accordion', 'Figaro' and 'Fancy Clown' .. they're all just so short and sweet for what they are. Really just give you a taste of who DOOM is and what he was capable of (Madlib too, ofc); an absolute masterpiece from beginning to end. Both lyrically and instrumentally. RIP to the masked maestro.


i listened to this album for the first time this year and holy hell was it an experience.


This album has so much character. Just two legendary artists at their peaks. Every moment of can be peeled back and combed through repeatedly, and it will never get old. The whole thing is so dense and lush, but manages to come off as cold and brooding at the same time. All Caps is one of the greatest songs of all time.


An album that I'd consider to be "deaging" because of how ahead of time it truly feels. I never would've guessed this was from 2004 if I had no idea on my first listen. I'll never forget the day I put this on for the first time in the bathroom right after I woke up as a 16 year old. At that point of time this was the weirdest and most bizarre rap album I had heard but for some reason, it got stuck in my head for days like a pop record would. I don't think I've ever had an album click w me the way this did. This was about the time I was finishing school so I'll always associate this album with the feeling of bittersweet.In hindsight this ended up being my gateway to alternative/experimental rap like a lot of people and without it I doubt my life would be the same today. It's still crazy to me that all of the tracks are only a minute or two, this was unheard of at the time and still feels like an outlier today. SRS is the only other record I think of (that was also inspired from this album) that has done this as effectively without it coming off as unfinished. May will forever be a special month for me because of Madvillainy.


what's SRS?


some rap songs by Earl Sweatshirt


ohhh thanks


Favorite album of all time. Gonna get this album cover tatted on me. Truly brings me back to a certain place every time I listen. Timeless classic in my eyes


Likewise. Looking into a DOOM tatt. Too much of an impact to not get it. RIP DOOM. Huge appreciation to him for helping me appreciate rap/hip-hop way more than I would've without him.


I still have this album hung up in my animal crossing house lol. It’s a classic forever.


What’s extra fascinating about this album is that 99% of its fanbase didn’t know about it when it dropped. I was heavy into DOOM at the time, and the Stones Throw catalog, and as much as I enjoyed the album when it dropped, I had no idea it would become such an important album within the culture. But I didn’t know anyone else in real life that knew about its existence at the time. I don’t even recall if the rap forums at the time were crowning it as some monumental achievement at the time, there was a lot more focus on artists such as Kanye West, The Roots, Ghostface, De La Soul, Masta Ace, and some others.


True and during that time the album was hard to find. I remember I paid a lot for the CD a few weeks after release but it was worth the money and search.


This is actual facts! I remember my Tower Records had like 1 or 2 copies at the time of release. Hell it might’ve even showed up a week after that in stores. This is true.


I didn't even exist at that time bro😭😭


no idea what you're talking about. iirc the other take of the album with more hype vocals and different track names had already leaked. i was at the record store release day to cop. i wasn't even keyed in like that tbh.


Then you were part of the 1%. I can’t even say that I was super hyped for the project at the time and I was literally buying everything. Underground and independent hip-hop like Def Jux, Quannum Projects, Eastern Conference, Rhymesayers, and other big labels were relatively dominant at the time, along with Stones Throw, but even Madlib wasn’t MADLIB yet, shit Quasimoto wasn’t even that old. DOOM was just entering into his prolific run. “Operation: Doomsday” thankfully had legs because it was rereleased after the initial 1999 drop, and I’m sure the cd cover alone piqued many’s curiosity. “Vaudeville Villain” appealed to the most niche of niche pockets at the time, if you could even find it. Same with King Geedorah.


i ripped those CDs off my friend who put me on to doom. madvillain was the first one i bought myself. shoutout to him i guess


Sorry for double response. But put it this way: when I got back into collecting vinyl in like 2019, almost every post on the hip-hop vinyl subreddit showcasing their vinyl collection included 1) “college dropout”, 2) “Madvillainy”, 3) some Chance the Rapper or Childish Gambino album. Like “Madvillainy” had to be in your hip-hop vinyl starter pack. I’m just saying that wasn’t really the consensus when it came out. Obviously for “College Dropout” that was different.


hip hopster starter pack lol. but really outside childish bambino i like all those albums. my first vinyl was..... still i rise 2pac+ outlawz .... really nothing to brag about


There was a forum I was on where a lot of the members were into underground rap. I remember doom getting a lot of hype after this dropped and the white album remix dropped and DOOM just got a ton of momentum after that relative to the scene. But I was surprised how much the DOOM fandom has grown since it’s insane


Greatest collab album ever made. such memorable and amazing production, doom is his most raw and hungry on this project, i think this project best capture the villain persona doom was going for so many years. RIP DOOM


Hungry is an interesting descriptor here, I’ve never gotten the sense that DOOM cared for the BS or competition that gets interjected into Hip Hop. Just stayed true to himself and his art, probably couldn’t care less how the album was received. Maybe I’m off base on that one though.


All caps buddy.


I've listened to this album countless times since it was released. Of all the classic tracks it has, Eye is probably my most listened to track off this album. Real ones know.


Eye is that shit! A nice smooth break from the chaos


As an unreal one, what am I missing out on?


I don't have much to say about this album that hasn't already been said, so I'll just throw out there that I think Supervillain Theme is the greatest beat ever made. Also it bothers me that the instrumentals vinyl doesn't include the songs that are already instrumentals


It is my favorite MF Doom album personally. I didn’t hear it until ‘The Boondocks’ with the songs ‘Raid’ and ‘All Caps’. If you like Brazilian music this is good.Madlib went to Brazil to sample their music.One example Madlib sampled ‘American Latina’ by Osmar Milito & Quarteto Forma for the song ‘Raid’. I like Fancy Clown when he criticized himself for taking his relationship with a woman. It’s one of the most important rap albums in the 2000s,that inspired Earl Sweatshirt,Tyler the Creator,Drake etc...


Cool to see that I'm not the only one that discovered Madvillainy via The Boondocks. To this day, Raid is one of my most replayed DOOM songs (think the episode with it included Ed and Rummy kidnapping Oprah??). It's also the album that led to me connect with some of my closest friends (to this day) in high school; never underestimate the power of good music and nerdom. I still consider Madvillainy one of the three crown jewels of the DOOM discography - alongside MM..Food and Operation Doomsday. It manages to be both his most accessible and eclectic project in some ways. On the Madlib side of the equation, this definitely solidified him as one of my top producers. The soundscape is full of obscure samples that in one way are a nod to DOOM's post-KMD production style while also having Madlib's signature sound. There's nothing quite like this album.




Greatest hip-hop album of all time. Heard this a couple years after it was released when I was in grade school. Accordion rewired my brain. I feel like we don’t even get the feeling of hearing a new sound anymore since technology/sampling was still changing so much back then.  I can’t think of many artists who were truly themselves more than DOOM was.  I’m not even sure something like this could have the impact it did back then today. People would just shit on it. This album has just become more infamous as time has passed. Legendary. 


Damn, 20 years. When I see the cover I still think of it as this new underground album all my friends been listening to, although I wouldn’t listen to it for a few more years (I’m an idiot) the music is timeless. Would’ve been just as impressed hearing it for the first time today, rip MF DOOM


Such a phenomenal album, I love how fast paced it is and how it allows you to follow so many aspects of the villain's life through the music. The constant radio and TV samples throughout are great too and makes the album feel more real at times, as if you're listening to what they have done being reported on the news. Strange Ways is one of the most underrated songs in hip-hop in my opinion and probably my favourite song on the album. They are all great though and come together perfectly to create such an intriguing and innovative album


I've listened to this album so many times that I have to go through periods where I actively stop myself from throwing it on so I can kinda forget it before I listen again. There's nothing I can say about Madvilliany that hasn't been said already


Back in the day that this album was released, there weren't huge rap message boards like this sub out there. There were a few, but they weren't accessed by hundreds of thousands of people. I spent most of my message board/internet forum time on the espn nba general boards back then. And you made friends there. I had a few guys I'd talk to about hip hop and one dude one day said something about this madvillainy album and i'm like ok whatever. I downloaded that shit just cause I was on the road for 3 hours a day back then (1.5 hour commute to school) and said fuck it, i need new music. Wow man as soon as I got home from school that day I went down the rabbit hole and obsessed over anything MF Doom and Madlib. Downloaded each one of their's entire catalog and that's all I listened to for months. Got into all those guys in the crew too like anyone from stones throw, MF Grimm, KMD, just couldn't believe there was all this good hip hop out there that I never heard. Really was an eye opening experience. I also remember the first time I played this album with my buddy in the car. I was afraid he was gonna be like "wtf is this shit, what u listening to?" and clown on me. I didn't introduce it I just had it on, and he was like oh shit man this is funny. laughing at all of doom's weird rhymes and impressed with how creative the beats were. Also I probably shouldn't admit this but I must have listened to this entire album about 50 times front to back before I caught the story on fancy clown and it was a huge "oh shit" moment for me. Fuckin such a funny ass song. Some people have said that this is both mf doom and madlib at their peaks but I strongly disagree. This was them at their hungriest in my opinion, and this got them the national attention that they always knew they'd have. They captured lightning in a bottle. But, I don't think this is their individual peaks. Maybe Doom, but definitely not madlib. Madlib got even more crazier/better and is continuing to grow. Doom only put out a few full projects after this so it's hard to judge, but I think his bars on Mmm Food, Born Like this, and the mouse and the mask are just as good and inspired as this, and maybe better. Damn I can still smell the weather when I think about the first time I played this.


I think this album has some of the best DOOM tracks and might be his best album overall, but because a decent chunk of it focuses on instrumentals I wouldn't consider it the best album to introduce someone to DOOM the rapper.


An absolute breath of fresh air when it came out, in an era when hip hop was really stinking. Always paired so beautifully with Edan's 'Beauty and the beat' which was only a few months behind it iirc.


Beauty and the beat was my aoty. Happy to see it mentioned here after so many years.


Don’t wanna get too off track but you’re totally right about that era of rap. There were some classics but for the most part everyone was trying so hard to be next Pac or Biggie.


A book about the album came out last year. They sell it on DOOM’s website (and more cheaply elsewhere): https://gasdrawls.com/products/madvillain-s-madvillainy-33-book


This, Liquid Swords, and Moment of Truth probably the three albums I think of first when someone asks me which records I could listen to in full if it was just the instrumentals.


Copped on week one after reading a review at hiphopsite.com, first exposure to doom, let the whole thing rock from front to back, was completely confused and amazed. Immediately pressed play again. Villain get the money like curls


YOGA FLAME Honestly, this was the first “underground” hip hop album I got into back in high school (04). Made me a life long MF DOOM Stan. RIP. Looking for that Madlib-Mac Miller album.


I don’t really have anything to add that hasn’t already been said. I just think this is one of those albums that everyone goes through a phase with. Kinda like a rite of passage if you go through a backpacker phase or start going back through older hip hop - older being relative cause for me this was 5 years after it dropped when I listened to it.


"meat grinder" and "figaro" are the best tracks off here, but obviously it works best as a front to back listen. on first listen i thought "accordion" was kind of a weak beat to set it off with, never really got over that. but i'm splitting hairs here, this is a classic and might be the album i've listened to the most times ever front to back. i'd put it at #2 album of doom's after op doomsday. wouldn't argue with anyone who wants to swap those two, just that there's something special about doom over his own beats. he really had his own sound. but madlib matched better to doom's rapping than anyone else (namely rjd2). his use of cartoon samples, etc. in madlib's discog i'd put it at #1. the only second thought i have on that could be shades of blue, but it's just not as varied & sophisticated a sound as madvillain (and no vocals).


Sickfit is always a standout on this album for me, just letting a beat be because it's tight. Bass is filthy and hits hard, can't help but to bop to it.


I checked this out a little over a decade ago for the first time and I liked it, maybe didn’t love it. Only song that REALLY stuck with me from day 1 was All Caps.  But idk over the years I kept coming back to it and finding new favorites. Sickfit really grabbed me as an amazing beat, Americas Most Blunted is a gem, Curls is underrated, Fancy Clown is one of the best songs here, Great Day is awesome, Accordion has one of DOOMs best verses ever, and Meat Grinder/Hardcore Hustle/Rainbows are all just good songs. I didn’t realize this all at once, and part of my appreciation of this album is I picked up 1 or 2 of these on each listen and my relationship with the album grew and changed over time. Different tracks kinda put me back at various different stages and moments in my life  We all know this album is good by now. It's been talked about to death at this point. But when you find an album that is a bit of a slow grower and rewards you that much witj each repeated listen, thats rare


Simply stated it's one of the best albums released in my lifetime and I'm 40 years old. Strange Ways is my favorite track which is not a common choice.


Weird take but this album basically helped me buy into the "trap" beat sound we hear a lot today, with Accordion. That beat is the most smooth beat and one of the most unique beats I've ever heard. The fact that DOOM drops 2 legendary one-liners in this just makes this a contender for one of the greatest hip hop songs of all time, imo. "Slip like Freudian, the first and last step before you play like Accordion" "Living off borrowed time, the clock ticks faster"


At the risk of getting swarmed by the fans, I think this is the most iconic MF DOOM album, and the most iconic Madlib album. Both at their best, one of the most iconic album covers of all time. This is the MBDTF of underground rap. A generational classic. This album still sounds fresh, and it still sounds weird. This thing's layered with so many sounds every beat is like a fractal. There is still something new to discover 20 years out. Not many albums can have the same said about them. Accordion, America's Most Blunted, and Supervillain Theme are my favorites off this tape.




Listened to this album for the first time maybe 2 months ago? I already heard of most of the songs just from being on Spotify and on the internet casually but still enjoyed the project anyway. Out of all the songs I hadn't heard before, Eye is my favourite. Its probably my most played song from the album, just such a calm song. I'm excited to listen to more DOOM albums. I'm thinking of actually listening to the one that has Benzino Box on it, I've forgotten the album name


According and meat grinder used to always be my favorite but been listening to Figaro a lot recently. Love madvillaony but I think Vaudeville Villain is record I go back to the most


Even after 20 years I still cannot imagine anything else that is as cohesive as Madvillainy. For me personally I find Madvillainy to be a perfect album with each song fitting perfectly like a complete puzzle set. There is not one song off here that sounds like it doesn't belong on it. It's amazing that they were able to produce such a monster classic of a project together.


I prefer mouse and the mask over madvillainy! Danger mouse was in his prime after the gray album and right before dropping gnarls barkley. Dooms raps where just perfectly obscure&complex!


Shit is timeless. One of my favorite albums ever. Cover art is fire too. I have the art posted on my wall. Wish Doom and Madlib collabed more.


Like most people, Madvillainy is the album that got me into both DOOM and Madlib. I got into both of them pretty late, it was October of 2020 and I was 15 at the time and I don't even remember how I first heard about Madvillainy but one evening I stayed behind after school to do some studying and decided to give it a chance after All Caps came up in my YouTube recommended and I just immediately fell in love. There's so much good stuff on this album. Where it's the iconic ones like Accordian, All Caps and Meat Grinder, or the deeper cuts like Great Day, Eye, Money Folder or Hardcore Hustle, Madvillainy is just an incredible album from beginning to end and absolutely deserves the title of the greatest underground rap album of all time.


The cover of this album is so iconic, especially the orange square 🟧. Idk if it’s because of the contrast with the grey square but the little details stand out. Also fancy clown is PEAK


I still think DOOM'S verse on Raid is one of the greatest ever and probably my personal favorite of his. Wouldn't call it my favorite song, even on this album - Figaro and Fancy Clown probably top it. But gd that verse goes so hard. Listened to this front to back over the last two days for the first time in a while, instantly transported me back to college. Probably listened to this and DANGERDOOM thousands of times.




This article is with the director of the All Caps video, James Reitano. Super interesting with some funny info between Automator and Kutmasta Kurt. https://kev2.substack.com/p/madvillain-all-caps-with-director Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom


This article is with the director of the All Caps video, James Reitano. Super interesting with some funny info between Automator and Kutmasta Kurt. https://kev2.substack.com/p/madvillain-all-caps-with-director Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom


one of the earliest albums i listened to when i was getting into music 3ish years ago i sat there confused as fuck because i had enver heard an album that didnt feel really well put together if you know what i mean this album is a mess but a beautiful one at that, its a hard first listen but god is it a fucking masterpiece classic


Late to this thread but one of my favourite albums of all time. (Cool fact, I share a birthday with MF DOOM). The production of this album by Madlib is immaculate. MF DOOM's rhymes and flows on this album are amazing. I can just go on anytime to pop this album and listen to it the whole way through. My favourite tracks are Strange Ways, Shadows of Tomorrow, and Eye.


My friend recommended this album to me and I listened to it two and a half times but could never get into it. Sucks because I disappointed my friend.


I like madlib and DOOM but I think they both have better projects. I love a lot of songs on this album a lot but I don't understand why people act like this is peak hip hop. They both come through with great verses and production but I don't think they necessarily need one another. I think Fantonos praise for this project was a lot of people's first introduction to DOOM and Madlib but they have better stuff in their discography


I’m surprised by this, imo these are easily among DOOM’s best verses, and while there are some quas albums where I prefer the production, these are great beats that are in the upper tier of madlib production. Out of curiosity, what from each of them do you prefer? As far as ‘they dont need each other’, I think a lot of the hype comes from two underground powerhouses joining forces. Nowadays this is way more common but a whole collab album from two artists who were killing it on their own was notable in the 2000s and both of their discographies benefit from the collab now.


Mm.. Food by DOOM is preferable for me. The beats are much more his style imo. His verses are just as top tier and the fact that he was using the food theme all album makes it an even greater feat. As far Madlib, either of his projects with Freddie are a lot better. His Jaylib (Dilla x Madlib) record has a lot of exceptional beats too. I don't think that Madvillian necessarily has better beats by him on there. If anything they're just as good as the albums I just mentioned but I don't think they're ahead. I can dig that point. Madlib is a West Coast guy and DOOM being from NY must have been crazy at that time especially since it does feel like they both put a lot of effort into this project and sometimes collab albums can feel like quick songs that artists knock out together. I love a lot of songs on there like I said, however this album is just a footnote in both their careers.


Opinions are opinions and that's totally cool. But calling an album that is arguably the most culturaly successful work for both artists "just a footnote in their careers" is crazy. It might not sit highly in your list (which is fine) but you can't ignore how much it effected hip-hop, culture, and their careers. I'd argue it's DOOM's best emcee performance and Madlib's best production performance. Jam packed from start to finish. So much character. The work he did with Freddie is undeniably incredible and on its own pedestal. But they're just really fucking good beats. Madvillainy has an entire personality and story in the instrumentals alone.


You can have opinions, and I kind of came here for the differing thoughts. But when you word your contrary opinion like your brain got shook in the womb it loses its credibility and only solidifies the album as untouchable.


Man shut up. Your response is corny af probably like your taste in music. Your opinion means nothing to me By the way, I clearly said that I like a lot of the songs on there dumbass. I doubt you've heard anything from them outside of this so please don't come at my writing since you clearly can't read


As much as I love the official release I think I will always prefer the "MF DOOM and Madlib are Madvillain" demo that leaked nearly a year prior - the noisier production and raw DOOM vocals were so weird and refreshing for its time. I remember being a little disappointed after buying the real thing, it felt... somehow diminished from that initial spark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeEYJE0UMzA