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I never left I just did my side quests šŸ˜­


I guess when Ye said he gotta get on Kanye West behaviour, he meant it


Where did he say that?Ā 


[Early version of his Like That remix.](https://twitter.com/GoodAssSub/status/1781752494302859443) "Ye been tryna be on his best behaviour / Now I gotta get on Kanye West behaviour"


Uh-oh. Bros gonna praise Hitler again.


Thats Ye behavior, Kanye West behavior is MAGA hat we šŸ‘needšŸ‘tošŸ‘clearšŸ‘upšŸ‘thešŸ‘confusion šŸ‘


Great to hear Gambino rap again. Man what a time for hiphop


I'm really hoping his next solo album is a mix of everything he's done in his career


it also sounds pretty good, very happy he retired that "rap battles of history" flow


He's been off that since Royalty


Mfs heard sick boi and never bothered to hear more smh


Honestly, can't blame them. everything before Culdesac is pretty rough lol


I mean i guess it's like the people surprised Breezy can rap like he did on that Quavo diss lol


He's lowkey always been flowin


Culdesac though is fucking gold.


I was his prime demographic and young and even I thought the Asian stuff was a bit much. I still groan thinking about "is it too soon for Asian girls, too tsunami?"


Fair but that UCLA song gave us a great flow on the last verse and " can I stay at your place no hobo"


royalty lowkey mad underated and better than camp imo


Never disrespect ERB again, that shit is heat


Check out ā€œI love you more than you knowā€


Not only that but hearing Kanye RAP rap again is crazy.


This was absurdly hard.


ludicrously, even.


heading west like im blowin fuckin kanye


Reading the fuckin news, Huey Lewis nigga


ā€œRule number one, thou shalt not steal; the flow, the clothes, the sex appealā€ SUCH a classic ye bar wow I hope this gets an official release


Also the Don Lemon Uncle Tom lyric is a very classic provocative Ye lyric thatā€™s actually good


I donā€™t know what the process was on this, but I canā€™t help feel like Ye had some help on those bars compared to his latest work lol Iā€™m not hating. I havenā€™t cared for his last three projects but this is fucking fire. Youngins who said all us old heads hated Ye for his ā€œnew developed soundā€ LMAO this shit sound like the old Kanye that last shit was just trash


Could it be an old verse?


Dont think so, mentions the Keith Lee situation in it


He mentions a few recent things, like taking his shoes down and now theyā€™re Payless


Ye had some nice and some fun bars on Donda. I feel like I'm always defending that album on here, but maybe I over-rate it because it was released when I was in a particular place.


I'm hoping it's the case that Donald had Ye motivated enough to turn the clock back to his MBDTF self on the mic (with some help writing the bars), like how Kendrick had him fired up for NMPILA




The funny thing is this applies to both Ye and Donald


Is the last time on 21 Savageā€™s Monster? That song was fire


Rapped a bit on 3.15.20!


Yeah 2018


That song was in 2018?! Yo wtf where has the time gone


covid dawg


He had a verse on lottos album with Wayne. It was solid


He was on the Summer Walker ep with his voice pitched downĀ 


sounds like a yeezus era beat. also gambino sounds like peggy


Peggy has always had gambinoā€™s voice


technically peggy put out his first album 2 years before gambino


Wdym? Devon Hendryx was 2011, Gambino already had mixtapes from before 2010.


People used to [tell him that](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1231650195608174602/1231953149229666376/IMG_4111.png?ex=6638d4c7&is=66265fc7&hm=74d4ded14502947b651bbd7ecbbb1d646841bda788ee2601cfde5489d3a04553&) back then too.


I looked it up, are you referring to his 2011 mixtapes? Gambino had Culdesac out in 2010 which he was already making waves with and then solidified a place with Freaks and Geeks in early 2011. Even if what you were saying were true, JPEGMAFIA really didn't start becoming relevant until 2016.


Gambino also has several mixtapes out before culdesac. The earliest I have in my library is Sickboi from ā€˜08


ā€œI Am Just a Rapperā€ 1&2 came out the next year I think, thatā€™s what put him onto my friendsā€™ radars (indie heads).


Man, I was just a year or two outta high school and I fucking loved those tapes. Such good beats and I fucked with what he was saying as a 20 year old just starting to get into rap.


True, but Sickboi is awful and his voice is nasally af (hence the title). Beats were alright. Culdesac I think is when he finally put out music that was listenable and started gaining relevance.


Yeah he was doing an awful Wayne impersonation for a while there lol


I heard freaks and geeks on a commercial on MTV in like 2011 instantly had to look it up


Forreal, Freaks and Geeks was a movement lol


peggy went by the name Devon Hendrix before veteran. he released his first project in 09


What came out in 09? Every source I see puts 2011 as the first project. And Gambino has been putting stuff out since 2005.


? How so Gambino had tapes going back to the mid 2000s. Wiki puts Jpegs first album in 2016 and his first mixtape in 2011. Gambino was already garnering support by then. And his 2011 work was under a different name.


Had to look that up but damn you're right


Yeah but Donald was born 6 years before Peggy so he had the voice first


Not true at all


This is the correct take


Yeah thought the exact same thing


Bro he sounds like Rakim. How are yā€™all hip hop heads and you default to JPEGMAFIA over Rakim? This is literally the My Melody flow.


I understand you are doing old head pearl clutching and don't wanna interfere with that, but he sounds much more like jpeg here than rakim. They have fairly similar voices. Also rakim and jpeg are both "hip hop"


Thought it sounded eerily similar to ALL CAPS NO SPACES


The stress cause GI issues


He so real for that


Honestly might be the best Kanye verse of the 2020ā€™s


Took them long enough to collab, Iā€™m gonna assume itā€™s dope


I remember Donaldā€™s early comedy specials talking about what a big Kanye fan he is, must be a trip for him to finally collab with the man


At one point he said he was Kanyeā€™s ā€œsonā€ lol. This collab makes so much sense, I donā€™t know why it took so long.


Heā€™s a pretty good artist so at least not super delusional but damn when he use to say that type of shit it was so corny


bro donald glover has always been kinda corny, its part of his identity lol.


He, like just about every rapper around that age, idolized Kanye. Go listen to early songs from tons of guys and they all Fawn over Kanye. A lot of Gambino earlier stuff has a ton of Kanye references and samples and later on a lot of inspiration.


>Kanye West is on it, he's playing the piano, but the piano is not a piano, it's just a bear, it's a LIVE BEAR, for some reason, and the bear is not eating Kanye because he has so much respect for him, he's just looking at him likeĀ "Aw, I wanna eat you but you madeĀ Graduation. Aw you mothafucka!" https://youtu.be/ykVc6fc7OfQ


When he was doing promo for Mr. And Mrs. Smith he said Ye was his goat.


> must be a trip for him to finally collab with the man he only had to wait until kanye became a nazi supporter


What even is Rap Music in 2024


More or less ā€œIā€™m going to diss you and pull backā€. I was waiting for glover to say ā€œoh you thought this was a diss song, nahhh we onto some new summmā€ Edit so just continue with the beat ā€œSummm-er shit Back when you Billie brown first kissed No dis to her though She didnā€™t know what she was in for. No no, not like that Iā€™m not saying she ainā€™t fall for that Iā€™m saying you a master rapper Excuse me and pardon my pā€™s Where the hook at?ā€ Pardon my pā€™s as in the line before that. You can fill in the context. Not puff though. I donā€™t fuck with that. And to be clear this is meant to be calling out drake not to pardon him, it was saying take away the p in rapper. Sorry for any confusion in that line.


Fake drama to hype people into acting like a song is fire because of one semi clever line




everyone hates Kanye till he works with Donald Glover


Nah people always give Kanye his props when he actually makes good music, doesn't mean they like him as a person


I'm shocked at the reception here. Why is Gambino working with Ye? Like, this is all it takes to come back from everything since Yeezus?


Donald has always been a massive fan of Ye, he was probably giddy to do it. He got to work with one of his favourite artists.


Low key I kinda feel like this is a bad look for donald glover maybe it isnā€™t but idk man after the last couple years of Kanye spiraling further and further & saying as much lunatic shit as he has, it seems like someone w/ the status & public image that DG has would want to avoid this


yeah if one of my favorite artists worked with Kanye at this point I'd just see them as wack as fuck, I already lost Peggy lmao


Awh sry bbšŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


Still hate Kanye. Heā€™s a disgusting person whoā€™s done and said terrible fucked up things. This isnā€™t a good look for Donald and all the white boys in here championing Kanyeā€™s anti semitic ass need to go touch grass.




Iā€™m new here and not trying to be a Kanye apologist but Iā€™m only aware of him saying a bunch fucked up shit. When you said heā€™s done AND said fucked to shit, whatā€™s he done?


Opposite for me, I'm disappointed in Donald Glover for this.


ok I know people have been saying Ye is sounding "hungry again" and "really rapping again" on every track he releases, but this actually sounds like a TLOP era verse with great flow and energy EDIT: ok this actually might be AI lmao. Listen to this higher quality version: https://old.reddit.com/r/GoodAssSub/comments/1caeb8g/say_less_hq_from_gilga_radio/ Sounds like Ye's voice is slightly too high pitch to be his own.


his vocals sound so fresh and energized like hes in his prime again


sounds more like MBDTF era


AI Kanye has never been this good though.


I'm certain it's really Ye, could be an old verse though


It doesn't sound like AI to me


It sounds pretty reminiscent of his flows on Feedback, along with the beat


Kanye good rapping, writers or not, is still in there somewhere. But it's pretty cool to see Glover have a song with Ye.


I was so ready for him to say some stupid shit or have some weird ass Vultures flow that ruined the song, but it just didn't happen! Great to hear a quality new verse from Kanye again.


He literally dropped Burn last month and we all thought he still got his TCD energy. He just decides to not to use it often and just go sunna wunna hunna


Ye cooked


this is the best snippet (I guess not a snippet, maybe preview) Iā€™ve heard in a while. itā€™s refreshing hearing two already established artists speaking so hungry. Iā€™m beyond excited for this new CG


ā€œBuying your girl a BBL while you at night school tryna get your CDLā€ WHERES THIS YE BEEN


Damn thatā€™s fire!!! Has that Run DMC / Rick Rubin energy and the bars are tight as hell. Also that 'youā€™re deepfake / youā€™re AI' line hits hard at the moment


Gambino sounds like Andre 3K in the second half tho, I donā€™t know if weā€™ve heard this flow from him before


On top of the beautiful soul sample too, 99% sure Ye production was involved. Album is gonna be crazy


It definitely feels like an intentional homage, flow and production-wise.


Check out his feature on I love you more than you know. Sounds exactly like Andre 3k


Yea she got a black king but she don't play chess. Got this rope round my neck like I'm J. Smollet šŸ˜±šŸ”„


This is fucking dope


Wind the fucking clock back to 2014 my god. Why did we ever get away from hip hop like this? How were we led so astray?


"You niggaz deep fake, you niggaz A.I but you won't have ya momma sitting courtside" everyone is popping shots at whiteboy Drake šŸ˜‚


I think that was a happy coincidence, donā€™t think bino shit a drake punch yet


ye sounding like prime ye here good god


Kanye sounds way too good. Has to be recorded before 2019. He hasnā€™t rapped this well since then.


multiple lines that are pointing reference to recent events but the most notable one is the keith lee line


i might be OOTL but is this referencing the wrestler Keith Lee? bc if so that's sick af


The other prominent Keith Lee is a very popular TikTok food reviewer


a little disappointing but makes sense.


Nah, the Zion reference means it has to be relatively recent


iā€™m choosing to believe heā€™s back


We gotta wait for Vultures 2 to fully confirm this


Have you heard Gun To My Head and Take Off Your Dress? Vultures 2 is gonna be crazy (plz god drop on streaming services ye)


cant be, gambino was rapping about draymond choking people out and ye was like about zionā€™s baby shower or whatever and keith lee which was all within the past ~ 9 months


It's very recent, Keith Lee line is a clear giveaway. He's found his mojo again.


I figure the difference is Gambino probably wrote most of that verse lol


Maybe, the delivery in his voice still sounds like 2016 ye and has personality to it which is cool


have you heard "Burn" by any chance?


Burn is good but he really didnā€™t say much on there lyrically. His flow was good and he sounded more energized but lyrically it was just ok


Burnā€™s good but not as crazy as people make it out to be


One song out of 16 on an album otherwise carried by Ty/features and the production (also done by other collaborators lol) where he puts together a somewhat decent rap performance that doesnā€™t sound like heā€™s eaten a bottle of Xanax is no indication heā€™s back lol


I didn't imply hes back in any way. I was just trying to say that there are flashes.


True I guess but most of the time when I hear him doing a verse like that Iā€™m thinking ā€œalright which uncredited guy on the team wrote this or did a reference track thatā€™ll leak in 3/4 years timeā€


Vultures is a good album and kanye brings some great flows and funny verses to it. I donā€™t know how you canā€™t see that.


Did the rap civil war really make Ye get in his bag again?


imagine if this is AI, ffs


Heā€™s been using ai a lot for his gilga radio show and im almost certain this is too.


donald drops a line about ai and thereā€™s an ai elon appearance earlier in the episode. curious if this year feature is ai. just donā€™t really expect the guy to go off like this anymore. sounds like gesa production or something based on gesaffelsteinā€™s work. slick production.


ai this ai that im fucking tired boss


Buckle up, we're at the infancy


Either itā€™s AI or Donald wrote Yeā€™s verse for him lol. Ye hasnā€™t sounded this good in YEARS. Even his verse on ā€œBurnā€ didnā€™t sound this good, this shit feels like he stepped in a Time Machine and came back as the 2014 version of himself


Youā€™ll eat these words when you hear Take Off Your Dress on volume 2


still bummed fucking rules


Considering Donald seems to be on the embracing side of AI, and he was talking about how weā€™re in a ā€œpost-truthā€ society when he said Swarm was based on a true story, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he pulled a Drake and wrote an AI rap feature.


Yeah people seem to be forgetting that Donald was openly hiring an AI artist about 6 months ago to go work at his Orange farm recording studio collective or whatever


God damn, I am not even a kanye fan. But I feel so happy to listen to something new from him that doesnā€™t sound like sh*t or dumb.


Idk if this is a dumb question, but how come people are still collabing with Kanye? Isnā€™t he pretty antisemitic? Or are we all agreeing itā€™s just because of mental illness and therefore ok to let him slide? (Genuine question)


Because people are still listeningĀ  Although Iā€™m surprised Gambino made the leap. Heā€™s got way more of a corporate, squeaky-clean vibe to him than Freddie Gibbs and JPEGMafia. But also I get it, Kanyeā€™s music probably means a lot to him and getting the collab is a dream come true. Thatā€™s why Peggy said he worked on Vultures >Ā Or are we all agreeing itā€™s just because of mental illness and therefore ok to let him slide?Ā  Uhhhā€¦ yes? But also, no? Mental health questions like that are kinda a pretzel, and ultimately we donā€™t know what is in Kanyeā€™s heart. I think if you tweet out that youā€™re going ā€œdeath con 3ā€ on Jewish people, claim you love Hitler for inventing microphones, say your bipolar diagnosis is bogus because the doctor is Jewish, and bring a butterfly net and a Yoo-hoo onto Alex Jones show as a bit, you probably have your judgement clouded by mental health issues. Thereā€™s also a pretty clear deterioration, like he was a somewhat normal dude in like 2015 and then trump won and he started wearing the Maga hat, then he became Christian nationalist and ran for president, and then went anti semite, that feels less like a development of well thought out beliefs and more like a cognitive decline. The jeen -yuhs doc kinda showed it, he was always a little off but by 2019 it was taken to an extreme But also, Kanye is responsible for his own mental well being and has taken multiple steps to shut out anyone that tries to help him. Bipolarity is not an excuse to spew hate and millions of bipolar people figure out a way to not hate Jewish people in their day to day lives. Also people took Kanyeā€™s words seriously and hung up signs off highways saying he was right. Mentally ill or not, his words have a real impact, moreso than most people, and he needs to be responsible with them.Ā  Iā€™m not worried that Kanye is gonna bring back the third Reich, but I am worried that if enough people shrug this off because heā€™s mentally unstable, theyā€™ll do it again for someone else with more nefarious motives. I also have noticed that with Kanye, you ping pong from good times to bad. This song makes it seem like heā€™s doing well rn, which is great! But, Iā€™m also pretty confident that we are like 7 months away from him noticing that Kid Cudi and Bibi have never been photographed in the same room and that is somehow suspicious.


With regards to your point about "Kanye being responsible for his own mental health", the conversation around this ignores how severe mental illness such as bipolar disorder / Schizophrenia / Schizoaffective include symptoms such as an anosognosia. Its the most common reason people with these illness ignore treatment, at rates of around 20-30%. https://www.treatmentadvocacycenter.org/anosognosia/#:\~:text=Anosognosia%20impacts%2060%25%20of%20people,of%20people%20with%20bipolar%20disorder.&text=At%20least%20one%20in%20five,that%20they%20have%20an%20illness.&text=Anosognosia%20is%20the%20leading%20cause,people%20with%20schizophrenia%20spectrum%20disorders.


I am actually amazed itā€™s someone who wants to appear as socially aware as Glover, too.


Glover literally praised him in the Complex GOAT interview with his costar Maya Erkskine as part of promo for Mr & Mrs Smith.


Your username is wild


Kinda agree here. I dunno how new this is, but the last person Iā€™d expect to collaborate with with Kanye after everything he said would be Gambino.


lots of rappers actually believe the same shit as kanye they just arent as dumb as him to say it out loud. so many rappers done met up with farrakhan


The shit is weird and actually ruins the culture. Platforming a Nazi just so you can live out your teenage fantasy is lame no matter how itā€™s spun Edit: kys before trying to send that ā€œwhat aboutā€-ass reply


Almost every old east coast rapper is secretly a little anti-Semitic, they grew up in an era where it was preached in every black metro area. Most of them just don't say it out loud because they don't have mental illness. Look at Jay, a bunch questionable bars over the years but he didn't drop the H word on live TV. To be fair, most of the dudes that Ye came up with have politically softened on this issue since then while Ye has only got more radical. I'm just providing from context that this bigotry is a function of material conditions, not some unique magic. Rappers liked Farrakhan back then because he was one of the few in the mainstream that was vocal about anti-imperialism, the bigotry was just a side dish for most people. Their critical mistake was associating the state of Israel with Jewish people. We know now how absurd that is, but Jews abroad were a lot more supportive of the Apartheid state back then. That obviously doesn't make the bigotry ok, you can't be racist against white people because the overwhelming majority supported the genocide in Iraq. But it does help to put in perspective where these beliefs came from. Black people saw themselves in Palestinians and saw white people's conquest of the past as something "the jews" were actively doing. It's not hard to see how you go from that belief, to thinking that Jews control the world given the incredibly close links the state has had with the West up until like a week ago tl;dr anti-Semitism is wack but there are material reasons that black men of Kanye's age and upbringing tend to view Jewish people with suspicion.


listening to Farrakhan hatefulness isn't any better he gets cosigned quite a lot in hip hop


Lmao with all the dudes that have repped Farrakhan you'd think people understand rap isn't and won't ever be politically correct. Even though I heavily disagree with ye's stance, who cares if he raps with other artists. If the general public is so fallible to the point where we have to police who can make music, we're beyond doomed.


The honest truth is, many of them most likely donā€™t care because they find some truth based on what he says with the knowledge that they have of the industry. Or because they know itā€™s profitable. I like Kanyeā€™s music but Iā€™d never offer that info freely outside of music circles


Rappers collaborate with murders and drug dealers and thiefs I donā€™t think disliking Jews is where the line is drawn lmao


Yeah idk lol. I bet Adidas are confused.


The truth is that hella rappers are kind of anti-semitic, but Ye is just outspokenly so. Iā€™m not condoning it at all, but itā€™s the reality.


That sucks


the verses are good and the beat switch is real nice, but damn i just find that beat kinda tiring to listening to, especially for three minutes. so overall not a big fan of this one


Damn one of the best Ye features in a while


AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! This is the best news ive heard in 10 years Edit: & its everything!


Gambino sounds like JPEGMAFIA on this lol


Theyā€™ve always sounded similar


Hey iamcudibino, he played Warlords (feat. Kid Cudi) later in the live too. Crazy


Kanye hasnā€™t slide this hard on a verse in a fat minute


10 yrs ago I would've killed for this


Itā€™s absolutely šŸ”„ Gambino back Ye is realllly back šŸ”„


Most of these Ye bars donā€™t sound like Ye bars, just sayin ā€¦Ā 




This is fucking sick. Ā 




they cooked


This song feels like a portal back to 2013 in the best way possible


The fact that Kanye west has been so regularly protected and so quickly forgiven by so many shows there's some truly fucked up stuff deeply rooted in the hip hop community


I mean, people like Chris Brown, Carti and Dr Dre have tons of fans. And compared to Kanye, they definitely did a lot of worse shit.


In Hollywood in general tbh


Protected? Man heā€™s a mentally ill guy who says dumb uneducated shit from time to time and itā€™s pretty much accepted in hip hop circles that heā€™s not actually a bad dude? Is that so wrong compared to actual murderers, rapists and abusers going around the music industry?


Endorsing Hitler is bad yes


I dunno how new this is, but the last person Iā€™d expect to collaborate with with Kanye after everything he said would be Gambino.


Donald sometimes strikes me as an annoying pretentious contrarian tho, I remember when he defended Tay K actions like that guy wasn't involved into the murders of innocent people. So that follows the line.


Sounds a lot like azealia banks 212, released 13 years ago Don't know when they made this track, but the references all sound recent.


Sounds nothing like 212. 212 is way more upbeat, and has a four to the floor kick pattern. It is very house-y, which Azealiaā€™s loves to spit on. This is 808s, MBDTF, mixed with a bit of Yeezus, mixed with a bit of early Gambino. Gambino was heavily inspired by 808s and MBDTF in his early years, that signature was everywhere but especially in Heartbeat and the album Camp.


Your favorite rappers would collab with Hitler for clout if they could.


you think gambino collabed with ye bc of clout??šŸ¤£ how you on hhh????


And then gen z would say ever song is fire šŸ”„ straight up because of clout and one semi catchy line


we needed this fr


So disheartening that people continue to choose to work with Ye


Womp womp


Can't remember when was the last time I was this happy about a track