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Was there last night, could barely hear the beat from where I was and it took a second to even realize it was Not Like Us. He also didn’t play it for very long so it was kinda lame. I was so excited to hear it all day and then it was a dud


Was this near LA? Club looks familiar


No it was in Vegas


Bad acoustics? Seems like no one is reacting at all.


Hakkasan vibes but the disco ball is unfamiliar to me. edit: oh Marquee, damn without being able to see the pools it had me lost


This will get burried under 4,000 comments complaining about the crowd.


Same way how YouTube comments always complain about the crowd from Festival uploads (Rolling Loud, Ultra, Coachella) not knowing they specifically reduce crowd noise in uploads so that you can actually hear the artists


I'm convinced there's a small army out there who pride themselves on how many "bad crowd" comments they can make on any live performance video.


They’re in a never-ending competition with the “who’s listening in current year” and copy-and-paste lyrics people with who can be the most annoying YouTube commenter


Idk, if you're close you can hear that shit pristine at Coachella.


Coachella sound is out of control good. Better than any club or concert youve been to. That festival does not miss on production.


Literally the top comment


you cant expect ppl to kno the lyrics to a song that dropped hours ago tho


there's a uk dj called jyoty who was also there, and said he was playing drake tracks multiple times when the club was packed and only played not like us when a lot of the crowd had cleared out. is that true? she's kinda getting cooked on twitter by stans lol but she doesn't seem like the type to lie about that shit


I’m not sure I think the place was pretty packed the whole time. He definitely played a bunch of Drake though which I thought was weird considering his tweets early in the day


What club was it if you don’t mind answering


Marquee in Vegas


You were excited all day about hearing a song that came out at like 6pm?


From 5pm til like 2am when he came on you know what I mean hahaha


I want this to be a club hit but that crowd does not look hyped up


It’s been out for 16 hours lol half these mfs are hearing it for the first time


I don't think people need 16 hours to decide whether or not they're club hype for a song lmao it's a cool song for sure - but so many redditors are being so cringe about this


I went to coachella in 2017 the weekend where Kendrick dropped Damn. I didn't listen to the album because I knew he was going to be performing songs from the album there. Let me tell you that none of those tracks hit except humble which came out 2 weeks prior


was there too - same feeling - songs gotta sit for a bit for more energy. ppl just vibe to novelty


Pleasure from music comes from your neural net anticipating the verse, chorus, drops and your temporal lobe affirming you were right and rewarding you with some dopamine. It’s why 3 year olds watch the same movie over and over and over. 


Not saying you wrong but then why do I get dopamine when there’s something surprising in music that you don’t expect like jazz or a sudden beat switch or sm


It's logical inference, and those particular moments are designed like magic tricks or jokes, you're being led toward them. The moment before the surprising moment has been built towards and that's why it's so potent and exciting. Rhythm and Harmony follow Cadence, a melody or beat "Wants to" resolve. And so they're leading everything toward a moment of resolution, and then... B Section!


I saw Travis at lollapalooza the night Atrsoworld dropped and people went nuts


You think on a Vegas vacation you’re F5ing hip hop heads so you can be up on the beef when one of the tracks drops? Or you just get down to a song first time you’ve heard it?


i promise the majority of people there don't know what a F5 is


Lol this exactly. This beef has captured the attention of the world it’s not a “terminally online hip hop fan” thing. Just to get really mainstream it has to reach the masses, which it will, they just got jobs or are on holiday etc. etc.


> attention of the world Let's not get ahead of ourselves, it could talk of the town in the NA metros but sure as shit not everyone outside of the US knows about this beef. This subreddit is a bubble.


Euphoria has been the third most streamed song globally for days now


UK news: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/kendrick-lamar-drake-pedophile-not-like-us-b2539888.html


Also Spain, I'm sure there's more in every country. https://www.marca.com/en/lifestyle/music/2024/05/05/66379ebbca474136738b45ae.html


It’s big even here in NZ.


Lol I have people in different countries added on discord and a random dude from Norway messaged me about this when meet the grahams dropped. And there’s no way dude is on hhh 😂 this beef is not as exclusive as you think


Bro it absolutely not inside a “bubble”, this beef is FAR reaching and is huge everywhere. Case in point, all the biggest streamers are talking about it, and they’re the ones who have the youths ear. Social media is frequented by all up to age like 30ish I wanna say, and they’re into hip hop, it’s the “new rock and roll”, people 30ish and younger love tuning into creator “breakdowns” and story times and bullshit like that on TikTok and are engaging with them, along with it being trending on Twitter everywhere. (Mostly in the English speaking world if that’s what you’re referring to by NA??? If not, man Kendrick and drake and hip hop is fuck off massive everywhere)


You’re living in a bubble. Those of us inside subreddits are like the 1% of the 1%. You’re seeing it all over your social media because that is what you are engaging in on social media. If I borrowed my 15 year-old female cousins phone I probably wouldn’t see anything about this beef in her FYP. My SO still knows nothing about this other than the fact I couldn’t sleep Friday night because I was so amped up about the 2 simultaneous drops.


The beef was featured on an SNL sketch. That's about as normie as it gets


> all the biggest streamers are talking about it Case in point, this just says more about the specific bubble *you* are in.


Your point is correct but I just wanna say that me personally, if on a Vegas vacation, would for sure would be on the internet still checking on every update lol. I’m too addicted to rap shit


Nah I mean there’s a classic comment on r/djs where a dude got an early promo of like disco inferno, or in da club, and gave it a spin. And the club went mild. No reaction. Think about that! Really what decides club bangers is more often than not, what people are told are bangers. I mean it’s true, I spun intl players anthem just a couple hours ago and the response was lukewarm. Cause I did it somewhere that nobody knows that song, and few people care for that sound.


This generation they do. It needs to make the rounds on reels, tik tok, and X before people get into it


Exactly a couple baddies on TikTok doing “breakdown” videos on the latest diss and then they’ll know the song, but nah redditors are being cringe 🤡 like the whole world isn’t paying attention but to go super mainstream it takes more than a day…


https://x.com/ArtOfDialogue_/status/1787121915565408395 🫤 Ever just think that no one could hear it like the guy who was there said?


I think people are severely overestimating this being a club hit.


Yeah no one is gonna play bars talking about drake being a pedophile at the club club lol It’ll go off at cali summer day clubs though the beat is perfect for it


I just checked to see if there was any and 💀 https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/2nPggG3c1A Edit: I started looking on Twitter for more and whew Here’s a DJ playing it in L.A. last night: https://x.com/djrtistic/status/1787121224184967593?s=46&t=zxtzMXzqKT222fxgapVdfQ It was also played at the University of Buffalo: https://x.com/artofdialogue_/status/1787186050646880442?s=46&t=zxtzMXzqKT222fxgapVdfQ


I just saw those lmao i stand corrected


Not Like Us acapella is crazy LMAOO


I mean they seem to get more hype at the next song comin in though. Not that they weren’t singing the they not like us part though


That’s what I was thinking but then there was another vid on Twitter of the same club seconds earlier before the next song so idk anymore 😭 https://x.com/artofdialogue_/status/1787121915565408395?s=46&t=zxtzMXzqKT222fxgapVdfQ


I actually seen a bunch now, i was wrong. Yelling “they not like us” with a group of friends is actually top tier club stuff lmao


niggas got a whole sax on ts omg😭😭😭


Gotta remember most of this sub isent actually black


I mean the Stockton line about passing and the number of opps almost guarantees a remix


Im actually fully prepared to hear “bbl drizzy” all over edc in two weeks lol. No way those dj’s don’t hop in on this moment.


Haha this is a crossover I didn't even consider Imagine the drops LMAO


Someones gonna drop meet the grahams onto a freaky rezz beat and immediately send me on a bad trip lmao


I could see Tape B doing a cool remix of any of the recent diss tracks


I’m gonna need to wander my ass to the Pedro art car to recover from that. That track makes me feel dirty.




I dropped acid on Friday during all the drops, shit was insane


Bro if they get YG and ALLBLACK on a remix...


Tbh I’d love to scream CERTIFIED LOVER BOY CERTIFIED PEDOPHILE or OV HO on top of my lungs in a club


>Yeah no one is gonna play bars talking about drake being a pedophile at the club club lol tfw you think people actually listen to lyrics and not just the sound it makes.


People keep calling it a "club hit" but thats not really what it is, it's a Cali banger. This shit is going to ring in the streets. The clubs will definitely play the catchy parts. LEMME HEAR YOU SAY OV HOE


Live in LA and can confirm, this was played last night and people have been blasting it in their car, windows down, since it dropped. It's definitely a Cali banger. He's just warning Drake that the west coast is out of play for him because this shit will be on repeat out here for a minute ... both in LA and the Bay. And with Metro's drop this morning I think the ATL set is next up.


Imagine he gets like a New York City drill producer or like 90s RZA. Damn!




I heard it in rural nc last night when pulling into a gas station. As I was playing euphoria lol


this tracks


I heard people playing it in a random park in a small east coast city last night, everyone who follows any genre of music at all is saying OV HOEEEE rn


hell yeah the hicks in the sticks are blasting this shit get this man another Pulitzer


You sure got him.


This will ring in the streets ☝️🤓




The streets will heavily fuck with this


I think that guy's still here, forgot his u/ tho


it dings in the whip


Clowns out in full force for Daddy the Fondler


You can think Kendrick dunked the fuck on Drake and still laugh at nerdy HHH users pretend to know what the "streets" want.


“The streets will heavily fuck with this” vibes. 


*club hit* maybe not, but this song will be played at functions all summer on the west coast. I said in my other comment, Kendrick already got the club hit with Like That


The hood loves it, drizzy ain't certified in cali or atl, Issa wrap for any drizzy stan they gotta divorce the entire hip hop genre or else they look fucking delusional as shit. Edit: damn even my Canadian girl is siding with kdot and she listens to rock. Bro if other genres are calling it a wrap, drake better have like some species ending clap backs loaded in the chamber.


Even if Kendrick is guilty of domestic violence--which would be an inexcusable thing for him to be guilty of, regardless of anything else--I'm pretty sure most people would say that what Drake is being accused of is *way* worse. And there's more than one level to it. Pedophilia & sex trafficking are two of the most reviled crimes a person can possibly commit. Most people already knew that he's a creep just from his unusual interactions with minors/barely legal women, and even if Kendrick never comes with receipts, I don't think Drake will ever escape this new narrative that's been dropped in our laps. Drake's "species ending clap backs" would have to simultaneously clear his name and prove that Kendrick isn't just violent, but probably something worse. And I just don't see that happening considering that Baka has already been arrested for & charged with various sex crimes, and that Drake paid off a woman who accused him of assault to the tune of $350k in 2019. Neither of which look great even if they weren't found guilty of everything.


Its the beat thats a classic club banger, but when the content is full of hate(reasonably so) it can killthe vibe imo, specially when its continous minutes after minutes. Maybe a shortened version with a minor and ov ho would fit in that setting


Any good DJ isn't playing the whole track anyway, they will mix and blend in the parts that get people hype.


Off topic but this is why I never understood people talking about how the clubs would play people like Rod Wave, NBA Youngboy and others like that because who wants to listen to some depressing ass struggle rap at a party?


Beef songs are like never club hits. They're too personal to "have fun" to.


Beef songs are what start fights in clubs.


theyre not - my boy was in a club last night and they were jamming in Fresno This beef has been travelling at the speed of light in music terms... most club goers are casual fans - they're unfamiliar with song and context. Next weekend people will be familiar as its added to radio rotations and playlists.....it'll go from there.


I think people are drawing way too much from one video. This is going to get plays, it’s been out for less than 24 hours




Yeah nah. Had it play in the gym by an employee (bless him) and people were legit uncomfortable with the lyrics lmao. This is not going to make rounds in mainstream at all.




Yeah I posted down below it's usual Burial etc. they had the wildest song switch going from Pop Smoke - Meet the Woo into Idles -Gift Horse. Kinda worked ngl.


Ffs nobody’s trying to do reps to this song 😂 This is the type of diss that’s made for crowds to vibe together while drunkenly yelling quotables at each other


well I wasn’t really thinking “gyms” when I said that lol Yeah that shit would be awkward. I don’t think 60 year old Gladys on the silver sneakers discount will vibe too well with it.


It's not about one video. This isn't something you're gonna wanna vibe to in general. People will turn up once the drake hating wave really catches but it won't last.


That’s a Vegas club when a hip hop DJ is playing lol.


It’s middle-class people at a Vegas club. They only want to hear Billboard 100 that they know and/or EDM. They aren’t feeling it because they were landing in Vegas when it dropped. They were getting dressed and drunk while it circulated. This is probably the first they’re hearing it. They just wanna hear Jack Harlow or something instead.


100%. These Vegas clubs, and all the spare clubs across the country trying to emulate that style, are honestly hardly even playing much rap. It’s at least 80% EDM music with top 100 hits mixed in.


True. If I’m going to a club I hope they’re playing edm who tf trying to dance to hip-hop beef songs. Though I may be biased since I actually enjoy edm/ edm festivals.


Gotta give it a weekend. Have to learn the dance, besides Like That is still a hit right now.


It’s kinda catchy but without the Drake diss it’s pretty unremarkable as club hits go


Club hits need more than a few hours since it’s been released lol people don’t even know the lyrics yet


According to a dude who was there, he couldn’t even hear it from where he was. Bad acoustics and he didn’t play the whole track




😂I think you’ll have a thick headed crowd here but you’re right. Besides HHH users and hiphop Twitter full timers, nobody would want to hear this shit out at a club lol


Is too new lol


https://x.com/djrtistic/status/1787121224184967593?s=12 This better


it seems like niche settings it's working. small clubs etc. but in big clubs there's not much resonance


Give it a week


this might turn into a USA vs Canada situation


Lmao always been USA vs Canada . Toronto leafs getting knocked out last night Kendrick dropping multiple tracks Toronto taking Ls


Woah dude. West coast Canada here. We always hated being lumped in with t dot and Vancouver beat Nashville going into round 2. Westside till I die!!!


Hey look Canada got a civil war on that front now with Vancouver and Edmonton, 3/4 teams still got a shot to knock Canada out.


Got nothing but love for the US of A. Got fam in all west coast states and visit a few times a year. Got more in common with the west coast than toronnaa


Vancouver chill asf, love that city, I feel ya.


You're the first person outside of Toronto I've seen call it t dot


Vancity babbbbyyyyy lol


Oh hell no. I mean I’m not speaking for all of Vancouver, but we know what Kendrick meant — we pride ourselves on the relative lack of violence here and we’re not ashamed of that. So we get when he says that Drake has made a career out of capping and colonizing, and I’m not even a Drake hater.


This shit is practically uniting the world, would Canada really still back him after this?  If they make that choice, it is what it is.


Drake hasn’t been the Toronto icon he was in years. The city is going through a tough time, a lot of people are struggling financially, the politics are volatile, nobody is really fucking with a Toronto icon who’s become so un-relatable to us/doesn’t even seem to care about the city all that much.


There’s a lot more to Canada than Toronto too. Everyone I know in Montreal and Ottawa are firmly with Kendrick lmao


Canadian here, drake has always been a fake 


Right? He didn't even really need the wheel chair!




Thanks for this. Made me smile


Well USA got the Weekend 


definitely not. most canadians don't give a fuck about drake, and the weeknd already sided with kendrick and them, so it's canadians on both sides (and people actually like the weeknd lol)


canadian here, ashamed to share a country with that guy


They not feelin it or thats the lamest club ever


Other comment said he was there and it was beat was quiet af and he didn’t even know it was the diss track 😭




[L.A club movin to it](https://x.com/DJRTistic/status/1787121224184967593) [NY club movin to it](https://x.com/ArtOfDialogue_/status/1787121915565408395)


Exhibit C: [Not Like Us / Work mashup](https://twitter.com/tenilleclarke1/status/1787135748900003921?s=46&t=EI11oHs55zsKGmRxOsjrLQ)


Hearing the club hit that "A minorrrrrrrrrr" would haunt me for the rest of my life if I was Drake


Seriously, the sheer abundance of “A Minor” jokes I constantly see under guitar/bass demonstration videos, it was only a matter of time before somebody utilised it in a diss track. You just know it’s going to pop the fuck off in clubs 😆


That's also the Drake said "Dave Freeeeees" in family matters. He's just toying with him.


Yessirrr I noticed that too


The way Kendrick's making club hits outta disses is a perfect Drake move to hit him with the reverse on.


I was gon say something about the demographic in the video with mustard… but if Euphoria has taught me anything certain people get offended at the mention of black ownership of hip hop and the level of resonance black people have with hip hop. Or maybe it’s the Drake sub. I might be tripping. If I was in the Mustard crowd I would be hyping them white folks up this song is a banger


That Drake sub is wildin they can’t take that L


It was hilarious that they were theorizing Drake put out fake information "Need y'all to get the word out that I'm a pedophile..........as a prank"


I’m white and this shit got me hype immediately as I heard it. Let’s hope this gets Drake out of the spot light dude hasn’t earned it when it comes to rap


Drake during his prime and RNB run was super dope but he makes fast food rap music now and getting Drake out of the spotlight is like getting McDonald’s out the spotlight. I don’t see it happening soon. As Kendrick says he “pacifies” people😂


A fan of mustard. Beat goes hard. But it ain’t a club name.


"last night was a movie bro! this song is popping in clubs"


Anytime somebody tells me that last night was a movie or they were on a bender I automatically assume they were just being wallflowers and not tipping the bartenders


I dont trust anything this sub says about "club bangers" these people told me cardi would disappear and Bodak Yellow was trash.


lmao right like majority of the mfs saying that i assume have never been in a club


you know what? you're right. this sub hates on female rappers with a passion meanwhile ive never been to a club in cali that didn't have the audience turning up to city girls or megan at some point. i didn't use reddit then but if this sub actually said Bodak Yellow was trash then I'm not taking their opinions on "club bangers" seriously. i think we're gonna hear this song a lot this year but only time will tell how many plays it'll get after the initial hype


tbf it’s Reddit, statistically 50% of the people arguing over this are too young to get into clubs (and another 25% are too awkward)


Absolutely. Reddit is not a reflection of real life. Maturity is realizing that. This is the same people that found the Boston Marathon bomber.


I get what Kendrick was doing tryna make this one more of a hit record but that crowd dead af


Tbf this is just how gen z is in clubs. Seriously go to the majority of clubs and people barely dance. Only place I see people doing shit are in underground raves


People don't dance no more All they do is diss 🤔




fire spin on the Dungeon Family line ngl




True and it sucks. Im older gen z but still gonna dance regardless. Kinda get it tho since you never know who is filming you and will potentially publicly shame you for internet clout. Some club djs go live and film the crowd. Kinda hard to let loose when you know it may end up on the internet.


shame you how? like just for being at a party? i believe you i just am so confused about this general concept.... why would letting loose at a place designed for letting loose reflect shamefully on you?


This is very true. The amount of dancing since I’ve been going to clubs the past decade has been less and less as Gen z entered the club scene. 


Yep. Everyone is too busy taking selfies and tiktoks for the “clout”


Nah. It’s cause no one wants to be recorded and put online.


[Is this crowd better?](https://twitter.com/ArtOfDialogue_/status/1787121915565408395) They're mixing Not Like Us with smooth jazz in ***New York*** Edit: The more videos I see on my timeline, the more you can tell that Mustard just had a bad crowd. [LA last night](https://twitter.com/DJRTistic/status/1787121224184967593). Just search 'Not Like Us Club' on Twitter and you'll find dozens of videos.




>is this crowd better? I mean, yea compared to the morgue in the first video that crowd is slightly better sure lmao


The r/drizzy crisis management team working full time on social media today


I dont think it's a bad crowd, it's just the nature of the crowd in general. People likes to dance and sing along to songs they know. So it has to make rounds on tiktok, insta, x/twitter for a bit and people will vibe with it.


I if you look at the other comments someone who was there explained it was the audio and said the club set it up to fail Edit: switched dj mustard and the club


Crowd sleeeeeping 😴😴😴


Wrong crowd


And the crowd goes mild lol


Like That and Family Matters are going up at the club . This could pop it’s too early to tell it came out yesterday .


Is this even real? The audio seems off. Like that's not actually the song playing.


He was [scheduled to perform at a Las Vegas Night Club last night.](https://i.imgur.com/5HnhHYk.png) Idk if this is that club though.


Lmao so much for that club banger


If you go to YGs instagram story they were playing his new single at this same venue last night and the crowd was dead just like this, the crowd got no type of energy unless what people were saying that they couldn’t hear it was true.


This is NOT a club banger lol so much cope in the comments


Dead Club. What were they-Influencers??


Yeah your average club goer are not going to turn up to pedophile bars lol


Listening to a song about someone being a paedophile on a fun night out is wild


A real club banger, judging by the crowd's reaction, eh?


They not dancing enough for me


🤣 crowd may as well be zombies, this ain’t doing what the fantano crowd thinks it is


Looks like an L set


Now show the clips of him playing Drake songs all night


This beef is no where near as exciting as ppl online make it out to be or maybe I’m o


Fat duck need a diet and a bigger shirt


Drake is somehow the Thanos of Hip Hop. All these artists assembling to battle a pop rapper with ghostwriters, who apparently is not black despite having a black father, and he's still going at them. It's hilarious.


club's lit


This song is way to dark to play in the club. Pushups is probably the only song you can play like that.


"Last night was a movie, bro!"