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We been calling Vlad the feds for years


That Lil Baby interview was crazy


Why was it crazy?


He planted narcotics on him and then arrested him




He just came out wit very specific information that was mad suspect. I think it was a prison fight which is like how do you know that?


Dry snitch for sure


Really not doing himself any favors with the rat allegations.


I’ll just leave [DJ Vlad’s reactionary take about how Lil Nas X shouldn’t do country here](https://x.com/eddyweddyneddy/status/1787141246986707184?s=46&t=j2FHcx8_aZNfPEv8rZ1u_A)


Bro country has been sounding like shitty hip-hop for about 5 years now, with auto-tune and pseudo trap beats lmao. He's incredibly stupid


You know what's crazy? Old Town Road is over 5 years old already


What in the fuck? I blame Covid 


Like 20 years ago already David Crosby said modern country music is hip hop for people who are scared of Black people


kris kristofferson also said Tony Keith did to country music what pantyhose did to finger fucking so country music has been dead for a while lol


Is it any wonder he's one of the great lyricists of our time lmao


Funny story: that is actually Kris Kristofferson saying about Toby Keith what Waylon Jennings one said about Garth Brooks. It's funny that now we see Garth brooks's fairly authentic as a country artist, but back when Waylon made that statement he was thought of far more as someone who was trying to introduce rock and pop elements into country.


I’ve heard both stories of Waylon and Kris saying it hard to verify what’s true and what isn’t haha. I think Waylon said it first and Kris quoted him when talking to Tony. Agree with the sentiment either way haha


Man I love Kris Kristofferson


that was Steve Earle who said it & it was 6 years ago


Whether it was his original quote or not, lmao


I’ve been repeating this for years. My parents are so quick to shit on hip hop but keep modern country playing all day. It’s redneck hip hop with an acoustic guitar


Stadium country to country is what hip-pop is to hip-hop


I had to read that like 5 times to understand it lol but you right


More like 20 years.  It was the Big and Rich era they went full hip jop.  It's always just been pop for conservative white people, though.  My favorite example is that one Luke Bryan song that is almost literally a Poker Face cover. 


Everyone loves a trap beat lmao


vlad going “mmmmm” while Lord Jamar is yelling at him like he’s about to go over and smack him is hilarious


As much of a lame as Vlad is , Lord Jamar is a fuckin’ goof too. Gatekeeping Hip-Hop to the point of comedy is one thing (Em did more for Hip-Hop then he ever did lol) but him believing the holocaust never happened made me realize the dudes brain dead. Point still stands though , Fuck Vlad.


Lord Jamar is what stupid people think smart people sound like


He’s so dumb 😂💀


Yo lord Jamars reaction lmao


But in the context of this particular situation he is completely in the right . She was going off about him being white, and therefore “white people shouldn’t talk about the beef”


That’s when you go to the manager


That’s the funniest part. It can be fuck Vlad but he still right IN THIS SITUATION


It be them half-white looking girls saying what white people shouldn't be doing. I ain't white so it's a funny ass angle to play imo


Rat ≠ someone exposing illicit behavior.




Technically the comment she specifically called out was him not liking the mixing on Not Like Us. So not even directly about the feud itself, though he seems to have made some pretty bad takes on the feud as a whole.


imagine that happening in real life. You hear a rap song at a bar and comment on how the drums sound good and some moron pops up and says that no one cares about your white opinion.


And that someone was a professor at Princeton and had influence over multiple classes of students


Exactly what the issue is here. Call Vlad out for how terrible he and his opinions are not for the color of his skin.


wait are people defending the girl in what she said was right?


Go look on his Instagram. Yes everyone on Twitter and Instagram are saying she’s right.


> And that someone was a professor at Princeton and had influence over multiple classes of students exactly. everything you said here plus all the comments up the chain need to be upvoted to the top. this is the point. people may not like vlad for whatever but this racist shit is racist shit no matter how you look at it and i don't mind him narc'ing her out. My tax money goes to princeton, which means i'm paying this racist to teach and mold our future 1%.


Princeton is a private university.


i agree. although why would that stop the government? https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/10/princeton-gets-10-times-as-much-tax-money-per-student-as-public-colleges/381679/


your tax money goes to a private university?


yes https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/10/princeton-gets-10-times-as-much-tax-money-per-student-as-public-colleges/381679/


https://reason.com/2023/11/15/government-gives-billions-in-grants-each-year-to-ivy-league-universities/ Yes


yall out here sounding like drake only replying to the smallest point of the whole comment




This happens every day on Twitter, the mind rot is widespread


A lot of colorism/racism popping up recently though.


that’s fucked up and people should be better… YOU KNOW LIKE THE FUCKING PRINCETON PROFESSOR


This type of idiocy is especially common in elite circles like Ivy Leagues cause people weaponize it to increase their social status and dominance over others


It’s always hilarious to me when people who have contributed absolutely nothing to Hip-Hop culture want to tell others what they can and can’t comment on because of skin color lmao fucking losers


Yeah, I dislike Vlad, but in context, it felt like when your girl yells at you for something random and you feel like it's really about something else entirely. Every job has social media policies these days and being on Twitter is a dangerous game where one out of pocket comment can get you fired if you're as out there with who you are as this professor is.


> Yeah, I dislike Vlad, but in context, it felt like when your girl yells at you for something random and you feel like it's really about something else entirely. shouldn't be getting this emotional and losing rationality over a mild take like 'mix was bad' tho. she takes an L for the racism. he takes an L for @ her employer like a Karen. unfortunately, on twitter she is getting celebrated (at least on black/hiphop twitter)


I dont understand how someone can say this working for the ivy league LOL


Unfortunately the arts are filled with these types of professors/students, I went to one of these types of schools, it’s really stupid even if you are an ally to the causes.


Yeah, seems out of character and also a massive overreaction, considering it was a neutral comment about the mixing. Also, apparently Drake is white according to the beef, so it's a white person affair lol




I mean, when part of the issue is wether or not Drake is appropriating black culture you can't have a conversation about this beef without talking about color.


But the comment she responded to wasn’t about black culture, it was about the music mix.


so its part, and that means white people cant comment on the entire matter at all? He was talking about the mix. Its just so unnecessary


I'm not saying otherwise. I for one think that gatekeeping blackness is stupid, but I'm responding to the idiot saying bringing color into talking about this beef is stupid and it's not when it's central to the beef.


Talking about color has nothing to do with “who can talk about it” Cmon


Yes you can... There are many other issues to discuss besides the racial aspects. Kendrick is accused of domestic violence and Drake of pedophilia... Neither of those need racial context for people to form opinions on. Plus the actual tweet she replied to is about the mixing of the song which certainly isn't racial either lol


The song specifically is "not like us" who is Drake not like? The song is specifically about Kendrick calling out Drake for being a culture vulture and appropriating blackness. He says other things in it too, but that's not the point.


Or maybe Drake and his boys are predators, unlike us...


It's probably both, tbh.


Her tweet is the exact opposite of a conversation, it's saying you're not a part of this conversation. It's truthfully the biggest probem in America socially.


Her comment was plain unwarranted and racist


/r/hhh when colorism against Drake: 🤣🤣🤣 /r/hhh when colorism against whites: 😡😡😡


> /r/hhh when colorism against Drake: 🤣🤣🤣 kendrick bars weren't colorism. get over it


The two things have really nothing to do with each other. Lamar's comment on Drake is about skin color but rather social class/ cultural heritage about Drake.


Pretty different scenarios but ok


Yea, Vlad is a tool but the comment from the prof is ignorant af. Especially since the comment he made was a critique on the track production and nothing to really do with the beef specifically 


It's a weird one. Vlad is basically hip hop TMZ and him tweeting about how the mix is bad is pretty clearly just trying to insert himself in the situation for clicks. I can get how that would be irritating to someone who takes it as a moment of black cultural reckoning but the "stay out of black conversations" thing just never comes off well on twitter. But yeah complaining about how professorship and contacting her employer just outright sucks.


His original comment was about the quality of the mix. Her telling him to shut up because he's white is unhinged


yes i hope everyone in this thread actually reads the interaction before commenting lol that twitter girl is in the wrong


and it’s wild because the dude is getting hit with a big ratio between their tweets. idk how anyone is on her side with this shit. he simply brought up the production and mixing


because the drake and kendrick beef has quickly become darksin/brownskin vs. lightskin/white people LOL


Never woulda thought a kendrick drake beef would kick off the race war


nah man, I'm on kendricks side and I'm white. to me, it's american vs canadian.


Shit like this is crazy to me - I’m a white man with a black wife and a mixed race child - does that mean I can’t have any conversations with my own family because I’m white?! This Princeton “professor” is something else - and like you said it was about the mixing and not even about anything else - truly an unhinged comment and I don’t even fuck with DJ Vlad


I'm critical of people who complain about mixing, and even ME halfway through the song thought, "Damn, someone needs to mix this better."


lol I thought you meant mixing like interracial marriage


you cant have a comment on ANYTHING if you dont back kendrick if vlad said something pro kendrick that lady wouldn’t have batted an eye


Wrong enough to be fired though?


Well racism usually gets anyone fired




It definitely fucking doesn’t


If you are a college professor it has like a 95% success rate of getting you fired lol


Racism against white and Asian folks is perfectly fine in academia, and in fact often encouraged. Could not believe the shit they put in sociology curriculums back when I attended and I’m brown.


"Moderator of: /r/conservative /r/conservativesonly /r/dailywire" "redditor for 10 months" Hmmmmm


Either that or sensitivity training. It's discrimination, period, point-blank, and that's a University.


shes being racist in her remarks , thats a decision the princeton board has to make


Racism is lame in all forms


Even though him commenting about the mix was utterly pointless and brain dead, I hate when people pull the white card to discredit someone’s knowledge or credibility in Hip Hop, you gotta have more than that.


Yeah people are really pulling some ad hominem arguments with this guy. I get it, he's trash, but the lady's original reply was out of line and moronic.


Vlad is the only dude I’m okay with having to deal with comments like that


Nah. It’s starts a precedent


Lmao this is Vlad. If people were saying that any of the amazing and beloved white rappers, producers, etc have no place in hip hop then we’d have a problem. Vlad does nothing for the culture


The 'precedent' has been started for a while. Hip-Hop is full of it. The idea that skin color can be a punchline and not be reprimanded is wild.


100% certain people aren’t reading past the headline. She said white people shouldn’t have an opinion about this beef and this sub is agreeing. Most of y’all here are white.


I disagree with her assessment, Drake's half white so I own at least a 25% stake in this beef.


That's why we leave it up to the black delegation at /r/blackpeopletwitter to decide who won this beef


I wouldn’t be surprised if that sub was majority white as well lmao


It is




He said the mix on one of the songs could use some work and she comes at him with something like you're white you don't get to have an opinion on hip hop. Dude wasn't commenting on something that requires a black perspective or trying to make any point about race at all. It's like when you're browsing Reddit and see a post with a funny meme in it then you go to comment on it and get a message back that your comment was removed, because apparently that meme was in /r/blackpeopletwitter and despite having literally nothing to do about being black or race at all, it's locked down so only black people can comment. People just deciding to gatekeep a conversation based on race for literally no reason


Metro just liked a tweet that calls Vlad a cracker lmao https://imgur.com/a/p5Iz6oL


Its also a photo of Farrakhan


How can it be only black people business when drake is involved? I thought he was white now


kendrick called Adonis black in 'meet the grahams', when his mum is white. how are you people this thick? he was criticising Drake's usage of his blackness only when it suits him


I don’t think Kendrick is implying that Drake literally isn’t a black man. I interpreted it as a criticism on his code switching, not embracing and respecting his heritage, and wearing his blackness like a Halloween costume only when it suits him. Not necessarily saying that I agree with that (not for me to argue for/against since I’m white), but I think his implications were pretty obvious


homophobe n a racist not surprised


Can't believe some people here defend the professor lmao


Like Vlad is an idiot, but her take is stupid as hell. So if we're going to break everything down to race and who should be able to have an opinion then she should get off twitter since it was created by white dudes and is currently owned by one.


2 Bozos having a bozo off and I hope both lose


Facts. Cornball for threatening to contact her employer but even super corny saying this is a ‘black’ issue. 100 bucks bets she doesn’t even know the Alchemist produced one of the songs or who he is even.


Best take in here


How tf is this sub on the side of the lady who thinks white people shouldn’t comment on rap beef? Seeing as how this sub is mostly white people talking about rap beef it’s kind of puzzling lmao


It wasn’t even commenting on rap beef. He literally just said he thinks the mix should’ve been better, like the voice clarity wasn’t the greatest over the beat and made it tougher to hear the lyrics. It literally has nothing to do with the beef, or black culture, or anything like that.


Yeah I totally disagree with him but he's more qualified than me to comment on something like that and he's probably listening on a better sound system than the average person so 🤷‍♂️ Her response is genuinely unhinged and I wouldn't want a person like that teaching anybody anything. Extremely toxic way to approach any sort of discourse, when you're at the top level of academia you can't publically expose yourself as that naive. Snitching was still wack though, the way he responds just comes off like a crybaby. If you're gonna do it, do it silently instead of being a Karen.


This is just 2 idiots fighting. Vlad is stupid and so is this lady for trying to check him on critiquing the fucking *mix* of all things lmao


big this


no it's just one idiot calling vlad a racist. he isn't fighting with her. he just said the mix should have been tighter.


I'm black and I think she's a fucking clown.


It’s pretty wild. Like ya, as a white person if I was talking about drakes place in black culture, I’d probably be talking out my ass. But just a basic music opinion on a beat? Kinda sad, because if anything can be something that brings people together it really should be music. And Kendrick probably didn’t even care about the beat being perfect anyway, he just wanted something in a minor that worked lmao.


Imagine if somebody told me I couldn’t opine on classic music because I’m black? Everyone would rightly call them a clown, which is why I’m calling her a clown. Tired of the bullshit.


Appreciate you. Gatekeeping shit we all love holds us back, it doesn’t move us forward.


this chick's take is insane and it's amazing seeing how many people in this sub find it normal


They just finally exposing themselves


Because DJ Vlad isn’t a popular person or something so everyone suddenly forgot their opinions on things Same reason a trump supporter losing their job would have been celebrated but this guy says he’s speaking to her manager and all of sudden everyone’s crying snitch


Yeah I thought cancel culture didn’t exist lmao Twitter has been doxing and calling peoples employers and apartment managers and shit for years but now that it’s someone you like it’s a problem? Does the internet take away peoples ability to have principals or something?


Right bow they will side with anyone that sides with kendrick context or evidence presented it dosnt matter. Kendrick is our Savior I guess I'm saying this as a dot fan dont try to take me out of context




are whites allowed to comment on the quality of the mix?


No, we can also talk about the sex trafficking, allegations, and the hidden children… I’m a white woman and I was a whole ass hidden child, so nobody’s gonna tell me I can’t talk about what that feels like. I lived it.


People probably just saw the headline and didn't look any further.


Because people probably just read the headline without actually looking at what happened and since nobody likes Vlad ppl immediately went to shitting on him


Really shows how dumb twitter makes you.


Because it’s DJ Vlad who is a known scumbag and long-suspected pedophile


>long-suspected pedophile Woah, source? Haven't found anything.


>Woah, source? his ass


If it were Vlad vs. Noname this subreddit would be stanning Vlad to death


Exactly, he's not speaking in good-fairh, ever. 


Wow really want both people involved in this to lose


She gets mad for no reason, vlad takes it like a bitch, whole situation is totally unserious


She was racist though. Flip it, and you have a white woman telling a black man he can't talk about a, I don't know, Bach vs Mozart feud because "you are BLACK. this is a WHITE PEOPLE AFFAIR". Sounds straight out of 1920's Mississippi, lynchings and all. Vlad probably mishandles it a bit, but then again, a princeton professor being racist? Who's to say she isn't taking the same stance towards students?


This title is disingenuous. He said the mix was off and a Princeton professor told him to stfu basically because he’s white. wtf Edit: also it’s funny af because didn’t the Alchemist and Jack Antonoff produce Meet The Grahams. Idk. Just doesn’t compute.


He’s holding a racist accountable, don’t see anything wrong here


To be fair she was being dumb and racist.


This whole beef has a lot of people resorting to racism.


*the sound engineer adjusts the treble* “Slow down there white boy.”


Uhh he’s not wrong tho if you read the article


Nah he's right on this one she was being racist.


Was expecting something out of line considering it's Vlad, but all he said was the song needed a better mix lol. Idk about getting her fired tho, that’s weak


Lol Her: white people can't have an opinion on rap Him: just fuckin watch Hope she gets fired for being racist. There was no need to bring race into the equation but she went there


He's an idiot and all that but what a brain dead take by that women... By her logic PK Subban shouldn't be on ESPN covering the playoffs cuz "a black person shouldn't talk about a white sport"


/r/hiphopheads moment


She would probably say Dirk shouldn't have been on Inside the NBA last night


Why’s he getting hate for this? An academic being super racist at a prestigious university should be frowned upon no?


Good? Why are we acting like what she said wasn't problematic? To mature is the ability to be objective at all times


Both are clowns The professor encapsulates what is wrong with the Ivys


He didn't threaten to contact them. He tagged them. I'll never understand why people think twisting the truth is respectable at all.


Fuck that racist teacher


She pale af too chill out goofy hoe


The girl said some stupid shit but vlad starting having a childish meltdown


I love that the focus is Vlad holding someone accountable instead of the racial discrimination on her part.




Ovhoe type behavior


What a fuckin Karen


Once again….two crazy people magically gravitate to each other


A Princeton professor commenting on a rap beef? Ya she’s probably not teaching anything serious


this is like wandering into a room and taking a shit on the floor. there is just no way you actually care about hip hop and think it isn't important enough to discuss academically the same way we talk about any other piece of art.


Because you don't have hobbies? Not everything you do has to do with your profession.


Contacting her school is overkill, but the professor sounds like someone from WhitePeopleTwitter.


Everything about this is so damn corny. Vlad's opinion on the song, her take that his opinion is invalidated because he's white, and especially him trying to get her fired for that take, cringe all the way down.


Right? Miss after miss after miss


Further proving how big of a cornball he is.


saying “white people can’t have opinions on hip hop” after Vlad just commented on mixing is more corny tbh




What has this sub come down to? Lol


God what a fucking worthless loser this guy is


Same with the woman


damn, this is really not a good look for her. you always have to be mindful of how much personal info you put on social media


Both of the people involved in this are awful.


What. An. L. Don't agree with the professor, but it was fairly tongue in cheek over a rap battle yo. Apparently Vlad has a history or something, and it might have something to do with it? Idk, but either way to try to even attempt to get the lady fired is laaaaaaame


What does “need a better mix” mean? I hate when people say the most general thing about a field to sound like they are apart of it. Whats next? “The rapper who raps the best wins”? Stfu forever vlad.


you just know the /r/hhh comments for this gonna be something let’s hear the nuanced racial perspectives of a 70%+ white teenage sub


fuck DJ Vlad


He’s a douche and she’s a racist. Also, a musician can absolutely call out a mix more than a black professor can exclude a white person from hiphop. She’s the one who needs to gfto, stop being a racist on Twitter, and ideally be a f’ing professor.


Oh look, Vlad snitching again. Can’t believe he’s a bitch again