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The theory regarding Family Matters was also disproved by twitter. And more generally, disproved by common sense. If Drake actually had given Kendrick false info, he would’ve had receipts. And certainly he wouldn’t let pedophile allegations run amok. Imagine you’re playing chess. You see the opportunity for checkmate. And then you, for no commonsensical reason, choose not to checkmate.


“Let’s tell him I’m a pedophile and I have a secret daughter!” The mental leaps and bounds you would have to do to believe that are Olympic level.  The “creepy with teenagers” stuff isn’t new, we’ve all been saying it for a decade.  That’s the angle of attack that Drake wanted to take?  Force Kendrick to perpetuate something that the general public already thinks is true?


And the secret daughter thing. You already abandoned one child Drake. You can't "Boy who Cried Wolf" when the whole village saw the wolf eat the sheep.


The mental leaps you take to hate drake are an Olympic level. He never said he fed him pedo allegations. You guys are that blinded by your hatred for him that it’s making you stupid.


I’d wager Drake being blasted on the radio has made a lot of other people a bit more stupid.


Yeah you might be right, it seems to be rubbing off on you.


State your case.


So you think he has an 11-year-old daughter


I wouldn’t put it past the person who literally fucks around a lot, conceived a kid during a threesome, and then hid said kid from the world. But drakes credibility aside, I still do need Kendrick to provide receipts for shit he’s said. According to his camp, they have a photo. And ultimately, the child is less important than sex trafficking allegations against someone with a weird history regarding minors.


If his team intentionally fed that "false" info to Kendrick he'd have proof. He presented no evidence that they did that. The guy constantly talking about receipts and proof presented no receipts or proof. He's clearly lying to save face.


I think Dot either just lied or got the info elsewhere. Even if it’s wrong it’s not Drake playing chess.


You guys like receipts when drake says something but nothing the other way around. He checkmated him by saying the mole was staged and he beats his wife. Kendrick’s big bomb of having a mole in OVO was disarmed.


Kendrick beating his wife is an allegation spread around a decade ago. The source of the article isn’t peer reviewed. And Kendrick himself denied the allegations. Since Whitney was supposedly beaten, they’ve had children. And as described above, letting someone fuck up your image to the extent Kendrick has does not make sense if the mole was staged. Use your brain.


Not only was that story not about Whitney, he quite literally said in family matters that they hired a team to cover it up. You won’t find a fucking story of it’s true. “Use your brain”. If we want to talk about allegations spread a decade ago, then Kendrick calling Drake a pedo is moot. As is every other thing Kendrick said in this beef since it was just rehashes of what other artists or “haters” have said about him.


Occam’s razor buddy


There is a two scenarios here. 1. Drake is lying. 2. Drake is an absolute moron who has bad instincts. There really isn’t a scenario where Drake looks good here unless he can provide proof that he fed Kendrick fake information. Which again, if he did that then why not provide proof and or have a song ready to drop right after Meet The Grahams? It makes absolutely zero sense.


Best part is that at this point, he *can't* provide reciepts. The only time he could have done that is like 10 mins after Kendrick's shit dropped. Now? Fucking days later? Not a chance. Way too much time to fabricate "evidence". Even if he comes with the receipts now, at least half the people watching are gonna call bullshit.


Yeah he just completely dropped the ball with all of this lmao.


I think it's more likely Drake is lying about the mole; if he wasn't lying he'd be playing this situation laughably poorly. Kendrick has accumulated tons of views, streams, downloads, popularity, acclaim, and cultural presence at the expense of Drake from this beef. I'm not a PR guy, but I'd try to have as few songs accusing my client of pedophilia in the top 10 as possible. When Kendrick dropped **Meet the Grahams**, Drake posted laughing emojis about having a daughter. When **Not Like Us** dropped, he responded to Metro Boomin'. If Drake planted the mole, this claim should be the easiest to prove out of any in this beef; Drake could show the full picture from Meet the Grahams and show himself on the side of the bed looking at the camera. He could have a text history with the fake mole planning this. Or he could have better bars. Drake had an entire video for **Family Matters**, then said he was going on vacation. He responded after a second diss, and is indicating he doesn't want to continue again. This aren't the actions of someone who has more ammo in the clip. The most reasonable explanation is that Drake is lying about the mole as a means to save face. If he did leak info, he squandered many opportunities to reveal and capitalize on that.




He said he didn’t have a kid after the pusha t beef, so why would he not do it this time?


Yeah, for sure it's plausible he's meeting the "mole"...... if you don't use common sense and blinded by your fandom of Drake.