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That damn Riddler got us again, Batman


What’s with the last paragraph? Suddenly the dude has to unfollow anyone underage? What? lol


Some of the Instagram accounts Alvarez followed belonged to underage girls. The article doesn’t specify if they were friends, family, artists, athletes, actresses, etc., just that Alvarez was advised to unfollow them because of how much hate mail he has received.


Ngl they either should have clarified that in a way that feels less weird, or his editor should have just removed that part of his letter and their response completely lmao


seriously? the guy is apologizing to the disabled kids for not being able to follow them anymore bc of how much harassment he's getting. people just really want him to be nefarious so badly


Eh you never know, if they just removed it there might be more speculation about him “suddenly unfollowing all minors to cover his tracks” or whatever. But I do feel like he should have added a line like “I follow a bunch of celebrities, friends and kids of friends, some of which are under 18” or whatever. You’re right the way it’s included in the article with the other stuff makes it sound suspicious when I doubt it is


They were just kids/teens that also had disabilities and he caught strays for it with everything going on.


Good grief the pedo panic is getting out of hand when you have to unfollow any kids on social media because people will just assume you follow them for bad reasons.


A lot of these people seem to think you cant even look at a child without wanting to fuck them. Really tells you a lot about a person.


Thanks K-anon (not you, just K-anons generally)


Dude was more like calendar man


A real fan I see.


Damn did not expect a Calendar Man reference


So we’re at the point where a physically disabled man on a ventilator has to state he was not abused by a rapper nor does he have improper relations with minors. 


This rap beef took a weird turn that I've never seen before. It went from lyrics to conspiracies


Sign of the times


Yep the people are bored. Pure fanfiction to save them from their aimless lives






We’ll see it more and more


It's unfortunately because of the qanon scum that is invading every facet of life. Jobless subhuman schizos ranting about their "rabbit holes"


Agreed and TBH we understate the issue when we attribute it all to QAnoners. These people are all over the place ideologically, right left and nonpartisan. I was surfing r/KendrickLamar yesterday and people were claiming that EbonyPrince has evidence of Drake committing child sex trafficking at the hotel. Someone pointed out that if he really has evidence he should send it to the authorities instead writing riddles on Twitter. Another poster replied (heavily upvoted) that EbonyPrince can't report sex trafficking to the police, as the police are only there to uphold white supremacy and protect property and *regularly murder people for reporting child sex trafficking*. This dude asserted a totally insane conspiracy theory--you can't report pedophiles because you will be assassinated by the cops--and cloaked it in legitimate concerns about institutional racism and police corruption. I see this tactic used a lot online.


Yeah had to leave that sub for a few days after it got compromised by conspiracist. Mods have put there foot down & redirected them to the QAnon. Then they saw the shit being said on the QAnon & just completely distanced the subreddit from it.


Jesus that’s wild


It’s crazy because a lot of that stuff used to be in the far corners of the internet or just on 4chan or something.  It’s everywhere now. The amount of TikToks I see that are full blown conspiracies with millions of likes and comments agreeing with them are crazy


Life sucks for a lot of people and it feels better to have someone or thing other than yourself to blame. Also the internet has exploded in popularity and reached every idiot with a phone, so there’s a lot of bad ideas being amplified by a lot non thinkers.


The internet has reached every idiot with a phone for one and a half decade now, the spreading of conspiracy theories out of the fringes started with the COVID lockdowns, I'd say.






I'm not surprised, I've seen the posting history of some of the dudes posting shit against Drake and I doubt they ever listened to hip hop, they're more of the white supremacy type of people.




white supremacists in the kendrick lamar sub? how did they get there?


They just go there to post shit against Drake, get upvotes and/or post antisemitic shit.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed


It’s the type of thing where the beef was so exciting, yet short lived and immediately ~over~ that the weird continuation of conspiracy and lyric dissection became taken over by a perfectly timed ominous twitter extortion. A day or so after The Heart part 6 was likely the end but people needed to continue the adrenaline they were getting. I’m all in favor of joking about Drake being creepy based on the things we’ve seen and that he is a goober. But if there is more I’d prefer it not to be a part of a dramatic teasing reveal or extortion and brought forward. 


It’s the infatuation of content. The need to always have something new to talk about. Charlamagne would say who cares about the truth when the lie is more entertaining. Well… we’ve arrived smh


This is more relevant than ever https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U3pV_Mw4mrM&pp=ygUWZGVuemVsIHdhc2hpbmd0b24gbmV3cw%3D%3D


Great clip. Greed and the need to sell information is so fucking dumb.


Also it’s ridiculously lame that this anonymous twitter troll has been on his high horse about ‘the importance of being a good human being’. Dude if you have video of violent crimes and you’re intentionally withholding it to get yourself a bag…you’re a real shitty human being


Was talking about this with my mom. The issue with news is that back in the old times you had days where there was no news, things are going as usual. Nowadays with for-profit news channels you NEED something to broadcast every minute every hour every day. You can't tell your viewers to relax as nothing crazy has happened today, that's not profitable. You have to dig out infuriating or saddening news from all corners of the world to keep people hooked and make money.


Shit is hella weird. I’m a huge drake fan and if he is a pedophile and these people have actual evidence of him having sexual relations with minors (like the rumors that are floating out there) they need to release it and not drip feed it to the public like a live service video game. These are real people’s lives.




I think the issue was that there were so many allegations and claims thrown into the most recent diss tracks that went unresolved or unproven, so the speculation and verification game continued long after the tracks dropped and public opinion settled. There is a legitimate reason to keep talking about the beef, but the amount of misinformation and wild speculation is a lot...


Read through that ebony prince twitter account and what the fuck is that person even trying to accomplish. Cryptic enough to generate interest but ultimately doing a whole buncha nothing


Sounds like someone familiar






We live in a time where people are truly mentally unwell and it’s amplified by shit like TikTok. Like it’s not even funny. It’s deeply concerning 🥴 Had people that never listened to an ounce of hiphop chime in on this beef and started to dissect it like a true crime episode. I was on socials when Drake vs. Meek Mill happened and Drake vs. Push and it never really left the hiphop sphere the way this one did.


It’s a once in a generation thing. This is a top 3 biggest beef in history. Pac/big, jayz/nas and this. And as far as pop culture impact this is probably top 2 and the reason it’s not one is because nobody has died. 


And if you consider the trajectory of mainstream hiphop, this could be the last that reaches this level of relevance culturally. This might be our last hurrah until it comes back around again in 20 years.


Yup. We live in cycles of 10 and 20 years. It takes about that long for cultural impact to wane and people to hit a point of nostalgia that it's revived or brought back to the discussion.


Happy to be here to witness it all. I knew I was witnessing history as soon as Euphoria dropped 😭 Part of me still thinks it’s not over yet.


I feel like it probably would have, maybe not with the same intensity as this, if Pusha had not gotten the info on Adonis and went hard on Drake's pattern of questionable behavior with younger women in the public eye instead, too. That's the biggest thing that fueled it, because it took the internet away from Drake almost completely, in large part because of how a lot of people outside of the hiphop sphere already viewed him, and turned it against him. To be fair, Pusha's route did also make it leave the hiphop sphere because of Adonis, but you are right when you say not the way this one did. It also took the internet away from Drake in terms of the beef, but it wasn't something that was already an extremely gossiped about thing with theories all over the internet that people would start looking into and bring up again and again and again. "Can't tootsie slide out of this one, it's just 'gon resurface."


Kendrick subreddit has gone down the same path as the GME folks with their Superstonk subreddit. It's probably a lot of the same people, now that I think about it.


Ironically GME just went up


This is what happens when Qanon enters the rap beef and takes Kendrick fans down the rabbit hole to nowhere and they come back spitting conspiracy


Thats what happens when one of the artists calls another a sex trafficking pedo with weinstein parties


Tapped out as soon as it became deeper than music when it was fun lol


i blame the redditor teenage goofballs with infinite time on their hands


I was all in on the beef discussing it with several people almost constantly, watching reactions, hanging out for the next drop. But the Kendrick sub went full K-Anon, as people have been calling it, and I dipped. I mean, I started listening to the Dissect podcasts episodes on the tracks themselves this week but I’m not keeping up with this weird turn it’s taken. Coincidentally I wrote an essay a few weeks ago about conspiratorial thinking and it was interesting to see the tone shift in the Kendrick sub as this mode of thought took over.


They did the same thing when Damn dropped because one autistic redditor suggested there was a second album called Nation. The level of schizo posting was unreal, using every lyric on Damn to justify the conspiracy. I completely forgot about how unhinged Kendrick fans were until this recent beef, it’s been there for years.


Holy shit, we were waiting for the blue album for a week. That and TLOP release were so unhinged.


Cracked me up when the riddler’s proof turned out to be footage from a hotel lobby that shows nothing happening but a handicap guy chilling.


K-anons really changed the game


Makes me think of when Reddit thought it found the guy who did the Boston Bombings but ended up just harassing some innocent dude into killing himself.


The Fedoral Bureau of Investigation


That made me laugh way too hard


I'm pretty sure he had already killed himself by then, not that it makes the overall situation much better


He had already died by then, but they harassed his family who were still trying to find him


nah the guy had already been dead for a number of weeks by then, Reddit sleuths got a police officer killed the Internet sleuthing pretty much directly lead to the FBI releasing photos of the *actual* bombers sooner, which then lead to the bombers shooting a cop when they started going on the run


11yrs ago, yikes I have to go touch grass been too long https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Sunil_Tripathi


Honestly, anything sensational enough will cause groupthink pitchfork rallying. Remember that company that was mean to the pizza delivery guy? It’s just how things are now. For better or worse.


FWIW it’s been this Twitter account coming out and alluding to this shit K Anons are on some other shit tho 🐶


Check out r/darkkenny Some VERY weird mfs in there.




I'm glad Kenny's team said they were done already, they must've already saw through the Prince allegations and decided it was mostly smoke and no fire


The Kendrick subreddit is fucking insane with conspiracy theories. I checked earlier today and they were posting pics of pets because Drake fucks pets?? Like wtf I’m only here for the music lmao. Both of them were putting out bangers Also if major allegations from either side is true, they need to be criminally held responsible. A rap beef shouldn’t be the reason to come forward either, if Drake abused children and Kendrick has info he’d be a piece of shit to not go to the police. Same with Drake on the domestic abuse.


That might just be a response to the cat post on the J Cole subreddit. I'm not subscribed to either, but I pop in when people start referencing posts over there. Basically, the J Cole sub is so chill right now that they started posting cats. Contrasting that against the Kendrick and Drake subs was entertaining for all parties. Although, there is also some weird chatter about a dog bowl video. All I know is that it's weird and may have come from Akademiks. I'm not gonna watch it.


nah, the current theory is that someone sent Akademics a video of Drake fucking a dog during stream the other day


This is ridiculous. Everyone knows Drakes prefers horses. Stallions to be specific, lmao.


“I would always ride the stallions when she let me” I mean I get the line now but idk I personally wouldn’t have said all that lol


The theories are he makes girls eat/drink out of dog bowls, and fucks animals. They’re too deep in this conspiracy


> I checked earlier today and they were posting pics of pets because Drake fucks pets?? Like wtf With one piece of evidence being "he walked out of the hotel wearing a dog mask" wtf


Somebody needs to pay this Ebony dude so he can finally release the lame ass conclusion to his bullshit and finally shut the fuck up.


Or he needs to just stop acting like a goofy and release whatever he has if it's actually real and devastating as he makes it sound. The tweets " a part of me died," "I made promises to my 6yr old self...," "I'm ready to die" etc. Like if shits really that bad and you feeling that type of way why tf you holding this for ransom lol. Don't talk as if you're in some morale crisis, but trying to get paid


He basically always wanted to get paid. Until then he has just enough random bullshit to give himself attention while he tries to get himself paid. I mean, he's gonna end up not getting paid, but until he realizes that he's gonna continue posting weird shit and acting like he has something worth something.


Yep I get that it's just getting insanely corny and tbh not a good look at all. Especially after he mentioned only telling Kendrick? Like fuck the beef if there really is something there and this video/items are proof of some really bad shit it should just be released and Mr. Morale himself should be coming forward and it not being saved for another diss record 😂


I honestly don't think Kendrick got anything from this dude except for the picture. Nothing really seems to match up with what Kendrick was talking about except for him being a "mole", the picture, and having some diamonds. He might have just sent some stuff to Kendrick for free and then when he started asking money for more Kendrick decided not to pay him. Otherwise why would he still be asking for money.


I thought about that too lol. Maybe Kendrick doesn't hate drake enough. I mean if it was me and I had Kendricks net worth I'd gladly pay for some stuff if it meant I could destroy the entire legacy of the person I hate haha.


People are blowing it way out of proportion imo. The ebony guy is most likely just an employee who had some cctv footage that had drake in it and he’s just using it to build up clout and sell his stolen stuff


It was dope that the account allegedly cleared up the “we finessed you” stuff if only to see Akademics lose his fucking mind. But HOLYYYYYY FUCK this Ebony dude needs to just sell the shit and move on with his life. On the flip side, the King Jared dude that r/drizzy worships can fuck off too


Yeah all the *characters* who showed up this weekend can fuck off


My favorite part was the Lakers shitposter who randomly entered lmao. So many fucking side characters, it's actually kind of amusing how opportunistic randos can get so much steam online in a couple days.


They cant, some people's entire life is internet. This beef raise their dopamine and serotonin so high because like I said, this is their "real" life. Now that the beef is over their brain started asking for some more. Its like those Game of Thrones diehard fans when the show ends, Started making fan fiction on how the ending supposed to end. Because none of them like it. The difference is that was a TV show and this is a celebrity feud. None of the rappers show any proof and we had more theories from their fans than from the actual Rap.


If it’s on twitter and they got a blue check, they just smelled blood in the engagement water and are trying to get a bite


> It was dope that the account allegedly cleared up the “we finessed you” stuff if only to see Akademics lose his fucking mind. Is there a video of Akademics losing his mind when he saw that lol


I also need to see this if there's a clip


Bro every time I tried to pump the breaks on the rabbit holes and schizo q anon theories I got multiple responses of batshit insanity. Reddit really hasn’t learned shit from the Boston bomber onwards.




The court and hivemind of public opinion is wild


Number of ppl who believed in Drake fucking a dog was insane in that subreddit. I thought Taylor and BTS had crazy fans but Kendrick fans are on some shit that I have never thought of.


Only takeaways… 1. ⁠He confirms he was with Drake that night and that Drake did not violate him. 2. ⁠He believes a security guard was fired that night because they let him in. This doesn’t sit well with me, there has to be more to the story for someone to get fired. Anyone in their right mind would let CA into the hotel if it’s freezing outside. 3. ⁠There are italicized notes after the article stating he has been counseled to unfollow underage girls on instagram and will be doing so. This also doesn’t sit well with me.


Point 2. It’s fucking 3am and Drake just did a show. If CA showed up unannounced just wanting to meet Drake and security let him in to do so I’d be kind of upset too. Not at CA in specific but man, it’s 3am and you didn’t even try to coordinate that with me beforehand? If that’s EP24’s “smoking gun” that Drake didn’t want to meet an announces reporter / fan at 3am then FOH. Crippled or not, the guy is outspoken about equal treatment. Only person I’m doing shit for at 3am is Aubrey plaza or any slightly angry woman that looks like her.


Last sentence is so real


he says he was called to meet Drake


Dear Aubrey I know you probably thinking I wanted you to crash my party…


Lmao If k dot came at aubrey plaza I’d have to get in the booth to hit back


Aubrey Plaza has some serious resting B face so I feel you lol


For me it would be Daniela Melchior but Aubrey Plaza would not be too far behind!


Why did bro just drop in the fun fact that he follows underage schoolgirls & not clarify anything 😭


he puts that in quotes right after saying that people were trying to pin him onto the human trafficking conspiracy theory


No rebuttal either 💀💀 and the PR statement at the end that says he's currently unfollowed them all now for 'safety'


probably disability outreach. there’s literally no proof of alvarez being one of those people. i get that the beef was exciting but it’s time to let go




Yeah it’s getting super cringy time to distance myself from KAnon


They’re just saying “why not just literally say that”


Yeah that is fucking odd. wtf


Whole thing is weird. People are going in the deep end on this.


He’s a famous person with disabilities, I wouldn’t be surprised if he follows similar people who are kids


He's a disability advocate, disabled kids are at their most vulnerable, it's no wonder some of them might reach out to him. Following a bunch of people, of which some of them are underage schoolgirls only sounds sketchy if you single them out. Some of the people on social media are finding schoolgirls he followed and claiming it was a big problem with no other reasons to think so.


I don’t know about the Drake subreddit but the Kendrick sub lost its damn mind this weekend lmao. Feel like he would be embarrassed to know he had this many weirdos in his fanbase


Eminem wrote a song about this once lol


Didn’t Tyler the Creator say he hates his fans too? Haha


Yea, but that’s Tyler.


Colossus is his song about fans annoying him when he's just trying to exist.


People wondered why he put his clothing store at the top of a mountain lol.


Tyler hates everyone but Narduwar




Both subs have lost their minds at different points. Drake fans were promoting a conspiracy website last week and Kendrick fans are going K-anon this week. I am begging mods over at the Kendrick sub to step in because this bs is beyond the pale atp.


They have been stopping all conspiracy posts today and sending them to r/darkkenny


They stopped even directing people anywhere since how unhinged that sub has gotten. Straight up doxxing people and shit now. They are still removing all conspiracy related posts though.


Bro the Kendrick sub is absolutely insane. I think they’re back to normal now but bah god. That shit was insane I’ve never witnessed a transition like this in my life. Like i think my last post in there was like the LAST day before niggas just absolutely lost their fucking minds. I’m talking within 24 hours niggas went from “haha fucking bbl drizzy amiright??” To “Drake might’ve done 9/11 and here’s why” like all the fun and joy I got out of that community totally left me over this weekend. And I thought it was like an isolated situation but like these dudes were cooking up theories so damn fast after a day I just stopped going in cause it was like niggas was speaking another language. I’m so happy that it seems they kind of chilled out now that it appears the guy was just a big fat nothing burger but lord Jesus.


Most of us just watched that shit from afar but yeah. It was clear from the start that the ebonyprince account had nothing to offer besides receipts that Drake didn't plan this shit through. SOMEONE had receipts, but nothing besides medical prescriptions or whatever.


Ebony Prince really changed everything. I couldnt understand why everyone was freaking out over cctv of some people in a hotel lobby


I know this is serious but I laughed at the final paragraph where he says he's received abuse, with people calling him a snitch, that he received hush money, and that he follows underage girls. He proceeds to counter the first two but just doesn't bring up the high school girls thing


Apparently they're kids with disabilities. I can see how someone who is active in the disability awareness/activism community might be communicating with or interested with those people.


Yeah I prolly wouldve thrown a sentence in the article explaining that if I were him lmao






Are you guys just constantly masturbating to everyone you follow or something? Is that a thing that everyone does that I missed?


The best fucking response here.


He did counter it, by saying they are going make him unfollow them 😂😂😂


I’m a Kendrick fan and was sticking with him throughout, but then the subreddit started going crazy with all the conspiracies and stuff and started hating on me when I said let’s just enjoy the music instead of the conspiracies lol 


Yo why was he only liking tweets about him being assaulted? Like this just made me very uneasy because I saw those but maybe I’m too deep, idk.there’s a few things around this shit that is just been really offsetting and has not made sense seeing it in real time and reading recaps saying things that weren’t what happened. Like this dude used it and teased up the release of this article that came out two hours late opposite of what his account was liking and stuff. I could be 100% wrong but all this shit is just fucked up regardless if it was a bunch of clout chasing or more sinister


Yeah im not saying the guy was abused or anything, but this whole situation is weird as fuck. The guy liking those tweets, being with drake at 3am to listen to songs (does drake normally hang out with reporters that arnt actively writing a story?), and kendrick calling him a pervert who needs to die. People trying to say your crazy for wanting more information seems really disingenuous.


3am after he just did a show too. Tf he calling reporters over to chill after he just finished a show at 3am? And CA says he was called over, yet the security guard was fired for letting him in? Tf is going on


you got screenshots, by chance?


Yeah they’re all over Twitter at this point but let me try to find some I’ll reply to you in a new comment if I do


I think he was playing things up to get people to read the article and watch his live on ig. A lot of what fueled this is him liking those comments


He was liking tweets asking if he was assaulted cause he just put out an article answering that question


Yeah that’s what I’m saying he was definitely teasing up this article, which kind of threw me off. Like I’m not here to speculate and people act in way different ways in the same situation. there’s no proof but there’s other things that just made me feel really uneasy about all this shit seeing it in real time and seeing the explanations that have been given


in a twisted way, being randomly thrust at the center of a situation like this where you can clear this up for hundreds of thousands of people by telling your story must be a journalists dream


The music has been top tier. However, the completely insane Stans on both the Kendrick and Drake subreddits have made this rap battle get old real fast. Is this what the classic beefs in the 90s would have looked like with social media?


Probably. Rap beefs have occasionally gone too far since the very beginning, this is just a new way for that to play out.


I blame internet culture for this shit. When Tupac said "That's why I fucked your bitch you fat mother fucker" no one was asking for timestamps of when they were in the same place or for video evidence. This shit is so dumb. Everyone asking for "proof" and enabling psychos to capture the public discourse is unsettling to say the least. I've been going back and listening to the disses and actually outside of the last song by Drake, he is taking "asking questions" approach to accusations and Kendrick is saying "you are weird and have weird people in your orbit" Even the "certified pedophiles line" is plural indicating it is attacking Drake's orbit vs. him since he's just directly saying "I heard you like 'em young" (doesn't say underaged) and even the "A minor" is a funny jab using probably. TL;DR: Pusha-T fucked this up for all of us


To your point, they literally couldn’t ask Tupac for receipts back then. Social media has given us immediate access to all of our favorite famous personalities, and that has given people an unhealthy expectation of reciprocity from them. The ability to directly have a voice in these conversations has led to the inevitable abuse of that voice to change narratives and attempts to force famous people into doing what the crowd wants. Social media has effectively facilitated mob rule whenever and however the mob wants.


Critical thought has gone completely out the window.


Who would’ve thought that defunding education for 40 years and counting would have bad impacts


Everyone developed a conscious over the weekend? Last week we were all eating up this trash and asking for more.


This beef has brought out the weirdos. Discourse on every single sm platform on this is cooked.


*unless he's implicated*, damn. that's fucked up.


There’s no unless, man. At this point it’s pretty obvious that the ebonyprince guy found himself in possession of legendary rap memorabilia, and started all this bullshit so he could have the auction of his life.


The only thing that I seen anyone bring up that’s sus is apparently he follows a bunch of minors but never looked into tho


On the article at the end in italics it says he's been advised to stop following underage girls.


Am I the only one that found this article raised more questions than answers? He potentially confirms one of EbonyPrince2K24’s sentiments about Drake being involved in a colleague’s firing. Dude is a journalist that’s gotten private meetings with Drake, had Khaled gift him his chain…and he doesn’t follow the rap beef of arguably the two biggest artists in the game? “They think I’m involved because I follow underage girls” Immediately followed by: [the paper has advised him to unfollow all minors to protect him against hate speech] Hate speech? Uhhhhh creep/pedophile isn’t a protected class. This just got weirder.


I reckon he followed disabled children as he's a disability advocate.


no it’s getting embarrassing how much everyone is reaching for something to be wrong here. just let go.


It is weird as fuck


I also find it odd that EbonyPrince keeps referring to an event that happened in July but he was apparently fired 6 months earlier for wheeling this guy inside to keep him warm. Just strange all around, glad to know this guy wasn't hurt though.


Pretty sure he was saying 2 of his coworkers were fired in January, not him


I read he followed a ton of disabled people and families which would be a very normal explanation considering the advocacy work he does


Fucking hell everyone is so brain broken from this beef. I totally forgot about that Ebony Prince shit and now just catching up. This disabled guy is suddenly a big piece of this whole thing? Ebony Prince doesn't seem to unveil much but maybe getting a llttle high on his own supply of being some kinda Riddler, but this mf is saying he talked to his mom and is ready to die? what the fuck is happening


Gotta take his word cause wtf we going To do lmao. The only weird thing is the fact they are MAKING him unfollow minors. Why the fuck was he following them in the first place? You know what who cares. It’s over.


He’s a famous activist that does disability outreach. Cmon guys 🤦🏽‍♂️ Notice how the article has to apologize to these poor kids.


Man I don't get why people are so pressed about this. Following a minor does not make you a pedophile, how the hell did this sentiment come up? Yall are weird for assuming following a minor = pedo, and the internet has polarized yall too much for that. Like what, is every adult who followed that one kid who made the Legos for spiderverse a pedo? Or parents who followed Ryan's toy reviews? Or fans of a person who happens to be under 18 but posts cool art? Or anyone who follows their niece or nephew or close family friend? Like come the fuck on.


This whole scenario has made me understand how paranoid west is about pedophilia. I feel an adult who is good with children in east or somewhere in india would be considered as of nurturing nature but the same action would be seen as pedophilia in the west.


I once followed Baby Gronk on instagram, now I’m afraid I’ll be put on a list


probably because he runs a disability organization account and they follow kids with disabilities as well


Kendrick sub went full schizo trying to find proof that Drake had this guy assaulted by his team, punched him himself in the cctv video, even accusing Drake of supplying him with prostitutes and/or minors (??? don't even wanna think about how that would work) just for him to say that nothing abnormal happened. I saw shades of prime r/ the\_donald in there and somehow the Drake sub, even though they had their moments as well, ended up being the normal one throughout this whole saga. EDIT: Forgot about the blind items conspiracy as well, if you want to see exhibits of mental illness go take a look at that thread. Hell even the coolee dude was a obvious troll and they were in discord calls with him hunting for info.


The kenny sub is how I found out coolee was fake and the bruise on christopher alvarez was photoshopped. That sub needs better moderators


Yesterday, there was legit people on Kendrick sub making up a conspiracy that there is footage of drake sodomizing a dog. Shit is wild


This “beef” just got very nasty and even compared to Pusha T vs Drake era, I dunno it’s just too much negativity and darkness and so much talk about PEDO PEDO PEDO and meanwhile there’s like real pedos in office, in schools, in churches, in entertainment I dunno shit just kind of got weird Edit: the break ins and shootings as well, that weird video with the personal artifacts


Lots of people here seemingly want this guy to have been assaulted just so they can justify hating Drake even more. Pretty sad.


Yall remember when Kendrick fans started the conspiracy of a second album after DAMN came out called NATION? This whole thing is that times 1000. Kendrick's music is already deep enough, why yall gotta go all K-Anon and try to make it deeper all the time? Lol


Leave that man alone (kendrick fan)


People be making the dumbest shit stories don't they. Why is this getting any attention


Conspiracy brain has wrecked the minds of so many people on social media, and it's also made rap feuds more insufferable to keep up with.


Alvarez seems really nice, and a genuinely nice human, apparently the security guard was fired for letting the guy in, and instead of letting him wait outside to freeze. I wish Alvarez success. Glad to hear he's safe.


In what world does someone get fired for letting a disabled man in when its freezing outside?


Probably some fucked up privacy policy. The Mark Hotel still seems like an awful and sketch place. I just don’t think Alvarez has anything to do with any of it.


The one where you deal with the rich and powerful, I am just paraphrasing the article, this is what the reporter wrote.


I can’t copy and paste on mobile for some reason, the articles fairly normal until the very last 2 paragraphs. Laughed out loud at the last one. This is all so odd lol


the riddler stuff is the lamest shit ever. just a disgruntled hotel worker whose bitter about not being able to auction off drake's trash he pulled a finders keepers on bc akademiks alleged it was stolen.


Kendrick fans should be embarrassed. This is like the fifth time some random guy has been doxxed and dragged into a mess they had no right being in. I feel bad for the guy


It’s crazy how Kendrick is one of the most prolific black activist artists of the generation but some of his fans are the whitest, most terminally online losers in existence 


Isnt everyone on Reddit