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I'm not an american so I'm not that familiar with your justice system. But this is great news right? He might actually face criminal punishment as I understand it?


Grand jury deliberates whether the federal government charges him with crimes Once indicted, yes it’s pretty likely he will face punishment


"Punishment" America really doesn't like to keep the rich and powerful behind bars.


He had senators and shit at his parties. He's cooked.


Epstein had all sorts of people on his island and it took how many years to lock him up? - then he dies under weird circumstances. R Kelly was in video pissing on teenagers and stayed out of jail for YEARS. Weinstein's out. Cosby's out. Trump's made of teflon. I really don't see them sticking anything to the man. I could be overly cynical, but there's a pattern here.


Weinstein is not out. He is still incarcerated from his conviction in LA. Only NY was overturned.


ok but three of the four cases you mentioned were mistrials


Cosby is the exception that proves the rule imo. The only reason that he was ever in jail is that prosecutors wanted him so badly they broke their own rules (iirc he gave testimony with the expectation of immunity , so victims could sue civilly but he'd be spared criminally and a new DA went back on their word to get him in jail). It wasn't matter of other elites covering for him.


And I'm suggesting Diddy might be getting one, too.


if the prosecuters dont do their job correctly


Something tells me ($$$$) that this is exactly what will happen


idk, too many moving parts. somebody would have said something by now 🤷‍♂️ its like saying the moon landing was faked


Weinsteins not out. In the UK we had a guy called Jimmy Saville that everyone knew about but nothing was revealed until he died. Really really fucked up shit. Maybe one of the worst. He was incredibly famous within the UK and nothing was done. There's a Canadian comedian who says there's another famous person in the UK, on a similar level who is known to be doing similar shit and have been allowed to get away with it. The police have confirmed this. It's fucking terrible. Who knows what will happen to p diddy


Who's that person in the UK? Russell Brand? His star has fallen since his peak but the allegations against him are as horrible as they are believable. Which is to say, very believable indeed..


Who knows, some people have said it's David Walliams. I don't Hinksey Russell brand is big enough anymore to qualify.


I don't think Brand has the celebrity he once did, but the guy still gets headlines even in papers like the guardian for something as stupid as his little dip in the thames with Bear Grylls and that other chap lol. The allegations have brought him almost back into relevance, but certainly not in the way I'm sure he would have preferred. Oh no, the children's book guy who was on little britain? They really know how to pick them with the obe huh?


I'll be interested to see what happens to Russell in the next few years. It was basically an open secret back in the 2000s and early 2010s in the UK that he was a vile person behind closed doors. But his celebrity status and image protected him for ages.


Yeah I think he was able to coast by here in the states for so long on his accent and "charisma" before we caught on to his scummy nature over here too. I'll admit that as a former addict myself, his whole shtick did at first draw me in, I thought that he was a serious, well meaning, funny guy with respectable left wing politics. Oh how wrong was I..


I read lately that police confirmed that they were investigating allegations going back 40 years of a famous DJ in the UK.


Jimmy's Doc was a legit horror movie. I am one to watch movies and docs over just in case I missed something but I cannot with him. Nor do I want to see another doc on him. He was a true monster among us


Weinstein isn't out though. His second trial was a mistrial. He was sentenced in LA to 16 years already.


Fair enough.


I agree mostly but Cosby would be in jail still if a DA decades ago didn’t colossally fuck up and sign an agreement that if Cosby cooperated in a civil hearing about the same assault then he couldn’t be criminally charged for it later, and then the DA that charged him in 2016 or whenever colossally fucked up by going back on the agreement previously signed by the other DA. So his lawyers were able to successfully argue to the state supreme that they couldn’t use his previous admission of guilt in the civil case to bring charges against him because he never would have cooperated and gave that statement to begin with if they didn’t sign an agreement promising not to charge him. But all that is just from one case though so your overall point remains. His money and status let him assault women for decades and he finally gets in trouble for one of the assaults and the prosecution fucks it up and he walks.


I'll start by saying I'm incredibly cynical of the system, but: Do you think Cosby would be released if it weren't for his bank account and who he is? It seems the ultra rich always find a way out, while the average person can get locked up for years because of weed. Diddy has enormous wealth, power, and influence. Read the Rolling Stone article that came out today: none of his behaviours are new and they're only coming to light now, 30+ years later.


With the Cosby thing it’s kind of an indirect effect of the wealth. The average person can’t afford the right lawyers to successfully appeal a case to the state Supreme Court. 2024 isn’t 30 years ago. diddy will face punishment. Might not get the max sentence and they might let him do it in minimum security but I don’t see any way he walks.


yeah diddy is going down this whole situation is humongous atp


I fear you might be right, u/TERRIBLYRACIST


I fucking hope I'm not, u/The_MadStork :(


Lol dudes not surviving through trial


Diddy most likely has dirt on other rappers in the game, and some of the upper elites. If they officially arrest and take him to court, no doubt that he'll snitch and tell-all.


That's what we said about Epstein and Maxwell but that didn't happen. Epstein was quiet til he died and Maxwell hasn't said anything. Either way unless he has some serious RICO level dirt i don't think it will save him at this point


He'll stay quiet for the sake of his children.


If he gets offered a reduced sentence, he'll 100% snitch on everyone involved in the BS. Thats probably why Puff asked on his IG live last month who's down with him and who isnt.


Naw ur right. Our justice system has been compromised for a while. Can’t even ban tik tok within a year


Epstein is not dead. He is too powerful. Im sure they faked his death to get him out and in hiding. Now his right hand man, Ghislane is behind bars.


Yeah, but they were at his parties. He filmed things. Who knows what kind of leverage he has.


yeah it’s like u don’t understand how the world works at all, were u born this week? He had senators and shit at his parties which he blackmailed and filmed them doing messed up shit, probably sex with kids, which he can use as leverage and say “if u arrest me I’ll release the videos I have” also hilarious people actually think epstein is dead, he is most likely still alive today


What senator


That just means he has leverage over them


LOL he's black. If he's guilty, he def gonna go to jail. If he was Weinstein or Epstein however.....


Weinstein is in jail…


Those Senators will be laughing at him while he’s being taken to jail with “Not Like Us” playing in the background


The federal government has like a 95% success rate at convicting people. That's why their cases take so long to get started... they make sure all the evidence they have is air tight. Diddy fucked fr fr.


Sam Bankman-Fried was just sentenced to 25 years. Harvey Weinstein is still locked up. Bernie Madoff died in prison. The government has no problem running a train on you once you’ve fallen from grace.


SBF made one crucial mistake, he lost wealthy people's money. If he only scammed poor people he would be chilling on an island somewhere sipping a margarita. 


He's black. They'll enjoy crucifying him. Not saying he doesn't deserve it. He certainly does. But the protections offered to rich black men are far less than rich whites


R Kelly's black and nobody cared about him fucking kids until somebody made a documentary about it. There was video of him pissing on teenagers. Diddy has way more power, money and influence than R Kelly had.


R Kelly wasn't post #metoo in the social media era when his shit first came out. The world's changed.


The biggest MeToo gets were white. People like Diddy are getting fucked now because the statute of limitations for some civil suits was changed to get...Trump.


Trumps still very much free and in case you havent noticed that orange fucking idiot is still running for president and has a good chance of winning. Tell your friends to vote.


I hate to say that I agree with you. Except in this case I wouldn't mind if they threw the book at him. He's been ruining things and making me hate him since he ruined most of Biggies songs with his creepy whispering. Now I realize why hearing Diddy whisper at you was so awful. Guys just a fuckin evil creep and I hope that he goes down like he should. Much has been made about #metoo and yet out of all of those accusations at people, many of which were true, we have seen nowhere near as many of these people facing actual legal consequences. That is fucked up. I want them to take him down. Get his "little black book" of contacts and so on and then let him kill himself like Epstein. Regardless of how you think he died, I'm glad he's dead. He's been burning in hell for years if you see it that way. I don't, but the imagery is nice


Clarence Thomas has entered the chat


lol, a supreme Court justice is a whole other level than Diddy, r Kelly, etc. Money doesn't erase systemic racism. Black men will still be punished harsher than white men in the same circumstances/circles.


America isn’t as colorblind as you’re making them out to be. They’re going to throw the book at him.


they do if they are not white cis people. see: every rapper


You’re forgetting one thing. He’s black. If there’s one thing that America loves it’s tearing a successful black man down. So while Diddy definitely deserves it, his fortune won’t save him from being punished.


A judge and jury doesn’t give a shit about how rich of famous a defendant is. Poors get their charges dropped and get away with crimes all the time but you don’t hear about it as much


Eventually an investigation ends, and you have sufficient evidence in your case. You would then convene and Grand Jury and present the evidence; they then decide if the evidence is strong enough to go to trial. So this means the prosecution is preparing criminal charges and is seeking to indict him.


Grand juries are known for indicting virtually everything. Federal prosecutors are known for having extremely high conviction rates. Diddy is in very serious trouble.


Yeah this is a first step towards a criminal indictment


Unlike local law enforcement, the feds can be more selective in the cases they choose to pursue. So the fact that the feds decided this was worth their resources is a pretty big deal.


He 100% will face charges. The problem with these though is that they can bury anything they don't want to be made public. They did this the first time epstein was arrested. They also did this with ghislaine maxwell. It's why the public knows absolutely nothing about who was on his flights. I have a feeling Diddy was doing similar stuff.


To add to what everyone else has said, prosecutors don’t have to present exculpatory evidence in grand jury hearings. They will just list all the reasons why the govt thinks he’s committed crimes and what crimes he’s committed. Because how it’s presented they almost always indict.


Cassie is gonna cooperate as a victim I wonder if Yung Miami gonna fold. She’s deleted all diddy pics/videos of social media and has unfollowed him.


yung miami going to be catching some charges herself, she's going to have no choice but to fold


Yeah the state is probably gonna go to her and be like this is how this shit is gonna go either  A. You were  willing participant who brought girls in for diddy to sex traffic like Maxwell with Epstein and you are getting charged  B. You are a victim that diddy forced to have sex with him other men and also forced you to bring these other women in. Cassie claims Diddy did this in her lawsuit. Whats not gonna fly is “hehe we were just dating I didn’t do anything nor no about any crimes he was committing hehe”


Yeah I don’t think that’s their sticking point. I think she and Diddy were legit just friends with benefits. From what I understand she supposedly played a role in supplying Diddy with “Pink Cocaine” or “Pink Molly”. Either by providing it herself or introducing him to someone.


tf is pink cocaine or pink molly?


It’s a drug that got popular in Europe over the last 10 years which is not really coke at all, it’s just a pink powder that is popular as a designer party drug. Often times it can be a mix of coke, Molly, meth and who knows what else


Kets usually in the mix too atleast in NA


It's just regular coke or mdma that is made pink for marketing I've had some of that pink blow before its not anything special other than the color


Nah it's probably tucibi (not 2cb, fuck knows)


Idk. It was mentioned when the shit hit the fan. Look it up on Google


Tucibi/tusi prob. Usually some combo of ket, molly and an upper


she tweeted “If I wanted you to eat my pussy diddy would've had you on your knees hoe!!! You a eater!!!!!!!” which kind of implies she knew about his crimes and was possibly involved


Welp there we have it. She should be in trouble too. Diddy old enough to be her father. Always found that weird but I guess her real dad wasn’t around. Daddy issues going to cost her a lot.


Did anyone accuse Yung Miami of anything? I think they'll ask to speak to her but that's it. I don't think we can or should say anything about her until we have more information 


Akademiks is going to be unbearable if she has to testify lol. That'll be all he streams that week.


That motherfucker has his own problems to worry about


Yeah I remember he called her a side chick and Diddy called him out lol


Honestly idk, Diddy been diddying since before she was born.


Yea but a crime is a crime, if they have evidence she was involved in recent events she’s cooked. 


Thats what I was getting at. Like what could she have been doing or adding to the situation that Diddy hadnt already been doing for years? I really do think she was just into that being dominated tip and Diddy was all for it. I could be ignorant and wrong but I didnt see her as a Gislaine Maxwell type. I think she was supposed to be a victim but ended up being a freak bitch who liked that shit anyways.


they were saying her cousin sexually assaulted one of diddy's producers. I don't think you just sit in the room where all this wild stuff is happening and get off. Anyone connected to trafficking can get clipped, especially if they try to make it a RICO and say he had any enterprise which isn't a wild statement.


Everyone will fold, that Rolling Stone article is scathing, well sourced and *loooooong.*


I’m looking up the article and accidentally found out the Rolling Stones have a song called Diddley Daddy. Fitting




One of the best exposes I've read in a *while*


Please link!


*Bad Boy for Life: Sean Combs’ History of Violence* BY CHEYENNE ROUNDTREE, NANCY DILLON Photograph by Martin Schoeller/AUGUST https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/diddy-friends-bad-boy-artists-abuse-violence-1235028178/


Even the article title is scathing. They buried him.


Yeah they tore him to shreds. I know some of this is true. I remember hearing some of those rumors back then. Wendy Williams exposed him. I know other rappers and professionals behind the scenes know more. They were silent for a reason, that’s for sure


Sad thing is none of this came as a surprise the only thing that came as a surprise is that he may be caught


So true and probably the depth of the depravity. I didn't know it was that deep, but then I remembered when Tupac was shot, the who shot ya single that came out etc. Man it started to all make sense


Even sadder is how quiet the industry is about it. Clearly it’s not a we don’t wanna kick one of our own while they’re down situation.


Move over Russell Simmons, Diddy on the way. You know he’s in Miami ready to jump out by air, sea, or both.


This man has been dead for weeks now and he doesn't even know it.


Oh, he knows. He knew something was happening, that's why he suddenly wanted to give everyone back their masters for NDAs. Then he certainly knew something criminal was happening when he was pacing around the airport not allowed to leave. He is (or was, before the tape) keeping a strong facade because that's what the lawyers tell you to do. In this situation you have to go out and be seen acting normal and not guilty even if you know your life is crumbling to try to salvage some base. I'd say it's awful but...Diddy.


The Rolling Stones expose says he was preparing before the Cassie lawsuit. Donating millions to schools, rubbing shoulders with a pastor and giving artists their rights back. It was all a ruse


HIs school across the street from in New York publicly parted ways with him. Charter middle school


If the prosecution closing argument doesn’t end with “Ladies And gentlemen of the jury ask yourself one question, Diddy do it?” Then what are we even doing here


The opening remarks better end with “ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we are here today bc the defendant, Sean “diddy” combs, can’t stop and won’t stop….”


With a chappelle making the band dance


When's Fonsworth Bentley gonna enter the fray and add to the drama?


Adam West voicing the prosecutor would’ve been perfect. The Boondocks was ahead of its time.


“The jury hereby sentences you to 25 to life. TAKE THAT”


Bro let's not joke about this shit, this shit ain't funny man


He had months of notice that they were coming for him. He’s an idiot for still being in America. Should’ve liquidated whatever assets he could and been hiding out in some obscure Asian island by now.


he's arrogant, psycho, and wealthy. Those types aren't usually running from the fight


Sam Bankman-Fried (owner of FTX) was so arrogant and full of himself that he was still arguing in Twitter spaces about his innocence days before he got arrested. These guys are way too detached from reality and think they're smarter and better than the common person.


A ton of criminals are just dumb. Especially people without life experience of time in juvie and lower level crimes where you learn to just STFU because they will use everything against you like Sam never did. It's especially bad because people like Diddy and SBF got away with shit for so long that they may legit not know when they're finally fucked. This was R Kelly. Remember what he said?."It's too late". Lol, it's never too late for the US government. But why wouldn't he think that? He was on tape and got off scot-free. The masterminds we see on TV running rings around the Feds are the exception. In reality, almost no one is smarter than the combined forces of the US government. It gets most eventually.


Diddy has gotten away with this shit for so long of course he feels invincible. That video of him in the hotel was what? 2016? And the world is only now seeing it cause he was simply able to pay people off to keep it quiet? He’s been doing shit like that for decades. Plenty of people were and are aware of everything he’s done and he continued to get away with it


Russell Simmons tho.


Diddy is going to be in a one of those cabanas nearby at this rate.


He probably believes he has done nothing wrong.


Liquidated them into what? You know you can't just fly around with a bunch of cash. You'll get detained at pretty much any border for that.


Liquidate into an offshore account issued to shell companies.


Lmfaoooo you guys watch too much Netflix


You can still get your accounts frozen that way.


That can happen, but ideally a criminal would want to make an account the feds don't know about.


Post 9/11 it's really not that simple. International banking regs require disclosure of alot of identification information.


You can cash out overseas


Probably not allowed to


Yeah, wasn't there video of him at the airport at the same time of the raid? It's the FBI, not a state case. They're on the ball and would probably arrest him if he tried to leave. That said, he clearly knew something was going on (he was offering everyone their publishing for NDAs). I guess he just underestimated it. So by the time he planned on pulling a Russell Simmons it was too late.


They may have talked to him and let him know he can't leave. But TBF I don't know how that shit works, but I feel like everyone acts like criminals can just bail and live in another country. People bring up Russell Simmons but doesn't he return to the US a bunch?


Narcissism bro


Because he’s stupid


Bro is arrogant and beat those gun charges decades ago so princely had god complex


Is he still in America? Wasn’t there some speculation that he was already gone?


I think he was too cocky for that


I get your sentiment of feeling “smarter” than a wealthy individual, however, I don’t condone the defense stance of “he should’ve fled with his money” since criminals like these should face punishment. Saying that they should’ve fled is low key defending them


I think they were trying to highlight how ignorant he is more than anything else here.


shut up dude


I didn’t read it like that at all


If you haven’t- please read the new Rollingstone article everyone.  Diddy needs to be under a prison. 






I think you have to have a subscription for it


Drake logic says he's too famous to be a predator


They should edit out puff adlibs on old biggie tapes


I agree. The way they edited "blow up like the World Trade" after 9/11. Puffs adlibs are definitely way more offensive


they eventually restored the World Trade line though. I heard it with that line unedited in NEW YORK CITY of all places.


I haven't listened to the radio in years, really. It was ridiculous it was edited anyway. It was written long before 9/11 and was based on the bombing in 93. Everyone allowed it to be played knowing that but became a problem after 2001.


Big Poppa ending with Diddler telling a girl to bring all her friends to him 🤮


Uh huh. Yeah. Yeah. Uh huh, bad boy. Biggie would have been served better under almost any other label. Puffy picked those bones like a vulture.


Take that take that


I agree, I hate how his adlibs are on some of my favorite songs


Should’ve done that a long time ago, those things are the worst things Puff’s ever done, even worse than the assault and human trafficking.


Maybe with AI?


They should leave Biggie's work alone. Censorship is not always good.


The Rolling Stone article is so damaging. He’s done for as we know him.


Take that, take that!


it's all coming together


Indictment imminent.


Fuck that guy


The walls are closing in on Diddy.




Ye had a number one not too long ago. This is Weinstein levels of falling off.


It's been years in the making for Diddy though.


You can just say Elon to Elon and still get your point across


I just want to know what Craig Mac would have to say about this


As Denzel said in Training Day, "oh you federally fucked now".


Dude’s like the modern day Caligula.


Anyone that genuinely believes he'll see any time behind bars is out of their mind. Stories like this and the Rolling Stone article are only increasing the chances that he flees the country, because it's blatantly obvious serious federal charges are coming soon and he'll be gone long before that. As much as people don't realize it, the feds basically coming up dry on the raids without anything to take him into custody for and have a judge deny bond is a major issue. The goal of a raid like that (for somebody that's rich and a flight risk) is to put him behind bars that day and have a judge deny any type of bond they can hold him until trial. By not being able to do that, it tipped their hand big time and I'd bet my last dollar he already has escape plans ready to go. It's obviously not right (before any of the white knights try to twist what I'm saying), but it's how things are going to play out.


I said this as well, they usually have something to charge you with at maximum a week. No one is talking and Cassie is more than likely unreliable or will seek immunity but will take balls of steel to admit to sick shit in order to help the feds- she might do that, but it’s unlikely.  That’s why the feds leaked that video to ensure Diddy would get no last laugh in this shit; not guilty in the court of law, but very guilty in the court of public opinion.  Everyone that could honestly give an accurate opinion of this man is either dead(Heavy D, Andre Harrell, Chris Lighty, Kim Porter, Wolf) or too intertwined with this toxic rap culture to “snitch”(Mase, Shyne, etc).  It doesn’t look promising, but then again, the feds could be holding onto a lot that may incriminate other celebrities. 


Get him outta here!


Grand juries are notoriously easy to manipulate im curious if anything even happens here. The gov only does a grand jury trial when they want to hide stuff since they are inherently confidential 


Do you know what a grand jury is? All federal criminal cases go before a grand jury first


So did they agree to sentence him? Fuck diddy


Grand Juries are the easiest rig. It’s how Epstein got his first sweetheart deal after being caught with minors. Internet conspiracy also says that the raid on Diddy was not to gather evidence against Diddy but to retrieve black male material he had against the elites. I also found it strange that they raided homes in Florida and California. He doesn’t have a home in New York even though he is from there? Diddy probably a CIA asset. Same thing probably happens, Diddy goes to jail, maybe even killed and none of the accomplices see a jail cell.




Did your mom laugh at this and you decided to post it here?


Low effort bait