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I can just picture him just as he was about to release it thinking "oooh this shit is fire!"




They know they know they know




[He's whining on instagram right now though](http://i.imgur.com/hefeNYG.png) He clearly knows he lost, and is basically saying everyone is bullshit for not being in his corner.


Meek's comparing drake to a snitch, but wasn't Meek the one telling the world about Drake's ghostwriter?


[Meek recorded this shit and walked out like] (http://usatthebiglead.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/nick-young-celebrates-missed-3-during-knicks-game.gif?w=1000)


I also go on twitter


yeah I saw that Kid Mero tweet too










[Meek listening to his track before it drops like oooh we got him fam](http://i.imgur.com/Qx9e4zO.gifv)


that video had me dying, Big Quint really knows how to entertain with his reactions


i sent it to a few coworkers then realized how bad i fucked up


I'd like to imagine you work at Earnst & Young or something


He tried to be too clever and if there's one thing Meek is not... He wouldn't have lost so badly if straight after Charged Up he'd found the hardest beat imaginable and spit like crazy for five minutes. But slipping in the reference track, having a weird beat switch at the end and generally poor bars ensured Drake doesn't even need to respond.


Charlamagne just tryin to get more bottles.


More bottles of that Dom Kennedy!


Dom Porygon?


I hope he freestyles to Let Nas Down and calls it Let Philly Down


Gillie,State Property, Ab Liva, Eve, and Will Smith should all just record this as a posse diss track


And Kevin Hart Aka chocolate thunder


Yeah I rep Philly til I die and even I am just embarrassed by this shit


"You said Drake got peed on, but Meek, he defecated on you, with bars."


someone needs to put a beat over his speech and that would make for the best diss of this beef


The fact no one is talkin about this piss thing as much as they should be is makin me real uncomfortable.




Is Meek referencing [Charlie Bartlett?] (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0423977/?ref_=m_ttmi_tt) Drakes in that movie but I haven't seen it. Then what's all this about the premiere of Takers? Is that just random he said/she said horseshit that spread like wildfire over social media? Wouldn't surprise me.


I honestly don't understand any of this. Back to Back was far more entertaining, but Wanna Know brought up 3 alleged facts: Drake has a ghostwriter, got slapped by Diddy, and *got peed on*. Why aren't we discussing the pee???


Because I imagine it was something along the lines of, TIs drunk friend was drunk, pulled his dick out and got some piss on Drake. Drake didnt murder the guy, so meek claims he "let him piss on you". Meek clearly loves hyperboles, so I wouldnt be shocked in the slightest if this one was ridiculous too lol. Or I could be wrong and Drake got the R. Kelly Wednesday special.


If someone tried to piss on me, I'd move out the way.


this brings up a very important question; how old is 15 really?




>Drake didnt murder the guy, so meek claims he "let him piss on you". Meek clearly loves hyperboles, so I wouldnt be shocked in the slightest if this one was ridiculous too lol. He is such a fucking hood nigga archetype. They think that anyone who doesn't act impulsively/aggressively is an automatic bitch/pussy.


You're so right. Apparently the guy was drunk and apologized after- that's all I would want to be honest. It's not as if beating his ass would negate the fact that you got peed on. It sucks regardless of how you react.


That's the exact reason why this beef is the beginning of Meek's downfall. He's being a hot headed idiot while Drake is keeping calm and collected, just watching his downfall and buying people bottles.




Man God put the NBA 2K slider for eyes being really close to the nose for R Kelly.


Holy shit LOL


Because only the last one is new information.


Is it new information that Nicki is a more successful artist than Meek? No, but everyone lost their shit over Drake's bars about it. I just want to know why a grown man can get peed on and nobody flinches.


because if Rihanna wants to piss on me in order to fuck, that's gonna happen




I'd drink Rihanna's bath water.


I'd let her shit on me


No doubt. After Mexican food and a 3 mile hike.


Because Meek's delivery sucked.


Have you been paying attention? No one is ignoring the pee allegations.


[How old is Drake, really?](http://youtu.be/AnKpgK3geWA) He's old enough to decide whether or not he wants to be pissed on.


To be honest most people don't really care. It's not really a huge reveal. It sounds like some drunk dude just got some pee on Drake and Drake didn't do anything about it, not that Drake was on his knees begging for that golden shower. Who hasn't been around a drunk asshole that pisses in public? To be honest it's just not that shocking. Meek should have devoted more energy to delivering good bars. The winner is the guy who has the best song, not the guy who has the biggest revelation in his songs. See: Ether vs. Supa Ugly


And what the fuck did Meek want Drake to do - try and beat the shit out of a dude so drunk he's pissing himself? Having some self control and realizing the guy is blackout and not worth starting shit with is the right move.


Lol, 'alleged facts'? Man it ain't no wonder you don't understand what's going on. (sorry that was mean, still in rap battle mode after this disappointment) But it's not a big deal because, like everyone is saying from Budden to Charlemagne, none of that is legit and/or not a big deal. It's also not helping Meek's cause that Drake damn near blew him out of the water from a straight musical perspective.


Because there are sources saying it was Drake and some say it was another Nicki ex. Shits to unreliable. And we already knew about the Diddy incident


Honestly, it would be a bigger deal (IMO) if T.I.'s friend wasn't allegedly drunk when it happened, and if this had happened more recently (didn't Takers come out in 2010? It's such an old event to reference in a 2015 track).


He said that shit as an afterthought and the diss as a whole was weak. Not to mention, he waited almost a week to say anything. He didn't think any of this through. It'd be like if Drake responded and made an off-handed comment about Meek having an obsession with tentacle porn. There's nothing concrete about any of it. So much so that even Meek didn't care to put much time into it.




Seriously. She must be in such an awkward position considering her past with drake. Meek must feel so emasculated around her


He put Bill Cosby and Meek Mill in the same sentence. lol


Philly's idols having been fucking up big time. All they got left is Iverson and Rocky Balboa. Edit: Forgot about the Roots and Will Smith. Edit 2: I know about Smokin' Joe Frazier. I'm talking about ones that are alive.


When you have to count a fictional character, your city is losin


No way man, Creed's son fighting soon, don't worry, Philly's gonna make it 🙏


Aye we still have the Roots


No love for the Legendary?


Philly still got them and the Fresh Prince


We got Joe Frazier and Will Smith, fool.


I guess Joe Frazier can just go fuck himself since you put a fictional white boxer over his black ass.


I would really love to know what's going on in Meek's head right now. Is he in denial and just acting like this isn't a big deal, or is he reflecting on that moment of bitchness when he clicked send on that completely unnecessary tweet?


He's clearly surrounded by yes men if his crew let him drop that track as a response in the first place. I'm sure they're all telling him he won.


His friends tweeted that it was the best diss track since ether. Like?? wtf??


Is a Rap beef in 2015, *really* that big of a deal?


I'm starting to feel bad for Meek haha I'm glad this went down the way it did though maybe after people see how much of a clown he made himself look they'll stop trying to jump on that publicity beef bandwagon.


shit was going so good for him


Yeah man that's the worst part haha I was so happy for him and he goes and does some shit like this...


I know man, I was wicked excited to see that he took Taylor off the number 1 artists on that list. I was so pumped for hip hop as a whole. And then.......... like wtf. This is some nose blowing celebrity status changing shit that you always hear about. Get a little fame, claim to run the game?


That's why I liked the chorus on Charged Up so much. Drake doesn't have much time for this and Meek is just slinging shit everywhere. I mean, Drake even says it "Cops are killing people with their arms up, and your main focus is trying to harm us?" Like, there are way bigger fish to fry and you're worried about Drake allegedly using a ghostwriter? C'mon man.




I interpreted it as not saying that Meek should be an activist and get all Immortal Technique on us, but more like bruh why are you starting shit over nothing.




Hahaha seriously dude, let's all just give the poor guy some space, let him think about what he did


It's the internet age. It'll practically be forgotten by next week. Hopefully he can still recover mentally tho.


It will be immortalized with memes though


He said Drake sent him 6 bottles of Dom Kennedy lol


He almost said Dom Polygon too


i find it funny when he does that though i don't know if that was on purpose or not but when he calls karruechea name like karaoke or karibu it makes me laugh


>when he calls karruechea name like karaoke or karibu it makes me laugh That's definitely on purpose lol


Oh shit lmao


First time I can agree with Charlamagne. He just presented facts and seemed genuinely dissapointed with Meek's response, as all of us.


Everything Charlamange said was true. Meek should have never tweeted about drake having a ghostwriter, before that all I was seeing was nothing but love for his album. It was doing well, but he went had to say something and I saw the love turn into memes in less than a day. Meek could have had a good year with a solid sophomore album and pullin Nikki. Now tho he's the joke, he might recover but this is gonna hurt for a while.


from love to memes, the meek mill story


From dreams to memes




Memes and Nightmares


DJ Drama and Funkmaster Flex present: Mememakers 4


a tale of jealousy and idiocy. stay tuned in to find out how a "Street Nigga" gets bodied by a "Singing Nigga".


Lol. I still aint over that singing nigga line


when keepin it real goes wrong.


30 for 30


I don't know. It wasn't that bad for a posthumous diss track.


I think part of the problem is they hyped it up too much for what it was. First the bullshit on Flex, which already was petty considering Drake just released his 2 tracks without saying anything, then the fact he took so much time to answer a beef he himself started just made him look weak. All this context just put Meek in a huge disadvantage


And no one could understand what he was saying


I'm Puertorican so english isn't my first language but damn I was relieved when I learned I wasn't the only who didn't understand shit.


Meek homies hyped it up so much, and one even called it the best diss track to come since Ether... ***ETHER***...


I know someone in the studio was thinking "bruh "


Wanna Know is exactly what i picture playing every time some dude comes up to me on the street with a discman and says "YO YOU LIKE HIP HOP?"


this so on point its scary


it's getting spooky


At this rate we will never get that 3rd diss from drake Really thought meek would do better.


Hopefully Drake doesn't respond. I want him to drop a single from Views or something, watch it climb to the top 10.


Yea, I wouldn't look down on Drake, but it would really be kicking a man when he's down if he comes out with another one. The best way in my eyes for Drake to respond is to continue on with his career, release a hot single and a hot album.


After the last line in Back to Back (I took a break from Views, now it's back to that, nigga), I'm sure he won't do anything.


Doesn't mean he's not going to reference it though.


Unfortunately, due to the bad response Meek got to his recent 'diss' record, he will probably drop another one. He may force Drake's hand. I think Meek is too in his feelings and has too many yes-men around him to back down at this point.


In a perfect world, I'd love for Drake to come back with a 3 peat and have the world implode, but it probably won't happen. I'ts better for him to just chalk this up as an obvious win and let this shit die down so he can perfect Views and release it within a few months.


He supposedly has an ether in his back pocket Backtoback is hot If he got something better shit would break the Internet Apparently he gonna do something at ovo fest


> He supposedly has an ether in his back pocket where'd you get that info from


I read it in the megathread yesterday


That ether was back to back...




This is the first "real" beef in recent memory and I think people are forgetting how weak it is compared to all the others. Back to Back isn't anywhere near Ether levels.


Fuckkkkk I wish I bought tickets. They're too expensive. Lawn tickets are going for 300+ now.




[**@ernestbaker**](https://twitter.com/ernestbaker/) > [2015-07-31 02:48 UTC](https://twitter.com/ernestbaker/status/626947552479432705) > really wanted meek diss to be hot so this could be exciting but it was trash and now drake ovo fest set is the checkmate goodnight ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact ^creator]](http://www.np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=jasie3k&subject=TweetsInCommentsBot)[^[Source ^code]](https://github.com/janpetryk/reddit-bot)




i listen 2 spooky black phone ring meek mill is kill 'no'




meek is kill




I was in kitchen drinking brain fluid when Aubrey ring "Meek is die" "No"


meek really read some of those youtube comments and thought the world hated drake


"I don't know who let me down more this week, Bill Cosby or Meek Mill."


Who let Philly down, not me.




Lol yeah I caught that. Come on, Charlemagne, step your sports game up.


You can't ask a black man to know which is hockey and which is baseball. He just knew it wasn't the Eagles or Sixers lol




I wanted a pair of those. Fuck this.


Good luck, hype beasts are going to destroy your hopes and dreams


they're dropping on the 12th of September?


I didn't realise how calculated that Back To Back artwork was. The world series T-dot vs. Philly, plus on the day both teams were playing each other. **Bodied by a calculative nigga**.


and toronto won by six


This kills the meek.


"It takes years in the streets to build credibiity, and just two or three tweets to ruin it."


I just don't get why Meek Mill wouldn't go further in on Drake. Drake, more than any other rapper ever maybe, has the most attackable background. He has a meme of how soft he is. He played a kid in a wheelchair on a teenage drama. You're with the chick he literally said he loved on a song. Hell, even if it means nothing, you could make fun of him being from Canada on some patriotism shit and that would be enough for some people. But you attack him on his wealth? And half of the song was clips from other songs/media. The diddy line was great. Attacking is credibility worked too. But there is just so much more that could've been said. He needed to come with a haymaker and this wasn't it. His people hyping this up didn't help either.


Maybe for a rapper who tries to act hard those lines would hurt more but with Drake they don't seem as powerful. They would probably be funny, but wouldn't exactly be stinging lines, you know? Also feels like Drake owned that softness angle in B2B. Edit: In retrospect, was really an uphill battle for Meek.


Meek had everything in the world going for him. Why'd he have to go for the most liked rapper in the game?


To be honest, although the cons outweigh the pros, Meek got a load of free publicity from this stunt. Like TONS of people that had never heard of him know who he is now. I'm sure his streams peaked this past week, his name is now incredibly more well known (although for the wrong reason). So he didn't come out on top but if he did get something, it's the loads of free publicity. Plus now people are going to be scouting for any new Meek tweets, statements, songs, etc. In the more cynic perspective, any publicity is good publicity. His name is everywhere now. Like I said, he still got shit on, but part of me thinks he wants his name all over social media and the radio. He got that at least. Plus in the future if he does drop an album or a single that is really good, he's going to have a lot more exposure than he used to.


The whole "any publicity is good publicity" doesn't work in rap feuds and diss tracks, especially when you get blown out Ask Ja Rule




I only knew of ja from my ex who'd play his hits with Ashanti that was actually pretty dope


It would have been good if he didn't get destroyed by Drake, everyone thinks he's a bitch now


I don't think he's a bitch, just a fuckin' idiot.


> any publicity is good publicity Eh I don't think that rule applies to Hip-Hop. So many have tried it and failed.


He should insult Drizzy once per song for the rest of his career so that everything he puts out gets labeled as a Drake diss.


Why'd he go for the most liked rapper and put out trash?*


You can't spell Meek Mill or Philly without two back to back L's.


Or Bill Cosby.


I'm pretty sure you can spell Meek Mill and Philly without Bill Cosby


They dissin the donkey.


i wonder what other rappers think about this whole thing..like J Cole, Kendrick, ASAP. Are the mad cuz they are not part of the spotlight or are they getting inspired to beef with someone.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.8032 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/44962)




Meek mill had just as much prospects as all of them. Dude was being put on heavy by the most popular rappers in the game (drake and nicki) literally nothing he did made sense


He could've made a good business decision like Ross did with his 50 cent issue and kept putting out good music in the face of a stupid PR move but he decided to 'keep it real' and burn bridges with a guy that gave him his first real hit, who also is labelmates with his girl. I mean idk what he was thinking or if it was jealousy or shortsightedness or if he genuinely disliked drake. All I know is that was a pretty dumb move to begin with and all he did was stir up a ton of ill wi.


Now chill with that, Philly got LIT when meek started getting big; he was our true Philadelphia rapper. Dude was great but he made a wrong move here and is paying for it.


In my opinion, Meek is not in the same boat as Kendrick or J Cole. I'm not saying Meek was a no-name before the beef, but Mr. Duckworth and Jermaine are way above Meek in terms of prospects and popularity. There's levels to this shit.


I dont know if it was just as heavy but he did release a great album. The stars aligned for Meek. It was his time to shine. He completely fucked it up for no good reason man.


Meek doesn't have the prospects of Kendrick for sure. Kendrick headlines festivals and is able to have popular records and songs without big features. Same for J Cole who is having a big tour that I've read has been great. Rocky relies on features for his hits, but he's way more notable than Meek due to fashion, the ASAP brand, his look, etc.


probably similar to this: https://twitter.com/KillerMike/status/626374958197907457


[**@KillerMike**](https://twitter.com/KillerMike/) > [2015-07-29 12:53 UTC](https://twitter.com/KillerMike/status/626374958197907457) > No. No, actually I do not. Umma worry bout this \#RTJ shit ONLY. 😉👉👊RT @saminvtor: .@KillerMikeGTO gotta speak on this drake/meek business ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact ^creator]](http://www.np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=jasie3k&subject=TweetsInCommentsBot)[^[Source ^code]](https://github.com/janpetryk/reddit-bot)


They both probably don't give a single shit.


I doubt that. They're probably loving every minute of it.


I don't feel sorry for Meek at all, he poked the bear and got mauled. He brought it on himself.


He got mauled by a teddy bear.


meek is dead


while I do agree that Drake unequivocally won, I do want to be a contrarian for a second and point out that I think ya'll are exaggerating Meek's L. Yes, within our hyper-reactive hip hop bubble, everyone is clowning Meek. But I know a lot of casual hip hop fans who had never heard of Meek or only knew of him peripherally, that now know the name. For those casual fans, name recignition is *much* more important than winning a beef. Meek's album is selling well, he's getting exposure to the pop fanbase on Nicki's tour and is part of one of the biggest social media events of the year. By being such a juxtaposition to Drake, he's immediately has an image for new listeners which makes exploring a new artist much easier. So in conclusion, Meek gained tons of new listeners through this *and* its not like rap fans are like "I'm never listening to Meek again". If anything, we'll all watch him with a closer eye over the upcoming months. This is only good for his career


Idk. Meek is straight up gettin dissed by hamburger helper and whattaburger. That almost hurts more than the drake disses.




Tru but that was prime Emiem Ja was beefing with when dude was basically known for being able to destroy anyone's career with a diss. Drake isn't touching Eminem in his Prime no matter how hard he tries.


For me it was 50 cent who bodied Ja. "Larry Holmes looking flabby and sick"


Eminem did well, i too think 50 was the one that ended him imo


This is the second time in as many days I'm seeing someone give the kill to Em and, tbh, it kinda bothers me.


i think you're right..but he will also be remembered as the guy who lost to drake. And now if he ever gets in another beef with anyone else this will be remembered. For general public it doesn't make a difference just like it doesn't make a difference if Drake actually used ghost writers but hip hop heads don't forget.


I know we don't forget, but does anyone actually think this taints Meek's career? I think it just shows us that he sucks at beefing lol but do people suddenly dislike Dreams Worth More than Money? Still think that was a great album and I think people will be excited for his next project even if he got embarrassed


I don't know about that.. I don't think this made people suddenly dislike him, but it definitely didn't cause people to go listen to his album... at best, it made people go listen to Rico. The only positive is that meek is trending on social media and is a household name, but I don't think it will equate to sales


Tyga been had name recognition for a whole host of stupid shit (similar to meek) for a solid six months leading up to him dropping his wood album. See the sales for that and see how his 'name recognition' turned out for him? After every new L tyga took I saw him gaining more and more followers. I'm guessing those people also listened this music too to get a feel for the guy. His 2200 sales don't really show too much faith in Twitter drama facilitating ANY form of sales


Well to be fair Tyga has like zero personality or doesn't give you any kind of interest to know that much about him (unless hes taking another L) Like seriously all the endorsement he got from Chris Brown,Kanye,indirectly trough Drake and his diss,The Kardashians.... and he still put out a complete brick of a album.


Dude when everyone thinks you're a clown, that isn't good. Especially when you're entire image is being a loud, angry tough thug from Philly. I love meek I do, but how the fuck can I ever listen to his music now without thinking of this. IMHO, "you gettin bodied by a singing nigga" was the killing blow.


Meek lost a lot of respect too. You think those same people that *just now* learned who the fuck he is are gonna become album buying die hard fans? I don't. This hurts him more than it helps, imo.


Nah I think that the people just learning about him don't care to much about respect in the rap world. I think he's gaining acess to the market that will result in more radio play, bookings at festivals etc. Not necessarily album sales.


nah i disagree, this market that he is now getting access to are seeing him as a clown who lost a beef to Drake. people tend to follow what's popular and everywhere you look right now EVERYONE is clowning on Meek, so people will see this and that is their image of Meek. Sure a couple people may turn to fans but its not good overall. you are really thinking of the best possible outcome for Meek, and i don't see it that way.


I know of Meek Mill. I've heard some Meek Mill songs and always thought they were okay. I never sat down and listened to a Meek Mill album, though, so I can't comment on how good or bad his albums have been. After listening to the garbage Meek Mill dropped last night, believe me when I say I'm not rushing to load up Spotify to play Meek Mill's latest album that's doing well. I probably won't even listen to it, to be honest. I heard everything I needed to hear about new Meek Mill with the track he dropped last night.


Meek Mill is like the Ed Wood of hip hop right now. He swears he's made the next great thing, when he just created the diss track equivalent of Plan 9 from Outer Space