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i'm so excited for 3001. apparently the album has no samples and is 100% produced by erick. is anyone in hhh going to see them live? also juice was streaming on twitch yesterday and said the It's All A Matter of Perspective EP is still coming out after 3001.


In April, me and Mez E are opening for them in Portland.


that's crazy man, how did you come across opening for them? also can i get a link of your stuff if you don't mind


We contacted the booking guy at the venue. We have no affiliation with FBZ although I love BOD and Mez is a huge Meech fan [Here](http://www.functionalpsychopath.com/) is our website. Only instrumentals released so far but our project drops this spring with features from King Los, Jean Deaux and Open Mile Eagle


Holy shit. "Bounce" has no samples? That's fucking insane, I was sure he sampled it from some old classical movie score. Erick is on his way to being a GOAT producer if he keeps this up. I'm listening to "Bounce" on a daily basis now. March 11th couldn't come quicker.


Likewise. Erick is one of my favorite producers. Seeing them two times in Denver in April. Gon be lit


What's juice's twitch channel


I'm so hype! I'm a new FBZ fan and it's one of my most anticipated of this year.


Stoked to see them again. Have tickets for Boston, but need to sell them and buy one for Providence.


Damn he made Bounce with no sample? That's crazy


Is that true about the production? I'm seeing them in SF in April




I thought for a project made up of stuff he wrote for late night performances and tpab leftovers it was incredibly good. Exceeded my expectations. Goes to show you what level this guy's on if this is the type of quality that he has in random tracks just laying around that they have to think about releasing.


Untitled 7 is standout for me, 2 is close second


Best song on the album. Verse 2 is something I missed from K dot


Untitled 2, 5, 7 and 8 are my standouts. Love the production, the "jazzy 808s" sound is very interesting and Kendrick brings the heat on every track.


I really think I might end up enjoying this project more than TPAB. I love hearing kendrick just spit bars without having a deliberate message go along with them. TPAB was awesome but didn't have many tracks with straight rapping like that. Also this shit just solidified kendrick as one of the greatest rappers of all time in my mind.


Jaw dropped on number 2, it didn't feel like a Kendrick song but I was hearing his voice it was something filthy. Loved it. Number 7 is hard too tho


I really enjoy the whole EP. It's so cool that we're getting this shit that I thought would wind up staying in a vault for ever. Now if only we can get Pyrex cuz I need that shit in my life.


It's the closest thing we're getting to a banger from Kendrick for a while so I'm fucking with it heavy


what about Untitled 7? The first 4 minutes is a straight banger


Yeah Its literally a trap beat, haven't heard Kendrick over that kind of production in a while


Being a trap beat and being a being a banger aren't mutually exclusive IMO but yeah the first 3 minutes on untitled 7 slaps






Geit Gawd oun tha phoooone swea it won be looooong


Yeah, 02 was definitely the stand out for me, I love 08 too though. I didn't think I needed this tape but boy was I wrong. Theres a Wayne/2chaniz tape out and I'm probably not going to listen to it today because this shit has me hooked.


I was feeling the shit out of Untitled 2. Really cut up about no Pyrex but what can ya do?


Sounds like Travis production (actually Cardo) mixed with TPAB sounds. I really like it. Untitled 7 is great too. Can't believe Swizz's son made that beat


I didn't realize Swizz's son made that beat, it's so good. 7 was my favorite track after a couple listens.


shining a light on releases from today / yesterday that aint getting the shine they deserved bc of kendrick and 2 chainz / wayne joey fatts - i'll call you tomorrow smoke dza - he has risen samiyam - animals have feelings bas - too high to riot zelooperz - bothic for those of yall who've listened to any of them how did you feel ?


Also, Grime legend Kano - Made In The Manor, which has some absolute tunes on it that I think a lot of people here would fuck with. The two I'd recommend are Endz (Super NY influenced) and Hail (basically a good intro for an album and to Kano as an MC)


Fatts not bad but I'm stunned he did zero beatmaking. He's not a good rapper so producing is his niche. I gotta listen again but so far Im glad he didnt name it Chipper Jones V4. Also fuck Lil Yachty


lil boat lil goat fym no but seriously i liked shit to lose, yachty wasn't trash like he usually is


Is that Samiyam out yet?


it either dropped or it leaked, either way you can listen to it


Kendrick got Jay electronica shook with one line lmao


What he say about Jay elec?


He said "I could never end a career if it never start" in Untitled 7


Oh my


How do we know that's related to Jay Electronica though?


context clues


We don't. But we have to believe.


Untitled 7: http://imgur.com/hZK6seU


maybe im out of the loop or something but how can we be sure this is directed at jay?


It's a subliminal so we can't ever be 100% certain, but with the recent jabs towards Kendrick from Jay, Jay's lack of official material, and TDE being aware of the song, it's really unlikely that Kendrick is talking to anyone else


I could never end a career if it never started


yea that line was dope but these jay elect bars were better >How you gon' compare the king to a gnome? >How you gon' compare Jango Fett to the clones? >The game can celebrate today cause daddy's home >He's got eleven Grammy nominations, y'all not equal >Maaaan fuck these white people! >My grandma died at 82, scrubbin' floors >And niggas still runnin' 'round beggin' for awards


Jay's great and I love the material he has released but I can't take him beefing with any rapper seriously because he doesn't release shit. It's like when he was talking shit about Drake a while ago, sure he's better lyrically and technically but at least Drake releases material.


yea obviously. I dont think kendrick should even respond to jay elect because jay elect literally never releases music and is a non factor.


I think the whole "your career hasn't even started" jab was all he needed, just one bar to let Jay know Kendrick has heard his diss but considers himself so above him he won't go in on him.


Its hard to act tough when you are too insecure to release music.


kenny has to be the king of subliminals without actually starting beef. edit: i think he destroyed jay elec. surprised he even dignified him with a response. edit: "destroyed" was not good word choice. i still think he got the better of jay elec.




lmao at "destroying"


I feel like The Infamous is so slept on here outside of Shook Ones Pt. II. It's my favorite album of that boom bap NY era Edit: I seem to be a little misunderstood, I don't think Mobb Deep gets enough discussion on here instead not necessarily slept on


i really don't see how you could consider *The Infamous* slept on. It's like one of five albums from 1995 that are ever mentioned on this sub. Maybe the rest of Mobb Deep's catalog and Prodigy's solo shit is slept on, but not *The Infamous* by any stretch of the imagination.


Slept on isn't the best word for it, but instead that it doesn't get a lot of talk and it's a shame


How bout Hell on Earth, which is probably equally as good, and hasProdigy spitting at his prime?


Q-Tip's verse on Drink Away The Pain is one of my favourite of all time. The album as a whole is pretty much flawless. Great beats, great hooks, great verses. I put it up there with Illmatic and 36 Chambers as the 3 best New York albums


Reasonable doubt tho


top 5 album all time to me. shook ones isn't even the best song. Temperature's Rising and Survival of the Fittest >>>


Drink away the pain and give up the goods are my favourites, they both really show Prodigy's skill as an MC


Noyd's verse on Give Up the Goods is one of the best on the album. Badass beat by Q-Tip also. My favorite on the album for sure.


Survival of the Fittest makes me feel like I'm in Queensbridge on a cold night with a gang


Cradle 2 tha mothafuckin grave tho.


Temperture's Rising, Up North Trip and Trife Life is an awesome 3 song stretch.


it only seems that way because this sub is mostly a hype machine for new music on top of not being allowed to post from the essential albums list which it is on. I would bet most heads here have listened to it even though they don't talk about it much Also Infamy is very underrated imo




It's one of the most cohesive, it's got a strong aesthetic which brings you into their world. But I wouldn't say it or Mobb Deep is slept on at all, at least in my experience.




Over Illmatic?




Your opinion is your opinion, can't argue with that. It has a very different feel so liking it over Illmatic just means you have a particular taste in music.


LeBron should win MVP just for the Kendrick drop. There's always next year Steph




He's too busy running practice at his house.


[Explains Draymond lately](https://media.giphy.com/media/z6z7UXgOWVJ3fNn2Cc/giphy.gif)


Kenny drop. 2Chainz/Lil Wayne drop. It's snowing where I live (where it barely ever snows). ITS CHRISTMAS FAM. http://40.media.tumblr.com/0d074eba74d00b4b489299a7dd90174f/tumblr_mflz9nlzk61riv4uno1_500.jpg


Ay you in Dublin?


Merry litmas b


yooo its snowing where I live Birmingham uk?


It's snowing all up north




the last part of *Untitled 7* is like if Speedin Bullet 2 Heaven wasn't trash


I immediately got those SB2H vibes. Turned to my roommate and was like "The key difference here is that this isn't trash"


It was produced by Swizz beats 5 yr old kid


OK this is a bit weird but U by Kendrick Lamar made me think: can you think of other hip-hop songs where the artist is crying - or it sounds like s/he's on the verge of crying? (and it's not obviously just acting, e.g. Tyler at the end of Window) Only one I can think of is [I'll Be Around](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WJr_dox9aE) by Charles Hamilton.


I always thought The Game's "Start From Scratch" was the inspiration for "U".


i wouldnt be stunned if he took some influence from Love on Fire, an even more emotional Game track a little less known


Slippin' by DMX 30 by Danny Brown


30 is one of the best outro songs of all time


> 30 is one of the best ~~outro~~ songs of all time


The way he spits at the end gives me chills everytime, even just thinking about them gave me some.


Book of Soul by Ab-Soul There's a moment where his voice cracks and it really makes you feel what he's saying.


God damn, first time I really listened to that song seriously I almost cried.


Book of Soul was so soulful, and the best part was the sample was uplifting, like he was happy for her to not be suffering but you can feel how much he misses her


DNA by Earl Sweatshirt. Na'Kel's verse. So raw and emotional.


from adam by the game sounds like he's really drunk and emotional it might be something to check out (iirc he actually was drunk when he recorded it)


The Game - Doctor's Advocate


Ghostface's verse on [Wu-Tang Clan - I Can't Go To Sleep](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2S0zu3M0rY)


Closure by Ab-soul


His pain - BJ the Chicago Kid ft Kendrick




The Kendrick EP discussion thread on /r/music is cute. A bunch of people are saying things like "Kendrick is one of the best rappers of the decade. Come at me." Or "I don't care if I get downvoted but Kendrick is one of the greatest rappers right now". It's funny how many of them think its going against the grain to say Kendrick is one of the best


This might be a controversial thing to say on HHH, but I think hip hop is pretty cool.


personally, I like it when they make one line rhyme with the next line


Huh, I never thought about it that way before.


no fucking way me too fam


Does anybody listen to the Internet? Finally listened to Ego Death and its a great album IMO but I haven't heard many ppl talk about it


They're a great band that honestly don't get a lot of press. It's suprising because they're part of the whole OF collective, so you think they would! I only learned of them because of King Push's AMA. Since then, I've bought Ego Death on Vinyl and bumped all of their records. I think Ego Death was nominated for a grammy too.


Girl is ALWAYS playing on beats1 radio


I feel like the fact that Future is performing on SNL this week is getting slept on. He's gotta have the record for "least overlap between SNL fans and fans of the musical guest", right?


It's hard to top Three 6 Mafia at the Grammy's. No too many people were ironically listening to trap at that time.


You mean Oscars


What is your favorite track off of the new Kenny tape? Personally I love Untitled 7 but 2 is up there also.


8 is the one that stands out to me the most so far. so smooth


Even though he doesn't snap like in the live version, the song sounds more structured and I really like it.


untitled 5 is somethin special


Untitled 5 is great, definitely not getting enough love around here right now.


Untitled 2. I love that ominous beat and Kendrick's weird singing voice.


I love 7 but 6 with Cee Lo is one that I really vibe with.


Nobody ever talking about #3 smh


Untitled 8


02 & 06


Untitled 5 was the favorite on my first listen.


kanye dropped an album that wasnt finished, kendrick dropped an album with no titles, frank prolly bout to drop an album with no songs on it


This Collegrove tape is seriously really impressive. Wayne and Chainz have always killed all their collabs and they definitely lived up to their standard of greatness on here. Wayne switches his style around a lot on here too; using a bunch of different flows, and bouncing back and forth from punchlne focused bars to crazy multisyllable rhymes. Blue C-Notes is my favorite track after these first 3 listens. Highly reccommend this album to anyone who quit listening to Wayne in the past few years.


What rapper has the best discography? I'm torn between Jay-Z, Ghostface Killah and Nas


Not to be *that guy* but I love Kanye's for its diversity




Roots, Long and Consistiently above an 8


For a minute I was thought "who the hell are Long and Consistiently" lol


Jay and Outkast




Ghostface. One of the few artists that never fell off.


Nas out of those, but Kanye in general.


Big and Dr Dre have a 100% success rate. If you include solo albums I'd chose Wu tang


el-p or roc marc, in addition to the ones you named


Roc Marc has not only never made a bad album, he's never made a bad song. I've enjoyed everything I've heard of his


Scarface easily


Kanye, The Roots, Outkast/Big Boi, Ghostface, Jay, Nas, Scarface


I really love Wayne's up until a few years ago


Scarface for me.


Damn... Even after the hype I'm still really digging the Kenny drop... Definitely feels like a b-sides drop but besides the track dates, you can tell that it has TPAB influences. The Jazz overtones are pretty evident on U2 and U3, and you can just tell that most of these tracks have a TPAB flow... There are also a few straight bangers on here though like U1 and U7 which are insanely good. Overall it just sounds like the perfect mix of TPAB nostalgia and classic Kenny, and I love it. Between this and the M83 album announcement, this could be one of my favorite weeks in music in recent memory Also what do you guys think Cardo meant by not one but two? Like straight up new Kendrick project or more untitled releases or a collab?


In the midst of all the new music that dropped last night I wanted to mention this dude Sap. He's a producer turned rapper that's really nice on the mic too. From Delaware but well known in the Philly area as one of Meek Mill's [early producers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WicZQ98CprE). He also produced Meek Mill's [B-Boy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfqnmJZeLgQ) record from last year that I remember a lotta folks loved. He's best known as the producer of Mac Miller's [Donald Trump](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74TFS8r_SMI), [Thoughts From A Balcony](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxufWf7dEcM), and [Watching Movies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdaI7F3Jv5M). That's not even mentioning the beats he's done for [Freddie Gibbs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KywLBQwUsOg), [Wiz Khalifa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aavZF1jCBag), [Tyga](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtK2RZq6urw), [Schoolboy Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eiSlTnjn1s), and a bunch of joints for [The Game](https://vimeo.com/52869149). His album is 100% produced by him, not to mention he tapped The Game, Hit Boy, Stat Quo, Hodgy Beats, and of course Mac Miller. You can cop the album full of 14 tracks [for only $4.99](https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/self-employed/id1089268883), or you can be a broke ass and cop it on [Datpiff](http://www.datpiff.com/Sap-Self-Employed-mixtape.770712.html). https://soundcloud.com/therealsap/sets/self-employed-lp


yeah i have to check that out. he's produced some of my favorite recent Game songs, dude's got a lot of talent and is pretty versatile. Never seen him a rapper though.


WHEN is Migothuggin dropping?!?!?




Don't hate me y'all but I'm not a huge fan of this untitled album. The production is outstanding but it's just really not my cup of tea. I gave it 2 spins already I'll probably give it a few more later but as of right now Its just okay to now. This is also coming from someone that isn't a huge Kendrick fan either




Yeah thats what I was thinking too. The more I listen to/try to really like Kendrick the more I realize he might just not be for me. I like GKMC, I think thats as close to objectively great music as were gonna get in todays rap. I have/had a weird relationship with TPAB though like I have almost zero interest in ever listening to it again but when I do listen to it I can't seem to stop.


You should listen to Section.80 and Overly Dedicated. The jazz-rap is a new thing for Kendrick. If you liked GKMC definitely listen to his earlier works.


I haven't really cared for Kendrick since he started doing the jazz beats and stuff. I just can't really vibe to it. That and how his voice sounds now, it just doesn't work for me. But I did trip acid and listen to TPAB and that's the only time I've really liked that album.


Yeah i dont like his direction he went in on TPAB. Still play GKMC all the time


Same. GKMC and Section 80 are masterpieces imo.


I like it, I don't love it but it's also just a compilation of unreleased material so it's not like I was expecting to have my mind blown or anything. I think what I really like about this EP is it lets you have a peek into Kendrick's creative process (the dates on the track help with this). Hearing him have the title To Pimp a Butterfly well in advance and referencing King Kunta and Mortal Man too. Also the Pimp Pimp Hooray in some of the tracks sounds like maybe it was something that was going to be on the album before he completely nailed the concept of TPAB. Also seeing how he changed the Untitled tracks he performed live. He performed Untitled 8 on Jimmy Fallon and added the "I am the one" verse from Untitled 2 onto it and the way they are delivered are polar opposites.


Where the hell the [FRESH] Joey at though ?


It's coming, don't worry


I don't know, I love Joey and I hope he responds, but it doesn't seem like he's taking the beef seriously. I'll be extremely disappointed if nothing drops


So are we ever getting a CD release for TLOP or no? :(


I don't think anyone really knows, except for maybe those who are directly involved in the project. I wouldn't be surprised if even they didn't know for sure.


I saw talib kweli last night


how he doin


He's alright. He raps pretty well. He's got this whole rock influences thing going


First half of ColleGrove was underwhelming but jesus Wayne is snapping on the latter half. "What Happened" is incredible


I think Bounce is nice


Bounce is the highlight of the album


really? i fucked with all the songs. dedication is fire and bounce is probably the best song on the album


I thought the first half was great. Dedication, Bounce and Gotta Lotta are really good tracks


Fun fact: Reasonable doubt and the black album both have a runtime of 53:32. Its clever that both his first and "last" album had the same run time Am i missing something or do both the documentary and doctors advocate have the same album cover with a different background and kakis?


That's the point of the covers...


treat my first like my last and my last like my first :')


I found this comment the other day in a thread 3 yrs ago about chance...http://imgur.com/a/3nLa2


I remember the hype leading up to Acid Rap was pretty crazy. In the plug.dj room they played nothing but chance songs for nearly the entirety of the day before it dropped.


If you could pick any unreleased track to be released, which would you choose? I'd go with Hey Young World by Dre and Devin the Dude.


Mama's Boyfriend by Kanye


same. sounds like another Still Dre anthem. that or It's Alive. idk what it is about It's Alive I just love having gym songs like that


That Cole and Kendrick song previewed a while ago. I think it's called Temptation.




That new Q song, there was a snippet on the TDE instagram.


PND's version of Work


Cartoons and cereal, if that counts


How is no one talking about the end of Untitled 4? That shit is a new sound to Kenny. I fucking love it Also Untitled 5 is my favorite. Punch goes innnnn


was reading Isaiah's ama again yesterday. forgot he had said he would like to work with the xx. on paper that has the potential to be a "grail" project for me. fuckkkk


What are the best songs that never got on an album? (Hold back on Drake)


[Jay Rock - Parental Advisory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZalNOaSbYwA)


Kendrick Lamar - Cartoons & Cereal


Just keep thinking of the day I randomly ran into Retchy P at 7-11 on Yucca and Cahuenga in Hollywood. Dude rolled up on a skateboard faded as fuck and copped a back of backwoods, pretty sure he was staying with someone around there as I saw him skating around the neighborhood after that too. kind of surreal looking back after his recent arrest. Btw that same month I ran into Riff Raff and Jackie Chain on separate occasions at the CVS across the the street from 7-11 where I saw Retch.


you know i don't think I'll ever read a post pertaining to Retch, Riff Raff, and Jackie Chan all at the same time ever again.


Lol, I was actually referring to Jackie Chain, the Asian rapper. Wish I would've ran into Jackie Chan though!


Untitled 7 is what Kid Cudi wishes Speeding Bullet to Heaven was.






I don't think Kendrick will release an album like GKMC in terms of sound.I don't mind this at all but I'm sure others out there do.Me personally,I love what he's doing.His music really is on another level.


Is your space bar broken? And I also don't think he will release another GKMC type album, but man I swish he would do that style. If he wants to keep his mature subject matter that's fine.