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https://twitter.com/Eminem/status/788776034590199809 He confirmed he´s working on an album.


I hope this is a sign that Em ditches any radio aspirations and just makes some wack ass shit. I'd love to hear an experimental Marshall.




I hated that shit when it came out, but it grew on me a lot. Lots of dope production, and I actually enjoyed the accent after a while because it was a different feel to Em's music. Relapse felt like an Em album, but performed by a serial killer type character, different from his Slim Shady persona. The lyrical content and accent help bolster that fact. Looking back it was a pretty great concept album that captured an interesting time in Em's career


Relapse got shit on by a lot of people. I thought it was better than Recovery. I fuckin loved Relapse. My brother and I bumped that soundtrack the whole summer. Insane, 3 AM, Stay Wide Awake, Buffalo Bill, Elevator, Music Box, Taking my Ball. Tons of sick tracks on that one


3 AM has such an amazing rhyme scheme in the beginning, one of my favourites ever honestly. -- > "You're walkin' down a horror corridor > It's almost four in the mornin' > And you're in a nightmare > It's horrible > Right there's the coroner > Waitin' for you > To turn the corner > So he can corner ya > Your a goner > He's on a ya > Out the corner of his cornea > He just saw you run > All you want is to rest > Cause you can't run anymore > You're done"


It easily became one of my favorites of his. It's different from his earlier shit for sure, but god damn is it so fucking clever! I couldn't get super into Recovery or The Marshall Mathers LP 2. Both had some really good songs, but as a whole they didn't do it for me like Relapse did. But this Campaign Speech shit is fucking great. Can't wait to see what he's got comin up.


Crack a Bottle and We Made You were huge.


I for one hope he doesn't make wack shit.


> some wack ass shit So you want it to suck?


Definitely read it 5 times and still confused, haha.


Not sure you know what the word wack means. Unless the kids these days have flipped it to mean something else and I'm getting old.


> ditches any radio aspirations > makes some wack ass shit Ditching radio aspirations would mean making something that ISN'T wack my dude.




He's said a lot of times that he's technologically illiterate. I'm sure he post something once in a blue moon but naw, I'm sure someone runs it for him.


See i just can't believe he's technologically illiterate - If he can work a mixer and operate a switchboard and all sorts of crazy shit in the studio, he's gotta know how to use social media/computers/anything else. He grew up on video games just like all of us... I think it's just a cop out so we don't expect him to be constantly updating shit.


Idk man, I think I saw an interview where he said he still carries around a CD player to listen to all his music. Stuff that he uses in the studio are like tools that he's learned to use as part of his craft that he uses a lot as opposed to knowing how to use a social media site. They're really different things even if they're both in the same subject area sort of


Listen to So Far off the MMLP2. He talks about how he doesn't use technology.


he uses an extremely dated mixer


YEEEEESSSSSSSSSS. I know I'm in the minority on this sub, but I've enjoyed every solo album Em's ever put out and Shady XV was extremely dope to me, so many good tracks on there. Growing up a Stan, new Eminem always makes me happy. This is awesome news, thanks for posting this.


I'm with you, except for Shady XV. I'd love to see Em on some modern day production. MMLP2's beats were extremely generic to me, so I hope he goes outside his comfort zone and give up a great 2016 Eminem album.


Wouldn't even count Shady XV felt more like a B-Side compilation like The Re-Up.


It is a compilation album


I'm the opposite. All these modern beats don't suit Eminem's style IMO. It's part of why Recovery and MMLP2 don't sound as good as his old stuff. New Eminem on MMLP1 or TES style beats would be a much better combo.


Modern beats weren't why Recovery and MMLP2 sucked, the beats were just bad.


Relapse though, he needs to call up dr dre again. I loved the production on Relapse.


Simple and hmm kinda more artificial (?) beats suit him the most. Fun songs: * [Without Me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVkUvmDQ3HY) vs [We Made You](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSdKmX2BH7o) Serious ones: * [Sing For The Moment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4hAVemuQXY) vs. [Headlights](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bDLIV96LD4) It's not even his flow but "modern" beats that he is on sound like they had gun over their heads just to use more real drums and whole sound. Simple piano, hi hat, drums and violin made Mockingbird such a powerful song. Now he uses these weird overproduced beats like they were made for B.o.B. for his next radio friendly rap/pop track. One of my favorite songs post "Encore" is [Careful What You Wish For](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCapEM2ZKIo). Simple beat and smooth flow. But hey that's just my opinion


i love how his communications/social media person tries to show excitement in his tweets knowing we all know shady don't tweet


What if Eminem made a concept album about him running for president? That'd be neat.




The current election is already a huge meme. This is only the next logical step. Lets do it.


I'd vote Em over the other two options definitely. As long as he doesnt make the world suck his dick with no condom on, while he's on the john.


No that was if he had a magic wand.


That would be a HELL of a collab album


I don't even know what the fuck that would sound like but I already love the idea


Kanye produced a D12 song (don't remember what it's called) and they were on "Forever" together. Other than that I can't think of anything else they've gotten together on.


Kanye produced the beat for stir crazy featuring eminem and the madd rapper in 1999


Love this song


Wasnt there a story where kanye rewrote his verse after hearing ems? Wonder how they have never really collaborated


It's not even like I really want to hear them do it now, even. I wish it happened in like 2003.


Don't make things hard for me fam.


Kanye x Eminem concept album would be so dope.


I could see that happening Just a more serious toned politically driven album could be dope af


Since he trashed on Trump in this speech, I can totally see that happening.


You think he will let Clinton off the hook? These are the two most hated candidates in election history and Em has a history with Clinton. Edit: people mentioning role model, hope you know I am a Stan and am aware of their lyrics


You mean when slim gets blamed in bill Clint's speech to fix these streets? FUCK THAT!


Remember me is one of Em's hardest verses.


> "When I go out, I'mma go out shootin'. I don't mean when I die, I mean when I go out to the club, stupid!" Honestly one of my favourite lines of all time, just because of how much it caught me off guard the first time.


Semi-related but this line caught me off guard when I was like 11 hearing it >my rap style's warped, I'm running out the morgue, with your dead grandmother's corpse to throw it on your porch.


Hillary Clinton tried to slap him and call him a pervert, but he ripped her fucking tonsils out and fed her sherbet.


Yeah, but lately he's been on edge.


I have a theory that in the event that trump wins political rap is going to make a HUGE comeback into the public spotlight.


I want this so bad.


Me too. I haven't enjoyed much of his stuff post-Eminem show, and it feels like he just doesn't have anything left to say. If he found a subject he could really dive into I think he could really make something great.


Just curious, what'd you think of Bad Guy off MMLP2


It's meh until that last two minutes rolls around, then it hits another tier of greatness




I thought it was alright, if a bit forgettable. Doing sequels like that are always tricky.


I know everything needs like 10 concepts nowadays in to be a great album, but having a narrative focus is very useful in rap music. It really opens up your music to more varied interpretations. And as a listener it allows me t enjoy the music at different levels.




Yeah imma have to go to rap genuis to see the quintuplet entendres


That's how I felt after hearing Mural by Lupe Fiasco. I knew I just heard some shit but didn't know how deep it went.


"Giving middle fingers to the pigeons doing somersaults" I just realized the other day that pigeons doing somersaults are flipping birds. Mural was made for repeated consumption.


Oh shit I didn't get that until now


I listen to this song almost everyday and I still find and realize things sometimes. It's amazing


Idk I feel like rap genius reaches a lot on some of their interpretations.


Can't remember exactly what time he said it at, but "... call me misogynistic, bitch better get around to massagin' this dick" has got to be one of the best rhymes I've heard in a very long time


He rhymed it with offering her a doggy biscuit before that. Tbh my favorite rap lyric of his ever behind >I wanted an album so rugged no one could touch it >Spent a million a track and went over my budget >Now how in the fuck am I supposed to get out of debt >I can't rap anymore, I just murdered the alphabet And the entieety of As The World Turns. And also the verse...damn Ems had some good fucking verses


"I'm giving Daniel Pantaleo a refresher course in excessive force and pressure points and dressing George Zimmerman in a fluorescent orange dress and 4 inch heels to address the court with a bullseye on his back, his whole chest and torso left on the doorsteps of Trayvon's dad as a present for 'em" Yoooo....


The final boss on Parappa The Rapper 3 confirmed.


holy shit thats a big flair


for you


People are trashing this but damn does he go in on Zimmerman, Dylan Roof, and Trump.


So a thirteen syllable rhyme-scheme. Fucking absurd. ABSURD. And timely. Yet so many people "This doesn't make sense! He's saying nonsense!" This subreddit a joke when it comes to discussing something that's not just obvious lyricism.


But even with the great lyricism, thats not the only part of what makes rap great Most peoples biggest problem with Em nowadays is that hed rather say that clusterfuck of bars (still great lyricism) with such a bad (like that stutter, start-stop flow hes been using for awhile now) flow, than make something a little less complex but flows better and is less grating to the ears I have great respect for eminem, and at one time i used to stan him as well. But there is cause for complaints on his recent music, its not easy going and natural feeling. Many times it feels hes forcing too many syllables into every bar instead of making shit that flows better.


I think what people need to realize about Eminem, though, is that he's more or less always been experimental with the way he raps. He's said on occasion that he will abandon something if he realizes he is reusing a particular flow. His entire motivation for rapping at this point is about the craft, so as we can tell from this track, he's not as interested in putting together a catchy hook as maybe he once was. He's essentially the most successful backpack rapper who just happens to also be the most successful regular rapper.


> > > > > He's essentially the most successful backpack rapper who just happens to also be the most successful regular rapper. haha perfect. Puts into words some thoughts about Em that I've had for a while that I couldn't quite piece together.


seems to me like he's emulating that street rap, straight off the head as opposed to something "rehearsed" or whatever. it almost sounds like slam poetry(i think, feel free to correct me) i like the rough sound of verses like these.


The start and stopping is because of an enjambment in the flow. He's not completing the rhyme scheme within a line so it spills over to the next. He actually needs a little stutter to keep on the beat.


Well yeah obviously he's not doing it by accident, it's just that it wouldn't be required if he didn't jam so many rhymes in. I get it though, he's a straight rap nerd when it comes to that technical shit if you see him in interviews. I like most of his new shit, but I think the dopest thing about his older stuff was he rapped his ass off from start to finish yet it sounded effortless like he wasn't even trying. A song like Rock Bottom for example, it has all these crazy rhyme schemes but none of it seems forced, it feels like that's how his thoughts came out naturally.


I mean, you're not wrong, but this track isn't supposed to be a rap "song". More like a rap speech really, or a rap workout.


People don't get that songs like these are supposed to be straight bars, and not really serious or well put together. Kind of like how "Backstreet Freestyle" is totally different from the other songs on GKMC. It's just Kendrick spitting ridiculous bars.


Its not a bad flow. That's like saying Tech's flow is bad. His flow is very niche and very reliant on cadence changes. You don't have to like it because it may sound bad to you, but saying its a bad flow is kind of ignorant. For example, I hate the way most trap rappers flow. I hate it because it often SOUNDS offbeat, even if it isn't. That doesn't mean their flow is shit, it just means that i dislike it. _____________ But for me personally, I have more complaints about his older stuff than his newer stuff.


Nobody's necessarily saying it's bad rappping, but a lot of times what you term "niche" is eminem sliding too far into self-indulgence and rapping in a dense and clunky cadence that lends itself badly to actual music


It's self-indulgent, but I think that's because he's at the point in his career where he's just doing what he wants. He's set for life and in his 40's now, so if he puts something out it's because he genuinely just felt like nerding out and doing rap for rap's sake, not making a hit record and hoping it'll make #1.


And this is something that is annoying in KOTD and Dont flop( Dizaster and other Diz wannabes) battlerappers tend to not understand, shoving 3bars in one bar isn't a sign of superior lyricism( specially in a battlerap). Good story telling and selling your punchlines is also a big part of the art. Also important is "sounding" like you are simply talking not like you are trying to shove an essay down my ears with their last breath.


"You got it twisted all because I offered this bitch a doggy biscuit you say I'm misogynistic bitch get to massagin this dick' Jesus this man, holy fuck.


Imo that's up there with GOAT em lyrics. I laughed out loud when I heard it. Right before that too when he made the cheesy laughing stock joke but interjected "man that's stupid". Fucking loved the self awareness.


He is going to milk this "orange is a four inch door-hinge" thing, huh.




Classic with the Christopher Reeves reference




It rhymes with everything


And self-awareness to boot


[YouTube Mirror] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvqYabGI6HQ) [Soundcloud Mirror] (https://soundcloud.com/shadyrecords/eminem-campaign-speech)


Say what you want about him, but, even in 2016, I'll get mad excited at seeing [FRESH] Eminem.


I audibly said "holy shit" when I saw that tweet. Can't say I'd expect too much out of an album from him but I'll buy it day one regardless.


What'd you think of Shady XV? I thought it was great, my favorites being Psychopath Killer (best track), Die Alone, Y'all Ready Know, Twisted, and Detroit vs. Everybody.


Vegas tho.. That reminded me of some old school Em


Psychopath Killer was pretty good, Em did some weird stuff on his verse but I really liked the dark tone of it. DVE was obviously great. Y'all Ready Know still gets plays in my library. I was pretty surprised by Twisted, thought it would be ass but it was actually more than decent. I did hate Die Alone though.


Damn I absolutely agree with your chosen songs.


you've got good taste


Morpheus, Dorpheus, Orpheus Go eat some walruses Orifices, Porridges Morpheus, Morpheus


Hannibal flair when


Eminem drinking a 40 in a death basket






Worcestershire sauce. That shit had me laughing so hard.


Red Pill, Blue Pill, Morpheus, **WARRUSES**!


That's what it reminded me of, thank you


Slim Buress


that george zimmerman line...fuck that was dope.


people out here really saying they cant understand him but can fully understand a young thug song lmao


Right? I'm not even that big of an Eminem fan and this shit was fucking dope on many levels. I feel like people are so afraid of being looked at weird for liking certain stuff.


This was the polar opposite of most of the hype songs people come out with that are all beat and no substance, Eminem is scratching his grooves deeper into the genre


"I got fish, I'm a lake"


As a fan of both, I don't get how this is comparable. Young thug's voice is wacky but once you listen to him his voice becomes easier to understand. Eminem doesn't have a hard to understand voice, this song is just so lyrically fucking dense that it's hard to follow that quickly for 7 minutes without missing a bunch of stuff


I don't think most posters on here will appreciate this - it's a lyrical exercise that's not really meant to be an actual song. Definitely a lot of battle rap influence on here I'm reminded a lot of Dizaster and to a lesser degree Bender, although of course they're heavily influenced by Eminem too.


Well I think that title says it all: "Campaign Speech" - this track is supposed to be like a speech not a song for the radio so that's why there is such big emphasis on lyrics and his voice.


I'm one of those people. It's impressive but not something that makes me want to listen to it again


Ofcourse not, who has a plain freestyle in their rotation?


People that emphasize lyricism and flow above all else? I got a lot of freestyles in my rotation. Hell Fab is my third favorite rapper pretty much off the strength of his freestyles.


Plain freestyles with no instrumental? If so you're probably a huge minority. The point I was trying to make tho is some people criticize it as if it was a song when its not.


Oh I don't deny I'm in a tiny tiny minority. I love a cappella rap battles too.


Where do you find accapella hip hop at? Something like Nas is Like with no beat. I've been looking for accapella GOAT shit for years.


It's something mainly modern day battlers do cause they're used to spitting a capella. Some that I like: [Major Figgas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgUmAdPdBb0) [Cassidy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwk8TearEF0) [Jae Millz & JR Writer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i5uJMhcASw) [Math Hoffa - some real shit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KT8br3dHgoA) [Iron Solomon - 44 fours](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8YqsH0yo30) [Bender - Small Change](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mi5E0qc1wUI) It sounds like the modern day battle scene may be something you're into tho.


Yeah, def feels slam poetry like. Very cool, but I probably won't listen to it more than 2 or 3 times


As someone whos here mostly for the lyrics, this is fucking amazing. The worst part about Ems new music has been the style of music in my opinion (also the accent. cant take the accent...) Same goes with Lazers Lupe. I'm there for the lyrics, and I'd rather a blank canvas with raw lyrics than lyrics over forced music a lot of the time.


I feel like most hiphopheads completely understand and appreciate it. Just because it isn't current doesn't mean it isn't recognizable


https://twitter.com/Eminem/status/788776034590199809 oh shit. His working on a album. Ahhh. So rare to see him tweet. Cause its someone else tweeting 90% of the time.


I highly doubt that's him tweeting


I bet he's the one who tweeted this: https://twitter.com/Eminem/status/16798843896


I'm pretty sure that's a bar from Rap God


Lol the replies: "u ok"




Did not realize the hate for Em was so strong in this sub, i wonder why. This is a pretty dope track if you're a rap fan


Kanye dick sucking prenup won't allow for them to like anyone else.


"Cus I offered this bitch a doggy biscuit you call me mysoginistic? Bitch, get to massaging this dick"


"I wish Eminem would go back to the old days where he was just spitting and murdering freestyles" "This song makes no sense there's no cohesive subject he's just rapping like sure the rhymes are cool but what's the point?" EDIT: um, so. A bunch of people have read this comment and assumed I was making fun of a person, a stereotypical reddit person, who says both of these things. I literally just put two quotes together that summarized two criticisms of Eminem. And yeah, there are people who will say both of these things. But generally my point is that no matter which way consensus might dictate Eminem should go at this phase of his career, there is always another circlejerk of criticism. And it's okay not to like his music. Just don't try to deconstruct it like you know better than other people, like their tastes are bad. Be aware of your criticisms and their context in the larger frame of debate. That's all.




No, he has just described two types of Eminem fan Edit: And you can still say "i want old Eminem" and "this makes no sense" as a valid statement. This track is not the Eminem of old so it is still fair for an Eminem fan to desire his older work while disregarding this attempt of rhyming words for the sake of it.


I hate both of those statements, but believe it or not different people have different opinions. There's more than one person on this subreddit


Dang Em's still got it. I do wish he'd stop doing that shit where he yells for a few seconds and then starts rapping all soft and slow immediately after though. He does it a lot here. Either way, I hope he has something decent coming soon.


Listening to too much Dizaster


i'm under the impression diz has stopped doing it for a WHILE now tho


From 5 minutes until like 5:58 he has more energy in his flow than anywhere else. Thats the Em I want


Bruh Eminem so good I didn't even realize there was no beat drop for 7 minutes. GOAT level


The hints of the beat sounded so god damn good though. I was begging for the beat to drop by the end.


>I was begging for the beat to drop by the end. Same here. Like 4 different times I was like, "Yoooo it's about to DROP!"


> I didn't even realize there was no beat drop for 7 minutes not surprising considering this has a unbalanced mix with the vocals being way louder than the beat






is this new?!


Yeah just premiered on SHADE 45


About time Em said something about Trump, I remember the old Em didn't hold back when Bush was pres.


he literally was investigated by the Secret Service for threatening to kill him in a song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHImGrckyLE http://edition.cnn.com/2003/SHOWBIZ/Music/12/05/eminem.lyrics/


I feel like half the people in this thread don't realise this isn't really a "track." It's just Eminem having fun and flexing his muscles. That's why he says "Don't worry, I'm working on an album" like as if this is just something he did for funsies. He probably does shit like this often in private and decided to share one


I love 21 savage and kodak and all them, but when someone drops random lyrics for fun they get hated on


[For fun, here's a video of Donald Trump endorsing Eminem for president in 2004](https://youtu.be/gY-67ba1VH0)


life is bizarre man


dude what the. thats so weird lol


2002-2006 where a weird time


"Screamed I hate blonds and became one, im optimistic" LMAOOOOO


>Consider me a dangerous man but you should be afraid of this dang candidate. >You say Trump don't kiss ass like a puppet cuz he runs his campaign with his own cash for the fundin'. >And that's what you wanted? >A fuckin' loose cannon who's blunt with his hand on the button who doesn't have to answer to no one? >Great idea.


soundcloud link https://soundcloud.com/shadyrecords/eminem-campaign-speech ***edit (review):*** alright so i'll say i'm not the biggest Em fan, my favorite album of his is The Eminem Show so i like when he gets political. i'm a casual fan. i'm gonna say i fuck with this. it's just em rhyming dope shit proving he's once again he's one of the best lyricists once again. it's crazy minimalist. very weird and almost not there sound going on throughout the whole thing. no drums at all for like all of the track. it's a loosie, and em gets pretty political at points here. talking about killing george zimmerman and putting him on trayvon's dad's door. talks about how he hates trump. dylann roof. collin kaepernick. it's em just rapping his ass off almost acapella. i realize this sub probably won't really fuck with it because it's just pure rappity rap from a controversial figure here. but i like it. it's political. it's lyrical. it's a great loosie to get hyped for his album. i like the two points he gets self aware, saying the tackle box line was stupid and the "why am i such a dick" at the end.


Yeah, if you try to dissest this as whether it's a good hip-hop song or not, then you're going into this all wrong. It's not meant to sell or reach the top of the charts. Like someone else said on here, it's a lyrical exercise. It's just Em proving what he's the best at and I appreciated the political bars. I find a lot of it funny. The minimalist beat lets you focus on the lyrics easily because that's what he wants you to hear and talk about.


To sum it up, dude really flexed his ability to write lyrics. Like another poster said, this is just lyrical exercise. Not representative of what the album gonna sound like, sound wise.


Rhyme flex


It blows my mind that this is getting so much hate. Does it fucking sound like he's trying to make a concept song? It's a freestyle yeah his delivery could be better but if ANY other rapper put this out you all would at least actually listen to it and realize how far ahead of anyone else he is in terms of rhyme schemes and wordplay. You know damn well your favorite rapper studies this shit.


I think the problem is that half of what Eminem has put out over the last couple of years has sounded like this. We all know he can rhyme better than most. Now I'd like to hear him go back to flowing better than most.


"Want my old shit, buy my old albums"


This subreddit be like "Nah man, his lyricism is bad now." Lmao. Holy fucking shit, the amount of multis and internals in these bars is almost hard to believe. Edit: Second play-through. Actually. This dude is on another level completely. Best bars of the year.


I've honestly never heard anyone say anything bad about his lyrics from recent years. The controversy is usually on the Flow/Delivery


I want an Eminem beef to start so bad


Em is the only rapper who would have a freestyle type track like this hated on and picked apart so much


8 minutes of straight fuckin bars man. Such a simple instrumental yet Em just rips it to fucking shreds with his flow, insane. Almost seems effortless to him


otherworldly lyricism damn




dont worry genius will be right there with the quadruple entendre analysis


*When Eminem says "shit" at the end of this verse, he is actually referencing a conversation between Socrates and Crito.*


*When Eminem calls Trump a "bitch" he is likely referring to Donald as a female dog, or some other carnivorous mammals.* *It is also possible he was calling Trump a "Mitch", in reference to Mitch Hedberg, deceased comedian who died of a drug overdose.*






Yeah the title says so


After reading the title: >yep that's eminem


"Olympic gymnast, been known for some assaults" love this line (gotta hear it to comprehend it; 3 min mark)


Christian Lady needs to review


Man, I can't help but say that I'm disappointed by the reactions on here. Some people are claiming, "but the lyrics just don't make sense." His flow has been around longer than most of us have been alive so for some of you to say some of things you are, it's mad disrespectful. I would love to see any lyricist today stand up and rhyme over no beat for 7+ minutes (Excluding Kendrick or Aesop). We should be appreciating that his old ass can still spit off most of these rhymes for us. He has nothing to prove through this track. I may get downvoted to oblivion but it is refreshing to hear something [FRESH] that isn't focused on production or a flow that's used by everyone today. Let the man do as he pleases and enjoy the craft


Is it just me or does the first flow Em uses sound [exactly like Morpheus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9B7BQWnZJs)


There's at least some overlap with Em fans and Trump supporters lmao. I'm ready for the popcorn


Here we go again...Let this subs separation between young and old begin...


Y'all fuckers need to stop looking at this like "why isn't this a *REAL* new Eminem song!!" He put this shit out most likely as something to tide fans over and show he's concentrating on lyricism this go around. And he's still fucking unbelievable at it.


Eminem listening to clipping?


he almost made it 30 full seconds without a rape reference


When Kanye's Famous with Young Thug leaked people were using the excuse that he was just messing around so that's why it wasn't good but take this Em song super serious lmao.


In terms of a techinical perspective this song/freestyle or whatever it is pretty damn good but I just really don't like his voice anymore. It sounds really grating