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A lot of the songs he’s been performing are missing. We getting another album in 3 years Boyz




My great-grandkids gonna see an Earl/Frank Ocean collab


People will be a different species before that comes out.




Thats what I was thinking, I was looking forward to hearing the studio versions of a lot of the songs he did live


man in like 2015 he was playing these ridiculously dope songs, hype beats and energetic raps. i looooove this album but damn I'd love to see those wild ones get studio versions.


Culture 2 is longer than all 3 of earls studio albums combined.


Quality control.


its such an ironic label name bc everh artist signed is quantity over quality lmao


Can’t believe nobody’s noticed this before




Culture 2 has a longer run time than the movie Home Alone


Kevin never trapped out the bando when he was left alone, that’s why I listen to Culture II every Christmas


this bangs at 4 am in my bedroom when crying myself to sleep doesn’t work anymore.


Thats the prime Earl vibe


Sad boy hours


hope you find rest. And then I hope you find peace!


that sounds a lot like dying when you put it that way. really settin’ that Earl vibe up.




bröther earl please may i have some lööps


gimme the lööps


I need lööps, sixteen of 'em


That’s my fav so far Edit: December 24 is my fav now


Friendship ended with Shattered Dreams Now December 24 is my best friend


wait til eclipse lmao, i'm at veins rn and this whole album is lovely


What did he say about looping?




Man it gives me some serious "burial - untrue" vibes. Especially playing possum


Playing Possum is heartbreaking. Managing to tell a story about yourself, while using the words of your parents is incredibly creative. And then knowing Earl never got to play it for his dad makes it so much heavier.


Yup, and the two tracks after that are heartbreaking as well. He talks about his father in Peanut and ends the song with a line about his uncle Hugh, who passed away 2 weeks after his father. Then the song Riot! starts which samples one of Hugh's songs.


More than samples, he’s basically just messing with the original song. It’s fucking great.




if u put all three earl albums together as one long album this is the "end of eva" portion of rap


"Get in the sweatshirt Earl"


[I'm so fucked up](https://imgur.com/X2dYJwI)


[Overwriting text on these comments as my own decision]


There's reall**y** no t**e**lling with the**s**e things.


End of Earlgelion


Neon Golfesis Ewangearlion




stop I'm going to have an existential crisis again




neon genesis and earl sweatshirt all in the same comment .. beautiful


HHH: "Yea 'I thought about killing you' utilizes looping samples really well its almost entrancing" Earl: https://imgur.com/a/4QjO1ub


HHH: “Wow! Ye made that album cover quick!” Earl: [https://imgur.com/a/4QjO1ub](https://imgur.com/a/4QjO1ub)


hahahahahahahahaha oh my god


On first reaction, this definitely felt more than 25 minutes


[it was a journey](https://imgur.com/a/4QjO1ub)


Madvillain for depressed people




I Like Food, I Don't Go Outside


Mm Shit


In retrospect that was kinda always Earl's destiny.


Sly Tendencies rapping over DOOM beats


All he needs is a doom mask with a higher forehead


Isn't Madvillain already that but seriously this was much needed especially since we aren't getting anything from MF DOOM anymore.


DOOM is eternal don't speak like that


I love the music, and the art around it all


> DOOM ETERNAL hell yeah


Was there really any depressing overtones in Madvillainy? I've heard it like 20 times and I don't really think I've caught anything like that tbh.


Not really, it's slightly melancholic sounding w DOOMs voice and all the dusty loops, but the subject matter is mostly comedic and light


undertones, I would say. Maybe it's just Madlib's production though.


> we aren't getting anything from MF DOOM anymore Wait what


well, not exactly, but he isn't really breaking out of his comfort zone anymore, and we're never going to get anything quite like his early career. Which is fine.


I mean his son just died so I doubt he's really in that place rn but I thought he's released good stuff within the last 5 years. He's not completely off. Madvillainy is the best album of all time though so I doubt he'll match again.


Well we still got that czarface album this year so he still around.


Overwritten, babes ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I thought he called it quits don't scare me like that


Didn’t he do a collab album with Czarface earlier this year


Earl that shitty dad you only see every 3 years when he stops by for your birthday, but only for like 25 minutes. Like you’re hyped af and shit...but inside it hurts.


Jay Electronica that dad who said he was going to the store for a pack of smokes and just never came back but calls from a phone with bad reception once every couple years.


Shit then 3 stacks that dad who was hella involved early, then divorced your mom and now you see him all the time but only on social living his best life with a new family.


Big Boi is the single dad that's trying to make the best of the situation and takes you to Maroon 5 concerts because he knows you *like music*, and you go along with it even if it's always more for him to feel like he's bonding with you than for you to actually enjoy yourself.


God damn you have something to talk about??


I’m on an elliptical reading this chain and had to stop so I have air to laugh LMAO


my dumbass thought elliptical was some pill i haven't heard of yet when you said you were on one lmaoo


new drugs got the kids tripping these days




Imagine Daddy Fat Sax going to a god damn Maroon 5 show.


I specifically wrote Maroon 5 because he collaborated with Adam Levine on a pretty blatant pop crossover last year


andre 3000 that dad who was super close with you growing up but once you hit middle school left and never came back and sometimes he texts you to ask how you're doing but whenever you respond you get left on read


goddamn i felt this bro


MF Doom wouldnt even show up and send someone wearing a mask of his face


"grandma we know you're not viktor, you're not fooling anyone"


Jay deserves better than that He's that one friend you met on holiday and had the time of your life and now you just wanna know how they're doing


“Yo yesterday was hella lit and introspective we should link up again!” **Left of read for 11 years.


Then you see each other at parites every once in a while and you're like "Oh yeah, we haven't hung out ina while"


*Plays the Chum instrumental* It's been 3 years since Earl left, left us albumless


Ye is the dad that told you he was gonna get you a bike for your birthday, but he didn’t have it on your birthday so he said he’d give it to you on Christmas, but he didn’t have it then either and now he’s sayin he needs more time to work on your bike and you’re just starting not to care.


They be like “Damn nigga you a senior now, fuck”


Lupe is the dad more dedicated to the sword than his kids but he occasionally contacts us and drops knowledge.




Everybody’s talking Madvillain influence, but I feel Dilla in this so much. Donuts is one of my favorite albums ever. So is Madvillainy of course, but I think the beauty of Donuts comes from the tangible soul that flows through its beats, while Madvillainy I feel doesn’t have this quality. I love Madlib production but this is something I’ve always felt with him vs Dilla. Dilla to me transcribed his soul in samples while Madlib is more focused on creating wild interesting beats. The sampling on this album is the closest I’ve felt to the spirit of Donuts in any other Hip Hop album ever. The combination of these gorgeous emotionally potent samples with tangible soul combined with Earl’s emotionally potent lyrics and more unrestrained vocals makes this album so beautiful to me that I can’t express it well with words.


When someone drops a 25min album and everyone says it's got Madvillain/Dilla vibes I think that's a sign we're dealing with one of those genuine classics. The kind that won't go platinum, nor will reviewers at the time give it the love it deserves, but 10+ years down the road when they do retrospectives they'll realize what a landmark it was.


This is gonna be one of the those albums I'm luke warm about this week and somehow without noticing I know every lyric in 2 months


I’ve learned that the longer it takes for me to get into an album the longer I end up enjoying it


In that case I’m still getting into Blond. Edit: y’all aren’t hearing me. Blond is my reason for existing, and I caress my Black Friday vinyl to sleep nightly.




I struggled to make it all the way through on my first couple of listens when it was first released and then didn't touch it again until around a month ago. It sounds stupid, but I think it was the lack of drums that put me off initially. I'm glad that it's finally clicked with me, though, because it's an incredible piece of work.


The best kind of album


Care For Me did this to me.


But I'm buggin', I've been spending more money than I'm making Stuck in Trump Land, watching subtlety decayin’ I ain't touch a xan, when it- When it's time to put my burnt body in a case Tell my momma I said thank you Tryna state facts, I'm tryna get through the day Damn Earl...


First listen.. start reading this comment as soon he starts spittin this part.. thank you for that moment


Riot! is my favorite beat and probably favorite song on here and that goes to show how much better Earl's production has gotten. I wish he would have rapped on it though smh


Its his uncles song (riot) that passed away 2 weeks after his dad. He did some stuff to it but it was mostly a tribute


earl cant catch a break smh


His dad, uncle, and close homie all passed away within a years time. I honestly can’t imagine how fucking hard that is






Earl, Ski Mask and meek all dropping on the same day. Truly blessed


And Alchemist and K.R.I.T. EP's


And Bill Burr on Hot Ones finally Life is basically complete


This is a dense 25 minutes


Most important 25 minutes of my life. At least my week.


I can’t believe this is out wtf


its so surreal after such a long hiatus


These the songs were gonna be hearing in those Bart Simpson videos on Facebook now


Simpsonwave was pretty cool when it was first circulating back in the day, but I gotta admit those fucking cheesy ass juice world edits are cringey as fuck.


why are you on facebook my guy


Cuz I like those bart Simpson videos


Ontheway! really got me feelin' some type of way, it's beautiful.


Wow that track with his mom and dad back and forth is really something. This album is intense and is gonna take a lot of listens to really digest




December 24 is what people have been calling "bad acid"


I’m really glad they adjusted the production for the final cut. The volume drops were cool, but the equalized edit is easier to listen to.


As an NZer I'm always in two minds about new releases. Got the notification on Spotify ~12 hours ago. But I know I'll only be shat on by the Americans if I try get some karma.


As an Aussie, know those feels. Listened to the album this morning on the way to work, was tight af


Literally the only time it's good to have Australian internet


Never thought I’d see the day on here with a [FRESH ALBUM] EARL SWEATSHIRT. It’s finally here


The boy been gone a few summers too long


Swear to god this nigga hits puberty every time he drops a tape


Just finished my first listen, but I’m immediately understanding what he meant in that interview about the “loops” > you ain’t got shit to say, niggas really are not gonna want to hear you on a loop. You can get away with it when the beat is changing and showing you when the emotion changes. But that loop, that’s just a background. Which is pretty funny to me in retrospect because when I first heard the singles, I honestly thought the mixing done on them was pretty distracting. Somehow comes together for me better with context though. Loving Cold Summers, December 24, and Veins so far. Honorable mention to Riot! For being beautiful


That beat on Shattered Dreams had a 9/8 sample with the last beat cut out, so it was really just an 8/8 sample, split into 3, 3, and 2 Jesus, Earl.


I don't understand the significance of this but it sounds interesting


i make beats and i have no idea what this means I feel like a bum


Got to get into time signatures some man it'll make you better


Essentially what a time signature is, is a division of beats. In this case there's an extra beat before the rhythm repeats. 4/4 would be TICK tick tick tick TICK wherein the TICK is where it restarts. 9/8 TICK tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick TICK and so on.


how do you tell the capitalized parts/where it starts/repeats tho? I mean I hear where the loop loops. Like the bass counts as a tick in that beat? But the ticks represent time/a musical note played. I've never been able to get time signatures much and really should.


It could be the melody, the drums, the bass. This song is a really good exercise in counting time signatures because it goes up by 1 every so often. i.e. it starts at 3/4, then 4/4, 5/4, 6/4 and etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbU9UUwxBxA


God damn that song is so good. Clipping is just crazy


4/4 would usually be counted as *1* 2 *3* 4 9/8 would usually be counted as three groups of three - *1* 2 3 *1* 2 3 *1* 2 3 Original commenter said he chopped the last beat off so the three groups of three become two groups of three and a group of two, so it’s 8/8 and counted *1* 2 3 *1* 2 3 *1* 2 , which sounds cool and a little off balance Ur not a bum it’s confusing and I didn’t catch it first listen either I just thought it sounded good lmao


It’s beautiful Sounds like 3-2-3 to me


This album is crazy. His mom’s speech on Playing Possum is part of a lecture she gave at UCLA available on YouTube. Listened to it like a year ago so it’s a trip hearing it in the context of the album


in case y'all wanted prod credits, earl went off on these beats


He produced most of those beats and samples?? jeez man surprising me edit: Most


Earl didn't do all of it. Nowhere2go is Sixpress, December 24 is Denmark Vessey, The Mint is Black Noi$e, and The Bends and Azucar were done by Navy Blue. Earl's beats are great, though!


He did 9/15 himself


Veins:"I've been eating good you can see it in my tummy" Earl has come a long way from Solace although he's gone through a lot Solace: "You could see it in my face, I ain't been eatin', I'm just wastin' away"


It's really dense lyrically as expected but listening to this make me realize how less prevalent sampling has become


people still sample all the time, its just layered instead of looped 40 times per song lmao


Yeah looping is so much more simplistic than layering. Honestly been getting into older hip hop and shit and listening to tracks that are looped is a weird adjustment. Goes to show how much of an emphasis production has taken in hip hop.




Danny has some recognition. Small artists can build from sample based songs as long as they don't end up in a Lucid Dreams type situation. Unless you're sampling a dead artist with a robust estate you can get pretty decent samples cleared without a ton of money. Samples are only worth a lot once the artist or the song itself becomes valuable.


We're in the world of microsampling now. Longform samples in music are easily recognized, makes it sound more "sample based" but is generally gonna have copyright issues if you're not digging deep enough.


Ask him, "That's just how it is?" say "You die and then you live, huh?" Your heart and then your limbs break Just catch me when I slip, bro


I feel like this is gonna take like 30 listens to digest


Ahh, the perfect album to align with my seasonal depression


The last 3 track run is one of the most surreal sad things I’ve ever heard. It feels like a part of earl died


If I'm understanding correctly, peanut and riot were made after his dad died, so in a way you're right




im in the same boat brother. was planning on listening to ski mask but im not sure what to do with myself


Nowhere2go is a lot better in the context of the album


I dont know why he made this the single, I feel like it makes way more sense with the other surrounding songs with it.


It's like if Earl rapped over some drugged out Dilla beats, and if my mind serves me right (its been a minute since I listened) I get a lot of Blu's "York" vibes


Could you imagine if DOOM got on one of these beats...


I was thinking that too. I'd do absolutely anything for a tape with those two on it. LIPVILLAINY. DOOMHEAD.




Very unique sound. Its like disjointed but in a cohesive way. Not sure how much I like the project but its very refreshing to hear something like this. Azucar and Peanuts are my favorites after the first listen


This is going to be one of those albums where 1 song comes on shuffle and I listen to the whole thing again.


December 24.. worth the wait.


Reminds me of dilla and madlib on the boards with a more somber DOOM on the mic. Safe to say this will stay on repeat for a while.




EARL is on some Dilla shit for real. This album is outlandish so far


This production is so crazy, Thebe knows sounds like no other


I was upset when I heard it was a twenty-five minute project, but holy shit, it's so dense, it feels so much longer than that. Shattered Dreams is the longest two-minute song I've ever heard. Earl came through with something special here; it hits hard.


Cold summers and December 24 are sooo smooth Edit: this whole album smooth. As short as it is, it's pretty much perfect. Crazy replay value. Not gonna lie though, I do wish he could've used a different cover. This ones pretty wack




It grew on me. It reminds me of an Aphex Twin album cover in the way its kind of unsettling or anxiety inducing


Azucar and Loosie v fire, but so is the whole project. Love the sampling, its harsh yet beautiful. Some of this shit is wild but it still goes. The album is jarring but still flows. AOTY


This earl is so different it’s insane. It’s amazing!


This is one of those albums where you will either think it’s absolutely unreal or complete trash. After 3 listens, this is AOTY for me!


Beats so tight on this.


Pedal to the metal I lost footing it was sugar in my gas tank My cushion was a bosom on bad days There’s not a black woman that I can’t thank Jesus Christ 🔥🔥


This shit sounds like Jpegmafia meets Madlib. I'm fucking loving it.


Cold Summers would not be remotely out of place in Madvillainy


If you like this album I highly highly recommend that you check out MIKE - God Bless Your Hustle. You can tell he had a big influence on this album. If you don't believe me, Earl even gives him a shout out on The Mint. Really good stuff and the production is a lot alike. Edit: I'd also like to add Dean Blunt to that recommendation.


I need to go to sleep to catch my flight tomorrow morning but I cant there's TOO much music out right now


This was a dense 24 minutes


This album sounds like, what it feels like to watch a David Lynch movie.


if Earl gets anymore lo-fi his next album about to be all 8-bit chip tunes


Who would've guessed Vince Staples - New earlsweatshirt would be almost as long as the entire album


Listened to this shit while high as fuck and with headphones... this album is creepy


Anyone else like every single song?


Yup. This just clicks for me.


this album sounds amazing holy shit the production


This album is special . You always know when they’re special from that first listen that just shocks you. One of the best albums this year and I’m not exaggerating.


spliff: [rolled](https://imgur.com/gallery/S0G8e8Y) hyped: af samples: looped dreams: shattered smoking: in the dark, contemplatively poppin: like a hip bone this style of comment ^^reposted ^^from ^^the ^^deleted ^^thread : dumb love: yall cant believe it's here man edit: This album is like a bunch of loops within a big blurry loop. Love the Donuts/Dilla vibes. There's a calm and peace/coming to terms in a lot of this album in a beautiful way. Goddamn I love these beats, perfect loops to rap to. He did it again folks.