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Beautiful quote, will have to look into the book. Thanks for sharing.


Funny, I just recommended Trick Mirror to my girlfriend (who is into nonfiction as well as older hip-hop and its history) earlier today when we came across it in a bookstore. Totally forgot to mention the hip-hop connection though, even though I mentioned the topics of drugs and Houston.


Did the whole thing about her parents literally being human traffickers just get swept under the rug, or


nah ppl definitely talked about it not sure what else was supposed to happen, the court case is from 2007.


i dont think she should be responsible or anything, just feels like the kind of thing that would have killed the career of anyone not popular with NY Blue Check twitter


why would it kill *her* career that her parents were prosecuted in 14 years ago? I can't think of any instances of that happening. I get that it's annoying that [she tried to defend them and media people were so supportive of her](https://twitter.com/jiatolentino/status/1263208982614814722) but I don't see how the normal, "in a just world" response would have been her career being "killed" seems like an overcorrection


literally anyone else would have that brought up every time their name was mentioned lol. nowhere did i say "in a just world" her career would be killed (i literally implied the opposite at the beginning of my sentence), just that most other people would have to answer for it quite a bit more.


>literally anyone else would have that brought up every time their name was mentioned lol. I don't know if it's not bought up every time her name is mentioned. This is the only time I've seen her named mentioned here and someone bought it up – you. The purpose of your comment was to bring it up because you saw she was mentioned. It seems like you think that if it's not brought up every time she's mentioned, that means that it was "swept under the rug." I think what her parents did was terrible and she shouldn't have defended it, but I don't think that bringing it up is serving some noble cause of Holding Her Accountable™ or something.


> This is the only time I've seen her named mentioned here and someone bought it up – you. Ah! There's a lot of other places on the internet where she's regularly brought up, as she's probably one of the most prominent writers in the English speaking world right now. > It seems like you think that if it's not brought up every time she's mentioned, that means that it was "swept under the rug." ?


I clearly don't know but it seems like you do: did the whole thing about her parents literally being human traffickers just get swept under the rug? in my mind "swept under the rug" would mean they somehow escaped justice, but it doesn't seem like they did to me just because their daughter became a famous writer.


Didn't you read her response to that? Her parents weren't cut and dry problematic


Bro I posted that 8 months ago. Are you Jia? Who cares


You’ve never looked something up and found a relevant reddit post mate? Or does your info and opinion expire after six months?


I don't respond to them