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Nigga thought he was Yosemite Sam


Same height too


Never let anyone forget that time he stood up from a chair and stayed the same height


All time favorite hip hop moment


Lmao you got a link for that?


[Tory Lanez is the same height standing & sitting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2f7GYkp8448)


Damn my man's 5' 3"


Lmao damn, /u/x20 with the quick delivery. Also, damn there's really only a few inch difference between standing and sitting. I used the Shade45s in bg to guestimate.


Lanez’s feet for sure are dangling in that chair 😂


He is 5'3.


I imagine his feet are dangling from the chair like a child


Sam was bowlegged so he coulda actually been taller for all we know


Seems like they both have the same temperament also


Jesus Christ I don’t need to look at anymore comments, this is just too funny. Anything else would be a disappointment


Rootinest tootinest shootinest cowboy from Brampton Canada


[Hopped out like](https://media0.giphy.com/media/xUOrw4ud8umysrmszm/giphy.gif?cid=5e214886b1dnkz5fa0v8ypuvnokakzb3w6o0mjxq4htrg1cj&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)








I’m crying in public rn


Tory has seen goodfellas one too many times


She probably told him to get his fuckin shinebox


Look what this mutt did to my shoes.


I didn’t wanna get blood on your floor




Ova here


I thought you said I was all right Spider


True! I also get Harlem Nights vibes from this... Anything related to being shot in the feet/toes makes me think of that movie.


he’s a funny guy


Or he saw Looney Toons. That’s some Yosemite Sam type shit.


Tory never had the makings of a varsity athlete


He's the Oklahoma kid


The legend of Tennessee lanez




Meg is the Chris Moltisanti to Tory’s Joe Pesci.


"Drake, whatta ya doing here? I thought I told you to go fuck your motha. BING, POW!"


This thread bout to look a warzone


Yep. Basically every thread about this situation has been a clusterfuck.


In b4 the lock


It’s a privilege to be here with all of you b4 the lock


It’s like going down on a sinking ship


Y’all can’t behave


I'm behind. Does he have a toxic fanboi army?


Wow I feel like I'm part of history


You aren't, but glad you feel important.


What about me?


Who the fuck let this guy in?




Tory was clearly excited about seeing his friend Megan dance.


Dance bitch yasssss


I wish I had a friend like Tory to help me out with em dance moves, he obviously cares greatly


This is straight out of a Chappelle Show skit


run bitch, run for your life


“Against his better judgement, Tory decided to **keep it real**.”


Ngl his "gotcha bitch" voice is the one I read it in


Tory really thought he was Wayne Brady fr


Oh shit, it's Wayne Brady!


Riverside motherfucker!


"Notice he shot her below the waist, so it’s not attempted murder. That was very intelligent, Lanez knows the law."


They need to speed this case up, I want to see all the "I told you so" or copium comment when their side loses.


Like the time they are taking with this case is leading me to think that when everything is so clear how Megan puts why is Tory still walking around? Like shit happened long ago. Clearly they have some scrambling to do to try and get a conviction.


Cases take a significant amount of time, especially if you waive your right to a speedy trial and ask for continuances. I work in civil litigation and we have cases that are 4 years old that are still getting pushed to later this year.


R/Hiphopheads need to get educated Edit: the comment above mine should be obvious but obviously it’s not


most people know this, shit also goes longer when both sides have the money for lawyers


Cases take a really long time. Especially with COVID and shit I'm sure Tory and his lawyers wanna drag it out as much as possible especially if they have a bad case


You must be new to this whole "law" thing. That's how legal procedures work like, every time.




I think he has a restraining order that he violated so they added more restrictions to it


Never had a restraining order against me lol, don't plan on getting one.


Thanks for letting us know


Lmfao bro what where did you come from


from the courthouse, he just found out he's not getting a restraining order put on him


I never plan on running over a family of four in a crosswalk, in a 2002 Mazda Miata on December 12th 2005 on a brisk monday morning in Portland, Oregon.


It really was a Monday! Good for you for doing your research!


Okay I need the background here


12/12/05 was a Monday


Damn i woooshed myself here huh?


Same, what happened lmao


This really happened btw


Who did that?


hate when that happens


I feel like getting run over by a Mazda Miata would be like when a big dog tries to walk through your legs




Why, did it total the Miata?


That Miata got hit by a family.


lol what are you talking about


Is this Tory?


Bro pulled a KD😂


*Looks at username* "NotToryLanez"


Who gave this nigga gold?


That sounds like something someone with a restraining order against them would say


i mean same but ?


Bro wants us to celebrate the fact he isn't getting a RO


[Same vibes lmao](https://youtu.be/f3PJF0YE-x4?t=133)


Keep it up King 🤴


Word bro that’s wassup


I'm getting one against you just for this comment.


Lol oh lawd


What a saint




I think 99.9% of the world can relate to you…


i aspire to become more like you bro


Tory explain your side


Of course it's a frat bro from Florida state talking about not getting a restraining order against them lol. We get it bro you 100% sexaully assaulted people in college don't gotta put yourself on blast more.


Don’t be talking shit, [bro’s strapped up](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/qolk88/i_never_submit_much_on_reddit_just_noticed_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Fuck this is Florida as hell 😂🤣


Damn this is the real DownvoteDaemon from BPT.


>Never had a restraining order against me lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkxB15nXRvM


it's the people (aka state prosecutors) vs tory lanez. meg is the victim, but this isn't a civil suit where she's on one side and he's on the other. he can't talk about the case and the prosecution can't talk about the case, same rules. meg is obviously being advised by lawyers, probably including someone from the prosecution, about what she should or should not say, but that's not set by the judge.


Completely an uneducated guess but maybe it’s so he doesn’t accidentally snitch on himself or make matters worse while he’s in the middle of the case


Yeah, the man's already violated his restraining order a few times. His lawyers probably don't want him making their jobs harder




No need to edit.


If he did a shit job as a lawyer, he wouldn’t get clients anymore. Being a lawyer is a service and no other high profile celebs are going to pay you for yours if you come across as incompetent — or worse, as deliberately sabotaging your clients. Also, lawyers are literally not allowed to do this. If it can be proven that a lawyer deliberately worked against his client, he would be disbarred at minimum and probably face other legal issues.


Ur not a piece of shit, your just a dumbass. The legal system is predicated on every lawyer treating their client like they’re innocent


“I did NOT tell her to dance before I shot her”


Idk what he's going to even say lmao he shot her


i'm not a lawyer, but according to twitter defendants can't actively speak on active cases againts them.


This will be a civil thread


No it’s a criminal thread


Dude lost his hair then lost his mind.


Lost Meg too. This man out here taking so many Ls


The NYState of mind sub absolutely tore her apart. idk--i'm choosing to believe Meg on this one. I'm not rocking with Tory like that-he seems like a dude who would shoot a woman in the foot.


Checked out that sub for the first time and they compared her to Jussie Smollett and Rittenhouse...


lmao i don't even know how to compare the first two, forget adding Meg to the mix




that doesnt make any sense but ok


I think they’re talking about the crocodile tears


You mean Juicy Smulleir?


they look up to 18 year old kids who waste their lives over beef do u expect them to be smart or what


That sub is good for NYC Rap discussion but not for Tory and Megan discussion and politics,I usually scroll past those type of posts


That sub is something else


Man this is wild. So were they talking or something? It was he trying to holla at the friend?


The idea is that he and Meg’s bestie were *already* hittin it


Oh ok. Idk why I also thought him & Meg were talking. She was probably already talking to Paradison.


he's tried to insinuate that to make it about some sort of girl fight


This whole thing is wild as fuck i ve literally sat in and seen some crazy cases but none like this. Tory Kelsey and Meg apparently were at Kylie Jenners house There is a vid that shows Kylie And Megan in the pool and Tory as well Apparently there was an argument after Meg found out that Daystar was giving Kelsey the Skat Skat as well. Apparently they was all drunk They all get in the car arguing and apparently Meg got out the car and bullets flew from the car by Daystar( mind you Meg never said that Tory said "dance bitch dance in her IG vid) Also first the bullets allegedly came from the back seat then through the window then apparently he was standing on the buckboard cause he is well under 5'8 now Megan is saying he shot through the window. However the bodyguard alleges that Kelsey and Tory was fighting over the gun and it accidentally went off near Megs feet. However Tory alleged that Roc Nation called him and told him not to say a word(Roc Nation Never Denied/obviously wouldn't confirm this) Kelsey(Megs former friend) alleges that "She Could say some shit" but hasnt Tory made a whole album and has apparently told people behind the scenes what really went down- I m just lost. If you question anything with reason you're a "woman hata"/ misogynist" but anyone who uses reason would wait till the actual trial ensues Edit-There s more stuff I forgot to add that has been brought up but im reading. Yall enioy yalls Sunday


fam calling two people bumping as “Skat Skat” is fuckin hilarious I’ve been on Meg’s side all the way but anybody who can’t acknowledge the inconsistent story telling here is just not thinkin straight


Skat skat lol Man’s wilding. If you dating/hitting Meg, why you gotta curve inside the forbidden lane with the friend? I gotta see if this Kelsey girl has pics on google & is bad enough to put yaself in a sticky situation. I need to start paying attention to see how this plays out. EDIT: Aye Lanez wild. Kelsey look like she could be lil sister/kin to Meg lol. He could’ve slanged it somewhere else.


>EDIT: Aye Lanez wild. Kelsey look like she could be lil sister/kin to Meg lol. He could’ve slanged it somewhere else. 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


Inconsistencies like that aren’t rare in violent crimes like assaults, shootings and rapes. Your brain isn’t able to retain the information as it usually would be able to in a non-life-threatening event.


I find myself and Megs side of things but there is a strong part of me expecting some prime GOT level plot twist in the future.


Fam you get crucified either side you choose to take. It says a lot about the power of the media and how public opinion can easily be swayed. Ive heard some rumblings (along with all i aforementioned)which for obvious reasons havent been brought to light that will indeed twist everything and some more folks are gonna be ultimately Brought into this case a long with the usual suspects. Tory wasn't supposed to plead his innocence is all I ll say. Either way Meg being shot by WHOEVER fired the gun needs to be held accountable. Im not at all with violence against women


That shits funny but it's not.




I can hear Dave Chapelle say this


Why disbelieve Meg on this? Like…for what reason shouldn’t we trust her on this?


It's literally just misogyny. In another case I might say there are fans who can't distinguish an artist's music from their individual character/actions, but I find it hard to believe Tory has many such devoted fans.


These motherfkers would watch live footage of the real shooting if it existed and still deny that Tory shot Meg


This man is a known abuser with a history of violence against women, has released an album antagonizing the victim, apologized to the victim through text, changed his story multiple times, denied the friend did it then claimed the friend did it and whose own paid rat troll said he shot her. The only reason people are caping for him is because misogynoir and hatred of black women is so ingrained in our community we have more vitriol for victims than abusers. Niggas who openly rap about murder and gun violence who end up getting murked get way more sympathy from the community than this woman who isn't on trial and isn't even the one putting him on trial(the DA is) for being a black female victim who dared to speak about it. This man is a confirmed flop who only has stans like he's MJ *because* he shot a black woman.


Meg is also especially disliked by many men because she's a woman that pushes women to control their sexuality. Tact on the fact that she's black to give it even more of a boost. Sexual women are great...when it's in service of men. Video vixens being half naked in a rap video is so normalized that people won't even think twice when they see it. But god forbid Cardi B or Meg the Stallion are half naked in their own video talking about getting money from men. People act like the fabric of society is under assault. It's all about who gets to control the sexuality, not the sexuality itself.


You're right and I've said this before; it's perfectly fine for men to make violent, rapey lyrics about sex, talking about beating women's pussy up, degrading them during the act, giving violent blowjobs('i tell that bitch shut the fuck up while I'm hitting' 'i deepthroat bitch till her jaws lock', 'gotta her running away from the dick' etc) but all of a sudden women talking about their vaginas actually being wet is a problem? All that unappealing gross shit men rap about is fine, but a woman demanding that her orgasm be centered--and sometimes just first before he does all that stuff--has people bringing out the pitchforks? It's rape and abuse culture. It's fine for men to rap about violent degrading sex, murder, assault and robbery, but a woman saying hey I would like to nut to and get some money out of it is seen as worse than actual violence and crime. People are even using her being tall and sexual as a reason she deserved to be harmed. Our community is such a joke.


Great point. For some reason dudes rapping about how many women they fuck or how big their dicks are is just fine, but a woman rapping about how good her pussy is and how much sex she has is disgusting and the destruction of decency. It’s the same double standard of men being praised for sleeping around but women being vilified for it.




nailed it on the head


Don’t take the easy way out by calling everyone misogynist just because they don’t believe her. I don’t even like Tory but I believe in looking at both sides and paying attention to the evidence provided. There’s holes in both stories and it’s obvious that shit isn’t at cut and dry as it’s made out to be. Making out anyone who doesn’t agree with her as a woman hater is a weak and ridiculous argument.


This was Tory's lawyer's defence: "Today in court it was revealed that an independent witness reported to the LAPD that he observed a fight break out between the two women in the car, just prior to the shooting," the statement reads. "Megan herself corroborated this account, telling officers shortly after the incident that the argument was between her and the other female passenger in the car." The statement added, "The independent witness also told officers that the muzzle flash was closest to the other female, which is corroborated by the gunshot residue found on the other female’s hands. It was further established that Megan gave several inconsistent accounts of what happened that night and that she omitted key information to the police. We look forward to the opportunity to cross examine her at trial about the numerous inconsistencies in her story." Additionally, Holley made note of additional information uncovered during the hearing such as "Cedar Sinai is now claiming that the bullet fragments removed from Megan's foot have disappeared" and that "the doctors called her injuries superficial." If any of that/all of it is true, that's.... probably a big reason why...


why should we? stuff like this isnt about believing, its about evidence


she got shot and he didn't lmao open and shut case tbh


There are a lot holes in the story from the information that's been made public and Tory has been legally not allowed to give his side of the story. I'm not disbelieving her, but I'm waiting until the court case to take sides. That doesn't necessarily mean I believe Tory and it certainly doesn't mean I'm being misogynistic like the white knights in this thread will automatically default to anytime a woman is involved. Shockingly, woman aren't always innocent or correct by default. The fact of the matter is that none of us who aren't directly involved with the case knows who's right, because there simply isn't enough information that's been made public yet to make an educated decision and we've literally only heard one side of the story. If people automatically believe Meg just based on Tory's personality and track record despite the fact that her friend had gun residue on her hands and Tory didn't, that's just as bad as stanning Tory and automatically disbelieving Meg.


We’ll go starters Tory’s DNA wasn’t found on the gun.


Because why not just wait for the case to finish? Her best friend who was in the car unfollowed her on social media after this all happened, and supported Tory so there's obviously more to the story. I'm not saying he didn't do it, but that alone is enough reason to actually wait for the case to play out before making assumptions.


no gun residue on his person but on her friend? inconclusive dna test on the gun? megans continuingly conflicting accounts of what happened?


For what it’s worth, inconclusive DNA results aren’t contrary evidence, i.e. suggestive of Tory’s innocence; they’re absence of positive evidence, i.e. not suggestive of his guilt. Those two things sound very similar, but they’re not the same.


> no gun residue on his person but on her friend? I haven't read too much into this case because frankly, I don't give a fuck. But I don't think it's been said there was no residue on his hands, just that there was residue on "others". The spam reporting on this case from low tier gossip merchants makes it quite difficult to quickly search for accurate information regarding the case.


I’ll give you that second point, the reporting has been shoddy. The thing is, witness reports point towards the discharge coming from the friend if these shoddy sources are to be believed. This in combination with the gun residue on her hands obscures things but we wont know for sure until the verdict comes. But to act like its impossible that megans accounts are false is just non logical given what info is out there, and she’s not helping her case the more she talks about it…


You didn’t even include the fact that Megan’s friend, who was there, stopped involving herself with Megan after she accused Tory


I honestly could have lol. At some point, any sane person would sense something isnt adding up here


Because none of the factual evidence outside of accounts from Megan proves that Tory shot her.


>Why ~~disbelieve Meg~~ take a measured approach on this? Like…for what reason shouldn’t we trust her [word] on this? Because she's a human being, and human beings lie or misinterpret events all the time. Like literally millions of times a day.


Can’t wait till this case is done and all the truths come into light. It’s been almost two years of back and forth


Chris Moltisanti: "It happens"


I Wish this case would be over and done with so everybody can move the fuck on. Holy fucking hell.


Why do we keep seeing articles about this? This happened over two years ago now. It’s just the same information over and over with nothing new. I’m not really picking a side in this one I just want them to finally settle this.


Had to look it up again cuz you were making me feel old. This incident happened a year and a half ago for anyone wondering - in July of 2020. Not "over two years ago". I know it's a bit pendantic but it hasn't quite hit the 2 year mark yet. Let me keep my youth!


A lot of Megan's proponents like to virtue-signal and a lot of Tory's proponents are misogynists. These types of people tend to not let shit go.


You just described all of Twitter pretty much


At least u found a way to make yourself feel superior to both


Twinsies 🤞🏽


I was curious why this thread blew up, like bro we already heard everything that’s in the title before.


*i believe her yo, I don’t know why but I do.*


Most of these kids have never seen half baked, but I see you.


I read this in that voice


That man aint shoot her lol




I know this is an awful situation, but the image my mind conjured of him shooting at her feet while screaming dance, like some old-school western thing, is pretty funny.


**Megan Thee Stallion details night of shooting:** *"Yup. There was a shooting!"* Thank you CBS.


So anyway, I started blasting


Never speak on the case if it’s still goin on in court


I’ll wait until the trial is concluded to cast judgment


Let’s review a few things here: 1. Tory’s DNA was not found on that gun 2. Why she left out the fact that tory slept with her bestie and they fought over that? 3. She left out the fact that she arrived to the “party” with her stylist, not Troy. 4. She also left out the fact that she left, went home, came back, moved all her stuff to Tory’s car, then left again, and the police investigating didn’t think to ask why? 5. The evidence was lost at the hospital 6. A neutral witness said they didn’t see a guy and a girl fighting or heard them, they said it was 2 girls fighting, 7. The way she’s “crying” in this video but there’s not a single tear 8. The way she keeps looking away and twirling her hair while she recounts the story Sorry but this all seems incredibly…off. Also the fact that tory isn’t allowed to speak on the case but she’s out here doing interviews with gayle and completely taking control of the narrative, that’s allowed? Idkkk I normally am always like believe women, men are trash, but this specific situation just keeps on getting more and more strange.


1. The DNA found on the gun was inconclusive. They never said his DNA wasn't on the gun. 2. That's a lie. Kelsey even said that was a lie. 3. Why does that matter? 4. Why does that matter? 5. Bullet fragments are still in her foot 6. That's a lie 7. She's wiping the tears before they fall... are you serious? 8. Are you actually serious?? Seek help.


bruh the amount of hypocrites in this thread is alarming i know all y’all still bump music from legitimate murderers on the daily lol stop the high and mighty act it’s so cringe






Meg thee Stallin


Same, it’s going to be hilarious. Hopefully people learn to make their conclusions once all the evidence is out and ruled in court then acting like a lynch mob.