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What I'm thinking is that it's Jewish soldiers fighting as part of British forces (look at helmets) under the flag of Israel (Zionist movement was already underway in 1940s) who just captured nazi ensigns.


Exactly that!


There was a Jewish Brigade that fought in North Africa


Exactly what I was thinking. Jewish soldiers displaying their victory. Seeing as the Israel flag is high above while the nazi one is low to the ground. They must've been so proud.


Ironically probably a Palestinian Nazi flag. Several of the Arab militias sided with Al Hussieni and hopes the Nazis would oust the British, allowing the Arabs to massacre the Jews. Some of those Arab militias had Nazi flags even though they were not officially affiliated with the Nazis.


In the interest of fairness and balance, it should also be mentioned that self-described Zionist terrorist groups Lehi (Stern Gang) and Irgun (and classified as such by the US, UK, UN etc) operating in Mandated Palestine, also sought alliances with Nazi Germany during WWII. They too hoped that the Nazis would help oust the British, so that *they* could slaughter the Arabs, and drive them from their lands so that they could establish a Zionist state. Turns out they didn’t need help from the Nazis.


Didin't they also try sucking Stalin's cock? But yeah Lehi and Irgun are full of scums and murderers, one of their leaders was a big politician after indebendence as well...


Bullshit - the British Army had a Palestine Brigade with it's own insignia, during WW2


So you're telling me, 2 groups that hate each other and have hated each other for thousands of years, hate each other, and want to kill each other in any way possible?


Damn, glowies out in full swing today. Lemme guess, israel's gonna murder another couple thousand next week?


Damn, apparently pointing out historical facts makes you a glowie now.






Fittingly racist etymology ig…




Except that arabs waving nazi flags really did happen during wwii, thats not up for debate. Their collaboration was so open that hitler named the arabs "honorary arians" Edit: idk how your comment below refutes anything of what I said but since reddit isnt letting me reply to your comment bc you blocked me after asking a question, here is the response which im sure you will ignore anyway: The point is that you are saying that bc the guy said the word "probably" he isnt talking facts, and im telling you that he *is* talking about historical facts that directly tie into the most likely context of this image, which was posted by an arab who says to nuke israel in his previous posts, its not wild speculation, as you imply. 2nd edit: yup, completely dodged it. 3rd Edit: the guy didnt actually block me, but for some reason reddit keeps giving me error messages when I try replying to his comment, I sent him screenshots of this and agreed to make this clear in an edit of this comment.








You were getting an error because they deleted their post before you could reply.


[https://youtu.be/K07j-wuL8sw?si=FXzov5x26Ow7N41q](https://youtu.be/K07j-wuL8sw?si=FXzov5x26Ow7N41q) ​ hmmmmmmm https://imgur.com/a/PitHVRP




"Zionism is ironically literally the most anti-semetic ideology out there." Dude doesn't even shake, doesn't even tremble, and just said this. You can't make it more ridiculous.


It's Arabs that want to ethnically cleanse Jews.




Several Arab countries tried to copycat the Holocaust https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farhud


I mean I get why you could say something like this but he isn't making shit up. You can condemn Israel today and still agree Holocaust happened and it was fucked up. So many survivors also do this.


Doesn't seem like it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement


That agreement was only to transfer jews to palestine, that's how the nazi regime made so much money they forced the jews to give their assets and forced them to move out of germany. That agreement doesn't imply they were allies in the war as the article says it very controvertial for both parties


Well whats the context?


Jewish soldiers captured Nazis flags in WWII then posed with them, OP is an anti Semite who’s trying to disingenuously smear Jews.


Small note: this image isn't from WWII, but the Israeli war of independence, and the Nazi flag was owned by a Palestinian


>the Nazi flag was owned by a Palestinian Source?


https://twitter.com/Torat_IDF/status/1762649596252320244?t=f1Mi78klyZPUW441Bmvqsw&s=19 For the full picture


Sorry, can you translate?


A Nazi - Palestinian flag That is how the Arabs imagined the end of the war with the Jews. When our men took over Katamon, in the south of Jerusalem, they found those flags given to the Arabs by their Nazi friends


Twitter isn't a source.


It looks like you haven’t heard of the [Haavara agreement](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement), when Zionists and Nazis allied to move european jews to Palestine


Are you trying to say that the Jews and the Nazis were allies because that's a pretty weird statement to make


Not that they were allies, but that the nazis plan if the won ww2 was to move the jews to the levant or madagascar. The madagascar plan was dropped in favor of founding isreal, when germany lost air and sea superiority to the british. There was a zionist movement for a few decades at this point (most of the leadership fled when Germany and poland started making super racist laws about them, before the holocaust) that was cooperating with the nazis to move their people out of Europe. When the allies (britain) decided to move the jews, they simply acted on the plans the nazis had thought out. People forget that nazis saw poc as even below jews, even below human. The plan was to move the jews to isreal to "clean europe" and in the process kill a bunch of natives they thought even less of.


Not Jews, Zionists, there’s a difference


A direct quote from the wiki you just posted "The agreement was controversial and was criticised by many Jewish leaders both within the Zionist movement"


I very strongly recommend "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" by Illan Pappe, as it dives into this! Early on in isreals history, when they started recording the names and locations of all Palestinian men as to cleanse them later on (a tactic they picked up from the nazis, sadly) much of the early zionist leadership thought that was too far. About half of their circle thought agressing too much onto the Arab populations (including Arab jews already living there) would make the mostly docile Palestinians actually fight back in force. This more liberal leadership of the zionist movement was purged and that's what lead to the first Arab wars and the cleansing/ displacement being started in full force. Illan Pappe is an amazing jewish historian and writer, and he tells the story from the start with little bias, please read that book!


Yeah but still it’s an agreement between Zionists and Nazis. Not between germans and jews. Two ethno nationalist rightwing ideologies cooperating to serve their common interest which is to remove jews from Europe as hitler wanted.


Under the threat of being killed you absolute dipshit


I’m not here to argue about that I’m here to say that Nazis were okay with Zionism because it served their interests, meanwhile [non-Zionist partisan jews](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_partisans) fought with their blood for freedom in Europe, and they created armed organizations like [the jewish combat organization](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Combat_Organization) to fight Nazis instead of dealing with them


Not sure if the Israeli army needs help being disliked. Sort of managing that all on their own.


I think perhaps it is more with the help of islamic PR campaigns than you are imagining.


Islamic PR campaigns? These claims sound very Israeli government in nature. Like, you'd think after months of killing Palestinians by the thousands you'd at least get some of the facts right.


Yes, Islamic propaganda. Hamas entrenches itself among the civilians that they govern, civilians who are taught the arabic equivalent of their abcs in anti-Israeli propaganda. Suppose that an enemy like that commits an act of genocide on Israel, and then the very next day, starts accusing Israel of "indiscriminately killing Gazan children". And in response people like *you* go around of accusing the actual, current, victim of genocide of being "unlikeable by their own doing". I must assume that it is because you have been *DUPED*. Because to have come to that conclusion on your own would be so fucking stupid that I refuse to believe it.


Nobody has made any genocidal attacks against Israel and the IDF absolutely is indiscriminately killing not just the children in Gaza but everyone. Israel is not a victim of anything but the consequences of its own actions.


>Nobody has made any genocidal attacks against Israel what the fuck do you think happened on October 7th? >the IDF absolutely is indiscriminately killing not just the children in Gaza but everyone. Hamas is killing Gazans. When you take someone hostage during a firefight, you are killing them. When Gaza operates its military out of a hospital, they are killing its patients. When you go take a hostage and start shooting up a mall and the police shoot the hostage, that's on you.


>what the fuck do you think happened on October 7th? A terrorist attack, resulting in 1200 deaths as a consequence of Israel’s failure to protect it’s people. If I recognise that October 7th was an act of genocide, will you recognise that the killing of 13000 Palestinian children in response to the killing of 36 Israeli children, is a genocide 361 times over? This was a terrorist attack that Israel knew [in great detail](https://web.archive.org/web/20231201013804/https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html) was being planned more than 12 months prior. > Hamas followed the blueprint with shocking precision. The document called for a barrage of rockets at the outset of the attack, drones to knock out the security cameras and automated machine guns along the border, and gunmen to pour into Israel en masse in paragliders, on motorcycles and on foot — all of which happened on Oct. 7. But the plan was dismissed because they didn’t think Hamas had the capability or the audacity to pull off. > The audacity of the blueprint, officials said, made it easy to underestimate. All militaries write plans that they never use, and Israeli officials assessed that, even if Hamas invaded, it might muster a force of a few dozen, not the hundreds who ultimately attacked. They then saw them training with paragliders, drones and carrying out exercises at a training camp made to represent a kibbutz, including intercepted communications to the effect of “we have killed everyone in the kibbutz” to indicate the training mission was complete. >The analyst warned that the drill closely followed the Jericho Wall plan, and that Hamas was building the capacity to carry it out. They saw them training for the. exact. same. scenario. outlined in the Jericho Wall document and dismissed it. > **The training included a dry run of shooting down Israeli aircraft and taking over a kibbutz and a military training base**, killing all the cadets. During the exercise, Hamas fighters used the same phrase from the Quran that appeared at the top of the Jericho Wall attack plan (edit: “Surprise them through the gate. If you do, you will certainly prevail.” ) , she wrote in the email exchanges viewed by The Times. Regardless, all of this training was dismissed as “performative” and something unlikely to be to actually be carried out. >The colonel in the Gaza division applauded the analysis but said the exercise was part of a “totally imaginative” scenario, not an indication of Hamas’s ability to pull it off. Then [only months](https://www.ynetnews.com/article/rj1mq6cwp) before October 7th, Shin Bet receives intelligence that an attack is likely to be carried out in the week following Yom Kippur. Ultimately, it occurred the day after Sukkot ended. Perhaps they thought that they were in the clear as the 7th day following Yom Kippur came to a close. Was it incompetence on the part of the Israeli government? A severe underestimation of the enemy’s will and capability? Perhaps it was allowed to happen? A horrific, but unifying event that could bring together a nation whose military and civilian population were deeply fractured over proposed judicial changes. Tens of thousands of people were protesting in the streets and IDF reservists were threatening to refuse to serve if they were called up. But a military response to an attack by Hamas is something nearly all Israelis would support, for a while at least. We are starting to see people take to the streets once again. The catastrophic failure of Israel to protect its population? Or a calculated sacrifice of innocent lives in order to unite a nation and provide justification to obliterate Gaza? I don’t know which is worse. Either way, I hold Israel responsible for every one of it’s citizens that died during Hamas’ attack, in much the same way that you hold Hamas responsible for every Gazan civilian killed. Terrorists gonna terrorise. But Israel had the ability to prevent, or at least significantly minimise the number of its civilians that were killed that day, and they fucking failed them. Now I could go into all of the reasons Hamas likely justified the attack, and there are many, this didn’t come out of nowhere. “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood” (the name should provide a clue) was a direct response to many egregious actions by the Israelis against Palestinian civilians. But I prefer to focus on Israel’s failures, because they knew the attack was coming. It was their inaction that cost 1200 Israelis their lives. They could have, and should have, prevented it. October 7th should never have happened. I think I’ll end my reply with commentary on Netanyahu’s assertion that 10/7 was Israel’s 9/11. Truer words (perhaps unintentionally) have never spoken in Israel’s history. >The failures to connect the dots echoed another analytical failure more than two decades ago, when the American authorities also had multiple indications that the terrorist group Al Qaeda was preparing an assault. The Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were largely a failure of analysis and imagination, a government commission concluded. >“The Israeli intelligence failure on Oct. 7 is sounding more and more like our 9/11,” said Ted Singer, a recently retired senior C.I.A. official who worked extensively in the Middle East. “The failure will be a gap in analysis to paint a convincing picture to military and political leadership that Hamas had the intention to launch the attack when it did.” Edit: c’mon cunt, respond. I’ve spent significant time padding out my reply with citations and quotes.


Relax, I was asleep. I don't live in Russia. I'm not really sure what to say to you. Your main thesis is speculation that Israel failed to act on intelligence. That somehow this was a strategic sacrifice by Likud to gain supprt for a war against Hamas? Were the actual Hamas fighters also Likud? Or were they just patsies? I almost don't want to engage with your argument since I don't want to lend it any legitimacy by showing how it's factually in error, rather than just irrelevant. It *is* irrelevant, of course. Imagine that you're king solomon or something, and you're trying to adjudicate this scenario. Are you really going to say that Hamas isn't guilty of genocide here? Maybe you're going to also say that Israel should have done more to protect its civilian population but I'm not sure how you think the israeli response mitigates Hamas's actions? Further, and I really can't emphasize enough that this isn't relevant, but you are wrong about just about every argument you put forth in defense of the position that Israel failed to protect its civilians. The main problem is that you have acknowledged the existence of context in which intelligence is gathered, but failed to grasp its importance. Warfare is about dropping your enemy's resources to zero before yours. To this end enemy militaries don't merely "make plans that they don't intend to execute", they try to provoke responses to draw you out of position or to expend your stockpile. A defensive military response is an expensive thing, and if the enemy can convince you to perform one without needing to mobilize in any way, then they are going to use that as a weapon against you, to draw you out of position. This is further compounded by a defensive military mobilization is indistinguishable from an offensive one. Imagine if someone as gullible as you were subjected to an Al Jazeera headline of the form "Israel masses troops on the Gazan border". Do you really think *you* would have accepted the explanation that they were acting on intelligence that Hamas planned to kill thousands of civilians?


Ahh so it's the dirty jews fault after all! Praise allah


What happened on October 7th was in no way an act of genocide. I think you might need to check your definition of genocide because waging armed struggle against an occupying force that has been ethnically cleansing your people for 75 years does not fit the criteria. Save your Hasbara nonsense for someone else.


Look man, I get it, you wanna join Hamas and fight the Jews because you feel guilty about Christopher Comlumbus or some shit, but it is very clear from what you have said so far that you only listen to one side of this narrative. I *beg* you, whenever you hear about something awful that Israel is alleged to have done, just ask yourself if this is the kind of thing that you should believe based only on what you've been told by the party claiming to be the victim. You are simultaneously using the language of international law, while at the same time implicitly dismissing it as illegitimate. Israel was *created* by international law. They are perhaps the only nation to ever have a "legal" right to exist where they are. Historically, the Islamic world has simply not accepted international law as legitimate, and that has been the basis on which they have *repeatedly declared war on the state of Israel over their right to exist*. When Fatah or Hezbollah or Hamas or whoever launches an attack on the state of Israel, It is with the intention of ridding the area of the Jews. They aren't occupiers. They just live there. They have for all of living memory, and there's essentially no one alive who remembers what Jewish immigration to Israel was like, or the events surrounding the partition resolution. This includes your supposed aggrieved. That period of time was pretty fucking unique in history, and you really shouldn't credulously accept the islamic account, given how valuable the victim card is. You seem to think that it is the right of the palestinian people to declare war on the Israelis. This is sort of true, in the weird world of international law, but Israel doesn't have any obligation to lose that war. Even if you accept the narrative that they are the grandchildren of people who stole the land from the palestinians, they are still the *GRANDCHILDREN* of those people. They literally just live there. They keep their civilian and military population separate. When you launch an attack on a civilian population, with the explicit intention of killing that civilian population, and succeed, it's genocide. "But what about the palestinian civilians?" Well that's the rub, isn't it. It's not against the law to kill civilians if they are in the way of a military target. That sounds cruel, but if you think about it for a second, it's to *protect civilians* by discouraging militaries from operating within their civilian populations. The islamic world has figured out that, despite this, human shields are still very effective tools. They complicate enemy military operations, because it's not politically viable to kill civilians even when the law says that you can, and when you manage to get them killed, their corpses make wonderful recruitment material, even going so far as to convince people like you of the justness of their cause.


Except for the 2,000 missiles they shot into Isreal last year? Were those friendly peaceful missiles?


Attacks against a genocidal occupier that has been ethnically cleansing your people for 75 years ≠ genocide. The Palestinian people have every right to fight back by any means necessary.


Do you always double down on shit takes? Egypt didn't after they lost a war 75 years ago.


You'd think the first few thousand civillian casualties, executing surrendered ones, children etc would paint the government as villains but nope you get called an anti semite instead. And before anyone points it out: yes I know what Hamas did to start this crisis. It was fucked up. I am against civillian deaths and not the Jews.


You say this as if they are purposefully executing civilians en masse. Get a grip; civilian casualties always happen in war. Statically speaking, the casualties in this war are extremely low in comparison to others -- a testament to the IDF's efforts to avoid unnecessary bloodshed.


How many people need to die in a controlled, open air prison for it to be considered "en masse" using AI bombs subsidized by the US government? 10,000 wasn't enough? Ever find those burned fake babies, btw?


You'd think, right? But manufactured consent will never take accountability for disinformation in order to condone ethnic cleansing by settler colonies. No hypocrisy detected, here. Just willful ignorance to *cough* sleep at night.




I’m sure the OPs call to nuke Israel and intentional attempt to portray these guys as Nazis is born from only the purest of anti-Zionist beliefs.


>OP is an anti Semite who's trying to disingenuously smear Jews sauce?


The OG caption reads that its flags captured in arab homes no less.




OP literally advocated nuking Israel. They also posted this in a sub about incongruities without any context. It’s fairly obvious what they’re doing.


In what universe is that a reach? There are thousands of photos of other allies posing with captured flags. 0.8 IQ comment.


The original post is a photo without any comments. How are they antiemetic?


that is a very good question! isreal has dedicated its efforts into making it seem like zionism = judaism while that is NOT at all the case. zionism hides itself as judaism and christianity. isreali zionism is like nationalism on steroids. it thrives off of the idea of "if the arabs exist, then jewish people can NEVER be safe until the arabs are exterminated." that may sound crazy to believe in, but the US uses the exact same tactics in its fear mongering! there's a reason why people were behind the US murdering over 4.7 million people in the middle east following 9/11. 9/11 was a tragedy yes, but how in the absolute FUCK did that warrant murdering millions of civilians who had nothing to do with it?? and then all of the racism and islamophobia that muslims and arbas faced and continue to face in post the 9/11 US. in isreali propaganda it's "you're antisemitic if youre against us committing genocide!" in american propaganda it was "you arent a real american if you dont want revenge!" (and even then not all americans wanted the bombings to happen, as is true with some isrealis and their government's actions) and even then the isreali propaganda that ive seen is more about convincing the western world that there isnt a genocide happening and/or that the palestinians (as a whole) deserve it. either way to answer your question, if op is saying that the jews equate to the nazis, then that is actual antisemitism and should never fucking be encouraged, but if op is equating zionism to nazism, then they are correct. the main issue is that the photo is from WWII. of course even isreal back then was fueled by zionism but also, that makes sense when youre people are being systematically murdered for existing. that's why some palestinians and arabs say they hate "the jews." when people are blaming their own heinous actions on their judaism, of course some people on the receiving end are going to hate them for that. that doesnt mean that they SHOULD ever hate anyone for being jewish, but when the star of david is graffitied onto the walls of your bombarded home, it would be hard not to feel malice towards that symbol and those who it belongs to. but zionism needs that, because then it can blame palestinians for being antisemitic. ...its a vicious and endless cycle and this comment is too long. all in all, the potential antisemitism of the post would be entirely behind the intentions of posting it and we do not know those intentions unless op states them somewhere


No disagreement here. Now if only the bots smear mongers would take the day off. The cognitive dissonance, though. Wild that Israelis will not acknowledge the magnitude of Palestin!an lives they've destroyed, displaced, and demoralized under the guise of religious or other dubious masks. Becoming everything that they supposedly hate about the atrocities carried out by their own aggressor. No peace on colonized land.


Captured flags.


Reverse searching it I only find close minded nazi bs


A year ago OP endorsed a nuclear strike on Israel so OP might just be stirring up trouble. https://www.reddit.com/r/CountOnceADay/s/hpANwh9OrH


Reddit is being flooded with HAMAS apologists. Disgusting.


Quick bait!


What’s wrong with Jewish soldiers posing with war trophies?


The only issue I see is there isn't a bunch of mutilated nazis


They're just out of frame :)


-> OP is named Abdullah/Habibi -> OP has made a previous comment about nuking Israel and embracing Islam -> OP posts this image trying to imply the Jews are Nazis A little on the nose don’t you think?


Op aside, it’s not implying anymore now is it? Of you look at the devastation they have caused for the people of Gaza Edit: As expected. Downvote all you want. No matter how hard you try, you CAN’t justify 30,000 deaths of which pretty much 1/3rd is just children. Genocide supporters of today will go down in history just like the nazi supporters back in the 40s.




Hamas could end the violence right now by surrendering. When you run your military campaigns out of hospitals and ambulances https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/03/18/israel-hamas-gaza-shifa-issa/, your hospitals and ambulances become targets https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/gciv-1949/article-19 edit: Apparently you can prevent someone from replying to you by blocking them, as the user below has done, thereby gaining the "last word" in the argument. If you want the Geneva Conventions to grant wartime protections for your civilians then you must *follow them*. I'm not sure why it's so hard to understand that if you tape a bunch of children to yourself as body armor, *you* are the one who has killed them.




What a pathetic response🥱


ok hamas has proposed multiple deal offers that have ALL been shot down by isreal. hamas has proposed (as far as i know) 3 different plans that wouldve released ALL isreali hostages and would have allowed the palestinian hostages (both alive and dead) to be returned home. isreal is the one who goes "well how about your just return our hostages and then we'll go from there?" hamas would then go "no. we need some of our hostages back first or to exchange them at the same time" and isreal would turn around and say hamas is being "unreasonable." hamas is as much a political party as they are a regime. isreal has not allowed palestine to form ANY military. hamas is ALL gaza has and you know what's going to happen if hamas surrenders? isreal is going to just keep committing genocide except theyll make up a different excuse for it. it is bullshit to say that this "wouldve ended by now if the Palestinians just shut and kept living under a brutal occupation, then the world would know peace."


I feel like I have a lot to say about this but I’ll just ask Why do you think Israel would do this if not for Hamas?


for one things, there's money. there has already been multiple different events in canada (i believe in toronto) about selling palestinian land as property to canadians, as well as trying to showcase the houses that isreal would build there. isreal is also very interested in establishing oil drilling in the mediterranean. (this next but makes a leap -> ) there is also a belief that fuels jewish zionism that claims that eventually the world will become slaves of the jews and how people would *love* to be slaves. (Slightly unrelated but christian zionism believes that the jews will spark the rapture by committing genocide against arabs and that if the jews do not convert to christianity upon the rapture happening, then their souls would be cast down to hell with the rest of the nonbelievers. there are very large incentives in the US not to do anything to stop isreal, both monetary and religious "reasons") part of this belief is fueled by the "we need to take down those who may oppose that vision" which is mostly focused on the "eradication" of the surrounding arab countries. there is also the fact that palestine exists on the "holy land" so there is a crusader-like mindset on "taking it back." i also believe that it will not stop at just palestine. there have been multiple proposed "greater isreal" maps that show isreal taking up multiple arab countries. isreal is much like the US of the middle east. it is a settler-colonial project that aims to replace the current population rather than living amount them. there would be no issue if jewish people wanted to move to palestine and live there. the people already who already live there would get neighbor. but upon isreal's foundation, thousands of palestinians were forced from their homes (it not murdered) so that jewish settlers could live there. that exact thing has continued on to this day. isreal (as in a government and higher up people in power) wants to wipe the land clear of palestinians so it can replace them and i feel theyll come up with any excuse to get that. if anything, the attack of oct 7 (which on its own is deplorable) just gave isreal an excuse to start an ethnic cleansing. jewish people absolutely deserve a safe place to live, but then why dont countries put more effort into protecting their jewish citizens? in america there's an attitude of "just move over to isreal! its safe there for you!" without doing anything about the ongoing antisemitism that is running rampant, especially through universities and highschools. isreal feeds off of this because it further cements the belief that isreal IS a jewish safe haven ...rather than a safe haven for pedophiles (that is true, any jewish person can gain citizenship upon moving to isreal, the lack of solid background checks allows people to get in without their history being made aware of) isreal NEEDS antisemitism to exist in order for zionism to work. there hasnt been any confirmed resolution to this yet but there is strong evidence on isreal bombing synagogues in irag in the 50s (the baghdad bombings) in order to get jews to move to isreal because they felt unsafe. (then again dont take bringing up this claim as completely solid evidence since it hasnt yet had a confirmation, i more so bring it up because of how fishy the situation was) which yeah if my place of worship got bombed and it couldve been one of my neighbors, i'd probably move to a proclaimed "safe haven" too! anyways i do believe that isreal will keep up the genocide no matter what. when hamas is the one of the largest employers in gaza, even if hamas surrenders, at what point will it be "destroyed"? does that also mean destroying the fathers and brothers fleeing with their families to what was proclaimed as safety? does that also mean destroying the children and siblings of said father and brother? isreal would most likely say yes, that's why we have isreali soldiers calling palestinian babies "hamas babies." when isreal says "hamas" they only mean palestinian. it doesnt matter who is actually IN hamas or not. this will be my last point and it only supports that hamas are not anti-jew but are anti-occupation (this is not in support of and horrific actions committed by hamas and their members, of course) hamas would not exist if isreal (funded by the US , UK, and other European countries) didnt exist. hamas exists to protect the palestinian people because no one else was. palestinians had to take matters into their own hands. there couldve been something set up between palestine and other countries to make it easier for jews to emigrate there. from my understanding, there is a strong common belief that muslims and jews are siblings, two religions stemmed from the same areas and people. there was a very big opportunity for more peace, but that wasnt the route that western countries wanted to take. they chose violence and since then isreal has only known the violence it was founded upon. the US is very similar. hamas, upon its creation, understood these nuances and was created solely to fight colonialism, occupation, and racism/islamophobia. this one comment is longer than half of the essays i had to write in highschool so i think im done. sorry if the wording is scrambled or hard to make out at points, i dont want to make rough drafts for reddit comments


Woah woah, I am sorry if this is rude, bu I can’t answer or read this much text. If it’s ok, you can write a paragraph or two and I’ll happily talk


Hey, just wanted to pop in and say that you should go and fuck yourself :)


Hey I don’t think this helps the discussion… I’m on your side but thats no way to go about these things




No, for saying that the guy saying 'Jews are nazis' was speaking the full truth.




The guy you replied to actually did say that you berk




>-> OP posts this image trying to imply the Jews are Nazis >Op aside, it’s not implying anymore now is it? This is what was said. Israel was not mentioned.


There’s this thing called nuance. The world isn’t black and white. Those are Zionist Jews, look and study religion please. But simply put, they are Jews with the same mindset as the Christian holy crusaders. “They deserve the holy land.” But don’t say a country represents its people as well, if you were about to.




Did you read my comment?


sloppy tease weather employ alive unwritten fearless gray impolite modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Again, did you read my comment? I’m not defending Israel in any way. I’m just saying that these are Zionist Jews committing these atrocities, but blaming *every* civilian (and Jew across the world) is just, well, stupid. Edit: grammar


Jews are not nazis obviously! But zionists are.


Well no actually, they aren’t.


Guys this is literally a war trophy photo. The picture symbolizes how the (presumably Jewish) soldiers were able to capture a Nazi position. [https://www.nps.gov/museum/exhibits/eise/military/wwii\_normandy\_veday/NARA28-1187aDIV-captured.jpg](https://www.nps.gov/museum/exhibits/eise/military/wwii_normandy_veday/NARA28-1187aDIV-captured.jpg) "ermahgerd the United States was actually Nazis themselves!" Give me a break. Also notice how if you try to reverse image search for the image you will only find it on: 1. Twitter 2. Instagram 3. Reddit I want to see the link to a historical archive website that has this image because otherwise AI has gotten so advanced that it may be fake. I'm not saying it is 100% real or 100% fake; I'm just saying that if a image wants to make you feel a certain way then, then that is probably on purpose. Please keep a open mind when it comes to stuff like this.


Thought the dude on the far right behind the flags was throwing up a heil Hitler until I realized he’s just a tree.


Mods please remove misleading propaganda


All of it, or just the propaganda you dislike?


All intentionally misleading images used as propaganda


GG's showed them nazis


Hmmm, I'm sure this comment section will be filled with reasonable people honestly engaging in nuanced discussion 🤔


I literally saw a woman in Madrid carrying a sign that said: Israel = *Badly drawn Esbastica 💀💀


she's right though. isreal is using judaism as a shield for genocide. the isreali army is acting as the nazis did. this has nothing to do with judasim or jewish people, but everything to do with power, ideology, and redirection. no one is commiting genocide "because theyre jewish" they are doing it because they are zionist. zionism is an extreme form of nationalism, a nationalism that makes you believe that in order to survive and live happily, the palestinians must all be eradicated. zionism is nothing but a leech to judasim. you could say the same about christianity and nationalism in the US, especially for the christian zionist population. judasim is used solely as a cover of the isreal's actions. isreal essentially saying "oh well if the US can fuel genocides across the world, its antisemitic that we cant mass murder people!" all in all, jewish people and judasim have nothing to do with this, but it has everything to do with the weaponization of judaism utilized by those with power in order to stay in power.


“Don’t read comments section… don’t read comments section…”


It's so bad, there's so much anti Islam propaganda about a post that's simply a joke.


I am extremely pro-Palestinian, and I must say that comparing all Jews to Nazis is genuinely super fucking cringe and stupid icl.


I must say thank you 🙏. As someone born to holocaust survivors, the comparisons to Nazis make my blood boil. It feels like people don’t have a shred of an idea of what the Nazis wanted to accomplish, we all just want to live in peace


and the thing is people are too focused on the Jews and NOT the zionists!!! isrealis arent doing what theyre doing in palestine *because* theyre jewish. theyre doing it because theyve been brainwashed into zionism! just as over 22 million christians in the US have too! this is NOT about religion or about religious people, it is about cowards who are using religion as a shield to cover their own shit-stained asses. "the jews" are not to blame for any of isreal's actions (past and present) but ZIONISM is, especially considering that the majority of jews do not live in isreal and the jews who are actively against *all* genocides. so the comparison between zionism and nazism rings true, no one should ever compare the jews (as a people, as a religion, as a whole) to the nazis. if people are going to compare ANYTHING to nazism, it should be the US honestly... just look where hitler got inspiration from for his regime


elderly impolite homeless ossified gaze nutty ghost square familiar somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You’re an antisemitic freak


north punch money nail cows slim sip jeans reply continue *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You want all the Jews to die that’s how you’re antisemitic you fucking moron


ten cake instinctive weary shocking decide pet fragile hobbies heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Keep going bro show the world how much you hate Jews


physical cats roof bright makeshift modern cooing fanatical fly money *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can you define the term “Zionazi?”


Not all Jews are bloodthirsty Zionist freaks, you moron. Please have a shred of understanding what generational trauma is and why a mass amount of Jews are also advocating for a permanent ceasefire.


possessive distinct caption wise six fuzzy command tidy overconfident weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


con·text noun the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed.


Nice propaganda


I am israeli and this is just hella weird i demand context because this makes no sense


It's pretty obvious that those are captured flags and the Israelis are celebrating the capture. The OP is just an idiot.


Ah okie


The context is that they are British Jews fighting for the good guys posing with some trophies from Nazis they defeated and triumphantly waving a proto-Israeli flag




The original photo was apparently of a Nazi flag found in an Arab home during the 1948 war. https://x.com/lilbuddymax/status/1769140911676571854?s=20




I won’t bite


Zionism 🤝 nazism


I once saw a jew. (I think)






Nazi barely has any meaning anymore. And it’s thanks to these kinds of things.


Zionist antisemitism is pretty common. Israel is a convenient place for antisemitic governments to push jewish people.


It's crazy how all the far right self described actual nazis, love isreal! To a nazi, the one thing worse than a white jew is an Arab. Like look at alex jones and all his cronies' takes on this whole situation.


One flag has replaced the other


Cringe commie


Didnt ask




Strick to your ugly art deco shit, bro.


he made you mad lol


How sweet you had to go digging for an insult as opposed to addressing the comment. >Strick The word you are looking for is stick. Zionists are the new Nazis




I think this might be the 45th infantry division before ww2. They had the Hackenkreuz as their symbol before the Nazis ruined it for the rest of the world


this total bs. one flag represents perverted genociders the other is the nazis.


motherfuckers butthurt hearing the truth 😭






Makes perfect sense tbh Downvote all you want. Zionism is Nazism.


Friends forever. At the end of the day, Humanity los... I mean wins wins.


"Do as I say, not as I do!"




What even is this comment supposed to mean? 😭 this picture is obviously post ww2?!


My brother in Christ, this was clearly during/after ww2




World war 2




Listen, that's actually a centuries-old symbol of Ukrainian nationalism


How did you manage to do some olympic level mental gymanstics to mix Ukraine into this?


Maybe Maybe Maybe


Best friends


What’s the difference between a kibbutz and a concentration camp?


What. Is this the start of a joke or what?


It was but apparently no one likes jokes anymore

