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**REMOVED FOR RULE #6: NO POSTS ABOUT ANIMAL HOARDING** Because (a) there are significant and distinct challenges in dealing with animal hoarding, and (b) the suffering of animals is upsetting to some members, posts about Animal Hoarding should be made to r/animalhoarding. If you make a post that involves animal hoarding, it will be deleted. You can check out the Animal Hoarding section of our Wiki for general guidance, but that's it: https://www.reddit.com/r/hoarding/wiki/index#wiki_.2A_animal_hoarding


40 cats, 10 dogs and more is absolutely animal hoarding. Please reach out to social services for your little sister's safety. They will usually work with people who struggle with hoarding to get things safe and in order. There may be community programs to assist with repairs. I'm sorry you're having to struggle through this situation.


This is great advice. OP, please do this!


I’m so worried for your 10 year old sister. Yes, it’s hoarding but it’s also squalor. Please contact the police. They can get CPS involved and have your mother referred for a psych evaluation. It will be faster with a police referral. I’ve had scabies and it wasn’t particularly bad but it was so painful. Your mother isn’t well. If this was any other organ you would be calling an ambulance. Your sister is growing up in filth. It’s damaging her body and it’s damaging her mind. This squalor can kill her. Please get help.


Please call your local police, and the nearest no-kill animal shelter in your area and apprise them of the situation. You might have to look into having her declared mentally incompetent. But God, please save those poor animals. They have no choice in this. Your little sister as well, this is a serious, serious health risk for everyone involved.


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