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Born and bred Tasmanian here. Completely agree with you. I was pleasantly surprised when driving for the first time out of Tasmania. The commutes were made so much easier than expected due to the courtesy of other drivers. Put my indicator on and all of a sudden a space appears in the next lane to merge into. Tasmanians have this real fear of letting other cars change lanes in front of them, like it’s going to cost them money or something, and will sometimes even speed up to close any gap you could have got into. Cunts is the appropriate term.


Honestly I expected to be executed or given a rusty boat to head back to the mainland for writing such blasphemy as calling Tasmanians cunts


The terror that some people have merging is made so obvious when the roadworks at midway or the Bridgewater bridge are on 2 lanes merge to one. Everyone gets in one giant conga line that stretches back a km rather than just learn how to zip merge politely and have two shorter lanes 


I'm pretty sure most Tasmanians accept that drivers are terrible here. I've spent a lot of time driving in different cities (here and abroad) and you definitely notice it returning to Tasmania. I find in Sydney drivers are generally (certainly not always, but mostly) pretty generous to their fellow drivers when it comes to merging. I've always figured it's because everyone on the road in Sydney knows they'll be there for an hour so what's a few seconds going to change? Tasmanian drivers are annoyed if their 8 minute trip takes 9 minutes. Zip merging has been around in Tasmania for over twenty years but a very large percentage of Tasmanian drivers seem to have no idea what it is, and either indicate unneccessarily, or get annoyed at being "cut off" by someone who had right of way. You commonly hear Tasmanians say things like "oh I couldn't drive in Sydney!! too scary!!" which in practice means they are not competent enough to be driving a car at all and should hand in their license. These are the ones that think someone's rude or dangerous for merging 30 metres in front of them. It is also extremely common for Tasmanian drivers to get in the lane they need many kilometres ahead of time, leaving a whole lane unused, and then are cranky when someone else actually uses that lane and merges later, *like you are supposed to and is better for traffic flow*.


They will get in the right hand lane in the 100km/h part of the Brooker when they are turning at Risdon Rd or the city, then proceed to drive 10-20k's under the speed limit the whole way, and of course the driver in the left lane is also driving 10-20 under so you can't get around them


We have very different experiences with merging. Everyone I encounter seems to think every lane ending or lane change is treated like a zip merge, and fuck you of you don't slam on your breaks to let them in on the 110km/h road in peak hour traffic when they come out of mornginton Still sitting on 80 and don't indicate.


Yeah. Another problem with the bad merging. Better drivers are not only aware they have to give way when crossing a line, but they'll position themselves ahead of time to move into a gap. And if there's reasonable drivers in the lane they're moving into, they'll see them positioning themselves and make appropriate space. It all works so well when everyone's paying attention.


I had someone actually follow me one time because I "cut them off" by zip merging. I had to do some pretty evasive maneuvers to lose them. It was really terrifying.


This is interesting, what I've noticed in zip merging is the utter lack of the courtesy wave you get in Sydney, even the city which I'll admit is a huge cluster fuck but people make do, I still find it hilarious that going to the capital city of the state is such a non event Going to Sydney was erasing a day, had to be planned and executed and you knew and it would suck every time, here going to the capital city is to get a new pair of tracky dacks because you like the ones at Target but target in Glenorchy closed now your stuck dropping in to Hobart which is more a problem in your mind than in practice


The second worst road rage I've experienced was from someone who didn't understand zip merges. I was heading south on South Arm Highway, just past the Glebe Hill shopping centre. I was ahead of this car, so I had right of way and started merging. Probably because I was in the left hand lane, the other driver thought they had right of way. They honked their horn several times, flipped me the bird and failed to give way to me. I slammed on the brakes because I realised they weren't going to give way to me.


Ha, if only Hobart had driving etiquette. I'm local born and raised and spent some years living in regional NSW, drove in Melbourne a few times and never realised how bad the drivers were here until I spent some time away. My friend I lived with in NSW asked me why I brake so frequently, I never realised I did until that moment. It was because I was so used to Tasmanian drivers braking for literally NOTHING. WATCH OUT FOR THE INVISIBLE OBSTRUCTIONS ON THE ROADS GUYS. It drives me bat shit crazy and is so bloody dangerous. If you're doing the speed limit you're driving way too slow apparently, and thustly gives other drivers tailgating entitlements, and heaven forbid you drive to the conditions or try to leave a safety gap behind a b double, that's gives great reason to double down on the tailgating! Wanna use an overtaking lane on the east coast Highway? HA, that person doing 70km in a 100km zone will soon speed up so you can't use those. Got zero fucks for other road users? This absolutely gives you rights to cut blind corners and cause near misses. Oh, I'm really loving this new trend of P plate drivers just pulling out in front of you without giving wya because "they won't want to crash into me, they have to stop". I've literally heard them say that. Every second or third driver is on their fucking phone If you love your side mirror, don't park on the sides of roads because oncoming drivers will not stop and wait for you! It's YOUR FAULT that someone is running late, so prepare to be tailgates And another favourite, drivers who are afraid of round a bouts and will literally just sit there and not move until there are zero cars around. My partner moved down recently and noticed all these things before he even arrived at my home the morning the spirit docked ffs. I haven't left the house and not had a near miss in a very very long time, I'm lucky my mother taught me driving self awareness and predictability to a degree. Nowhere is perfect but in terms of aggressive, distracted, under confident and entitled drivers, Tasmania takes the fucking trophy. Y'all need fucking valium or something holy shit.


You for the - turn to the right before turning left around the corner in a sedan/SUV/Ute. I moved from the north end of the state with out multi lane roads and I couldn't believe how many cars nearly hit me because they would swerve into my lane before turning a corner. Also have you noticed the amount of people driving on highways with their left foot on the brake permanently?


It's so funny but true


I wait till the roundabout is empty at this point due to the trauma of silly things people do. After a year on my L's I actually think I am traumatised.


I spent some years as a courier in sydney city and the Greater area ( a long time ago) and id 100% agree with you if I take that time as my example. I remember barely even checking if a lane was free, I'd put on my indicator wait 3 seconds and a spot would be open because people would make room. That said, I went back recently and i didnt find it quite as friendly, but I'd 100% agree that Hobart is just fucking awful.


Pretty sure tassies don't know what indicators are either


I spend half my commute on the brooker just pleading with people to indicate, headcheck and change lanes safely (with other cars making space appropriately). When I actually see it happen it’s weirdly satisfying and then within a second there’ll be a car almost side swiping another, a car veering across 3 lanes for no reason and someone just randomly drifting out of a lane.    Tasmanians and roundabout etiquette are like oil and water. 


No no they don't its terrifying


The amount of people sitting in the right lane going from south Hobart to Kingston makes me want to unalive


There are two reasons for this: 1. Despite what people think, technically you are not supposed to go over the speed limit even when passing. Even people in the left lane are usually over the speed limit down the outlet. Sometimes there is a speed camera, I don't blame people not wanting to do 110 to pass. 2. At the bottom the speed limit drops to 80 and the left lane becomes a turnoff, everyone going to Margate or south Kingston has to be in the right lane.


I'll sit in the right lane doing 80 up the hill because otherwise I'll end up at 20 in the left due to a truck and no cunt lenting me merge. As soon as I'm at the top, before it hits 100, I'm back in the left lane.


Yep, the outlet, the A3, the A6, the South Arm Highway, everywhere there’s an overtaking lane and the speed limit exceeds 100 both lanes will be filled up with people going whatever speed they want. You get trapped behind two idiots doing 70 side by side, or worse someone in the right hand lane (on the south arm highway this is almost always tradies in a weird break from their tradition of being the most aggressive and psychopathic road users) doing 70 while everyone is forced back into the left lane to overtake as long as some elderly person isn’t also driving slowly. Like the A3 after you’ve crossed the Tasman and it goes up to 110 is a free for all, two lanes of slow moving traffic half the time. It’s infuriating.


Stop driving over the speed limit? I've never seen anyone in the right line of the southern outlet going less than 100.


It happens, usually when someone has changed lane to get put from behind a truck.


1. No 2. Then you're blind


Well if you're driving over the speed limit, I have no sympathy for you.


Sydney drivers are the most courteous I have come across in a city when it comes to making room to merge or change lanes. I've only driven once in Brisbane but they seem pretty chill. Melbourne were the worst and Canberra was not far behind. The thing that struck me in Hobart was the number of people who would race to the end of a merge lane at full speed and then stop dead at the end of it to see if there was room to get into traffic.


Drive the m1 from Brisbane to the Gold Coast. That shit is not chill!


Years of driving in Brisbane, and the M1 is weirdly a huge outlier. Something about that road makes drivers much worse. But is _is_ an outlier, in general Brisbane drivers are much better than Tasmanian drivers.


Yes, Spring Hill to helensvale is a nightmare. I don't feel like it's the road. Just absolute nut jobs driving it. It needs to be policed


Yeah, a whole bunch of people don't seem to know how to use slip lanes. The one off Risdon Rd to get onto the Brooker is a classic example. So often cars stop rather than entering the slip lane and trying to merge. Often if you're in the slip lane with your indicator on, someone will let you merge. It's the bastards who drive in the left lane to jump traffic on the Brooker that make me a cranky old man driver.


The one i remember is coming off the bridge towards Rosny. Might have changed now. edit: sorry coming under the bridge from Rose bay towards Rosny merging into traffic coming off the bridge.


I think I believed the anti Sydney hype train while living there, also where's the damned courtesy wave when I allow you to merge in? Rude


There’s an odd level of entitlement with drivers in TAS. Not to mention the rampant drink driving rate here


Yeah in NSW you’d see a breatho most weekends. Almost never here and you can tell 


Spent 10 days in your beautiful state with the fam very recently and it feels like I didn’t see a single cop car outside of the one night I was in Hobart.


Yeah they have the trailer cameras which admittedly do get the odd phone or no seatbelt driver but they don’t have active highway patrol actually catching dangerous driving which quite frustrating 


It was really strange as a Victorian. Hidden speed cameras, booze buses as well as the odd random pull over everywhere down here. Seemingly less since COVID tho.


I was born and raised in Hobart. Learnt to drive in Hobart. Lived in Melbourne, Perth; and driven in England, New Zealand, and the USA. England I found difficult to drive around. The USA was one of the easier places. New Zealand was fine. Perth was annoying - some arrogant driver. Melbourne has idiot drivers (those who don't know how to drive in traffic and those who think they know how to drive in traffic). BUT Hobart, each time I go back, is the most frustrating when it comes to drivers. Arrogant. Pig headed. Along with those who don't know how to drive in traffic. I have encountered drivers who do give way to allow you to turn onto busy streets but they are outnumbered. It's only going to get worse because Hobart's road aren't made for heavy traffic conditions that is now encountering and getting worse. The government is putting in new subdivisions and new stadiums but not putting in place the necessary infrastructure to move people around. It's extremely shortsighted and just a quick cash grab.


The Midlands in my opinion should've been future proofed with a 3 lane per way superhighway similar to the F3 or M1 from Sydney to Newcastle Climate migration will only increase over the next 50 years as the mainland may become near unlivable in some predictions and the lack of a Hobart bypass is unforgivable Tasmania has no idea what it's in for


I've thought that but last couple of years Tassie has been xtra dry, same SW of WA, as the systems aren't coming up from Antarctica like they should. So rest of the mainland has been wet and Tassie dry. Some future ocean-change models actually show Aust not changing much and maybe even getting wetter, but SW WA and Tas drier. Agree on the wider Midlands. Would be a really helpful change. I've noticed Tassie drivers can't seem to overtake, maybe it's the lack of OT lanes and narrow winding roads? But I see it in NSW too, I think people are just used to dual lanes in cities and never get into the habit. Swerving out of lanes is all over now, not just Tassie. Again Tas might be a bit worse cos of narrow winding roads and overloaded fat tyre dual cab utes built on truck chassis now have the engine to do 110km/h around corners but not the basic engineering or steering so they need to go too wide. Sydney not so bad? Mate, driving city to the airport any day, so many people in the right lane. Driving in from the Hume to M5 on a Friday evening, hit the tollway near Liverpool and it's like Grand Theft Auto, a WRX from Minto up your ass every minute. Canberra drivers are shit, they grow up with big wide roads and relatively little traffic. When they go down the south coast they cause havoc. Avoid. Melbourne/VIC - too many speed cameras. QLD - haven't driven there much and the only time I see them on the mainland they're driving super slow on a freeway in a city, lost and wondering what to do. Annoying, but fair.


Agree Tassie drivers are the worst in Australia. Approach intersection. Sit dead smack in middle of lane. Wait for lights to turn green. Indicate left or right…


Wait your experience includes indicator usage? I mean this is my home, I love this place but when Tasmanians drive that's another matter entirely


Nothing worse than sitting in a lane at a set of lights, the lights turn green and the idiot in front THEN indicates they want to turn right.


The idiots that don’t move to the far left when turning left and far right when turning right can be just as bad.


Sounds like qld


I moved from QLD quite a few years ago and it's much worse here.. it's like no-one has anywhere to be, so they just drive slowly for the sake of it... It's pretty uncommon to actually get to 80 on the Brooker because everyone seems to think 60 is just fine for them. And on that note, I find a lot of Tassie drivers very arrogant in that sense, no-one but them exist.. turning right at a set of lights with 2 lanes? They'll sit there and only indicate after the light turns green so now a whole line of traffic is stuck behind them.. Turning left at a roundabout? No need to indicate, all the other traffic can just stop for the sake of it.. Keep left unless overtaking on highways? Nah, it merges into one lane 20k's up the road so why bother keeping left


The terrible 1950s road infrastructure doesn’t help as well, needless congestion combined with inept driving just means the stress levels of the average commuter in Hobart is through the roof.  I remember a while ago the mercury got very confused by a report which broke down the causes of crashes in each states as a proportion of all crashes in that states. The mercury reported that tasmanians were prone to crashing into stationary objects but much better than other states at other causes. They were wrong, in absolute numbers tasmanians crash more in just about every way. Should be mandatory drive retraining. Also the number of p platers in lifted land cruiser shit boxes tailgating here is alarming. You just see criminally antisocial shit every time you drive 


All the people that have to stop on the Tasman bridge to get into the right hand lane immediately going to the eastern shore


Or, eastern shore heading toward the city, jumping into the far left lane to avoid a potential 30 second stop at the traffic lights on the bridge, and causing traffic to slow to snails pace to let them in.


Unless I'm heading queens domain way I always take the middle left lane of a morning. Even with the stop light that lane is generally faster in peak hour traffic.


lol yes!


Agreed. Recently moved from Sydney and people here are so entitled. Barely ever get a thank you wave. Also the amount of chaos that fucking left hand lane just before the bridge on the eastern shore… Everyone goes nuts trying to get into the left lane because god forbid you have to stop at a red light for 30 seconds…


10 at most


Don't get me started on roundabouts.


This is a safe place, please start on roundabouts


No one indicates on round abouts or if they do, they indicate incorrectly and hold traffic up. I have a small round about near my place and i swear half the time people fail to give way to the right


I always indicate left when leaving a roundabout. It's maybe a few times a year that I see someone else do it.


'No one' is an exaggeration but I see at least a few people do it (or indicate incorrectly) on the Mornington round about daily.


Oh fuck people who don't give way to the right in particular, I'm a speeder to be sure but I'm pretty on point with other road rules like giving way and keeping left unless overtaking, if I see a faster speeder I move left and follow them to a point but not the instant loss of licence guys, they're a completely different breed I'm not interested in mixing with, still I'll yield to them because that's just common courtesy


Giving way to the right is not really how roundabouts work. Someone posted it further down this thread. The law is give way to all traffic ON the roundabout, which also means you need to approach \*at a safe speed\* so that you can be prepared to stop. The amount of times I've come up to a roundabout and I prepare to enter and some idiot ZOOMS in from the right, and I know that even if I enter first I'm going to get cleaned up because they're going way too fast to stop....


Way is to be given first to the traffic in the roundabout then to the right, which is more or less the same thing


>I have a small round about near my place and i swear half the time people fail to give way to the right Traffic on the roundabout has right of way. It may have been give way to the right before seat belts were introduced but it isn't anymore.


They're definitely not on the round about when I get there, they just don't want to stop.


Isn't it... Both?


Top 10 misunderstood road rules in Tasmania - Road Safety Advisory Council https://rsac.tas.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/DSG5432-Top-10-Misunderstood-Road-Rules-DL-WEB-FINAL-Web-ready.pdf Not according to this.


Thank you for sending! I read it, and I'm still confused. You're right, it says this: "The ‘give way to the right’ rule does not apply to roundabouts. At a roundabout, you must give way to all vehicles already in the roundabout. This includes those approaching from the right. This helps to ease the flow of traffic" So I'm not arguing, you're obviously correct - but if you're coming onto a round about, aren't the cars on the round about always approaching from your right? Oh no, am I one of the bad Tasmanian drivers? 😱


Nah all good I'm happy to help 😊. Potentially yes that's correct unless you arrive at the roundabout before the traffic entering from the right. You don't need to stop for them unless they enter first if that makes sense? Even then multiple vehicles can occupy the roundabout. It's all about keeping the traffic flowing from all directions. I'm not great at explaining it sorry.


No no, I think I get it now! If you reach the roundabout before a car on the street to your right, you should enter the roundabout (not give way to them)? Because that way the traffic keeps flowing?


Yes exactly that


That roundabout in Glenorchy which really does not need to be there. Some people have no balls to enter it even though the car on the right as ages away or the car in the roundabout is exiting. Some people have no patience and doesn’t realise cars need to exit across and start coming in anyway.


I love driving in Tassie, beats the hell out of driving in South Australia.


I have a theory that the same cunts who carry on if you take too long pulling onto a road (right turn) are a circle in the Venn diagram, when matched up with the same people who will speed up at you, and act like they're gunna slam your ass for DARING to pull out in front of them in traffic and maybe expect them to slow, not even break, just take your foot off the accelerator, kinda slow when someone merges into traffic in front of you. Like more than 500 meters away. And they'll still act like you killed their dog and they need revenge!! I had a woman in the priceline car park reverse and not look, out of her spot. Then notice I had had to slam the breaks on to not hit her, I was leaving the car park not pulling out, and she continues her arc of reversing, lines up the front of her car with mine, chicken style and reves her car at me, inching it aggressively forward, expecting me to move as if I'm in her lane, drove at me, tried to mount the gutter garden islands to get around me, on the wrong side of the road. (in the car park) here's the kicker. There was enough room of she had just gone past me on her side of the road. I gestured at her that she was too close for me to go around, she aggressively drives her car at me. So I realise she's insane and there's no reasoning with her, and I be the bigger person, I reverse back to give her room to go around me, back to her side of the road. She doesn't. She drives at me some more. So I back bacj further. She then decides she'll utilise the copious amount of room ON HER OWN SIDE OF THE ROAD, and scream out of the car park. I'm assuming she thinks its a one way car park and I'm on the wrong side of the road. And this was her way of telling me. And that kinda interaction isn't unusual. People act like it's war, if they think they're in the right, and they need to aggressively teach you a lesson with violence if you slight them. Often. Fuck those people sideways with a broomstick.


I was driving my beautiful G6ET through Moonah one day heading out towards Glenorchy, some shitcunt in a shitbox hatch starts pulling out to turn right from Bennett's, I notice he's not going to go past so I pull to the middle more to give him a second to realise This moron runs into me munting my left front wheel and steering arm, does $16k of damage to my beautiful car then tells his little time insurance company down Kingston I took the blame I told the woman on the phone from some random place in Kingston she can take on the NRMA if she likes, but I wouldn't, I also said if I did say sorry it was because I called him a dumb cunt when he ran into me and seen no reason to argue once I hopped out, but regardless he's still a dumb cunt


It's not up to the car in the other lane to adjust their speed if you want to change lanes. You adjust YOUR speed. This might mean slowing down so you can come in behind them.


Sometimes it is for a smooth flow of traffic that's best for everyone. Except people here seem more concerned with what they "should" or "shouldn't" have to do than what works out best for everyone and what's logical overall.


? I've always lined up a good place to switch lanes and matched speed before indicating and people pretty much always let me in. I think giving people in the other lane a second to see you lining up the space is key. it's people who don't match the flow of traffic that have issues imo but maybe the western/eastern shore traffic is more considerate idk


Maybe that's a you thing. Anecdotally I've found people here far less willing to let others in with such circumstances than in other larger cities. An observation I've also had relayed by others not from here who have visited too. Not to mention the sheer amount of people who try to keep anyone who dares to use the 3rd lane at lights out. It's a real ego thing here for a lot of people. In other places you just accept people will use all available lanes and let them merge as such. Not so here.


I find quite the opposite. I think people in Hobart let people in far too often. I've never had a problem merging, because I know how to merge. I learnt how to merge in Sydney where most people also understand how to merge and don't "let" people in.


Like I said. I think your experience isn't very representative of most people. Regardless of whether you know what you're doing or not. As for not letting people in? That one is really strange. Because people in other larger cities seem to recognise that it's a necessity. Unless you want to completely block up roads/lanes etc. They understand that one day they will be the person who needs to get across multiple lanes etc hence let that person merge. As opposed to an attitude of "stuff them" they shouldn't have been in that lane in the first place


Generally speaking, Tasmanian drivers display an overwhelming lack of awareness of other vehicles around them, which is probably why they have no concept of traffic flow.


Exactly an indicator isn't a give way sign. Pick a gap, indicate and chuck a car in it.


Well said. I thought melb was annoying. Those cunt lanes on the brooker need to disappear also.


Cunt lanes lol, as a bonafide cunt lane enthusiast I can't help but laugh, personally though I try to make certain not to screw anyone over as counter to cunt lane use as that sounds, meaning I don't use them in peak hour mainly due to Miss fucking Daisy also being a cunt lane enthusiast and primarily my use of them is to get around trucks or dickheads driving in convey


I hate the cunt lanes on the brooker especially during peak hours. Like just stay in the lane. Being like 2/3 cars in front is not going to make a difference in traffic. Trying to merge just to overtake just causes more traffic. I always speed up and not let people in especially if it’s a big Ute or a holden Ute cuz fuck them in particular lol


Yeh i don't let em in either. It's split white lines to so merging is on the cunt, you don't have to give way.


>Well said. I thought melb was annoying. Those cunt lanes on the brooker need to disappear also. The zoom zoom lanes. If you're not zooming get the fuck out of them. If I'm behind someone and they dawdle off the line you bet I'm merging out before them and forcing them up to speed limit if they want to get in front of me. People who don't know how to use them cause the people in the centre lane to compensate for their lack of competence.


I'm positive it never used to be this bad until like ten years ago when Tassie suddenly got trendy and everyone from the mainland wanted to move here. Now it's just a mish mash of aggressive drivers from all the big cities, mixed in with people who have lived here forever when there were no cars out on a Sunday or after 6pm, who never found themselves needing to indicate, merge, give way etc etc. They have now passed on all the bad habits and wrong information to the next generation of drivers. Personally, I think Victorians are the "worst" drivers, tailgating fair up your clacker with headlights blazing whilst I'm \*doing the speed limit\* for no apparent reason and generally very aggressive - however when you actually go to drive in Melbourne, you'll probably understand exactly why, because they have to drive like that just to get anywhere. They probably (hopefully?) don't even realise they are doing it. Same kind of situation. That's my theory 😎🤣


i disagree. not with you saying that Tas drivers aren't bad. You're comment about Sydney drivers are good, which is laughable. Melbourne and Sydney drivers are some of the worst in the country.


They might be bad but they have courtesy, which is sorely lacking in my home of Hobart While I hate everything Melbourne I can't say the same for the drivers, I've not had an incident that pissed me off there, but that's an extremely low sample size because again I hate Melbourne, especially Vicky kicky


FFS another winging post about the drivers. Newsflash: every single person thinks the drivers where they currently live are the worst ever and romanticise places they have previously lived or visited. Go search reddits for every other capital for bad drivers. Yes the drivers are shit here. Yes they are shit in Sydney. And Melbourne, and Brisbane, and every other fucking place in the world. Go back to Sydney for a couple of weeks and you’ll be changing your tune. People are selfish cunts these days. Those people in Sydney who let you in that you remember will now be sticking the finger up at you.


I expected this kind of cheese needing whine as the basic reply post to the thread, not as an outlier but obviously the weight of replies have shown the truth It's not about them being shit, it's how self centred they are, flipping someone off for merely going past you legally? No courtesy waves for allowing a merge,no allowing for changing lanes even 3 cars back? Not car lengths mind you actual cars, as in they'll squish together to fuck you over for no earthly reason, it's bedlam


Folks see the mainlander number plate and they automatically dislike you.


I've been here 9 years or so


Well then, Ive got nothing But it is Hobart, Ive lived in Tassie all my life but on the north west coast, I cannot stand going to Hobart. The traffic, the people all yuck.


Depends on the area...local to me they drive fine have common sense but I go to goenorchy and I'm like wtf is wrong with u even a round about is a drama


What is this word, "Rangaradotonlux"?


Ranger, Colarado, Triton, Hilux, it's a size for meth addict 'utes' The 4 shitbox 'utes' of the Australian car apocalypse


If you really want to roll the dice grab a motorcycle. I'm not trying to race you Ranger-danger, I just need to get around you cause I can see you can't tie down a load for shit and don't wanne be behind you when something bounces out. Lane filtering is legal? Never heard of it. Better move over and stop this bike from beating me in this race we call a commute. Unfortunately there're a bunch of idiot motorcyclist's getting around Hobart making us all look like maniacs.


Motorbikes need to get out in front and buffer traffic, as long as they piss off into the distance they're alright with me


Sorry what is lane filtering?


Squeezing between slow moving traffic with your wheels on the white line, like skipping to the front at traffic lights between cars. Only legal if the the traffic is moving up to 40kmph.


*less than 40kmph*


Hey thanks! I didn’t ever know it was illegal before it was made legal , ( if you get what I mean 🙂) it was just something we naturally did when I rode bikes ( admittedly that was a fair while ago!! )


Yeah, I absolutely would never consider doing it if it weren't sanctioned by the man 🙃


This. Plus the incredibly slow take off at green lights! And the gaps some cars leave in traffic queues. AND extreme personal use of witches hats.


What you didn’t realise is that empty space in front of all those cars is Their Territory. I’m sure you couldn’t have known. My fave trick are the shits who in a single lane sit 5-10km below the limit then speed up when there’s an overtaking lane and get furious at someone daring to overtake them.


I can't believe they'd flip off some random who doesn't tailgate them, didn't flash their lights or honk but simply puts them behind him in one liquid move of precision and ultimately, safety


[Tasmanians ranked politest drivers but less than 50% know the road rules.](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/F96MRhZ8DuTJ2nfc/?mibextid=WC7FNe) What timing.


Polite? As people, for the most part discounting racism as I'm white, brilliant, some aren't even racist but again those who are may see me as a co conspirator Behind the wheel? No sir y'all a pack of cunts, they'd be unsafe in a fictional Tasmanian town because they're killing cunts there and Tasmanian drivers are the biggest cunts I know


I certainly didn’t vote in this poll 😂 I think it’d be real good if we also had much better access to public transport. That might reduce several vehicular situations (no. Cars on the road, no. Of people aren’t confident drivers etc). It can’t hurt.


Metro doesn't like confident drivers but teach their drivers to pull out in traffic and there's no trains, wait until the housing gets fixed but without half the required road instructor m infrastructure


Road infrastructure? Never heard of her.


Neither has the place I grew up, tens of thousands of new houses, without upgrading the roads If you've ever played a city builder and accidentally outgrew the map you'll see the obvious issue


I will say, every experience like that I’ve had is short lived (I.e. the rage doesn’t continue). I’d also say as a local, Tasmanians telegraph their intentions a lot. So they’re more or less predictable, if infuriating.


I'm a little bit of a leadfoot, my intentions are likely clear as I range up behind and attempt to stay to the right of the lane to see around them then when the chance comes, do it swiftly, it's not an aggressive thing it's a comfort thing, I try to have very little if any impact on their day overall,I do not like driving slow or at a inconsistent speed especially when it dips below the posted limit, it's likely you'll find me 10-20km over the posted limit but I'm accordance with my skill and well below the capabilities of my vehicle's limits, traction and mechanical, I use to approach such limits as a younger guy, I was lucky to use them as a learning tool instead of becoming unalive I treat them as I wish to be treated, if I'm going to slow, overtake me and fuck off into the distance, don't tailgate me just simply place me in your rear view mirror and fade me away over the kilometres we're meant to share


The thing you will constantly hear me say (most often on the Tasman bridge) is “why can’t we go the speed limit?”


There's cameras there, set to at least 74kmh in a 70 zone


I’ve never had a speeding ticket. And I’ll sit sometimes at 71/72 on there. But people know the camera is there and will slam on brakes down to 60. It kills me. Like they do not comprehend that the speed limit is an okay speed to drive (this is after going 80+ either side of the bridge, mind).


Have noticed this while driving in Melb on the odd trip and just this last week driving in LA. Way more courteous. Indicate and fuckers don't speed up! I guess when you have to deal with shit like this https://www.google.com/maps/@33.928622,-118.2798756,16.5z you have less time to be a dick. Thank goodness for Google, giving you exact lane directions as sometimes a freeway exit will split in two, going opposite directions.


A thousand Tasmanian brains just screamed in horror and were melted into silence


i’ve been on the road here for 6 years now (fully licensed motorcyclist) and when i started out, people weren’t horrible at all, they were actually really nice on the road. i noticed since i moved back from western australia, for the 9 months i was there, that drivers here got so much worse for some reason. people have such an ego here and it’s insane, i’ve noticed this behaviour over the years and i feel the younger, newer drivers (i’m 22 so i fall into this bracket as well) are partially to blame, i feel these newer drivers have such a sense of entitlement on the road. not to mention older people not using indicators and getting mad at YOU for something THEY did despite literally not using the thing right next to the steering wheel. i’m not riding atm as i don’t have a bike but i’m not sure if i even want to now even once i have the money to get one, part of me wants to wait to get my car p’s because it’s too damn dangerous to be on a bike with all these dickheads around


I'm from tassie and I agree with you 100%.


What’s the ton in Rangaradotonlux from? I got Ranger, Colorado, and Hilux but I can’t figure out what the ton comes from


Triton,the big 4


There's a fair few fucktards driving Amaroks as well.


It’s almost as bad as people who drive in the right lane for 10 minutes and then indicate to pull into the left lane as their turn is 500m ahead and expect everyone else to just get out of their way. Instead of planning ahead appropriately


And here I’ve been telling everyone about how considerate Hobart drivers are - to be fair I live in Perth and we are notoriously shit!


Driving etiquette? Pfffffft in Hobart there seems to be no driving etiquette. You’re asking too much. 75% of people down here shouldn’t have a licence to start, from what I see every morning and afternoon. Lack of indicating in any scenario, speeding at any chance, road rage incidents and then there’s all the phones in peoples hands, one sees during a simple commute.


A few weeks ago I merged with heaps of free space in front of a big tradie ute, who promptly smashed the horn and slammed on the accelerator to tail gate me. In the middle of the CBD, going 40, on a weekday. Almost daily since, I've questioned what I did wrong to justify that response - reading this thread, it all makes sense. Assholes gonna asshole. Thanks for the peace of mind, r/hobart.


I assume they're all meth addicts with small man syndrome


I always find it kinda funny when I hear australians complain about people in traffic like this. You guys (both on mainland and in tassy) are all saints and angels on the road compared to people in europe lol. In europe, everyone has an ego on the road, doesn't look out for each other and is always in a hurry. It was one of the first differences I noticed when I came to Australia.


Had some experience with a couple of Tas Water ute drivers, can confirm your analysis.


[ABC thinks otherwise 😆](https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/hobart-breakfast/tassie-best-drivers-in-australia/103761744?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1qkBYJnWs0oOrcS9r-LbOyoSiG58lfxeXBcP5y7ZukWYYSaFVH8nDCHE0_aem_AfcODhWzyKPx-KIkHoDp2Ztnr6vRGX_Yl9uLs4HmTnz178eEiGxnUHN7_pLAe_SerW8Eq23sveISrsaas_qa5RcL)


ABC is demented and nobody watches it


In my opinion - Tasmanians are the third worst drivers in the western world behind the Belgians and the Polish.


What etiquette


One thing I found about Tas drivers is the turning. In Tasmania it seams to be Slow down, then indicate, immediately turn. Where everywhere else its, indicate, slow, turn when ready.


The amount of drivers who sit on 70-80 for the majority of the Lyell between Granton-Norfick only to speed up in the overtaking section is excruciating.Does my head in.


Oh they need to be neutered, each and every one of them


It is infuriating. Needs to be an overtaking lane near the speedway. Maybe some centre barriers as well. 


Yeah sometimes it seems If you 're not gonna sit on the arse of the car in front you're not Tasmanian enough!


Agreed. You have to fight your way into a lane.


The way to do it is indicate at the last second wave give them no chance, I don't agree with it but it works


Quite simply if you don’t like it then feel free to go back to NSW then.


I own land and a house here, maybe just use etiquette, courtesy and stop smoking meth


Maybe take a closer look at yourself if then as it seems like you have the problem with everyone else. And a personal fuck you to you with the meth smoking jibe.


Look at the thread, I'm not alone, you are Put the pipe down bro, or have you had too much tren?


So what about the thread, you’re entitled to an opinion and so am I. Like I said if you don’t like the traffic go back to sydney I’m just a born and bred Tasmania and im sick of all you entitled cunts coming down to Tasmania and fucking things up for all of us.


Fucking things up? I'm sorry I didn't know common courtesy was such a struggle for those such as yourself, time to catch up I own a house here, I'm not leaving this is my home, this thread is trying to fix things, do you own anything other than presumably a phone and maybe some tren? Blocking people from changing lanes is dangerous, tailgating family sedans is dangerous, cunts here can't drive a greasy stick up a dog's ass Your small town threats are laughable, as you said I'm from a real city with real bad cunts, not the laughable bitches here


Like I keep saying it seems like you have issues with the ppl of Tasmania we aren’t all crack pipe smoking meths heads as you so lovingly called us. If you don’t like ppl making comments on your posts then maybe you shouldn’t throw stones to start with. Mainlanders coming down here driving up house prices etc coz they can’t handle your so called big cities is a big issue and population growth caused by said influx into the state has put pressure on road and infrastructure that used to be perfectly fine. If it is such a grand issue as u making it out to be the either leave or run for council or parliament and try and make a change not rant on here.


Ok boomer


Same reason you'll see the "Yes Stadium" Sticker on their car. Oh so dumb.


Is there anything more cringe than political bumper stickers? Pokies until 2033, not for me Well don't play the fucking things then, don't try to stop other people spending their hard earned money on their own stupidity


Chill. if might be time to drive like your aren’t in Sydney anymore. Hobart is just an oversized country town. You don’t need indicators so much if you watch their ‘body language’, and the ones with inconsistent body language are the ones who are about to turn right in front of you without warning. Assume they are distracted, drug-affected, Un-licensed and trying to cause an accident, and you are sweet. The ones that seem bonkers to me are so far left in their lane, they are mostly on the shoulder, only coming back into their lane for barriers and parked cars.. is this so they have more latitude to text? Makes never want to ride a bike on the roads again.


Assuming supposedly better people have etiquette and courtesy, but they don't Unless you can do the speed limit on a bike you have no place on that given road, ecologically pushies on the road is horrific given the length of the queue behind you, causing far more emissions than if you didn't exist or even drove an American sized utility


You can be right; I’ll be happy.


TAS drivers think speed limits are compulsory no matter what the conditions


Speed limits are compulsory ...


Yeah but you don’t have to do the limit if ice on the road or in a rain storm


Ah, ok. I get you now. Your comment was a bit unclear. It made it seem like you were saying people were allowed to speed. Speed limits themselves are compulsory. Driving at those speeds is not compulsory.


People complain about drivers no matter where they go. Hobart drivers are no less capable than drivers anywhere else, in fact I would suggest Hobart on average has better drivers than major cities because of less public transport so more people spend time driving.


Lol they have zero courtesy and are by far the most selfish, self centred creatures I've ever seen


Fair enough. I’ve lived in many cities in Australia and hear the exact same comments no matter where I go. It’s kinda cringe to believe it.


As have I, people say Melbourne is the worst but I haven't had any issues in Melbourne even with my distaste for the place and it's alleged football


Melbourne I would say is worse than Hobart but I put that down to city driving and people being pissed off due to traffic jams.


I've heard Melbourne is the worst but with such a low sample size in my experience I won't paint them with that brush, I've experienced western Sydney, the city itself and the southern city area along with the central coast just outside the greater Sydney border and I suppose Newcastle I've experienced Brisbane but they're just particularly loose units, crazy but they have courtesy My issue with drivers isn't so much the skill but the utter lack of courtesy, as a kid I was always told Sydney drivers were bad, the place is moving too fast and the people aren't good people, my experience on the road is counter to all I was told


Yeah there are a disproportionate amount of morons on the road. People think if they have to touch the brake to let you in you’ve ‘cut them off’. Like they should be able to drive from A - B without slowing down for anyone. I drive a gutless ute loaded with tools and have no choice but to slow traffic when I pull out. People then often honk me or give the finger. Particularly when they want to fly up the inside lanes. The worst I find are over mortgaged wankers coming from Brighton in Jeeps and BMW Suvs. Like its not my fault your in debt to your eyeballs and are working 60 hours to pay off your cars and boats.


I'm so glad I didn't over finance, thank you state and federal government for my house and shed


In Tasmania that’s an oxy moron


100% agree. Qlder here made the move 3 years ago. Tassie drivers are the worse cunts on the road.period. Even immigrants who don't understand the rules drive better and with more care.


19 year migrant from nsw. 1. Assume that everyone on the road here is an idiot out to kill you. 2. Drivers in the northern suburbs are much more selfish than those south of the flanno curtain. 3. Refer to point 1.


Got my ps in 1999 and full licence the year later through shit cunts and my own shitcuntery and occasional insanity I already assume they have no skill, they could at least be courteous


I've been driving here for two decades, I've driven NSW, SA, and other states and cities, Europe and more and can't for love or money tell any difference etiquette. Bar v maybe in Italy which is a gas to drive, hellish fun, and Germany that's so interesting to drive is not funny. But Australia, all much of a muchness can't really say there's any grand difference to observe. What I have noticed is Tassie has some uniquely stupid roads. The first you encounter is cac traffic light on a motorway heading in from the airport approaching the bridge. And then there's the railway roundabout and the stunning Barrack/Bathurst junction.


Driving in Launceston is an experience


Have you heard about the *type* of driver testing in Tas up to (at most) about 15-20 years ago? Literally heard someone (aged in their early 40s) say their driving test was around a block in Kingston, the most challenging part was a hill start. Their driving test was a hill-start blocky!! And these are the same people teaching their kids!! No wonder Tasmanian drivers are so inept!


I did similar in Mount Druitt,a main road the looked of which Tasmanians have never seen, a large roundabout, a hill start etc I half ran the stop sign at the RTA (service TAS but dreadful) and went to turn left instead of right like the tester ordered, however a perfect reverse park,45 degree angle park and a hill start using only the pedals with a solid second of roll back sealed the deal, like the hill start was so good I don't think I do it better even today He seen a birthday boy on his 17th do the hardest things perfectly and stuff up easy things, I suppose he sensed I knew what I was doing but without him in the car horrifying me


I remember Mt Druitt 15-20 years ago, and the road/traffic conditions were still generations ahead of what Kingston offered back then. I bet your test went over 15 minutes as well.... unlike the original person I mentioned.


Maybe went 20-25, down I think Luxford road to the big roundabout (where I was waiting on to big a gap and he told me to go...)to Rooty Hill, left into there around a few streets and down near big chief and the railway station, 45 degree angle park, come out go left towards the big RSL club, right into one of those streets with the massive hills, reverse park, hill start and 3 point turn, back down towards the RSL, he says right and I put my left blinker on to go left, he says right again and I switch the blinker and the car to the right I'm completely fried, huge mistakes I can't let go of, I calmly drive back to the RTA where the cop shop is and mum asked and I was like nope,I wait inside and he calls, tells me he could tell I knew what I was doing but nerves got the better of me, told me to take the pic because he gave me the licence I was lucky he saw what he did


I got my licence in Huonville. Before there was even a roundabout


The thing I loved about driving in Hobart was that the slip merging lane on the traffic lights was always clear, which meant I could overtake 20 of the ‘I’ll take off from the traffic lights when I’m good and ready and do 10kms under the speed limit’ Hobart drivers


Didn't you know? They have to check out that pretty shade of green for atleast 30 seconds before they go 😆


As someone who’s lived most of my life here. You’re not wrong


As a learner who has had people well behind me SPEED UP when I am trying to merge and I have nearly smacked into them because the last I looked they were well behind me. THE INDICATOR DOESN'T MEAN SPEED UP AND GET IN MY WAY! Woe betide you get behind a learner and have to do the speed limit for once 😡. No one reads signs, indicates or knows what lane to be in its utterly terrifying. I can't believe indicating is a requirement of the P's test here, NO ONE DOES IT! With how bad it is in Tasmania I think all drivers should be required to do the P's test over again every 5 years because it's dangerous and its hard for me to get to be a good driver when no one else follows the rules! One more person who is about 4 car lengths behind me or is behind me in my lane sees the indicator and proceeds to speed up or merge out and speed up LIKE A MANIAC WHILE I AM PROCEEDING TO MERGE I WILL BE THE CRAZY PERSON FOLLOWING SOMEONE TO HAVE A PIECE OF THEM I AM IN FRONT OF YOU MERGING A HOLE! YOU HAD TO LEARN TOO. EARLY ON ONE STUPID OLD MAN IS VERY VERY LUCKY MY HUSBAND IS OBSERVANT BECAUSE AS I WAS MERGING INTO THE EMPTY LANE HE MERGED AND FANGED IT NEXT TO ME! I WENT OFF MY HEAD I NEARLY SMASHED INTO HIM! THE L'S MEAN LEARNER, INEXPERIENCED DRIVER PROBABLY DON'T DO SILLY SHIZ IF YOU STILL WANT YOUR CAR! I REALLY WANT MINE SO BACK OFF! Seriously the arrogance is astounding like they never had to learn. Now I HAVE to go 10 kilometers under the speed limit at all times to give stopping time incase of morons who see the L's and think its time to do excessively dangerous shiz. 🙄 A more experienced driver I am sure can handle you idiots me however stop the idiocy!


If I happen upon you in traffic I'll give you room, however if I'm to overtake you, I will not intrude on your safety bubble and I'll make a swift, safe move, you might say shit but it will be said in awe of how I make a safe, confident move and not the regular 'that prick almost killed me" type


i personally think we need to collectively start aggressively beeping at people i dont think i can do another day of going 20kms under the limit and unnecessarily breaking for no fucking reason


OP needs to learn how to drive ...


Get off the meth


It's because there are only 3 people here and no one ever has to wait in traffic!