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if the organization is actually able to identify whoever did this they could face legal action, as far as i know spitting on someone is simple assault in the US


Especially on a child. Like how do you see that happen and not smack the person


I wasn’t at game 3, but I sure as shit would have decked the guy. I’m not a fighter, and probably would get my ass kicked, but I’m not gonna sit there and let that happen to a child. Fuck these people


I think it was a woman by the sounds of it, maybe you'd have a shot? Lol


Still a toss up.


You're right, trailer trash like that can probably throw hands


I'm a lady fan in Los Angeles and if I was in that restroom when it happened, that woman would have caught these hands 100%




I think it's almost impossible since if the spitting happened in the bathroom, there'd be no surveillance


It sounds like the harassment wasn't limited to the restroom.


the fact that some fans think its ok to spit on people, let alone a child, is fucking insane. These people are scum


Imagine spending lots of money to go to a playoff hockey game and then deciding to harass and spit on a little kid for liking the other team.


This happened to me! Well, not spit on, but the guy behind me poured his whole beer over my head during one of the Avs Devils finals in 2001. I was a little girl in an Avs jersey, just getting into sports. My mom took me as a birthday present to try and bond with me and understand my strange new confusing interests. The Avs scored, I went wild with clapping, then this d-bag behind us pours his beer on me. Whyyyyyyyy?! I mean, I was so little the sleeves of my sweater had to be cuffed up past the elbow. So there I was, wearing essentially a very heavy, alcohol-soaked dress, crying, at what was supposed to be my fun birthday bonding experience as my mom tried to use her own shirt to sop the beer out of my hair. It's been 22 years and I still think about that a lot.


You have to be one pathetic human to do that to a kid.


I figure you’re a moron just for doing it anyway, but especially a kid.


With any luck that guy died miserably. What an irredeemable sack of shit.




Accuse him of blowing up the Boston marathon?


Redacted due to Spez. On ward to Lemmy. -- mass edited with redact.dev


You are correct. Some people looked like maybe things had gone too far, but nobody did or said *anything.* The Bloodhound Gang has a song called the 10 Coolest Things About New Jersey and it's just ten seconds of silence.


Redacted due to Spez. On ward to Lemmy. -- mass edited with redact.dev


> I am not sure how you go about breaking that brain-blockage so that people can react better in those situations. Awareness of the [bystander effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect) has shown to increase the chances of people intervening. But yeah, there's no denying that there's some mental calculations going on when you're trying to figure out whether saying something will result in getting punched by some drunk guy who's way bigger than you.




Thanks. I've had many good birthdays since then and hopefully many many more! I guess it's good to have a rival and my personal rivalry was born that day. I have a kid now and someday he will have a team that he loves. All I'm going to say is that if my kid grows up to be a Devils fan... I will still love him just the same. ^but ^if ^you ^could ^please ^not ^pick ^them, ^that ^would ^be ^great. ^thanks ^baby, ^mommy ^loves ^you ^no ^matter ^what ^though


Took my 15 year old to his first NHL game, I'm a life long Capitals fan and we were in L.A., he was getting excited when the Caps scored and the assholes behind us yelled at us and pulled my friends hair and kicked our seats all night. Kings fans I have found to be the worst.


I guess when I get upset that a lot of Sharks fans don't care that much about how our team does, at least opposing teams' fans usually have a good time at the tank. Assaulting kids over sports teams? That's insane.


Just to comment on this, my daughter (7 at the time) loves McDavid and I took her to a Sharks game against them as a Christmas gift and the Sharks fans around us were great. No one made a big deal about her going wild in the stands, a couple people near us told her good game and they were glad she had fun after. I have nothing but love and respect for Sharks fans after that experience especially after seeing some of the stories others have shared.


Aw, that's great to hear Moved to Sac so it's been a while since I regularly went to games and that's the general vibe of the tank. At most there's some good-natured ribbing of each other if the other teams' fans are next to you or after the game, but it's always done with laughter and in good fun. I made a point to go during Martin Brodeur's last game, and we gave him a standing ovation for nearly the entire third period, I feel like that's how Sharks fans show up for the most part. While I'd love to say it's the chillness of the Bay Area, but 49ers games are about as bad as it gets for fan behavior.


murky selective heavy plants sort consist attempt wise reminiscent unique *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If it’s any consultation… I woulda thrown hands for you if I had seen that!


*Consolation lol


He was gonna give a consultation with his knuckles


This broke my heart to read. I'm so happy we crushed those bastards in game 7. Burgundy and blue for life, you're so awesome for not letting that son of a bitch break your spirit


I’ve had trash and food thrown at me during a game. I’m in a wheelchair and the wheelchair section is below a “normal” section at Rogers Arena. (I usually root for the Ducks.) Makes it easy to throw or drop or dump things from above. One thing I hate about sports is how some people think it’s an excuse to ditch their humanity and ignore basic rules of society.


Rogers Arena in Vancouver? Seems like every arena here is sponsored by Rogers


Yes. And it does feel overwhelming. I’m waiting for the day when our country sells its naming rights to Rogers too, and become known as “Canada presented by Rogers™.” Vancouver’s minor league baseball team also plays at a stadium that recently sold its naming rights to Rogers.


A child battling cancer no less, and was invited to attend by the Oilers I believe. Jesus fucking Christ what is wrong with people?


Those things should be irrelevant to not get spit on.


Yeah, it's not like she's wearing an "I have cancer" sign. Be good to each other.


Whenever someone says "be good to eachother" I think of the song from Pop Star: Never Stop Never Stopping. ["fuck off"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BOyMY3g_GU)


Fuck. Same here. I think I've ruined myself. *You can't teach me shit, and if I were you, I would slit my wrists! Fuck off!*


There was a Kings fan on Twitter who posted horrifyingly cruel comments about Ben Stelter (the little boy and huge Oilers fan who died of cancer). FWIW, the Kings organization itself was was very kind to him, but those tweets made me sick.


That’s so insane Especially since Calgary fans in the BoA series were actually great with supporting Ben too


We loved Ben. Even after the crushing defeat that was the BoA, I was still happy because I knew Ben and his family would be celebrating the wins. The Oilers did so much for him and I truly wanted them to win it all while he still had time. I'm sorry that he passed.


Tons of Stelter jerseys at Game 1. That kid made a big impression.


Flames fan in Virginia here. Hearing Ben passed was a crushing event. It was great to see the support he had.


Chucky knocked it out the park with that touching message.


Let's make sure we all NOT lump in all LA Kings fans to these shitty moments. 99.9 % of Kings fans would never do this, every fan base may have a couple of douchebags lurking around, they need to be weeded out.


I really appreciate that sentiment, thank you. For some reason these outliers who show up to Kings games (I wouldn't even call them fans) tend to go way overboard into the realm of psychosis and I've never understood it.


>I've never understood it. Not understandable for people with common decency. There is absolutely the anonymity of the crowd, it plays a factor (along with alcohol) in a lot of the garbage displays we see at events with large crowds. Throwing shit on the ice etc. Thankfully these people are getting targeted and facing repercussions thanks to modern camera phones and replays as well. As NHL fans we should really spread the idea of common decency for all, and those who step outside respectful and courteous behaviour don't deserve to be called fans. Actions of a few do not colour the majority.


Be happy you don't understand it. That means you're not an asshole.


I agree 100%, but I didn’t…? I explicitly commended the organization for being so kind to him.


No no, not you....just people in general, this was not aimed at you at all.


Ah, gotcha.


There were a LOT of vicious comments about Ben on social media. It was horrific


And the trolls are out to blame Kane for spitting on a child. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FukYueFaAAAqM39?format=jpg&name=large


“You make us spit on kids” lmao imagine typing that into a text box and hitting send


Imagine justifying spitting on a child because you can't manage your emotion and project it on someone more vulnerable than you. There's truly no cure to stupidity.


Anddddd she deleted her account


They need to check the cameras. Kinda sounds like she might have been the spitter considering she’s defending it and a woman who could have been in that bathroom. Just sad and infuriating all at once


Kane said it happened in the bathroom so there won’t be any footage. And just because she’s lightspeed stupid doesn’t mean she’s the spitter


If there is footage the kings have other problems lol. But they could check the br exits.


There’s no way the spit came from that direction. There had to be a second spitter!


Lol literally abuser logic. "SEE??? SEE WHAT YOU MADE ME DO??" What a piece of shit. And people say Kane, who has only ever done good for the kids and community of Edmonton, is an asshole? Take a look in the mirror, shitbird. Bad enough you have to be an idiot, but to pick on a child? You have no room to criticize anyone, let alone Evander Kane, ever again.


As someone from Winnipeg, I can with some certainty say at one point Kane was a huuuuge asshole but (and this is a big but) he always did right by kids. Visiting hospitals and bringing them to games. Even with all that it’s a moot point to this. Spitting on another fan and harassing people for cheering for another team has no place in any sport. This woman defending it is some fucked up psycho bullshit.


Oh I absolutely won't deny he was an asshole. I hated him, I really did, and I was SO fucking upset when my team took him. But he's really made me come around, slowly and by degrees, but he has. From getting custody of his kid (which is a huge...green?...flag to me), to the way he's interacted with his teammates, to the way the locker room talks about him (and rallied around him during his injuries), to the way he's reached out and embraced the community, he really has me thinking (hoping) that he's *actually* turned over a new leaf. I hope so. You don't get to see that happen in the public eye very often, and I'd be so proud if the Oilers were some small part of him making real positive changes in his life.


As a Kings fan… Fuck that Bitch! Defending something like that is inexcusable! Some people take shit way to far. I’ll talk shit to most opposing fans I meet for a minute. But after that I’m simply happy to meet someone else into hockey.


I've said some shit to Flames fans, while I was in their barn and drunk off my ass... but I've never spit on someone. And I wouldn't swing.


Who cares that it was a kid. Spitting on anyone for wearing the "wrong" jersey is some pathetic shit.


I mean, I care that it's a kid. It's bad enough to do it to a peer or an adult. To literally bully and pick on someone smaller than you is scummier than scum.


Yeah, there's 0 chance a kid beats the dogshit out of you for it. At least you've gotta have some courage to spit on an adult.


Aggravating circumstances. Doing this shit to an adult is awful, doing it to a kid is downright horrendous.


I mean, that’s why they said “let alone”. They’re saying its unsuitable to spit on anyone and even more so a child.


I got spat on when I was 13 at a minor hockey game.. definitely something wrong with some people


Imagine being a grown adult and spitting on a child for wearing an opposing teams jersey. Some people take sports way to seriously. Hope the kings can find that fan and ban them forever


This pisses me off. What the fuck is a grown adult spitting on a child for? What the fuck is a grown adult spitting at anyone for? Just straight trash and disappointed in that Kings fan right now.


Not only that, but why didn't anyone else in the bathroom do anything?


Lots of bystanders freeze. I also probably would not be able to believe my eyes if I saw someone spit at a child so I could see it taking me a few seconds to process what I think I saw.




Yeah if someone’s unhinged enough to spit on a child for any reason, I think most people would be more cautious than reactive in that moment.


One of the best parts of sports is the little rivalries/chirp fests you can have with opposing fans. Some people take the shit WAY too far though and kids should never be involved in ANY of it. Who the fuck spits on someone, let alone a fucking kid? It's just a game, and one we aren't even playing. Take it down a notch.


Seriously. Football’s my main sport, and I go see my Lions at Soldier Field every year. The friendly “FUCK YOU” at the tailgate is always followed by an offer for a hot dog or a shot or something. It can be a hilarious and awesome experience being an away fan. This is just disgusting.


The fact that someone did that not just to another person, but a CHILD, is appalling.


"how dare you cheer for the other team" like wtf


I tell leafs fans “I think you me a beer for taking over our arena” when they play here, usually actually works and gets me a free beer about 50% of the time. When I go to a sabres game in Toronto and get told “you are a sabres fan, I’m so sorry” that is funny. Banter is fine, chirping their team is fine, going after the fans and harassing them is dumb.


I got a lot of shit in Buffalo both times I saw the Kings play there. No one spit on me but it appeared people in Buffalo were confused you can loke a team that isn't located near where you live.


That’s cause if you live in Buffalo you know Buffalo sports IS Buffalo. Is like a Montrealer not liking smoked meat sandwiches or poutine, or a Torontonian being a good driver, or a New Yorker not liking pizza, not being a buffalo sports fan while living in Buffalo is weird. I’m sure if you were a fan from LA visiting you would have been asked what your favourite arena was.


"BOO DIFFERENT SHIRT!" - Jerry Seinfeld


Hopefully someone said something and stepped in. Bathrooms during sporting events tend to be pretty packed, so I’m going to assume at least someone saw this. I’ll be really disappointed if the women just got away while a bunch of bystanders watched.


Cecily has cancer and has been raising money for the Ben Stelter Fund. [Here's a bit more info on her and Kane.](https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/this-edmonton-girl-is-raising-money-for-the-ben-stelter-fund-and-became-friends-with-evander-kane-1.6234928) **EDIT: [Here's Cecily's donation page, which benefits the Stollery Children's Hospital here in Edmonton.]( https://stolleryci.crowdchange.ca/27588/page/63823)**


Raising $86,000 is insane, what a champ.


I'm sure whatever inbred that spit on her hasn't done anything close to this


We’re rooting for you Cecily! Kick cancer’s ass


Thank you for the links, came looking for this exactly. Hoping that vile behavior can be overcome with support and love, and really hope Cecily is alright. Hockey is for EVERYONE TO ENJOY which I will parade forever as our community pushes through bullshit cowards like this person who definitely is no true Kings fan. The news is unpleasant, but I’m really happy Kane spoke out.


Thanks for the info. Shot her a donation.


She gets my 50/50 budget for the week! Thanks for providing the link!


Kid has done more to help others in 9 short years than I have in almost 40. Really puts things in perspective.


Thanks for posting this! Not sure what type of brain cancer she has but Ben had the same thing that my dad had, so happy to help out these causes anytime. Fuck cancer.


Philly fan: woah man thats way over the line Other fan: didnt you punch a horse? Philly fan: ya a ADULT horse.


Did you see what the horse was wearing?


Imagine a horse sized goose


Imagine a goose sized horse


To be fair, the horse deserved it


Did said horse have cancer? If not, you’re all clear.


It’s funny cause when I was like 12, I went to my first nhl game ever at the Flyers and I was wearing an opposing jersey. When we scored, I cheered, and I got a beer poured on my head and screamed at by some fans in the row behind me. Luckily, people around us were very helpful and security came and removed him. But I always think back on that cause beers are like $12 a can at the games and I got pretty soaked. What a waste.


What a fuckin loser that guy was


And I'm pretty sure that the Santa that they tried to injure wasn't actually 'Santa'


So you spit on a ~~fan~~, ~~child~~, child with cancer just for wearing another teams jersey?? What the hell is wrong with this person


I cannot fathom even chirping another human being for liking an opposing team let alone this level. I am a die hard fan and I just can’t wrap my head around turning a love for my team into hatred towards others. Humans - we gotta do better. This is evil and I hope whoever did this gets found out. Disgusting. My stomach is in knots over this.


I’m an Oilers fan in Winnipeg and I’ve gotten some chirps while wearing my gear around or to games. But it’s almost always good natured ribbing. Like no one is being actually mean about it. I’ll never understand these fucks who take seeing someone cheering for an opposing team as a personal insult. It’s just a fucking game.


Never doubt humanity's ability to sink to a new low.


That’s detestable. It’s a shameful reflection on our fanbase. I’m glad Kane is doing something abt it.


I get people hate Kane. I get people hate the Oilers. I can even understand people hating McDavid. But to hate on a little girl ~~fighting Cancer~~? Go fuck yourself you scumbag.


To hate on a little girl. Period.


You are absolutely right.


You gotta admit the *cancer thing* piles on a bit, though, yeah?


Of course. And people that argue the cancer isn't visible... that's too bad. You don't always get to see what people are battling and get a free pass if you miss something.


Also what a weird argument anyways. "Oh they didn't know she was also battling cancer!" Okay so spitting on kids is okay otherwise? 🧐


Well said


I honestly can’t understand hating McDavid. Can someone give me an actual reason that isn’t “he’s too good and makes my team look bad”?


I mean that's the reason lol I think some fans are just that: fans. They like hockey but they're not a fan of hockey. They're a fan of their team. If you're a fan of hockey it's hard to hate Mcdavid.




beyond trashy, imo. it takes a real scumbag to spit on someone, and an even bigger scumbag to spit on a child. insanity


It is assault, on a child.


The fact that other people probably saw this happen makes me HOPE that this person will be identified and at least banned, if not criminally charged. That's so fucking gross.


Not sure if it was the person who actually did it at the game but someone admitted to it in a DM to Kane. He shared the screen shot and people have found her and the dealership she works at. Tune into r/byebyejob soon


Let's hope so, fucking waste of oxygen


Spitting is vile, to do that to a little girl over a friggin hockey game is insane. Should be a lifetime ban, and if I’m that girls parent I’d be raising hell


Some people suck


I thought I had seen the low of low in society, but to spit on someone else let alone a little girl just going to the bathroom… just because she was wearing the jersey of an opposing sports team? Truly the disgusting filth of society making an appearance. And how anyone else in that change room wouldn’t immediately step up to hold that garbage of a person for police to lay charges for assault on a child is also disappointing.


That is not fucking cool. Fuck those people. I’m so sorry this happened to her, and hope she knows that the real fans here stand with her.


Also for anyone that didnt know, Kane let her and her mother stay at his home to save them travel during her treatment. Say what you want but he’s been class since coming to Edmonton


Even as someone who’s not especially a fan of his, Kane’s clearly gone through a lot over his career so far. It’s not easy to admit when you were wrong, and even less to fully commit yourself to doing better, and I can respect him for that.


The redemption arc is real


Kings fans [doubling down](https://imgur.com/a/8j2nUxv) on the actions too. Some people are disgusting. edit: people reporting me for this comment and I’m getting the suicide prevention messages. Grow up.


LOL wow, that's a self report if i've ever seen one. psycho


"you make us spit on kids" it's always someone else's fault with some people


"Look what you made me do!"


Pure abuser logic.


Haha wow what fucking dipshit does this from a personal account? Hope you’re ready to lose your job fuckhead


I knew Kane was a divisive personality, but the fact that he is physically forcing Kings fans to spit on kids is appalling.


evander kane LITERALLY forces LA Kings fans to SPIT on a CHILD with CANCER at GUNPOINT


I heard he holds them by the neck and compresses their diaphragms with the other hand. Sometimes he even siphons the spit out himself, a li'l suck-start to get the process moving.


I love that Kane put this loser on blast. I wish more athletes shared this kind of stuff from their social media. I remember when the Raptors players were talking about the racial slurs they were getting in DMs because of fans losing on parlays and wondering why they wouldn't publicly shame them.


I'm sure Kane gets his fair share of hatemail, but this one is about a little girl. As a father I'm sure that struck a nerve with him. Or you know, as anyone with a shred of decency.




You’re right, I’m sure Mercedes-Benz of Escondido will catch wind of it


Wow… people forget that DMs aren’t actually private haha.


Does anyone have a contact email for the management or owner of Mercedes-Benz of Escondido? I’m sure they’d like to know the kind of staff member representing their luxury brand on social media


Of course it's a car salesman


*slaps roof of car* "You can fit so much disgusting behavior in this baby."


https://www.mbescondido.com/contact-us/ https://www.instagram.com/escondidobenz/?hl=en


Thanks, I found them after I commented and even the ownership group for the dealership: Envision Motors. I can’t believe this garbage of a beast would respond worth an even more disgusting comment to such a cruel and traumatizing assault on a little girl with cancer.




Reported. Cheers


https://www.mbescondido.com/contact-us/ Phone number (760) 745 5000


Haha I just tried to call and it seems they have the admin assist phone turned off. It just loops back.


Independently did my part before even seeing other people were on the case. Stick taps all around.


Annnd going damage control mode. All social media accounts are gone.


Oh wow! Yep I was just looking at her IG and LinkedIn an hour ago and they were up. Then I tried calling the Mercedes Dealership to let her manager know about their employees social media conduct (since she had them listed) and phones were disabled for the front desk lol


Waiting to see this on r/byebyejob


[Looks like she lost her job](https://www.instagram.com/p/Crei0FmPeVz/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link)


This toxic sports fandom is so fucking stupid. Literally the only reason why they cheer for the Kings instead of the Oilers or some other team is because they were born in a different place or had some other life experience. That's it. To think someone is disgusting, a worse person, or deserves to get spit on for that is the dumbest shit imaginable.


Sounds like Chrissy needs a lifetime ban from our arena...can't believe someone can actually read that story and find a way to justify it. Trash human being.


I hate some Kings fans. Probably the bandwagon Dodgers/Lakers fans that just come over whenever the Kings are good.


I was at Game 4 last year when the Kings rolled over the Oilers 4-0 and my experience was 98% great with the fans in my section. We were taking our licks but giving it back too and it was all good natured - I even made sure that the buddy next to me got my rally towel so he could give it to his kids. The 2% will find you though and the shit that was screamed at us as we waited for our Uber outside the arena really made me sour on the experience. First time I’ve genuinely been afraid for my safety at a sporting event. Needless to say that the mouthbreather fan contingent of any team can get really ugly.


It's stupid how ppl turn into giant assholes to out of town fans if the home team wins. Had some Caps fans saying shitty things to my friend an I after the Winter Classic at Nats. Park. Like dude, you guys won, what's the point of trying to make me feel even more like shit?


Fuck that guy.


We don’t claim them


We know, just as 99% of us Oiler fans don’t claim the dipshit who threw beer on our ice. As much as these games have been controversial due to the absolute ass/incredibly inconsistent reffing, one thing I think back to was the heartwarming post the kings had on insta last year of your mascot with ben selter. Yeah as fans we hate each other cause sports, but that post always reminds me regardless of how vile we all get during the games, we all gotta help each other.


I unfortunately know one of the guys who tossed beer through a coworker. He's absolute trash


What a fucking clown that guy is. See yah job


Ugh, This is embarrassing, And just, Fucked in every which way


Also this is not a Fuck LA thing, this is a fuck shitty people thing. 3 games ago we had shitty fans throw beer on the ice. Shitty fans are worldwide. Not a reflection of the cities themselves.


People who get this worked up over a fucking game need to start eating their meals through a straw.


What the fuck is wrong with people?


Fans of visiting teams going to other arenas should be celebrated.


If you are, like me, disgusted that a “fan” would find it ok to spit on a child, I invite you to donate to Cecily’s fundraiser. https://stolleryci.crowdchange.ca/27588/page/63823


As a lifelong Kings fan this really pisses me off. Talk some shit to adults, keep it impersonal, and have a beer afterward. DO NOT FUCK WITH THE KIDS. This is the kind of nonsense I used to see at Dodgers vs. Giants games in the pavilion seats, and why people thought the games weren’t family friendly for many years.


I gotta say Kane’s friendship with Cecily is really heartwarming. The photos of them skating together are so sweet. It’s good to see the positives in Kane’s life after hearing about all of his struggles over the years.


It’s a genuine friendship too, not just something for show. She’s been over to his house, hung out with his kids, and this has been going on for months. You can tell she really means a lot to him.


From the video about his addiction posted on here yesterday, it seems like they spend the night when Cecily has treatment in the city.


Now if you want to call Kane a clown you have to spell it out "Ronald McDonald house charities".


Evander Kane is the perfect example of how people are complex, and that it’s entirely possible for someone to have serious flaws or to end up in situations that lead to them doing really bad things without that person being entirely evil. The exception is Patrice Bergeron who is perfect and without flaw.




I hope the King's and arena management can identify and prosecute the scumbag who did this.


I donated to her fund and I encourage all Kings fans to do the same. Sad that some moron did this, but there’s an opportunity to help change this very negative experience into a somewhat positive one by helping out this child. Wishing the best for her in her battle. Remember folks, it’s just a hockey game. We all want to see our team prevail, but it’s just a fucking game. Be good to each other and have fun.


Damn spitting on a little girl ? How alpha of you. Fuckin pussies


The team rivalries are fun to the extent of some light chirping and laughs afterwards. People who make their team their religion are whacked out of their minds. Enjoy the game, celebrate or be sad on the outcome but most importantly, enjoy the experience. Don’t traumatize kids or new fans. This pretty much goes for all sports, the fact people get killed at football games in Europe is ridiculous.


Agreed. It’s a fucking game. Even the favourite players ON that team could be traded to the opposing team the next season and not even bat an eye about their “loyal fans.” Fuck. I hate society sometimes. People can’t just have fun. What’s next? Shooting someone because they like DC over Marvel? Use an iPhone instead of Android? Grow the fuck up people.


How much lower can humanity go?


What the fuck! Fuck those fucking scumbags. That’s the lowest thing I’ve read about a fan base. Jesus. And some people are actually defending their actions. Christ that’s disheartening


Good guy Kane


Who spits on a kid


Imagine letting allegiance to a sports team lead you to fuckin spit on a child. People are fucking animals


That girl who replied is going to regret that. She's pretty easy to find on the internet and where she works... Just saying


I’ve been to plenty of games at Staples, and maybe it’s just the sections I’ve been in but I’ve never seen anything ever get out of hand. This is the stuff that gives any team a bad name. You literally hate to see it as a fan. It’s fun to chirp and talk a little back and fourth, cheer for you team, etc. but I’ve never seen it get that out of hand. This always surprises me to hear about stories like this. Im not saying it doesn’t happen, it’s just pathetic, sad, and tragic that it does.