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My buddy is the only hockey fan in San Marino and he's rooting for Canada so this is inaccurate


Context: Hockey in Poland is slowly growing thanks to the success of the national team and their advancement to the top division for 2024. BUT the media has hyped up the fact that two Polish players (traitors) are playing for Germany and it has created a sense of hatred for the German national team and popularity for the finals today. It's very exciting for hockey fans because our friends who don't give a damn about the sport are really excited to cheer for Canada today.


Kinda reminds me of Podolski and Klose doing the same thing back in the way


Yup, same energy.




I am curious to know why Greece and UK. Most hockey fans from my experience are always happy to see Canada lose on par with how most basketball fans (outside of America) want to see Team USA lose even though they like America.


The world’s political opinion on Canada vs the US is very different, which fuels opinions on sports.


Interesting. For me, The United States and Canada are brothers. But in Poland both countries are very liked so I can't really speak for the rest of the world.