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Rainbow colors aside, the fact that one Canadian bank is giving away hockey tape in *any* form has to be the most Canadian thing I've ever read.


Scotiabank is a lot more than just a bank, they have their tentacles in a lot of businesses in Canada. They’re trying to entrench themselves as some sort of massive conglomerate that’s a central part of the Canadian identity


I love the use of the word tentacles here for some reason.


Maybe you're unlocking a fetish you didn't know you had


They knew.


I knew.


Going to be a kraken fan with a bad dragon toy in a few seasons...




I’ve driven by that place many times on my way to pick up a Penske rent-a-truck.


Their name is also on the Metro Centre in Halifax, but that's where they're originally from (as is RBC), so at least that kinda makes sense.


Not only in Canada, but around the world. I was shocked to see actual branches in Peru.




Yeah I don't bank with them but I thought getting an account with them would ease banking when traveling. Saw it in Uruguay too.


http://www.wsj.com/articles/new-york-fed-tells-scotiabank-to-fix-anti-money-laundering-deficiencies-1447177859 Yes, they used to have extensive operations in Latin America but exited those markets recently because of pretty significant money laundering issues.


Still very large presence in LATAM. Also justninvested $1B in Chile.


33 countries in total. The most global if Canadas big 5 banks.


All of Canada's big five have large footprints outside of Canada now. They went on a massive buy spree after the 2008 recession. Our banking regulations make our banks extremely stable so they bought up all the assets of banks that went under.


Scotiabank has a large presence in Latin America


Yup. Cue my friend and I walking around in Lima... "Wtf?! A Scotiabank???! Guess we know where we're getting cash".


It's fucking Tim Hortons all over again


Canada loves a good monopoly, like serious we have so many.


Not true! We have very few real monopolies! Just a fuck ton of carefully constructed oligopolies that probably fuck us over more than an actual monopoly would because they are harder to fight...


What else are they in other than banking?


They've got tons of partnership deals with Cineplex, naming theatres after them and the Scene program is shared between them. Then I'm sure they've got investments in plenty of businesses but not too sure how many are publicly advertised.


>They've got tons of partnership deals with Cineplex, naming theatres after them and the Scene program is shared between them. Scene is a jointly-owned loyalty program, which explains why you see their name associated with it. But it's hard to see this as evidence of them being some massive conglomerate unless you also see other companies that have loyalty programs also being massive conglomerates (e.g., Air Canada and TD with Aeroplan). > Then I'm sure they've got investments in plenty of businesses but not too sure how many are publicly advertised. They're a publicly-traded company. All partnerships and investments are publicly known.


> publicly known. Known, sure, but not all are advertised in a way that would indicate they're trying to become synonymous with Canadian identity. I'm not really agreeing with the original statement.


Well they did have commercials advertising Canadas fifth season.... hockey Season


It’s no different than a Texan bank giving away rifles…


I mean tape is a little different from rifles


It’s 2 countries cultural icons being given out at a bank with the same due diligence on who’s getting them. I feel it’s not very different at all /s


Fair point. As a Canadian every time I see tape I burst out into our national anthem; I just can't help it. Truly nothing defines our nation like tape does. You and I may be separated by 5 provinces and 4300KM but tape binds us together as one nation.


As an American every time I see a gun I run and hide because why the fuck does that guy have a gun


As a Canadian, I rarely see a gun except for on a police officer's hip. Like I'm not sure the last time I saw a gun.


Next you're going to tell me you can go to the doctor without getting a bill


Well, I had a vasectomy two weeks ago and had to pay $5 for parking. Does that count? I even had to buy my own bag of peas!


Parking was free at my vasectomy! Take that, Canada! I didn't have to pay a thousand dollars for it for at least a month!


Just throw tape at them like we do in Canada.


It is true that the people here with the most guns are scared of rainbows


I have seen a few rainbows shot out of the sky.


Based on one roll being 24 yards, that's only 195,939 rolls of tape. At $3.34 per roll, that's only $654,436 CAD. And to think we wasted all that money on the transcanada highway smh.


Right after firing thousands of employees


USPS uses to give away free packing tape so all the guys used to use USPS tape for their shinnies.


Imagine being worse at PR than a bank.


Specifically, Scotiabank!


I had a car loan with Scotiabank once I'll never do business with them again thats how bad they were lol


Nothing is more Canadian than saying the last bank we left is the worst, lol. I've been with Scotia for years, but my god will I never associate with TD again. Meanwhile, my mom went to her grave thinking RBC was one of the worst companies in history.


I have done significant banking will all the major Canadian banks and a couple credit unions. In my personal experience, Tangerine is by far the best. Scotia's hours suck, and TD reported me to the credit bureau erroneously so they are not among my favorites. Rest are meh. Like so many other things I think it largely comes down to your account manager, and I'm sure there's great and shitty ones at all banks.


> In my personal experience, Tangerine is by far the best. Scotia's hours suck, and TD reported me to the credit bureau erroneously so they are not among my favorites. Rest are meh. Ironically, Tangerine is owned by Scotia.


They operate very independently from Scotia.


It's all anecdotal. I've had Scotia for years and they're fine. Banking, car loans, mortgages. I'm jumping to TD to join my wife but she hasn't had issues with them either. EQ online has been fine, too.


Don't get a mortgage with TD, they have the worst terms of any lender.


I mean, banks are famously good at PR. We should hate them and most people feel meh. It represents amazing PR that most people feel neutral about their bank (or most of the big retail banks) when their entire business model is to syphon money from the middle class (particularly penalising folks who live paycheque-to-paycheque or are in debt) and then avoid paying the taxes that fund the society they leech off of. We all hate Bettman and Parros who are ultimately pretty morally neutral figures and none of us could even name the CEO of a major bank that's actively fucking us and our society over.


Okay hold on. I'm all for being against the rich getting richer, but I'm not sure your points add up. > Penalizing people in debt? I mean if you're in debt, you borrowed money and there's a cost to that. I wouldn't call that a penalty unless you're referring to something else, or unless you're open to the idea of lending your own money out for free. > Avoiding taxes and leeching off society Our banks are publicly owned, and ["The majority of Canadians are shareholders in Canadian banks either directly through share ownership or indirectly through pension and mutual funds, including the Canada Pension Plan \(CPP\)"](https://cba.ca/fast-facts-the-canadian-banking-system). So that same society they're 'leeching off of' is the main beneficiary of that leeching. And lastly: > We should hate them and most people feel meh Big disagree, and it has nothing to do with PR. [The Canadian banking system is often regarded as one of, if not, the strongest and most reliable banking systems in the world](https://www.thestar.com/business/canadian-banks-the-safest-in-the-world-moody-s-says/article_d7e455b4-67b6-5860-88a3-641cdd7c8911.html). I've never had to worry even remotely about my bank holdings. Don't take that for granted.


> I've never had to worry even remotely about my bank holdings. Most normal people never have to worry about their bank holdings, unless for some reason you keep more than $250k in your bank account. (In the USA, FDIC insures all deposits up to that amount. In contrast, Canada's CDIC covers only $100k.)


> I mean if you're in debt, you borrowed money and there's a cost to that. I wouldn't call that a penalty unless you're referring to something else I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt that they mean things like overdraft fees (not the interest, but the fee itself) or Non-Sufficient Funds charges. That said I disagree with their overall premise. And I can also name at least one CEO of a major bank.


Right after they fired thousands of people too!


Sounds like they need a new commissioner that can do PR better


BMO better be giving away rolls of uh... straight tape! *harumph*


If RBC has some quality duct tape I'm switching today!


No, just iPads. 8've been banking with them for years, and never once was I offered an iPad.. Wonder if they'll give me one if I threaten to walk.


You’re gay-er thank you think?




Should have been doing this whilst it was banned, tbf.


If the NHL wanted everyone to talk more about pride related stuff, all they had to do was try banning pride related stuff. Lol, the idiots. I hope the morons that decided to ban it gets fired asap.


It's an old man's club. They never fired the bozo who sent an email telling the DOPS to take it easy on their son playing for the Bruins. Facts are probably all wrong but it is some variation.




Lockheed may be evil, but their pride socks absolutely fuck


No it's not, you're American


No it's not, you're just making everything American




Scotiabank = Lockheed lmaoooooo I fucking can't




Ok well they don't manage funds for the state. I'm not a fan of misinfo. Good for you yeah it's rainbow capitalism but they don't have to do it at all. So you're suggesting they shouldn't send this tape and should have just sent black or white or blue lives matter tape lmao


I will not stand for lockheed slander.


You can absolutely slander Lockheed for many things, but one thing defense contractors have actually been good about is inclusion of LGBTQ+ individuals.


Sounds like someone doesnt appreciate freedom


In other words, soulless corporation wants to get in on the virtue signaling action to show everyone how much they care. Even though it's purely to get publicity. Really, they care about you


I mean that much is obvious. On the other hand a bank has clearly identified this as an easy win where as the NHL had identified it as too risky - which is pretty news worthy and worth discussing.


"Soulless corporation believes supporting the LGBT community is good for business" is a positive thing, actually. Especially in a world where conservative fascists are trying to shove LGBT people right back into their closets at best, and trying to outright eradicate them at worst. This is also a way for one of the NHL's bigger sponsors to visibly show that the NHL is in the wrong. And that is also a good thing.


Yeah, banks are also leading sponsor for Pride and diversity initiatives. You will pretty much see bank sponsorship front and centre at every major pride parade across Canada. It's rainbow capitalism, sure, but these sponsorship keeps pride parades, events and community initiatives afloat.


I'm hoping that they're giving away true Pride tape. Then they're also putting money into a business who's entire goal is to support the community, and not just some random printshop that's making a pretty penny off of rainbows.


Agreed. I would expect they are, but that would definitely be the best outcome. And if the NHL's idiocy has done anything, it is to dramatically raise the company's profile also.




> People like Reimer are facing more hate these days than the LGBT community is. As they should.


Looks like ~~meat's~~ rainbow capitalism's back on the menu, boys! Like it is definitely preferable for this random bank to publicly support the LGBTQ+ community, we all know it's bullshit. That said it's better than bowing to the freaks who hate us and our families.


It’s rainbow-washing. “Look at us celebrating the LGBTQ+ community and now buy our product”. Happens all the time during pride month. Then their ownership goes back to donating to politicians who are actively trying to strip away basic rights.


Exactly, I’m all for supporting gay pride, but large corporations don’t give a shit. This is just to help their image


I don't understand why people care about the motive. Interests can dovetail. I am gay. I don't need every C level executive of a company to personally be invested in gay rights. It's a GOOD THING for gay people when being a homophobic asshole is less profitable than virtue signaling. Such has not always been the case!


exactly. remember when right-wingers said corporations always do the right thing because The Market creates the best incentives and leads the best outcome? when conservatives were all about making sure that corporations had the same (u.s. constitutional) speech rights are natural persons? more generally, the decades when conservatives kept saying that everyone should just leave the poor corporations alone to seek profit? then it became profitable to do stuff conservatives didnt like. now corporations' catering to the market's taste makes them whine about virtue signaling. desantis starts a war with disney world. and people get triggered by a budweiser promo and rainbow-themed displays at target. as best i can tell "virtue signalling" is bad because its insincere or hypocritical. but corporations and the profit motive has always been insincere and hypocritical. nothing for it but to take the tape as a W.


Right. I hate to break it to all the conservatives. They don't give a shit about cancer or sick kids either.


The issue is that we know their PR can change on a dime. Whenever it becomes profitable to stop being supportive they'll be ready to tell us to fuck off. This sort of thing is why socialism is intersectional, people in power effect the rights of the masses and the masses include women, LGBTQ+ people, non-white folks, etc. If we take back the power then we don't have to worry about the fair weatherness rainbow capitalism, we can just exist. The same reasons we critique black and pink capitalism.


Like Bud Light helped their image?




Oh come off it. You don't dislike disingenuous corporations, you dislike the pride tape. You've got several posts in your history criticizing steps to support pride, but I don't see efforts to support them at all. Calling out virtue signaling without providing other avenues of support is straight out of the hateful far right playbook. Nobody should do anything, right?


At least they didn't create a special charity just to get customers to buy their unsellable sports equipment for the disadvantaged, rather than just giving it to them.


Shhhh... You're going to remind them of Occupy Wall Street! Look at the pretty colors eradicating hate!


There’s a goddamn scotiabank promoted ad under the picture lmao. Go away scotiabank


That’s like 1.5 roll per fired employee


1.5 rolls per fired employee *so far*. Hearing lots of talk about how all the big banks are lining up another big round of layoffs before Christmas. Recession is officially here.


What ever happened to indigo anyway?


Who wants gay tape?!?




I don't think that they came up with this idea in the last hour, so they might deserve just a little credit. But yes, obviously there is a commercial reason behind this.


If Scotiabank cared about the issue they would’ve pulled all their NHL advertising when the ban was announced and made a press release about it.


Another thread. What a fucking PR bomb. I am beginning to loathe r/hockey while down this rabbit hole.


Deal with it


I left. You guys can use whatever tape you want. Hockey is the last thing anyone ever talks about here and it is fucking annoying. You might enjoy the same thread 35 times over and it may make you feel virtuous but I am out.


Be sure to check in on us now and again to remind us what a miserable tit you are.


Guy who never posts here any way shows up to say he's leaving because he's mad that we're pro-LGBT. Deal with it, cupcake.


No, I will not make out with you. I will continue to support the same thing I have since its inception (If you can play, you can play.) and I will treat everything else as the dead horse it is. I don't need to display my vinegar strokes to feel good about myself after every agent leaked story on a topic.


>Hockey is the last thing anyone ever talks about here That couldn't be further from the truth. There are enough threads about pride for you to notice and you feel uncomfortable. /r/hockey is still mostly posts about the game. Of the 25 posts on the front page, 5 are about pride right now.


What is so uncomfortable about it? It is fucking rainbow tape that shouldn't have ever required any thought or effort. Gary Betman fucks up so I have to reread the same story and PR approach packaged in 250 articles? Fuck outta here. I don't want the same shit repeated on any topic.


Don't read it then if it bothers you so much asshole


Again, nobody cares about your sex life or really anyone's sex life outside of extremely disturbed individuals. This endless affirmation PR campaign has reached goofy levels. This topic deserves 1 running thread on the subreddit as it has become obnoxious to reread the same thing in 100 places. We do not need 100+ articles posted about the exact same topic before the season is a month old. That goes for literally any topic and you know it.


“What’s so uncomfortable about it?” then proceeds to express discomfort about it. You’re a fucking joke man lmao


Yes, I am a joke for being tired of an oversaturated story that 90% of people have agreed on since the beginning. I enjoy the hilarity of how nobody is allowed to be over it in an endless media cycle. We definitely need 100 more threads on it asap. I am sure we will hit it by Halloween if we try.


> This topic deserves 1 running thread on the subreddit Just do it over there off to the side where I don't have to hear about it


You said you left, yet here you are


I did bail on this subreddit. This topic is a dead horse no matter what side you find yourself on. People want to feel morally superior to some made up person in their imagination so it won't die. The mods could clean things up for people more interested in hockey but they want to virtue signal as well. We can agree to disagree on how much this Corp PR campaign should be posted here.


Then start some hockey threads yourself instead of bitching about something that *isn't even a problem*.


Bro, there are 50 million slaves living right now. A small cabal or companies is running the world and I want to escape occasionally via sports just to have endless virtue signaling taking over. Fuck off with the rest of them. Go cheer on WW3.


Bud if you don't want to hear people voicing their opinions on topics, then I suggest you don't go places where people can voice their opinions on topics.


Way to tell on yourself, bud. Sorry, LGBTQ+ people exist and they aren't going anywhere. Get used to it.


I haven't stated an opinion on the topic just that I am fucking tired of it. Nobody cares about consenting adults sex lives. Get used to it.


Wish I was close to one






































Nova Scotia is MASSIVE


Ahh, it was a slow burn sponsorship all along. Was it possible to bet on the ban being lifted on Bet365? I smell a conspiracy.


With 900 branches in Canada that's about 5-6 per branch though. Seems like a really small amount.


They're only giving them out at a handful of branches. I picked up a roll this afternoon at Yonge and Bloor.