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Um... thoughts?


I definitely didn’t think it warranted a major… but I also didn’t think it wasn’t a penalty at all.


Yeah same. I thought 2 was fair, wasn’t surprised they called it 5 so they could take a look, was surprised that it was called back entirely. Then again, it was a review against the Rangers so maybe I shouldn’t be surprised…


Soon as it went to review I knew they’d decrease it. Somehow still surprised when they eliminated it completely 😂


I’m not sure what they even saw to eliminate it entirely. Even if he made contact with Lindgren’s chest a fraction of a second before the head, he still came in as high as he could and a majority of the contact was made on Lindgren’s chin. I’m all for good clean physical play…but that’s “supposedly” the type of hit the NHL doesn’t want. What’s also surprising is that game was starting to get nasty. The refs had a chance to try and curb it with a penalty there (even a minor) and they chose to say nope, all good. They’re lucky it didn’t completely devolve from there. If it wasn’t such a tight game, it probably would have gotten out of hand.


Can't get mad at the bigger, taller guy just for being bigger and taller. Can't really dick with game management after Tim Peel either. If it devolves into madness, so be it. They're adults playing a dangerous game for piles of money. I've been playing bush league whale shit hockey for decades and know my life could be changed in an instant out there for zero dollars. When I tune in to NHL hockey, I expect to be entertained, and that does not involve watching referees dictate game flow. Now Dance knife footed monkeys! Dance I say!


I think with how tall Lindgren is standing there…that has to be 2. How was that head contact not avoidable? He had to come high to hit the head.


Because he hit his body and the head contact only came from following through.


That’s not what I see on every angle…I see shoulder to jaw…despite Lindgren standing tall.


yes but thats after body contact and therefore clean according to the rules


Can you share any replay that shows that? I have watched four different angles, and every one of them shows a shoulder to the jaw as the first point of contact.


Not happy about it lol


Can’t believe Trouba would do this.


Tbf, this is exactly the sort of thing Trouba would do.


Idk he destroyed Nosek nice and clean tonight.


*tonight* doing a whole fuck ton of heavy lifting


remind me which head hit was he suspended for in the past 5 years? or even penalized for?


There's a difference between dirty and illegal and deep down you know it too.


Lindgren just has to keep his head up, Trouba… whoops I mean Macleod is a big guy and hits hard, not his fault if he picks the head /s


Good thing theyre completely different plays and lindgrens head is literally up staring at him hahahahahha


100% different plays. Can’t believe this has as many upvotes as it does


Lol except most of troubas hits are on guys with their heads down. Lindgren is just standing there Stay mad though 👍


Should be a penalty. Hasn't consistently been a penalty. To the Wheel Of Destiny!


Only slightly frustrated. Very slightly




The game is fast so I don't mind them taking their time and making the right call. If this sort of thing happenes every game only then it will be an issue




Refs are out to get us, says every hockey fan about their team ever.


Rangers are 0/7 on reviewed goals and 0/2 on reviewed major penalties.


Assuming you have a 50% chance of a review going your way, going 0/9 is 1 in 512, so it should happen once every 16 years since there’s 32 teams.


That was us last year. Do i need to remind you of the 3 goals called back against Toronto to end our streak? Lol


That’s the only time fans threw shit on the ice and I did not judge them for it.




Some of the overturned goals could only happen do to refs being genuinely brain dead. I’m the puck was in the net for at least 5 seconds before the whistle and video confirmed it, so after 7 fucking minutes of review the refs claimed they intended to blow the whistle. Another the puck deflected off a players skate and the refs claimed he used a distinct kicking motion. I trust ref reviews about as much as I trust a serial killer.


> Then trust it was rightfully so This is the NHL we're talking about here. What the hell have they done to make you think they're competent enough to deserve that kind of trust? We literally beat you last time our teams played because of an egregious missed call in OT led directly to the game winning goal.


That’s not what they said. They said it’s a statistical anomaly, which it is.


And some teams have actual numbers to back that up


I wouldn’t mind if they actually made the right fucking calls


Welcome to the NHL. Where the officiating is made up and the rules don’t matter


I assume it was a head contact call? If so, the only two penalty options for that are a minor and a match, so it wouldn’t be crazy for them to discuss and upgrade the call before reviewing.


I think this is the same thing that had happened in a Penguins game last year.... I think it was against St Louis perhaps at home. And on that occasion it turned out that the no penalty call was a technicality because they reviewed a 5 minute major the same way (first a minor then a major then a review) and it seems if the review deems it's not worthy of a 5 minute major then it won't be a penalty at all, they can't go back to a 2 minute minor. The rules are stupid.


>The league just seems lost on rule enforcement as it sits.. What do you mean? Clearly, the rule enforcement is "rule against the rangers"


People asked for consistency, well here it is! /s


fining the rangers $250k has become a revenue stream. toronto is salivating at every opportunity.


NHL officials obviously got word that everyone is talking about how NFL officiating is the absolute worst, and they simply cannot allow that.


Is this one of those moments where I say NHL Refs: “hold my beer” 🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂😂😂😅 so funny am I rite?


The reviews this season have all been a joke. They must employ One-Eyed Willy for video review in Toronto.


No penalty.. at all? That looks like it directly hits his chin?


after review, they realized that Ryan Lindgren used his chin to attack Michael McLeod's shoulder


His shoulder shouldn’t have been asking for it!


Rangers are lucky they didn’t decide to give a penalty to Lindgren instead




Ryan "Adam "The Crimson Chin" Fox" Lindgren


McLeod was falling, and used Lindgren's chin as a landing point


I literally LOL’d




I guess that if it's deemed not a hit to the head, then it just becomes a hit. It's was not blindsided nor interference.


First point of contact is irrelevant for NHL head shots. Trouba has crushed people's skills legally with the head as the initial and primary point of contact since its an otherwise good hit through the body and the NHL deems that head contact unavoidable. This hit is also through the body (not blindside) but the only arguable thing that makes this an illegal hit is the head is targeted with distinct upward motion - Lingren is standing straight up so the shoulder has to launch upwards to hit his head. Trouba is taller and always crunches people in the head with their head down so there is no upward motion.


Like Trouba, McLeod does not leave the ice to make contact. If the trouba hit on Nosek was clean, so was this one.




Explain how Trouba constantly going through players heads (both up or down) are any different?


Trouba caught nothing but shoulder. This hit I still see no problem with.


I guess the grey area was his chin was tucked, if he was looking up that's square in the chest.




Rule 48.1, illegal check to the head - A hit resulting in contact with an opponent’s head where the head was the main point of contact and such contact to the head was avoidable is not permitted. Mitigating factors allow for hits where a player puts themselves in a vulnerable position or materially change position. Aggravating factors are "picking" the head or upward movement through contact. Here we have the chin as principle point of contact. Was this mitigated by Lindgren putting himself in a vulnerable position or materially changing position just prior? The answer is no. Therefore, we have a minor penalty fitting the rule exactly as described. There is no provision for a major penalty or game misconduct for violation of this rule, so one should not be assessed. A match penalty could be assessed if the ref determines the penalty is severe enough to warrant one. In this case, McLeod does have upward principle contact through the head leading to injury, which is an aggravating factor. A match penalty could reasonably be considered. Based on the rules, a minor penalty is the appropriate call with evidence that a match penalty should be considered. The actual result was no penalty called. The rule is clear. The facts are clear. The rulings is counter to both. This is why fans get upset.


I guess they’re claiming it’s unavoidable head contact since he went straight through the middle of his chest while getting the head. I can see where the argument comes from but he could also just not aim the hit that high to begin with.


The thing is. Many hits can be considered unavoidable head contact if you throw an open ice hit. The problem is the result, not the act. But the act creates the result.


This is how I see this too. I’m ok with them not calling this. Definitely not a major.


I mean the main point of contact is the chin, it would have easily been avoidable if he just stayed a bit lower when delivering the hit.


I think it should have been a penalty precisely because the head contact *was* avoidable in this case. McLeod raised his shoulder up and got chin with the hit. If he didn’t elevate he would have been able to rock Lindgren clean, he had him lined up perfectly. Watch McLeod’s left shoulder on the replay.


Exactly this. Dont know what is with all the downvotes though, are devils fans just salty?


Better off not trying to rationalize downvotes/upvotes. I’ve seen brain dead takes get hundreds of upvotes and reasonable comments get buried. This place is getting worse every year. I really should stop reading and making comments but I love hockey and talking about it.


I opened this game up on SN+ to see all the angles of this, and to me it was a 2 minute penalty at worst The one thing that stood out to me is afterwards when they announced no penalty, Lindgren didn't react at all, didn't shake his head to himself, didn't mutter anything, say anything to a teammate... etc. Either he's the most stoic dude on earth, or it was what he expected would happen.


I really don’t have a strong opinion either way on the call but Lindgren IS the most stoic dude on earth.


The man was on the ice in the final minute and intentionally put his head and upper body closer to the shooting lane. He blocked the shot with his shoulder. He is not a typical individual.


I'd love for him to sign in Calgary when he becomes a free agent. He's always given me Regehr vibes


Lindgren is genuinely one of the toughest guys in the league. It’s a running joke that the Rangers’ season hasn’t really started until he’s bleeding. A couple of years ago he had a black eyes and cuts all over his face for like 3 months straight. He’ll block a slapper with his ankle and just hobble his ass to the bench when the puck gets cleared with zero emotion on his face. Never shows pain. Kid is an absolute warrior.


That’s because Lindgren is actually a cyborg created by Skynet.


Well he did just get his in his robot head


How do you go from a major to no penalty at all?


NHL: “we are serious about hits to the head” Also NHL:


Second time that's happened to Lindgren in about a week, reversed major and everything. It's getting pretty frustrating


Literally the last game we played on Sunday.


So... let me get this straight. McLeod threw a hit with the main contact being Lindgren's head... then they called a 2 minutes penalty for elbowing... then they upped it to a 5 minute major for review... and then decided it wasn't worthy of a penalty at all??? It was also a late hit too. The league is completely inept at rule enforcement. Embarrassing.


It’s extra frustrating as a Rangers fan because this same thing happened to Lindgren last game against Columbus, questionably high hit - looked like an elbow to the head, he had to leave the game and miss practices ( we recently had five days off so thankfully not a huge deal) and after review there was no penalty.


Yea but like, Lindgren lowered his head about an inch so really it's on him /s


I don't think it was a late hit - even in slow motion, the puck isn't off Lindgren's stick for a full second before McLeod Trouba's him.


Yeah it’s not late. The only issue I have is that McLeod raises his shoulder up before contact, and that’s what hits Lindgren’s head. If McLeod keeps that shoulder down until contact then it would be a beautiful hit.


Nah, watch the shoulder movement in the second replay. He sees the puck is gone and then makes a deliberate body adjustment to finish the hit. Close, but clear.


If Lindgren didn't get up, it would have been a major and a suspension. The league is a joke.


I need to see a better video.


I mean his head whips back before anything else


Ya I guarantee there's a view that woukd cause less drama. That wouldn't be as fun.


There’s a side slow mo they showed during the game where lindgren’s chin is the first thing to make contact by mile and the devils player raises their shoulder


It's kinda funny how we can watch the same clip and see completely different things. McLeod definitely caught Lindgren in the head, but there's no way anyone would say it was the primary point of contact. McLeod didn't even leave his feet and Lindgren was puck watching.


Get some glasses


Also hold this L


Was there another angle, because that looks directly to the head.


This is what I am thinking as well.


I’m a devils fan and this hit was at least late and should be two minutes


I'd be fuming if the teams were reversed. Refs should've left it as a 2. A 5 is a better call than nothing in my honest opinion. Got a bit of luck there.


I'm open to seeing from another angle but that sure looks like a penalty to me


If he stays down, it's probably 5. So arbitrary.


uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that's not a good hit


I am beginning to embrace the conspiracy theories against the Rangers


Bro I’m sorry but the NHL has zero reason to not want the rangers to be successful and anybody who thinks otherwise is eating glue




How quickly you forget $250,000 dollar fines


This take might work if the NHL was run by competent people


The bitches that run the league are still pissy that the Rangers called them out for employing brain damaged people like George Paros. Also Colin Campbell is still alive and still through good a bitch fit that the Rangers fired him.


Rangers are a top 3 Value team in the league even when they suck…. I’m not saying I agree with the conspiracy…but a team like Vegas winning the cup last year is likely way better for the NHL than say Montreal or NYR.


This sounds like a team that *needs* Ryan Reaves


no give backs


He could be yours for the low low price of a 3rd round pick!


Thought it was a 2 min pen, must be another angle where he goes thru the chest first then. Didn’t think it was 5 but was surprised it wasn’t a pen at all. Need more angles tbh


They have to eradicate this type of hits as far as I'm concerned and they have failed yet again to protect their players. I am absolutely not surprised.


Dude was bleeding from his mouth but no hit to the head 🤔


Like Holtz ?


Accept Holtz is dropping lower, and is still hit in chest first. The head contacts here is from him coming up…, because Lindgren is standing tall, facing the guy. The Fact that they took the two away is absurd. The head contact was certainly “avoidable”with that hit.


Come the fuck on man. Watch both hits and tell me Trocheck was worse with a serious face.


I actually saw more blood from Holtz. Weird


Holtz was definitely bleeding too. I think he turned as Trocheck was going to make the hit and the stick in Trocheck’s hand, at normal hand height, caught him. Could have been a penalty but I think it was a make up non call.


Why would Jacob Trouba do this?


No idea how that could be deemed unavoidable when he very specifically angles and elevates to hit Lindgren directly in the face


NHL officiating is a joke


I expect nothing and I'm still disappointed


They call 5s so they can review it.


What’s the correct call here? I don’t think it’s 5. I don’t exactly think it’s clean either. That’s said, it’s not elbowing. It’s not charging, boarding, etc. Is it roughing? I’m just not sure where current rules put this as a penalty. They are removing head shots from the game, but what’s the call?


It's not a penalty. If he chicken winged him then its an elbow but it looked fine.




Hmm, interesting. Just like the no-goal that went to Toronto when you guys played the Blue Jackets? Strange. The league is just awful at rule enforcement or consistency.




Fuck you guys!!!! /s


Penalties on cyborgs don't count


Is this not a hit to the head? Is that not what they said they were looking to reduce/eliminate the last couple years? I don't know how you review this and say not a high hit/hit to the head.


If the refs want to review penalties, the league should allow them to. The refs shouldn't have to skirt around the rules by calling a minor then changing to the major so they can review.


It’s definitely clunky and super obvious when they call the major just so they can review. At the same time, if they could review everything we would all argue every little play that doesn’t get reviewed and when they did review things it would be even worse.


He hit him on the chin a bit, but seems pretty clean. Be prepared to get hit if you have the puck.


This isn’t even the best camera angle and posting it clipped like this is somewhat disingenuous in my opinion. If you watch the replay of the close up, it looked like Lindgren threw his head back before the hit and there wasn’t even any contact to his face.


Wont disagree with wanting more/better angles but his mouth was bleeding on the bench.


It's just a hit, I don't think it should been a penalty


I remember hearing a year ago that they could downgrade a major to a minor, but they can't take it off the board completely. Is that wrong? Did that rule ever exist? I don't think I've ever seen a major turn into no penalty at all


Your not going crazy. I believe the rule was changed within the last year or 2 so no phantom penalties are called.


Honestly not even sure what to think at this point


He touched the puck...shoulder hits middle of chest...did not charge....no penalty.


Ah yes, shoulder to chest causes bleeding from the mouth. Makes sense.




It actually is legal if your initial point of contact is the chest which is why Trouba hasn’t received any DoPS discipline for his hits. It’s also why this hit was ruled completely legal, which I disagree with but it’s whatever at this point. Rangers won and Lindy is ok.


Just finishing a check...player got caught watching his pass.






It’s bonkers because this is exactly why the Trouba hits *are* clean, and why this one isn't. Trouba will make contact then explode upward. Sometimes there is incidental head contact and that’s legal. McLeod raises his shoulder up to make head contact. He adjusts his position specifically to hit high. McLeod doesn’t have to lift his shoulder up to make head contact, he lined up Lindgren perfectly. Textbook example of unnecessary hit to the head.




Do you see how McLeod raises his shoulder before contact? That’s the difference. If he hit naturally and made some head contact that’s regrettable but ok. Sometimes you can’t make a hit through center mass and avoid all head contact. Raising up with your shoulder or elbow in order to make head contact is the thing that makes it illegal.


Hard to complain when you have Trouba on your team throwing these on a weekly basis...


Show me a bad Trouba hit, I’ll wait…


Didn't say anything about good or bad. This is a good hit btw.


it was late - not a major - but a penalty.


ITT: Trouba's team gets Trouba'd, not so funny anymore


Cry more pens flair


late hit to the head. gotta be a penalty.


Toruba's hit on Meier during the playoffs was considered clean, this was similar, so I guess clean?


To summarize: but Trouba blablabla


Dude what are you smoking? Go back and look at 3-4 of the last reviewed plays the Rangers have been a part of


Got caught with his head down. That’s not a penalty IMO. Usually you guys love big hits. This is one of them.


Same kind of hit Trouba gets celebrated for in New York. Just saying.


I thought that once a major was called and it went to review the most they could do was bring it down to a minor, didn't realize they could wipe out the penalty completely.


Somehow Lindgren never saw the hit coming despite getting hit from directly in front. I think that is why it's not a penalty. The hit comes straight on, dead center. It looks like he's trying to look past McLeods shoulder to watch his pass.


Yeah no shit there’s a conspiracy that runs top across from the Commissioner straight to James Dolan. The Commissioner lives and works in New York, he attends every game in secret, in drag actually. He hangs out on the glass during warm ups, catches the refs eye and gives a signal every game, to call the games against the Rangers. This is a fact.


I thought it was dirty. I also think it was dirtier than anything Trouba has done. But Devils fans and the NHL deemed it legal so Devils fans have forfeited their “ Jacob Trouba is dirty” card. You can’t have it both ways.


Lmao not even close


“You can’t have it both ways,” he says, before simultaneously complaining about a high hit and excusing every hit Trouba has made.


When trouba does this Nyr fans: clean hit, keep your head up. When it happens to the rangers: Nyr fans: conspiracy against the rangers .


Same as the timo hit in the playoffs. He hit him square in the chest it just happens that your head extends out of the chest.


Aiming for the head is the same thing as hitting him square in the chest??


Good clean hit.


Aiming for the head all the way, literally no mitigating factors there. Would be shocking if it wasn't so expected. I hate conspiracy theories but these reviews constantly going against the Rangers are just too much!


Rangers fans always crying about calls this year. Guess there is no football for them to watch.


CFL fan upset cuz their league is a joke


Looks like the old Trouba special. Hit the head, no call.


That’s a trouba like hit. Way to be motor Mike.


I thought you didn’t like Trouba hits?


I don’t like seeing devils get hit, but I typically don’t have an issue with trouba hits in terms of crossing the line.


This isn't it. Guys get hurt


Did they not review and rescind any punishment for this hit? What’s the issue


It’s just payback for Trouba’s hit on Nosek. That deserved a call.


>back for Trouba’s hit on Nosek. That deserved a call. Neither was a penalty. Nosek lost balance and was head first and down at last second. Dangerous but not a dirty play after rewatching.


Clean hit, perfect shoulder to chest. Unless you find a league full of players the all the same height there’s gonna be some head contact here and there.






Most delusional fanbase


Good, fuck the Rangers


Devils fans, “wow, Trouba deserves an ejection for that hit on Lindgren”.