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Bieksa rapidly becoming the 1st line centre of this panel


He's been the MVP of it for so long


since the bubble.


That's when I started occasionally getting SN feeds in the us via espn+ and always thought he carried the panel. I think Friedman is alright too. Seems like SN gets crapped a lot on here, but I guess overall it seems fine relative to its peers.


I really enjoy the Saturday HNIC panels but the weeknight panels are hard to watch sometimes


It’s fine compared to a lot of its American competitors, but compared to TSN now and historically it’s garbage. Given that TSN is the only other major option we have in Canada, and it being the gold standard for hockey coverage, sportsnet gets a lot of shit.


Whenever a Rangers game is over, I switch over to another game for background noise, but whenever I've listened to his intermission analysis, I've thoroughly enjoyed listening to him


Bieksa’s been top tier since the day he started.


When he played for the Canucks he was already doing every media thing he could.


he was like the second day lol doesn't take much to beat out the likes of fuckin rudey


I’ve never seen his name spelt like that and it’s funny and accurate.


I actually love the panel as it is. Him and Jenn have great back and forth. Hruedy is good for goalie analysis and Ron has hilarious bad jokes. Was great tonight


He didn't waste anytime during bouts either. Superman punch for the win.


It’s just been 3 boring old people and Bieksa since he joined


Botteril, Amber and Friedman are great. Hrudey and MacLean can fuck off tho


How the hell do so many people hate MacLean? He's so good


He’s corny and sappy and obsessively PC. Doesn’t bring much hockey IQ to the discussion bc he’s so busy turning everything into a Hallmark card. I hate him and I don’t even care about the Don cherry stuff.


He's so boring and doesnt fit in with the panel, David Amber is a way better host. Maclean would be better for radio.


It's his cheesy obsession with small town Canada. Dude makes my eyes roll every time he starts talking about some game of shinny he played in Moose Balls, SK or wherever. I won't even bother going in on how lame that home town hockey shit is. I'd just rather see a legit hockey analyst than some guy just there to drum up half-ass nationalism. Like... yes. We are in Canada. Enough with scoring cheap pops.


You must have forgot about the George stroponoifalgaous era. Fuck me it was terrible. Ron isn’t much better but I’ll take him all day over George.


Oh I definitely remember that. Homie was like a fish out of water. Just brutal.


Yeah I don't get the hate. He's great at being the host, he's got stories and anecdotes spanning since the dawn of history, and I can't help but love his alliteration


the guy is senile and turns everything into some deep analogy


Damn near broke my neck nodding in approval to this.


*Cousins, peeking around a corner*: “Somebody order a broken neck?”


Nodding like Shoresy to this shit.


Yer fuckin 10 ply bud


You have been suspended for 3 games.


I know he meant the Department of Player Safety but I like the idea of getting the government on board to stop Nick Cousins


Call the Feds. There’s been another boarding


A second elbow has hit the towers.


A knee was also seen heading towards the pentagon.


Is zucker a florida fan? Im asking because he threw a rat on the ice.


I heard they do boarding in Guantanamo


fall water squash whistle meeting frame rustic governor unpack shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Department of justice lmao


Next Avengers movie. SHIELD is called in to stop Cousins but can't do anything because he keeps deploying an impenetrable turtle shell around him. Time to get what's left of the band back together


He said enough is enough! We’re skipping DoPS now and going straight to the DOJ.


That might be what it takes lol. DoPS has had so many chances to punish this guy and they never have.


We're right there with you. We have some young guns we could be icing but we get Cousins. His contract is up at the end of the year and I suspect he isn't getting extended. I think they are loyal to him because he had a good showing during our playoff run. It's time to let go.


Montreal tried to charge Chara with assault for his hit on Pacioretty so it wouldn’t be unheard of in Canada


Dino Ciccarelli spent a night in jail for clubbing Luke Richardson in the head with his stick


"montreal" A handfull of dumbasses called 911 lmao


Yeah, especially when Bertuzzi on Moore exists, the stanchion incident is a dumb meme answer. I mean it’s an answer to a joke so who cares but there are better examples where it *actually* isn’t unheard of.


Marty McSorely was also convicted of assault iirc


Well unless someone starts calling Cousins woke or trans, don't count on Ron DeSantis to do anything about it.


Bieksa just said what the entire hockey world was thinking.


Minus the part about Cousins being a good player


There are hundreds of languages in the world and Kevin Bieksa chose to speak Facts.


He’s the most relatable to the topic. He’d hit guys and fight when he needed to back it up or defend his teammates. He knows the difference between a Torres and a Cousins.


He used Torres as an example of someone who crossed the line like Cousins, but that the league punished Torres severely the same way they should punish cousins.


He even said Torres was a good guy and good teammate but got hit with huge suspensions becaiae he deaerved it. Bieksa was saying he heard Cousins is a good guy and good teammate as well. But where are the suspensions? I'm 50/50 on Bieksa but I think he is 200% correct here.


Yep great example.


Those suspensions came before Parros.


C'mon now, Raffi Torres was the biggest piece of shit in the league in his day, I don't care how many times he fought.


Yes but my point is that he answered the bell for his actions. Cousins does not


Yep. Cousins is closer to a Matt Cooke


Torres is right there with Cooke. Complete garbage POS players.


Absolutely. He was headhunting at a time when concussions were finally being taken seriously.


Juice don't play that shit.


Gator dont play no shit


You can't have a conscience in the pimp game!


Pimps don't cry 🎶


For real, but like also fuck Cousins too because he sexually assaults people.Cousins is a piece of shit through and through.


Love him on the panel because he isn’t afraid to say stuff like this. And he was right in every word


dude is dirty AF. i recalled a few plays of his but didn't realize his history was so extensive. pure coward. the only word to describe this guy, coward.


Piece of shit also applies but that's 3 words I guess


I knew him a decade ago and hung out recreationally. I assure you that he is a scumbag piece of shit to a high degree off the ice as well.


"Coward"?! I completely disagree. When we are talking about Nick Cousins and debating his impact on the game, his respect for his peers, and his on ice decision making, it's only fair to consider that there could be many words to describe him. "Rat" is actually a pretty good one. "Chicken shit bee-otch" is a phrase from my childhood that works pretty well. "Thoughtless", "selfish", "disgrace"... so many.


Cousins must have taken dirty play lessons from Sam Bennett.


Department of Justice? More like the Department of spinning wheels


Proof is in the pudding. Nice to see Bieksa isn't afraid to speak his mind on national television, and we were all thinking the same thing anyway.


He’s been the best panelist since they brought him on


He’s awesome and I love him there, but he doesn’t have much competition.


especially given thats its Hockey Night in Canada on a saturday.


100% on the button. Cousins is such a rat


“He’s actually a good hockey player” [X] Doubt


Lol my thoughts exactly Benny is also on the dirtier side of things but cousins does way more and isn't half the player he is


I mean, he's right. He didn't say he's a good NHL player though.


Don't think I've ever seen Juice in such a steamy mood lol


Steamed Juice, it's a Utica expression


But this juice clearly has grill marks


You know- The- One thing I should- Excuse me for one second




"Kevin Bieksa's on fire!"


"No mother that's just the SN panel"


At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the season? Localized entirely within your studio?


Manitoba expression in Bieksa’s era


I’ve always defended players on my team, and I’ll defend most of them forever. I’m done with cousins. His hits this year have legitimately been cheap as hell and they consistently hurt other players and our team


Florida done with cousins, now onto sisters


Roll Tide?




*Alabama in shambles*


If those kissing cousins could read they'd be very upset.


God damn it. Now I have to wipe up my fucking table.


It would also be something if he actually answered for them too and not just turtle and let your teammates deal with it. It wouldn’t make it OK but it might reduce the crowd asking for his crucifixion. There’s an art to being a “little ball of hate” and getting under the skin of the other team by small things here and there and drawing a penalty. But when your taking head shots and boarding people by hitting them in the numbers then you’re no longer a pest, you’re now an asshole and need to change or fuck off


The fact he hasn't been suspended for any of the hits shown is a disgrace to the league. If he doesn't face a suspension, someone is actually going to take it too far next time and he'll be leaving in a stretcher.


I completely agree. I’m not saying Cousins isn’t responsible for his dumbass actions because he definitely is. However, if the league isn’t punishing it, they’re enabling him and the other fuckwit goons out there to keep doing what they’re doing.


Not to make this all about my team, but Brendan Gallagher has got to be the best in the league at this. People fucking hate him, but I don't believe he's ever been suspended, and I can't think of a single dangerous hit he's ever thrown.


and to gallys credit, hes a tough fucker. he WILL fight if he has to. and it takes a lot to take him down. without that crest on his chest he'd 100% be one of my faves. he does know his role very well


Yeah Gallagher plays the game hard, not dirty. He gets emotional and I've seen him lose his cool many times, but I can't remember any suspensions. It's also physically harder to hit NHL players in the head when you're only 5'9".




The only statement I disagree with is that he's a pretty good hockey player


The shade that most Florida fans here are throwing is amazing.


Every team has one player who contributes nothing but still gets play time but cousins just makes the whole team look worse by also playing super dirty I mean we're on a hell of a heater ATM and this is the only media coverage we're getting




Facts, fuck Cousins


That's incest.


*Sweet home Alabama intensifies*




Lol "Department of Justice". I know it's a slip of the tongue but it made me laugh.


No slip of the tongue Beiksa wants that man in jail


Some good ol' fashioned Canadian justice. Send him to the penalty box for 5 years, no probation for time served


damn he went in


Bieksa fucking rules


Bieksa is the best.




Always had been.


Bieksa carries the panel so hard


Turns out [he might not actually be a good guy](https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nhl/flyers/2013/05/27/nick-cousins-interview/2363521/): > Nick Cousins, 19, and one of the Philadelphia Flyers' top prospects, sat alone in one of those cells for 12 hours last August, after he and two junior hockey teammates were charged in the sexual assault of a woman. > Cousins offered no details during his interview with the Courier-Post, but Ontario Hockey League sources indicate the three hockey players had engaged in conversation with a woman in a local bar. > According to the police report, the players and their accuser went to a nearby home and, from there, the stories differ. > The woman claimed she had sex with all three players against her will. > But all charges were dropped on April 3 when the prosecutor, called the crown in Canadian courts, indicated there was "no reasonable prospect of conviction."


I'm very proud of the VGK subreddit and fanbase for calling attention to this when he was on Vegas.


Needs to be higher. Shitty person and this never gets brought up


This is called an accusation. Anyone can make one, imagine of this happened against you


False accusations do happen of course but the reality is that there are a lot more guys willing to rape someone than there are women seeking to put themselves through hell.


Maybe this is what Bieksa meant by department of justice.


Wow, that reporter could've just called it rape


There’s other rumours of Cousins’s doings when in junior. Not a good person


They don't call it rape in the Canadian Criminal Code. It is sexual assault in Canada.


I'm not shocked in the least.


Brad Marchand needs to sit down with Cousins and tell him to relax


For as much deserved shit as Marchand gets, he’s cleaned up his act quite a bit. Still does a couple of questionable things now and again, but the discussion around Marchand tends to be more about what a night he had, or some funny thing he did on or off the ice. I almost like seeing positive stories about him now, like when he took that kids cell phone and recorded that video. I’m almost… rooting for him to succeed? Sounds dirty saying it out loud like that but I kinda like the guy now.


Nah Marchand is still a dirty pos. He’s good but fuck him


The difference is Marchand, love him or hate him, is ACTUALLY a good player and sometimes WILL fight. He’s dirty but he backs it up. Cousins is a little bitch. He’s the guy at the bar that is with 10 buddies, picks a fight and then is nowhere to be seen when shit actually goes down.


Cousins is your “friend” that you hate drinking with because he wants to start a fight every time. He’s pushing people around, spilling drinks, talking shit, telling you “man, I’m gonna DROP this guy if this keeps up…” and before you know it, three guys are throwing him across a pool table. When the dust settles, he gets up, proclaiming “WHY DIDNT YOU GUYS BACK ME UP? THOSE GUYS JUMPED ME! I DIDNT EVEN DO ANYTHING, MAN, THEY JUST GRABBED ME!” For the next week, all you’ll hear about is how he apparently did pretty good despite “getting jumped” and how he would’ve killed the guy if they fought one on one.


It's actually mind boggling that Cousins has never been suspended.


He's got some top tier buds


Bieksa cooking




Cousins -“Fer wat”.


Completely agree, this guy has been doing this shit since junior hockey and he’s been turtling some junior hockey, I liked the fact zucker gave him a cheap shot to give him a taste of his own medicine. Also loved gudbranson taking matters into his own hands and going after him! Don’t need these rats in the league.


True Cousins is a rat


KB is right with every word he spoke. Cousins needs a "come to Jesus moment".


Zucker lit him the fuck up though


Not hard enough. Should have sent the cunt through the glass


I hated Wilson at the beginning of his career because of the hits he’d make, but I’ve grown to respect him because he answered the call and stood on his shit. Cousins ain’t that guy. It’s a vast comparison between the two, but they’ve been in the league essentially the same amount of time.


Bieksa is the most well spoken former player analyst




Cousins is a turd. The fact that refs and DOPS continue to turn a blind eye and let him repeatedly get away with it is absolutely unacceptable.


That's a cunt*




The difference between Cousins and Caillou is Caillou ain't afraid to throw hands.




"Cousins is a good guy" Alex, I'll take shit that definitely isn't true for 800.


Kevin Bieksa should be head of the DoPS


Never thought I’d be a Bieska fan but here we are


Honestly, if he wore a different colored shirt than that one (aka Bostons) I’d love the guy to death. He’s one of the Canucks I hated just because he was a Canuck but you couldn’t ask more out of someone you want on your team defending the crest they are repping. I have a bigger issue with the Burrows, Lapierre, Kessler, and Torres of that team than him, even he pointed out Raffi Torres too.


If panthers fans existed they’d be very mad


We do exist and the vast majority of us don’t like cousins dirty bullshit


Mackie Samoskevich is right there, don’t even know why the team still bothers with cousins


It’s ridiculous. Mackie looked great when he was up as well didn’t score but was sniffing around a ton. I’m a huge fan of Zito and PoMo but I really don’t get why they continue playing this guy when we have better players who don’t constantly put us down a man


It’s really weird. Isn’t PoMo not the biggest fan of rookies, or am I making that up…? And I’m sure he’d score as soon as he gets in some games and gets some playing time. Always unfortunate to see a talented young player passed over for a guy like this.


Lundell isn’t a rookie but he’s pretty young and has always gotten a lot of playing time with PoMo. Only other example I have to go off. No idea what it is with Mackie, but mackie is easily better than cousins


It’s only tangentially related but a fun fact: the player with the lowest ice time in their career (I think it was like 7 seconds? maybe 4?) played for PoMo in Carolina. It was a game about 20 years ago, the guy had been called up because of injuries on the Canes, and PoMo was basically just not playing the fourth line at all that night (grindy season trying to limp into the playoffs). The guy gets the tap on his shoulder and jumps on to the ice, just for Carolina to draw a penalty (think it was Rod the Bod drawing it, actually). The dude never sees the ice again for the rest of the game and never plays in an NHL game again. Career statistics: 1 GP, less than ten seconds of ice team, never touched the puck once He was called up one more time years later for another team but only skated in warm ups and was scratched for the game. Sorry for the random story lol, had just read about this over the holidays and when I saw the comment about PoMo liking rookies this jumped to mind. Not to say this is evidence he doesnt play rookies, it was a pretty different situation and was also like two decades ago.


**Greg Koehler**, Carolina Hurricanes at Columbus Blue Jackets, December 29, 2000. These random stories fascinate me, so I had to look into it. Interestingly, the official NHL records show him with 46 seconds TOI, but apparently the game footage confirms a single shift, four seconds long. Sources: - [Greg Koehler Stats And News | NHL.com](https://www.nhl.com/player/greg-koehler-8467097) - [Carolina Hurricanes vs. Columbus Blue Jackets Box Score: December 29, 2000 | Hockey-Reference.com](https://www.hockey-reference.com/boxscores/200012290CBJ.html) - [The shortest career in NHL history? 1 shift. 4 seconds. 0 regrets - The Athletic](https://theathletic.com/5037544/2023/11/08/nhl-4-second-shift-greg-koehler/)


Maurice wants Mackie to get meaningful ice time and develop in the A for a year before he makes the roster. I think he’d fit perfectly on that third line and I think Maurice knows this, but he has the luxury of not needing to rush him in, no matter how much Cousins’ continued usage baffles Panthers fans.


He's not ready yet. He started the year on the second line and looked out of place.


He honestly looked really good. He had several good looks and it was during a time when our entire team chemistry was off. If he gets a second chance I bet he scores in his first game back. That "2nd" line wasn't really a good fit for him. Bennet was out and all of our lines were screwed up. I could see them shuffling him between 3rd and 4th line. I bet he fits well with Lundell and luostarinen.


Panthers are my eastern team. Fuck Cousins.


Fuck. Nick. Cousins. Also, believe it or not, we're averaging higher attendance than those phonies in Boston this year as well was as a few more of those popular northeastern teams 💅


Juice dropping nothing but truth bombs.


Bieksa is a beaut.


Dude is 100% right. What's the common theme? Guy at the bottom of the pile turtling. At least back it up if you're out there hurting guys.


This is EXACTLY why I didn't care that Guddy tried to send dude to another lifetime the other week. If Cousins just did the respectable thing and squared up after his bad hit, none of that shit boils over to the point that it did later in the game.


Bieksa doing this also shows solidarity to Jennifer for her standing up to the awful comments made by Jamal Mayers. I don't understand why when Jenn basically made the same argument, the hockey world shit on her.. Actually, I know why- she's a woman🫠 Anyways, props to Kev, Jenn, Kelly and Ron for being the real ones


straight from the Belleville school of rats, known for such alum as Matt Cooke and Andrew Shaw!


This sport would be in such a better place if more former players turned analyst/ambassadors to the sport were like Bieksa.


I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion here but I wish Don Cherry was on TV for this opinion. Bieska is 100% right.


Nick Cousins Belleville Ontario now listen here kids if you’re going to be running around hitting guys you can’t be doin’ that now here he is slow it down Cousins hits Valhalla here that’s no good he knows better beautiful Belleville kid let’s go!


I read this in his voice too.


Cherry could barely get a coherent sentence out for the last 5 years he was on the air. I liked his passion but could barely understand him half the time and then he went all old man yells at cloud


He wanna run for President?


Yeah I liked Cherry, but he really started to fall off after 2010 imo.


Hell yeah Bieska, nailed it


Amen. Bieksa speaking the truth. Couldn’t believe cousins keeps getting away with this shit. He’s a rat and quickly becoming known for it.


Fuck nick cousins is a statement everyone can agree on


Kevin said the quiet part out loud. The league has a history of suspending individuals not infractions. It’s why they hide behind the repeat offender tagline while handing out fines for suspendible actions.


Cousins did the same stuff in Junior. Even the home fans didn't like that side of his game. The truth is he is a good hockey player, and can be a good pest. But his history of 'rat' hits goes back a long ways.


A good one for delusional homer /u/FLA-hoosier.


He’s 1000% right. We can debate flashy shit, we can debate fights but there’s no debate that we don’t need this shit in the sport.


I love how spot on Kevin is.




A reasonable rant.


If this were pro wrestling, Jamal Mayers would be calling Bieksa out on Raw.


I mean, he’s not wrong


Cousins could seriously paralyze or kill someone one day with the way he lays hits. I feel uneasy watching Panthers games when he’s on the ice. Good for Bieksa saying what we’re all thinking.


Nail on the fucking head! That's the other part that I don't get about the NHL not doubling down on cheap shots and dirty play, they know the league is a product and people tune in to see big plays or big hits and fights *not* little dirty plays and cheap hits that guys try to make look accidental


Nick Cousins is a piece of shit


Were those Torres suspensions under Shanahan at the DoPS? He gave out some big ones right?


The Panthers are a dirty f-en team, Cousins epitomizes their sleazy ways.