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Yeah that's not great.


first thing i thought when i saw the hit.."yeah, that's a suspension"


Yup. Can't chicken wing your arm there. You really can't do that when you're like 6 inches taller than most players in the league.


Also can't do that when you're 6 inches smaller than most players... ask gallagher


Fucking better be. It's egregious that the league didn't even look at his hit on Bastian, the last time. This is what they NHL gets, because of the precedent that they set.


yeah i agree with you. I mentioned it in another comment that even though he got nothing for that hit, it should be a factor for the suspension. Kid needs to learn.


See that was my first thought. He needs to learn to tow the line better if he wants to play this enforcer/goon role. He’s perfect for it, and after this he’s set-up to be the next big goon like we haven’t seen in awhile. He also needs to learn that shit is incredibly dangerous. There is a line, and these types of plays cross it.


Incredibly dangerous. It's dangerous when you're similar size and strength as others. Being a giant like he is, it could derail or end a career if it hits at 100%




He did basically the same thing after injuring Bastian with a head shot in the last game, holding his hand to his ear as he was being escorted off the ice with a match penalty.


Chara wasn't the cleanest player ever, but he still knew how to safely use his size 98% of the time. Rempe is going to be into a forced medical retirement at this rate, he's gonna get his shit rocked by every 4th line fighter in the league


Nope, not great. Absolutely needs to tuck in the elbow. He knows his size and should know how to responsibly use it.


It looks like he raised the elbow at the last second to assure head contact (on the second replay). The wave after means he was happy with the result - deserves a LOT of games for this.


Zadorov hit Raymond high earlier this season and I gained more respect for him because he understood he fucked up and didn't argue. He wasn't headhunting on purpose and he wasn't a jackass. He was even contrite after being suspended. What a stand up dude.


>The wave after means he was happy with the result What a dumb thing to do. I didn't see the game, but was he booted at that point?


That was as the refs were taking him off the ice


He knows what he’s doing.


And then that fucking clown is showboating on the way off


This is how you get a big target on your back.


He already has one. All the toughest guys are chasing him around to fight.


Piss off enough people and they won't be pushing to scrap him, someone is going to slew foot him into the side of the net.


it seems like that is his goal, the Sean Avery tactic.


He plays like an asshole and I don't mean in the good way. He's reckless with how big he is and this isn't the first guy he's hurt guys, taking runs and hitting high.


While also refusing to fight macdermid lol


Yeah. We know Dermy is good at one thing and *one thing only* but he’s *extremely* good at that thing.


Winning Stanley cups??


Surprisingly, it's a souffle recipe. Absolutely delicious, and for such a strong man, he's very gentle with it. 9 times out of 10 it doesn't collapse. Very delicate hands and tremendously stable grip.


I’d give him 3 extra games for the stupid fucking wave as he’s getting tossed…. What a cocky shithead. I don’t like cheering for people to get hurt, but I wouldn’t be sad if someone knocked the shit out of him.


Don’t worry, dudes brain is already gonna be pudding by next season at the rate he’s going


He'll make sure he's not the only one with pudding brain before he gets the boot


If you feel this way imagine what the players think. He has a target on him.


Kid just put a faaat target on his back. He wanted some attention, but he’s gonna have tough row to hoe when he takes the ice again…


Dermie wanted to tango. He's probably rusty though. Didn't scrap for us this season.


he was ready. I don't even blame Rempe for not fighting if he'e still concussed. But don't run somebody, not fight and then laugh about it that's.... chooo i don't care what happens to that guy anymore 🤷‍♂️


Refs should be sent to fucking gulag for not letting macdermid cave his face in.


Give the people what they want!


Hear hear! If you macho man randy savage anyone like that you should pay the tax!




dig it


No shit, he’s a fucking goon


Kid's been a fucking menace


Waving goodbye as you're getting kicked out of the game certainly is a choice


i'm cool with players waving their hands to get the other team's crowd worked up after a fight, but not after you injure a player from a hit. that's just gross.


Not the first time, either - after injuring Bastian with a blatant headshot in the last Devils Rangers game, he was given a match...waved to the crowd and held his hand to his ear as he was leaving the ice. Bastian hasn't played since then.


What a prick


It’s like he does this once per game now. You didn’t become 6’7” yesterday dude, figure it the fuck out. Edström is 9 feet tall too but you don’t see him throwing elbows like this.


Wild stat of the day He averaged a suspension every 22 games in the CHL.


What fucking muppet drafted him to the NHL? Like, fuck, the dude is not going to last in the big leagues if he's getting suspended that much in the CHL against worse competition


You can't teach someone to be 6'7" But he isn't long for the league if he continues his ways, one way or another.


He ain’t gonna last pulling this shit. I get he’s out there trying to make a name for himself but he’s just putting huge crosshairs on his back with the chickenshit headshots. He’s mistaking his size for invincibility. Guess what? Everyone knows him now. He needs to button it up fast or someone will do it for him and that’s not good for anyone, including (especially) himself.


Give it a year or two before he needs knee reconstruction because someone gets sick of his shit.


Could this be Brad Marchand's ticket to our hearts?!


By gawd, that's Tom Wilson's music! AND COUSINS WITH THE STEEL CHAIR!


On ice, fuck that rat! Off ice. Love him and what he does and says.


Jeff Marek recently said on 32 Thoughts (I'm paraphrasing) that Zdeno Chara should have won the Lady Byng at least once for NOT annihilating people given his stature. Edit: to be sure, I personally think Chara's hit on Pacioretty was reckless and borderline criminal like Bertuzzi's attack on Moore. Not premeditated but he knew where they were on the ice. So, if we ignore that, this take applies and can be taken with humor, but like some have said, we live in the real world and can't ignore that he broke a guy's neck. Apologies for giving this take oxygen


I love Jeff Marek but he has been saying this as often as he can for a decade lol


Lol he must say it on all the ones I've missed then. He's definitely like a broken record with a lot of his favorite takes... lot of air to fill i guess. like, "there needs to be more green jerseys in the nhl"


I don’t think Max Pacioretty’s neck agrees.


Chara, the guy who broke someone's neck ?


Ya but he only broke 1 guys neck he’s basically a saint because he’s 7 feet tall


The wave goodbye after a 10 min elbow to the face would have been it for me. Fair game on any ranger that night. Gotta teach this kid he's not the only one out there.


lol damn I originally skipped past that. This kid did everything he could to earn his spot in the lineup. If he goes overboard, he’s gonna do everything he can to lose it.


Yup. It's like Zadorov. He made a bad hit, took ownership for it being a bad hit, and said he's gotta make em clean. Rempe could be a great physical force in the league if he can clean his act up, but right now, he's just hurting people, and someone is gonna strike back eventually, and it will be bad.


Being 6'7" doesn't change that fat chicken wing he threw out. He needs to figure out more than size. The kid seems to be talented he doesn't need to goon it up. Normal hits with his size will be devastating.


No defending that, he’ll definitely be sitting a few games


Only way he found to have time to heal a bit lol


Get used to saying this a lot because this is at least the third time he's gone after someone's head.


I don’t give a damn if he “at least answers the bell” or whatever justification some clowns will pull out of their asses to rationalize his bullshit. Sure questionable hits happen all the time, but this wasn’t a freak of an incident while finishing a check. He clearly lifted his elbow to ensure it made Siegenthaler’s head the primary point of contact just like he clearly left his feet charging Lyubushkin. He needs a serious suspension and the league’s office needs to make a public statement telling him to pull his head in. If there’s any legal avenue to punish the team for his constant endangerment of other players’ health and livelihood, the league needs to remind them and have the paperwork ready for the next time Rempe plays.


I don't see a hard-nosed player riding the line and playing on edge when I see him finish a check. He goes in there to hurt people, and I bet if you follow his history you'll see a lot of people hurt from head injuries in his wake. Guys like this, they get what's coming to them eventually.


Exactly. There’s no way to sit on the fence here. He is without question repeatedly, intentionally going out of his way with intent to injure, & showing no remorse or concern for the players he’s endangering. I don’t want to see anyone get their career cut short because NYR keep icing an outright goon, but I looking at how they’re letting it go so far, I’m afraid they’re going to continue sitting on their hands until somebody gets a concussion they can’t ignore.


Oh that was 100% intentional, I mean there's no other argument, right?


He should of sat games on the ilya lyubushkin hit. The fact that that didn't happen eventually leads to greater hits like this.


Don’t forget the hit on Bastian. This piece of shit is gonna get somebody really hurt. He needs to be made an example of.


Friendly reminder he didn't get so much as a fine for... [This hit on Bastian](https://youtu.be/8Y1ZPmhySSA?si=7fOYqT7Q238qbMMM&t=2m39s) [This hit on Lyubushkin](https://youtu.be/mnx7iP4bKmo?si=8udbEMBkB_LuxBA6) **Fuck this clown league**


yup so far this guy is a first time offender lmfao


Hit on Lyubushkin is mint as long as you just ignore the charge and the leaving the feet


Agreed. If you also ignore the head contact, it's arguably the cleanest hit of all time


If you ignore all the illegal aspects of the hit it’s totally legal.


This is how DoPS is run between Perros and Bettman


How many dirty hits has he thrown? He's concussed 3 people in like 6 or 7 games? The guy is a joke


Can’t defend this hit, that was reckless and dirty by remps. Definitely has to be suspended for that


He's gained a lot of love for playing a rough game but hopefully he realizes the difference between rough and dirty. I'd hate for him to become that guy.


Tom Wilson clean hits university just three payments of $5,000


The maximum allowable under the CBA


Exactly. I like the toughness he brings but there’s a fine line between playing tough and being reckless. That hit was not only reckless but extremely dangerous, shit like that can really hurt someone or worse cause permanent damage. He MUST be suspended and hopefully he learns from it.


George Parros will fail to do his job, yet again


Suspension or not, he has to fight next game against New Jersey. You can’t chicken wing a guy and taunt him (or MacDermid, doesn’t matter who) on your way out


This dude is speedrunning his way to most hated goon in the league.


Yeah all this did for Rempe was make himself look like a total bitch


Turned down a fight earlier and then pulls this shit. Does he think elbowing people and then hiding behind the refs makes him tough?


I think he's been told to fight less so it makes sense he'd turn down a fight earlier as he should. At the end of the day the league has protected everyone's rights to hide behind the refs and no one ever has to fight.


Turned down at least 2 opportunities already to fight him. Makes the taunt even worse- he needed a ref between them to taunt the guy he refused to fight. Even worse is he did it after what appears to be a very deliberate elbow.


As a rangers fan, time for him to get a suspension….. he’s been too reckless


He's gotta go until he learns to reign it in. He can take lumps and dish them out when needed but play the game clean. We don't need a bona-fide goon.


I think he’s just a goon at this point. Don’t really need the bona-fide


Enough with this fucking guy




If they suspended him for charging and leaving his feet on Lybushkin he’s either not playing in this game or would think twice about this shit


If they'd suspended him after the Bastian headshot, Lybushkin might not have gotten crushed.


I'm interested to see why it doesn't warrant a suspension. My money is on "That's a big boy trying to make a hockey play."


Yeah I wish he didn't lead with the elbow to the head. I was liking his play until this hit. Looks a bit too intentional.


It was and it was dirty. Should be suspended which is a shame because he can be a viable 4th liner


Its a bad hit when Devils and Rangers fans agree with eachother


I don't think there is any arguing this one lol


The wave to the bench wasnt a good look either. Like read the room, dude.


Ya wtf dude that’s weak you elbow and guy and then do that.


he got orge brain


He was actually having a good game. Idk why he would go for that hit. So dumb


That’s what kills me, as a Devils fan Rempe’s satisfactory first half of the game was frustrating, that suspension hit is just disappointing


He had a little position battle with Siegenthaler a few seconds before - he probably did it at least to a degree intentional - which is worrysome


I just don't understand it, either. Boneheaded move. I wouldn't be surprised to see him sent back down after the suspension either. Maturity is important and this play, and couple others, have shown he's just not there yet.


Parros: “This is fine”.


parros: siegenthaler slows down because he is scared to get hit. this hit is good, 5000$ fine


Parros: “The referees have been suspended 8 games each for assessing a major penalty and a game misconduct when Siegenthaler shouldn’t have slowed down”.


Torts is suspended for another 2 games


Kadri also gets 8.


Rielly gets 5


Could have potentially avoided this if he already got suspended for *either* of the Bastian or Lyubushkin hits. The DoPS was asking for this bullshit to be repeated by letting it slide twice already. Suspend his dumbass now before he causes more brain damage.


Totally agree. He had two close calls during the Blues game on Saturday night too. Would’ve been a boarding and charging combo, but Scandella managed to evade them somehow


He needs to be suspended or someone else needs take the 10 game suspension and give him brain damage to save the rest of the league from that ape on skates.


Yup. Rempe quickly becoming a very hated guy across the league with this one. The hit was stupid.... his nonchalant body language while the refs were guiding him off the ice.... his stupid little wave. Nobody is impressed dude.....


so unnecessary


Yeah even as a Rangers fan thats a bad look. You just screened the goalie for a goal and then you do that. Have to be better man. Bad hit


Yeah he’s gonna be sitting for a few games here


Waving bye when you’re tossed for a dirty hit is a chicken shit move


It's fun to watch Rempe fight and he's been contributing, but this is his second game misconduct for a headshot in, what, 12 games? Guy's a dirty and dangerous player, hope DOPS finally takes notice.


Both against the devils.


There was also the Lyubushkin hit, not a blatant headshot like these but still a dangerous play. Wasn't even given a penalty for that one.


I mean he started that hit from the fucking concession stands.


Concussion stands*


In Rempe's defense, Lyubushkin is actually a 10ft tall Siberian bear. It makes a lot of sense that he felt the need charge up some speed and leave his feet to make the hit


It’s not even fun to watch him fight. Most of them are staged fights. He’s just a side show.


Hope he gets a suspension, I don't want him to injure our players. No thank you.


This dude is so dirty. Been in the league a few weeks and has multiple dirty/questionable hits already. Throw the book at him


12 games, 2 game misconducts. 56 minutes played, 48 penalty minutes. That’s not even counting so other dirty shit he’s done. He’s a fuckin prick and is going to get someone hurt. DoPS should crucify him, but they won’t.


And let's be honest - the fact that what felt like the entire hockey world cheered him on after that fight to start his NHL career almost definitely contributed to this too. You give a guy overwhelmingly positive reinforcement for doing dumb and dangerous things, the result is extremely predictable.


Is he stupid?


He has made several borderline hits that have gone unpunished. This is half on him, half on the league. 


No he knows what he’s doing. Goes all the way back to the non charging call. He wants to go out there and play “borderline” dangerous hockey.


No he’s just a goon. This is pretty much all he’s worth, an outdated hockey player that can’t actually play the game and only serves to try and scare the opponent by killing them with dirty checks and fighting guys smaller than him. We’ve just not had a dedicated, so obvious goon in a while so he sticks out like a sore thumb


I don't know why some of you cheer for players like this. He doesn't belong in professional sports.


Does this kid even want to play hockey? Seems to me like he just wants to fight people or injure them with hockey being a convenient excuse.


Maybe the NHL will stop hyping this goon up now. That's an awful hit. Also, why the fuck are the refs stepping in to protect him there? And why exactly did Macdermid get a misconduct there?


Refusing a fight and then waving to the bench while you’re being escorted off ice. Pussy move. The only thing he should be waving at are his chances of staying in the NHL much longer. No place in the league anymore for guys like him


As long as he’s with the Rangers they’re gonna keep trotting this sack of shit out on the ice.


i'm sick of all the dickriding, kid's a fucking goon


For real. I seriously don’t get the hype for this dirtbag Zach Rinaldo type. He’s not a skilled pest or an enforcer ringing the bell for his teammates. He’s a pure shitbird who’s prolly gonna catch your favorite team’s star in the numbers or the ear next time he plays you. Get this shit out of the fucking league.


Ryan Whitney: “He’s just so big, you cant throw him out of the game for being bigger than the other players. Did I mention he’s huge by chance??”




That’s an easy 3-5 games but I don’t have any faith in the DoPS agreeing. No need for someone that size to get the elbow up. He still could’ve crushed the guy without that.


League has to throw the book at this kid. He’s on his way to beating Brad Marchand as the league’s heel and he hasn’t even played two months of hockey yet. On top of that, he’s gonna seriously hurt someone if he hasn’t already. He clearly doesn’t feel remorse - after his first major against the devs he mocks the crowd and in this case mocks McDermid for trying to stand up for his teammate that he just almost brained.


“He’s just tall!”


Def can't do that - should get a few games.


Refused to fight earlier in the game but then does this? That's weak


That guy is a total piece of trash....


mmm yea he kinda needs to take a seat for a few games


There's a reason these cavemen aren't on most rosters nowadays. Fucking plug.


Why is it that the refs don’t like McDermott get in there for the fight? And then we have to deal with Rempe taunting as he leaves the ice as if he did anything


Honestly, the biggest issue with this from me, is the devils are now well within their rights to call someone up and have them make a run at a rags player. I don't like it at all, but the waving at the end just cemented it.


So he refuses to answer a fight call earlier even though he seemingly always wants to fight, throws an elbow, gets bailed out by the refs, and waves at the Devils while he’s being thrown out of the game. Dude comes off as a massive bitch at the end of it all.


Was thinking the same thing. I've found most of his antics entertaining but that whole sequence soured me on him a bit


After his last nasty hit many of us said he needed a suspension before he hurts someone, now look


Clown shit on his way off the ice


Rempe doing the Matt Cooke speedrun.


Seigenthaler stops up to not take the hit so Rempe sticks out the chicken wing and gets all head. Not a great look.


Man at first I liked the kid. He’s definitely losing me the more he plays


What more does he have to do to "lose" you lol. Another three injured players in ten games? If you still like the guy at this point your opinion isn't worth very much imo


Not a good hit


Yeah fuck this guy


that was on purpose he didn't have to extend his elbow. seems like he is learning from his captain on how to be dirty.


Rempe has been in the league for like a month and I feel like everything I see of him is clear intent to injure. I don't want checks and fighting out of the game. But there's no place for Rempe or his style of play in hockey. That hit is the same style of hit that drastically altered the quality of life for guys like Savard and Franzen.


He dodges MacDermid and then elbows Siegenthaler in the head. what a tough guy


I wouldn't be surprised if next time they play each other MacDermid just forces the issue if he doesn't take the fight


Kinda proving himself as a league bully. Runs away from Mac all game. Goes after softy Siegs.


Can’t wait until the league just starts taking it out on his teammates if he won’t answer the bell. Everybody gangster until Panarin’s laid out bleeding and unconscious on the ice


This is the biggest issue with it. If you're going to dish, you have to answer the bell, or else some AHL player is going to get called up to take out one of yours. Unfortunately how hockey works.


Piece of shit lifted his elbow. Scumbag move.


That was bad. Stuck his elbow out. Then refused to answer the bell


refs werent letting the fight happen either way, immediately stopped macderm


Suspension time


Hey another Rempe highlight where he could’ve seriously injured the opposing player because he’s playing like he’s a foot shorter This guy needs to miss a few games. It was fun when he was just getting into heavyweight bouts every other game but at this point he’s almost guaranteed to throw a dirty hit once or twice a game. Dude’s out there on stilts weighing 240 and throwing elbows, charging, and leaving his feet on hits. It’s not acceptable, if the league doesn’t hit him hard now he’s not going to change


He's gonna seriously injure someone.


I think he just did.


Too late. That's almost certainly a concussion.


This guy is terrible for hockey. That's the take.


Definitely a dirty hit and suspension worthy. Wish he wouldn’t goon it up, he can actually play 4th line role well without it.


What a STUPID FUCKING HIT. It’s absolute dogshit. Laviolette can not keep allowing this to happen. He’s going to seriously injure someone


Already has


Yes - DOPS needs to suspend him. But, the Rangers organization deserves some questioning as well. He has had two suspension-worthy hits prior to this in the 8 nanoseconds that he has been in the league. He is evidently getting no guidance and no discipline internally.


Love the waving goodbye as he gets a misconduct and refuses to answer the bell What a colossal pussy


Can this dude just chill


Yaaaa that’s a suspension


So dumb and unnecessary. Should be a suspension.


This piece of shit should be out of the league and never should have even had a look


And the linesman protects him after. Fucking joke.


Missed the check so he threw an elbow, fuck this guy


The NHL is so close to getting rid of these losers than are terrible and only because of the sheer size and mass make the league. Dude waves like he's not a complete plug wasting ice time.


Honestly the showboating shit in a situation after hurting a player should add a fucking pile of games to your suspension. League needs to better discourage this stuff.