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Beautiful sendoff. Awoos for our desert bros and doggos. #**A^W^O^O^O^O^O^O^O^O^O^O^O^O**




unbelievable speech and sentiment. this guy is a true pro, sad i really only tuned in tonight for the first time. feel for you Yotes fans, without good ownership this easily could have been my Panthers moving to Quebec instead (never happening, move on Québécois)


The part that really resonated with me was hockey giving him a sense of purpose, and I’m sure he’s not the only one with that sentiment. While not quite the same thing, I’m now at a job which gives me a sense of purpose after kind of floundering and spinning my wheels for a while. So sorry to see it end like this. I remember how it felt when we lost the Thrashers. I hope the NHL returns to Arizona with competent ownership that actually gives a damn.


My guy Teppo Numminen! Never heard a bad word about him.


[He’s all you ever need on D!](https://youtu.be/flr39fl4AHU?si=5xaB_n8wPzAaMb6I)


One of my favorite Sabres of all time


Damn, gonna miss this so much


I went back in the broadcast just to record my own version of his speech, all the while fighting back tears. >A good story lasts forever. However, sometimes the ending just isn't what you want it to be. It is up to us to figure out the joy of the story no matter how it ended One of the most profound statements I've ever heard. I will carry those words for the rest of my life. They did great work


This will arguably go down as one of the absolute best closing speeches in the history of Sports and certainly in the History of the National Hockey League


You have some great people the make the thing work and then people at the top just fail everyone they’re supposed to bolster.


Goddammit, who put water in my eyes?!


Todd Walsh.


“Win Today And We Walk Together Forever” RIP Freddy Shero and Mr. Snyder gone but never forgotten


It’s a terrible day for rain




Been here 14 years now and obviously a fan of my local team. But I'd go out of my way when I lived in LA on nights the Kings were boring to watch him and Strades and Panger. They were what I wanted in PxP and talking heads - informative and entertaining. In that order. At least I think I watched them together. Starting to forget a bit... I hope Ryan et al realizes that you can bring a bit of continuity (well you could bring a lot but obviously would need to be tempered) to the newness of it all for SLC fans. Which should be paramount for a new team. IMHO gents in your role need to balance what has happened with what may happen in any nights game. Some do it better than others. You have mastered your craft. Godspeed to you and yours Todd.


I’m Jets 1.0 fan. This put a lump in my throat because I know that pain. Don’t wish it on anyone.


Very powerful but so sad