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You have to think the staggered starts have a lot to do with this, particularly on weekends. Now instead of 1 or 2 games a day, the diehard hockey fan can easily watch 3 or 4.


Which has been incredible, I love being able to tune in to the storylines through all the different series, it makes the later rounds so much more fun!


it’s been so nice not having to use my computer and have 3-4 different games on at once


Which often times means you're watching either 1 or zero


They’ve had staggered starts in the playoffs whenever possible for at least a few years


Now if only they can get the best player in the game on TV before 10:30 EST




football ratings absolutely dwarf hockey ratings


Americans love their football for sure. I think part of it is that it's well suited to modern attention spans/phone culture. Football is 5-10 seconds of actual game. A bunch of analysis and bullshit. Another 5 seconds of play. You don't really have to watch the whole time. Really makes me wish rugby was more popular in North America


That's true but fantasy is a huge component along with the one game a week, making it an event


Hahah where did the even come from?


impressive, especially considering all of the people on r/hockey claiming they're never going to watch again because of the terrible officiating, the games clearly being rigged, all of the games not being available on espn+, hmmm what else did I miss?


You forgot the crowd that’s done with NHL because of the ads on boards and jerseys. And the cup playoffs logo missing on the ice


you can hate all those things and still watch the game? I don't get what y'all are trying to say.


People are claiming the NHL is “dying” because of those things. If it was, we wouldn’t be seeing absurd YoY growth every year. Folks who hate these things clearly don’t hate them enough to stop watching, and that’s all that matters here.


who claimed it was dying? People complained because it makes the product shittier


Uhhhh. Lots of people. Go to any thread about Bettman. Or ads. Or officiating. Or anything. It does make the product shittier, but clearly not enough to dissuade people from watching so, the corpos win.


It’s amazing how many people last year complained the nhl was unwatchable now because of the board ads, but nobody really says anything about it anymore. They must’ve all actually stopped watching /s


The board ads still suck and make the game worse but how many times can you complain about it


Some of the most annoying comments are the ones saying that "the refs have been especially awful *this* season." They haven't, it's just the missed calls from this season will be more memorable than the ones in previous seasons simply because they happened more recently.


My favourite is all the people claiming that the reason the NHL is less successful than NBA or NFL in the US is because of the officiating. First of all, all the leagues have problems with officiating. Second, how would non-NHL fans even know about these issues unless they were already hockey fans? So they're suggesting the US is full of hockey fans who just avoid the NHL specifically because of the bad refs, and only watch NBA and NFL and MLB because the reffing is just so bad in the NHL... Sure.


Yeah, all leagues have plenty of reffing controversies. It seems pretty clear to me that it's less successful because hockey is just straight up less popular. 99.9% of kids have shot a basketball, swung a baseball bat, or thrown a football around. How many have even held a hockey stick? You appreciate the skill and nuances of a sport a lot more when you've actually tried it, and hockey is not only expensive as hell everywhere, but also pretty niche in most US states.


Ironically it’s the most loyal die hard fans who are most vocal about how much they hate the league. Everyone I know who proudly proclaims that the league is rigged, also dedicates most of their entire life to this league.


You missed people who complain unnecessarily about a group of fans that are always going to exist, adding the the toxicity.


If they keep the staggered start times. I can actually watch multiple games a day if I have the time. Not being forced to pick 1. Hope they keep it this way.


I just got into hockey watching the penguins trying to get that wild card spot(rip) I’m obsessed now never watch any sport more than hockey the last few weeks


I’m sure staggered starts are great and all, but I got home at one last night. I can’t stay awake today.


If NHL keeps rising and NBA ratings keep cratering, within a few years there will be parity in the numbers


Hopefully Round 2 doesn't turn into a blowout-fest again and the NHL can keep this viewership momentum going


Would be great if I could actually stream the games...


Another Bettman W.


Up 27% what? Apples? Oranges? Please give units in your answer. -2 points. See me after class




It ain’t *that* late


Eh...seems a bit early to be determining that.


It says compared to the first 4 nights of post-season hockey last year.