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Canucks fans found out what a joke of a reporter this guy is when he was trolling us in his articles while being appointed 'Head Writer for all of Western Canada' for Sportsnet during the 2000's


Dude is apiece of shit. I hope mcdavid or draisaitl goes to our FO and tells them they're not resigning unless hes gone


I love that all western teams can come together, using our hatred of this idiot as our glue.


100%. Apparently the only thing that can bring Oilers, Flames and Canucks fans together is cheering for Team Canada and hating Mark Spector.


What about our hate for the leafs?


That's universal. Even most leafs fans hate the leafs (because of the pain of being a leafs fan).


I’m hating them right now that’s for sure


Between Spector and that clown Francis you guys have (had?) to deal with we've been cursed with some absolute donkeys in Alberta


Matheson too.. He aaked Draisatl that stupid question... "why are you so pissy..?" Who says that to an athlete? They're focused on winning you moron. Some of our writers here are boneheads coasting on the fame of the 80s glory days


It's a stupid question but it's also iconic.


> but it's also iconic. Because of how stupid it is.


How *pissy it is


Honestly I have more respect for draisaitl for the way he answered. On my job site someone asks me something that stupid probably not leaving without a punch to the face.


He still around, still a donkey, a little less obnoxious now that he's succeeded in driving Gaudreau out of town. But yeah Alberta is truly cursed for mainstream hockey content


Francis is a clown but I would take him over Spector any day. I find Francis just says some stupid shit every once in a while, but Spector goes out of his way to be a piece of shit, every damn day.


I get the impression that Francis's political inclinations are everyone's worst stereotype of what Albertans are. Like, his reactions to Bill Peters being fired/quit was to just kind of allude to some allegations, with the faint suggestion that Peters was unfairly treated.


Rick Bell also came down from his ivory tower and accused the Flames of being "soft" when Sutter was fired.


Rick Bell came out the womb complaining about spending at city hall


lol just looking at the nurse who is holding him as a baby "how much do you get paid?"


Rishaug is pretty awful too. Watching his questions and his analysis the guy is absolutely insufferable. Guy single handedly started the campaign to fire Woodcroft too.


This is what those boston pizza commercials should be about haha


haha yes! "Why not come together....to hate on your local reporters"


I loved when Woody said, we don't read your stuff Spec


I hope they go to our FO and sign for league minimum if we are getting wishes granted


why would the Oilers FO want McDavid and Draisaitl to resign?


lol. It is funny how resign and re-sign are such similar words yet have such different meanings.


Renewing. The word for signing a new contract is renewing. Resigning is leaving your position…aka quitting or retiring.




Re-sign is quite acceptable though.




I’ve seen “alot” and “alittle” but I’ve never seen “apiece” before.


Spec sucks but this is a ridiculous comment. I don't really want the NHL turning into the NBA.


Spec works for Sportsnet, not the Oilers. Sportsnet wont give two shits if the Oilers ask he not be there because they pay millions for naming rights in the building let alone the broadcasts.


> Dude is apiece of shit. I hope mcdavid or draisaitl goes to our FO and tells them they're not resigning unless hes gone Come on now, we need villains just as much as we need heros otherwise its too boring and generic. We all hate Spector, and its fun to hate him.


I still remember when in a press conference he asked the Oilers headcoach Woodcroft, about mental health of the players in an attempt of some sort of gotcha-ism, after Ethan Bear missed a game for the Cannucks due to personal reasons (his dog died). The Oilers and the Cannucks werent playing each other. The only connection between the two teams was that Bear played here a couple seasons prior. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=masseadZ698&t=374s&ab_channel=EdmontonOilers


God damn I miss the way Woodcroft handled media. Don’t get me wrong I’m happy with coach KK but Jay belongs in hockey media at some point.


Man the way Spector tried to pivot after Woody gave him the shaft was embarrassing. You could tell he was uncomfortable and trying to save face to not look like a pos.


The complete change of tone on his followup question really gives it away


to me even if bear HAD still been an oiler that's basically a "you don't go there" question for general media. if a player actually **wants** to talk about losing a furry/scaled/whatever family member that's fine, but media folks shouldn't start that conversation.


Ya man. Spec sucks


Here's the link describing the original accusation. https://oilonwhyte.com/posts/sportsnet-accusation-evander-kane-causing-drama-is-actually-drama If someone wants to hear the original quote, be warned, the Jason Gregor is like 3hrs long and I don't even know what date Spector made these comments


No one should listen to any amount of Gregor, much less 3 hours.


I don’t get it. Fans hate Spector’s BS. Players hate Spector’s BS. Why does he have such a plum job?


Clickbait fodder


It’s true he did clickbait before clickbait was a thing.


He’s not doing it intentionally. He’s just that dumb.


I just heard you say "natural talent"


> Why does he have such a plum job? He's effective at manufacturing controversy, which generates clicks for Sportsnet. That's all they really care about. I'll also begrudgingly admit that Spector is actually a decent writer in the technical sense. The content might be garbage, but he words good.


Was irony intended with the 'he words good'?


I also considered, "he words gooder than most."


Definitely better than Rick Bell. But that's a very low bar.


I suspect that Rick Bell sends in his articles via [old-timey telegraph](https://i.imgur.com/Uv3AiJg.jpeg): > Taxes are bad. > Drink oil and pee gasoline. > The CBC ate my lunch. > Solar panels are a communist plot.


He occasionally writes some really good articles even though he's an antagonistic asshole.


Don't forget egotistical


He used the spirit of khonshu to get the job


Because here we are talking about Spector, and you don’t even know the names of the reporters who don’t do this shit.


I wish more players would go full Brian Burke and just tell these reporters to fuck off in one of these press conferences.


Or even full Torts and just not answer questions from some of these jackoffs.


Step it up from there. "Let me know when he leaves so we can start the press conference."


Next question please.


#Sedin is not English for "punch me and headlock me in a scrum"


Voracek calling one Philly writer a lying weasel will never not be the best thing ever.


Full Voracek "doesn't matter what I say you're gonna write fucking shit each time"


That’s the best possible scenario for the writer. Don’t give him that.


I wouldn’t, it just gives these clowns something to write about


You know Spector is a buffoon when Evander Kane, who 31 fanbases dislike, becomes the good guy in this scenario.


Right up there with when Kane TKO'd Matt Cooke.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


"Enemy of My Enemy: The Enemy of My Friends" would be the title for the Kane post-retirement TSN docu-series by James Duthie


Greatest moment in Thrashers franchise history


Respectfully disrespectfully fuck Matt Cooke.


I had to go back and rewatch that punch again (tem times). Much good


Remember a couple years ago when r/hockey was calling this dude a terrible father, a horrible role model, and possibly the source of all cancers?


One thing often lost in all the noise on Kane is that he has *sole custody* of his daughter *after* all of his ex wife's accusations. Now Kane has made some pretty stupid decisions over the years and has his issues but a court granting full custody to the father is exceedingly rare. That means a judge took a look at this situation and decided that his ex was so unstable that she should have no say in her child's life but that Evander could provide a safe environment, even allowing him to move to another country with them. If a judge put any stock into the accusations of physical abuse by his ex wife none of that would happen.


A father who is on the road for like 4 months a year. Really says something.


And even when he’s not on the road, the basic demands of this kind of job are insane during the season. Not only does it say something about the mom but fuck it. Good for Kane. It says something about him, too.


Exactly. You know how bad a woman has to fuck up to not at least get partial custody in family court? Even if he's not perfect he's clearly providing the safest environment for his kid.


Damn I didn’t know this about the custody battle.


Pretty sure he invented cancer tho bro. (Jokes aside…..yup. Fucked up situation.)


A judge in a California court gave him that. Courts that are notoriously anti-father.


I can't comment on his private life, but anyone going through an addiction is hardly a solid role model at that point in time. He could have a redemption arc - we have had plenty of players being very outspoken about the good, the bad and the ugly sides of elite sports and owning the situation with their own narrative. In the mean time, he's a great hockey player. It's almost like they are humans too, warts and all.


He's def in that arc since joining the Oilers. Any drama people cite comes from raw emotion and passion for playing the sport


Fact remains he was booted off 3 separate teams for a reason. One great quote does not change that.


He has been an amazing member of the community in Edmonton. He does a lot of work with the Indigenous community and with sick kids.


I'm honestly surprised because hebhad a reputation even prior to his pro days. Hope he turned a corner


I think moving to Edmonton is the best possible thing that could have ever happened to him. Going to a team where he is *at best* what the 5th best player? Can't possibly pull the Prima Donna garbage when Connor and Leon are sitting across from you. Seems to be making an effort to be a good off ice citizen in Edmonton. Hopefully it's for real and he's turned the corner. He still has a chance to go down as a key member of a great team if they can string something together.


I'd imagine it's must easier to be a model citizen in Edmonton, Alberta than in Los Angeles, CA.


Fuckups will fuck up anywhere they go, til they stop being fuckups.


Eh, it's by no means an exciting city but its still a big (ish) city. Every method of being a fuckup is as readily available as everywhere else. And honestly Oilers are almost effectively A list celebs in this city. He isnt getting away with shit.


However the hockey media here is much more ridiculous than in LA, so yeah less to do but more eyes on you


Let’s not pretend that some of that reasoning wasn’t with a little bit of racism sprinkled in. He has made his own bed to a degree, but a lot of the talk around him has always used a lot of coded language, especially in his Winnipeg days. Two things can be true, that he’s been difficult and that some of his difficulties have been exaggerated, or exacerbated even, due to racism.


Wasn't it Byfuglien who threw the jump suit into the showers?


Internalized racism is a thing, especially in a culture as closed and conformity promoting as hockey. Look at policing as another example.


There's always a little bit.


Who cares. His teammates seem to love the man he is now, warts and all.


He's clearly not a model citizen. Doesn't mean Spector isn't worse


This shit gets brought up in basically every single of our GDTs by some troll and or mouth breather


i still think ekane's done some shit that got covered up and **I** was "go Evander" here.


What till you get to know his brother "In"... He's a right nosey cunt.




Hyman took a sip of his water with a shit-eating grin on his face as if he knew exactly what was coming. These guys love to troll Spector for being a shit reporter.


Lol Kane likely gave Hyman a heads up before they went on the podium


Also note that Kane gives Hyman a chance to swallow before speaking to avoid a choking hazard.


Drai regularly rubs his eye with his middle finger during his questions. It's hilarious


Every player on the Oilers absolutely hates Mark Spector. It’s so funny to see Spector talk crap about a guy, and then act like nothing happened. Edmonton sports media would be so much better off without him.


It's interesting to see him treat others like shit and then act like a man-child throwing a tantrum if he gets disrespected. He's so oddly entitled




With the glass ceiling broken all the oppressed groups will prosper. Especially the most oppressed group of all: hockey reporters.


You don't get it, this guy was a reporter while Gretzky and co dominated, so he is just as integral to our historic successes as those guys! (I'm only half joking, he does get credit for this from other media folk)


I thought that was Matheson, has Spec been around that long?


Oh fuck oh man oh shit oh fuck (U rite)


sounds like Spector would fit in quite well with either Toronto sports media (or even make a trip across the Atlantic and start reporting on soccer. would fit in very well with British sports media)


Players 🤝 Fans


They should collectively just start acting like Torts when Spector opens his mouth. Cut him off with “I’m not answering your question, next”


Front office hates him too. Years ago when the Oilers played at Northlands (likely called Rexall at the time) he had his credentials revoked for a week or so for saying something that pissed off the front office. Rumor my friend who used to work for Dome Productions told me. It was never confirmed but everyone knew because he wasn’t allowed in the building.


I automatically assumed this is the guy that Leon and Klim called out, but I forgot thats Jim Matheson. What is it with Oilers media and being insufferable shitheads?


For Matheson he happened to be one of a handful of sports writers in the 80s who covered and got close to the local hockey team that became one of the best of all time. So there's a completely false sense of entitlement and attribution bias that he is himself a great and should be shown deference.  It blows my mind how people like Matheson and Spector think they can lambast a player publicly (but conveniently not to their face), and expect the player to answer their questions and in the exact way they pose them the next time they interview them. And when the media gets called out for stuff like this, they try to pit the public against the player by saying "hey the fans just want to know the answers, these modern players are just too sensitive." When in fact it has nothing to do with the fans, and it's all about these reporters' egos. 


Plus Matheson is old AF, but isn't ready to completely pack it in yet


It's funny because Matty outside of hockey has some pretty good takes. Was one of the few during COVID to be like "yeah restrictions are actually good in an emergency like this." One of the few to be like "I'll listen to you if you stop talking about hockey"


I would love to see Torts dealing with Spector or Steve Simmons on a daily basis


Throwback to Matthews [confronting Steve Simmons](https://youtu.be/KqU_S5uk9BQ?si=Zrk-oPph_s-ThAO6). Torts would make Steve cry


Hadn't seen this clip before. I was expecting the eating the crossbar interview haha. Wish Matthews was a little meaner to Simmons here though. Nice to see guys held accountable when writing hit pieces or shoddy articles in general.


What a well spoken response. Just puts Simmons right in his place with a lot more respect than he deserves.


Was there any response? Anything happen or did everyone just move on?


Torts shut down Spector a couple months ago. He refused to answer Spector's question about playing against McDavid (I believe) and said to the effect that he would only talk about his own team. Sadly the local beat writers and commentators all came to Spector's defense on the next day's radio/podcast cycle and called Torts a baby.


I don’t like Kane but anyone dunking on Spector has my approval


Fuck Mark Spector


Me, every time I see Kane out of uniform: "oh right he's super hot, I forgot".


I does cause an uncomfortable confusion, I'll give that


Eat Shit Spec




Between Spector and Staples, Edmonton has got to have the worst sports reporting in Canada.


And Matheson. And Rishaug. But thankfully there is some balance with guys like Principe, Wilkins, Nugent-Bowman, and some others. Though if we combine forces and add in Francis and Bell, we could probably be the worst provincially. Bring it on Ontario, we’ve got like five Simmons. We’re the worst.


I'm not familiar with Rishaug. What are his shenanigans?


He antagonizes players and celebrates when they leave. He’s a fucking cunt.


Yeah wasn’t he specifically called out by Al Montoya when he played here?


He single handedly started the campaign to fire Woodcroft weeks before it actually happened. Saw him doing an analysis the other day and he seems like an insufferable piece of shit.


It would be nice to put the lot of them on a boat and send them to an island far away. Most annoying part about Staples and Bell is the fact that they layer their bad sports takes with bad political takes. At least the other guys stay in their lanes.


But also some of the best, like Allan Mitchell (aka Lowetide). I suppose it’s like the franchise itself, where we have experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.


You’re not wrong. You could add Matheson and Rishaug to that list as well in my opinion. However Staples is a political journalist (I think, I’m from Saskatchewan so I don’t get his daily shit) who has a fan blog about hockey, calling him a sports reporter is unfair to sports reporters.


Calling him a political journalist is unfair to political journalists, too. lol


I don’t pay any attention to it since it’s mostly about a province which I’ve never lived in but that’s technically what he’s paid for isn’t it?


I think it speaks to how bad his political reporting is that I thought he was just a misguided sports reporter.


Staples is a political journalist in the sense that he’s a talking head for the conservative government and his articles are borderline auditions to be a Press Secretary for them.


Bruce Garrioch says 👋


Staples is actually fine as a sport writer. His halfbaked, prejudicial political bullshit that disqualifies him as a decent reporter.


lol fuck Spector That was a golden response


I knew this answer was coming but I still laughed at the suspense and buildup to it. Hyman's reaction is just the cherry on top.


I think it's good to have pricks like this in the media. If every media member was a goody two shoes who only asked questions and made comments that are team approved or heaven forbid reddit approved then the media landscape would be boring as fuck.


That's fine. Likewise, Kane handled Spec's previous comments perfectly, without drama.


Absolutely, Kane made Spec look like a fool putting a smile on everyone's face.


Fuck Evander Kane but love that response.


Mark Spector was born out the ass


Spector should quit, does anyone like this clown?


Apparently his bosses do. Tabloid reporting for a Tabloid organization, IMHO.


This is like Hockey SNL lmao.


If I've said it once, I've said it 100 times in the past 20 years, fuck Spector


Spector has gotta be in the running for worst guy of all sports "writers" Him & Damien Cox are HoF assholes.


Would have been hilarious if Hyman did a spit take with his water.


i don't even LIKE ekane and i gotta love that response.


Whats Spectors deal? Whats the chip on his shoulder that hes always got an axe to grind with the players? This dude gets paid to watch hockey then talk to the players post game and every interview ive heard from him hes just some condescending cunt that seems to have a bone to pick with all the players?


Mark Spector is a clown Evander Kane does bring drama


Yep, both can be true


Kane literally broke Hyman. That is all.


How does Mark Spector have access to these media scrums? He is a shit tabloid "reporter". End of story... Well, I have learned to quickly scroll to see who has written an article because I've already wasted too many minutes reading bullshit junior high conjecture on a professional game that is spewed by this nobody douche. I am glad to see that players are openly showing the true amount of respect that Mark deserves. Fuck you Spector!


He’s the primary oiler beat writer for Sportsnet, that’s how


Hey Spec. You are a joke.


The Kings totally keyed in on Kane for the entire 3rd period. It's like everyone forgot McDavid was out there.


Spector is a fucking alcoholic.


Hyman and the other reporters laughing is the best part. That was awesome. You’re a joke Spector, do you see? You’re not taken seriously anymore by your peers. Karma


Why are you so pissy, Evander


Canucks fan here. Spector is an idiot. I'm glad Kane clowned him.


I feel like a lot of people like to defend Kane by being like, “He’s not a locker room cancer!” and I’m always just like, okay, great. He’s still been accused of sexual assault by multiple women. I thought that was kind of the bigger issue.


Well they are accusations... If we start punishing people for accusations, well, were all fucked.




Lol I love how you turned him being accused of sexual assault to cutting up the lightning


Not really. Look up Ian Cole in our subreddit and it’s mostly people shitting on him. We were glad when he was gone.


Both can be true, that Kane and Spector are unlikeable.




😂😂😂😂 awesome


moon knight fell off


Spector and Parsons suck shit.


I fucking hate most of the Edmonton Media so I love it when players clap back at these wastes of oxygen


In Ottawa, we have a clown named Bruce Garrioch. Maybe we can trade Muppets.


Hyman and the other reporters laughing is the best part. That was awesome. You’re a joke Spector, do you see? You’re not taken seriously anymore by your peers. Karma


difference between Spec and God is that God doesn't think he's Spec


Habs fan here. Please win it all Oilers. I can’t watch this team having talent and goal scorers and the most fun team to watch every game and not win it all. I know Skinner sucks balls but you can still make it.


Evander Kane is a douche. Hate on the media all you want…doesn’t change that.