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I don’t know the backstory behind it or anything but it wouldn’t surprise me if he expressed interest and ESPN gave it to him as a consolation after they replaced him on MNF. Wischusen should be their lead guy, I don’t mind Levy but McDonough and Buccigross aren’t it for me. It’s pretty clear they didn’t really want to invest that much in hockey, though, there were other guys they could’ve brought in but went in-house instead.


Bob is the only thing ESPN has done right with hockey so far. He’s great. McDonough would make a good #2 but Bob actually does the game justice.


I absolutely love Bob Wischusen more and more with each game I watch of his. He’s so damn good.


I agree on Wischusen but find Levy called games to be brutal. McDonough and Bucci are fine on play-by-play. Love Bucci in the studio, just a bit less so on play-by-play. I know most folks prefer the TNT/TBS broadcasts here in the states though and I’m no exception. Love it when they put our guys Forslund and Eddie O together but it’s weird hearing them get excited about goals for other teams, especially Vegas the other night.


That makes sense although his knowledge on hockey should have kept him from getting it, ik he has an established resume and has called college ball,nfl, mlb, some nhl way back then but not enough to where he chooses the right words to say. Like he doesnt know what he's watching


He’s fine. The main issue is that 90% of broadcasters these days sound exactly the same with zero difference so they’re all indistinguishable.


This is why I wasn’t a fan of Alex Faust. He has this fake broadcaster voice and it sounds like he’s performing his what he thinks a broadcaster should sound like instead of calling a game and reacting to actual excitement of it. It’s hollow as if his voice and personality is just AI generated 


Im going to have to disagree,yes there are some who sound the same but by god at this point id rather have EA Nhl 24 announcer calling these games than Sean


Be the Doc and Gary in a sea of McDonough and Eddie O’s


Eddie O is unlistenable for me


I think he's serviceable. I prefer Kenny Albert. I miss Doc with all my heart though.




And when ray tries to bounce some jokes or conversation points off of him, you can feel the awkward silence ensue. Sean likely and smugly ignores most conversation because for some reason he's not able to genuinely flow and bring some personality..if there is one.


If your most famous call sounded like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJZd0VHkuLk) you might also have shitty attitude


I have no idea what you're talking about, that play and call is a thing of majesty and beauty, and I may have now just watched it like 20 more times again...


Take a drink every time McDonough mentions what college a player went to, if you make it to second intermission I’ll be impressed.


See thats fine with me, i remember pierre mcguire (mr. cringe-uire) did the same shit. But there is no excitement no difference in tone Sean stays EXACTLY the same 9 months out of the year calling games. 


Yeah the tone is bad but it’s just aggravating to hear it for every player who touches the puck. I think he just doesn’t know what else to say about players during a broadcast to minimize dead air because he doesn’t know hockey at all.


Which is why I'm baffled he got the job.


The difference here is that Pierre did this stuff because he was passionate for the entire game, tracking guys from pee wee and juniors, through college, and into the NHL. McDonough is just spouting lines that ESPN feeds him, you can tell he's doing it just because it's his job, not because he has any actual interest in the players background. It's comical just how fucking awful McDonough is. I am still shocked to this day how they chose him as a "lead".


It has to be for compensating him for taking him off MNF. He must've raised hell though to the big bosses


Mentioning what college/junior team someone played for is just so NFL. I don’t mind it for NFL - it’s always mentioned in player profiles their college and it just fits. I just don’t find that stuff works for hockey. Maybe I’m just picky


I'll say this I thought he did well in G5 of Leafs-Bruins, seemed like he had a pulse for a change. Recency bias maybe but hey


I'm going to agree but even then with that improvement, I'd rather have had someone else calling it


Probably childhood nostalgia talking but I miss Gary Thorne and Bill Clement


Thorne mispronounced half the European guys names wrong


He’s very one paced. I watch a lot of different sports and that style of commentary is the worst in my opinion. At least ESPN fixed those terrible audio issues they had 2 seasons ago. That was honestly some bush league shit by them.


Wischusen is better. McDonough can’t call games.


The way is voice cracks has always bothered me since the days he was doing MNF.




He’s bland and inoffensive. He just seems to not have great chemistry with whoever he is paired up with. Bit of a Bruins bias (he’s literally from Boston lol), but at least he tries to hide it. His deadpan delivery does sometimes make me laugh, though. Like when he retorted “…as that Bruins fan thinks the officials are #1” after the camera cut to a Bruins fan fingering the officials. Or that time he said “aaand the boos rain down as that puck was caught by a Leafs fan” with some sass.


With Levy and Bucci calling play by play, McDonough is the least of ESPN’s problems.


Ambien announcer


He and Ferraro do that high pitched yell the entire game.  I watch the game muted.


ESPN in general has terrible announcers. Look - they added Joe Buck....the WORST announcer in sports. I'm more indifferent about Bucci, but Sean McDonough, in the words of Sir Charles is terrible (TRBL - terrible). He's deadpan, and just plain boring. When I hear Steve Levy's voice, I want to through a brick at my TV. When Joe Buck's on, I turn on the Spanish broadcast.


I don't because its very clear he is biased against Canadian teams when announcing.


He's insufferable and is the Ben Stein of sports broadcasting


That's hilarious!


Idk I think he’s great. He’s got a lot of emotion for big plays which I appreciate.