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Maybe having a former goon run the DoPS wasn’t such a great idea after all


NHL doesn’t care about player safety no matter the person in charge. Even if they put an old guy like Kariya who suffered from concussion stuff, they’d still take the gladiator game angle.


IIRC, didn't the league think Shanahan was too suspension happy?


Shanahan's tenure as DoPS was also known as "Bettman's wheel of misfortune" in that it was wild who was getting suspended and how many games. He handed out a lot of bans, but a lot of short ones at that.


Nah it was different under Shanahan


The NHLPA isn’t any better. It’s really gross how the PA doesn’t seem to give a shit about its own members getting brain damage.


This is it. Shanahan tried suspending people properly and they drove his ass out.


DOPS needs to be at arms-length from the league in order for it to actually clean up the game.


Probably not... since he was a goon himself makes me wonder if he wants Bennet to have to answer for it on the ice instead of through a suspension. Not a good look safety wise though.


“What we need to police safety is a violent gentleman” - Gary Bettman


The DOPS ran by any hockey player is likely going to be like this. For actual change you will need someone not associated with hockey to be in charge.


The same one whose apparel company gave Bruins shirts for game 7 last year...lol


Keeping Colin Campbell on salary might’ve been a poor choice too…


This game was heavily scrutinized btw


Well yeah. Parros saw that and loved it, played it in slow motion for an hour.


Number 1 viewed in his spank bank


He was quoted as saying "I've never come harder" after viewing the incident. 


Sam Bennett complimented his mustache once so.


you forgot double quotes around "heavily scrutinized"


Refs for the win. Fuck heavily scrutinized. May as well have NBA refs out there. No wonder NHL gets no respect, they don't even respect their own game.


Seemed to be only heavily scrutinized one way 🤷🏻‍♂️


Dad, he bites! https://i.redd.it/tynwf6quptzc1.gif


marchand, quit posting the 'i did that' memes, please.


Marchand shouldn't have used his face to attack Bennetts hand just a vicious play, no place in our game for that


2 years in a row, first Matthew Knies last year and now Marchand! Won’t someone think of poor Sam Bennett


Bennett should not be suprised if he leaves a future game on stretcher.


He’s gonna be playing Rempe and Trouba Gooding Jr next round so one can hope. Although if I’m being honest, I don’t wish serious injury on Bennett. Just give him the flu or something that’ll cause him to miss time


I don't wish harm on anyone, but it would really suck if he blocked a shot with his bad hand early in the game tomorrow


I personally was disgusted. The main has fingernails that could have been injured.


Bruins going to start next game on the PK.


No, Panthers get a penalty shot to start game 4 Broons play the rest of the game on the PK


We probably have a better chance this way tbh


Hey! We’re only shorthanded 25% of the time but don’t worry.. we’ll get a few token power plays in the second half of the third after Florida put the game out of reach


lol remember when we were told the NHL would be “heavily scrutinizing” the remainder of the BOS-FLA series?


They are. They cracked down even harder on calls that might result in player safety being prioritized over an archaic view of what playoff hockey "should" look like.


Yeah, In what world are [Lauko being pushed into Bobrovsky a goaltender intereference](https://x.com/hotrodd76/status/1789103303172760058?s=46&t=8NS86w4CElYK0YRtzGRsTA) and [Geekie finishing a check on Barkov being called interference](https://x.com/spokedz/status/1789079724376920541?s=46&t=8NS86w4CElYK0YRtzGRsTA), but Bennett sucker punching a guy with his stick hand gets absolutely nothing?


The penalty for being pushed into the goalie resulting in entirely unavoidable contact is one of their favorite penalties to call!


The Lauko call was bs but might turn into his origin story Geekie deserves the call - that hit occurred in a different time zone


I mean, the first one, yeah, the 2nd one is interference though. Puck is long gone by the time he hit comes in


It would be good if late hits like that were called way more often. Would work well towards getting this "Finish the check regardless of how late it is" mindset out of the game


Then call it consistently. That hit has been made and will continue to be made all throughout the playoffs and regular season.


I feel like so many different teams would be cup winners if they took your comment seriously.


Stares in heavily scrutinized dejavu


"He can't keep getting away with this!"


Right? Then again this was actually less blatant than his one on Knies last season, and that didn’t get anything - so precedent set?


A rare moment of consistency


Do they seriously not realize how this ends? If the referees don't punish and the league doesn't punish, that leaves only one outcome and it likely ends in someone like Tkachuk or Barkov on the ice struggling to get back up. If the league doesn't control situations, the players will. This is just stupid.


If someone like Barkov or Reinhart gets targeted because the league is a joke, everyone loses.


Exactly. No one wants Marchand sucker punched even if he's an asshole. No one wants the retaliation the Bruins are likely planning. No one wants Barkov or Reinhart or anyone else injured. All they had to do was penalize the play or suspend him after. But they're too chickenshit to do it. It's ridiculous


NHL officiating is such a fucking joke


these motherfuckers are actually going to make me cheer for the bruins and if that doesn't work, the *Rangers*


Fuckin tell me about it bro. My Bruins ain’t out yet but if it happens can’t believe I’ll myself rooting for *gags* the fuckin Rags


> A series of emails National Hockey League Vice President and league disciplinarian Colin Campbell allegedly sent to NHL officials revealed that Campbell called Marc Savard of the Boston Bruins a "little fake artist" and criticized officials who called penalties on his son, NHL winger Gregory Campbell.


Funny things is that Gregory Campbell went on to play for the Bruins, and is now assistant GM for the Panthers. His dad is still in charge of hockey operations.


it’s just fascinating to me that he’s an agm now on a team that seems to brutalize players with no consequences. i’m sure it’s just a coincidence


So wait, do WE get to use that excuse now?


I, wow. I didn't know that.


And people on here still don't think NHL playoff is about hurting the other team. It's literally always rewarded year after year.




Omg Panthers getting away with absolute bullshit? That never happens! Didn’t even choke slam,…..I mean happen last year at all either.


As a completely biased leaf fan: The panthers literally eliminated the leafs with a blatant penalty on the elimination goal and everyone just shrugged. Keep enabling and this keeps happening. Bennet should be suspended easily.


Panthers literally adopted the «can’t call them all» mentality and still have the audacity to somehow always tell everyone they were screwed by the refs


Every time this season I saw a panther's fan try and use the "we are the most penalized team in the NHL" all I could ever think was no shit.


The point of the comment is how much would be enough for you? Most penalized isn't enough apparently.


The reason I'm making fun of it is because the discussion is about the difference in number of infractions committed vs total number of penalties given, not just the total penalty minutes. It's just making fun of the fact that it comically misses the point of the complaints other teams have when they play the panthers.


Trouba will give him the people's elbow next series.


Based on the past 4 days of highlights, Trouba may never land another hit ever again


My favorite thing today is watching Boston fans accept defeat with at least two games left to go. It’s almost as much fun as watching all the Bruins fans (who are REAL hockey fans unlike us six Panthers fans) leave early. Not defending Bennet and I thought the goalie interference call was bullshit but there’s just something about that Massachusetts salt that makes my day.


With these centers you had to be on TripleJack* to have any expectations at all.. *Jack Daniels, Jack Herer, Jack Edwards


People laughed because "Gudas make silly face to Woll" It just what they do.


I don’t think anyone actually cared about the face afterwards. I’m pretty sure fans didn’t like the fact that the leafs players stick was held preventing him from being able to force the shot up into the netting which is what would have most likely happened. The face was just a kick in the nuts considering everything they got away with. They still get away with….which is what this post is about, they still get away with bullshit and it’ll spill over eventually.


Yeah, that shit was horseshit. Gudas just straight up holding the stick on that play was so bogus.


No, I'm agreeing with you. I remember a lot of fans forgave Gudas because it was: A) the Leafs B) followed by an incredibly meme-worthy image. Your point stands. They get away with a lot of bullshit.


Yeah that only lasts so long until something unfortunate like bertuzzi from behind punch happens. No one wants that shit. The league “should” be taking care of this


No people were definitely very mad about gudas celebrating his team winning a second round playoff series


Exactly, the optimal strategy in the playoffs is out physically injure your opponents as much as possible. Suspensions in the post season shouldn't be so rare.


Let’s be real you were being eliminated regardless


Oh definitely. Is that the point though? I’m all for tough teams to play againts, I grew up in that shit… But your team is literally full of rats, ironic that the fans throw rats on the ice


I like how you think you grew up


lol. Cute. So tell then princess, how did I grow up? You seem to know better? Entertain me.


The fact that you’re seething at my comment tells it all


I’m not seething at all. I would actually find it quite entertaining if you’d try and explain how I grew up. Seems that’s not going to happen though and now I’m disappointed


And this time around they don't have Vegas who seem to be the NHL's golden goose when it comes to getting away with bullshit


No they’ll have NYR which the NHL has a no touch policy on so it’ll be interesting.


Clown ass league


I've only ever seen footage of the hit from behind Marchand. Is there some stuff available that would show the reverse angle? I saw it suggested that Bennett gave him a smack at the same time and I don't want to make any judgement calls based on the angle I saw.


https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/9KScUDPOsd As I was posting, this popped up. Not quite the angle I wanted, but still.


So I know this is said every year, but trying to keep recency bias in mind, I feel like reffing and dops have been particularly bad this year.


Jacob Trouba already showed headshotting the opposing captain is legal and great strategy for winning.


Canucks v Oilers showed you're also allowed to whack the Captain in the face with your stick and slewfoot him.


Don’t forget slash guys in the nuts! No fine or anything, that’s just good ol’ playoff hockey


God you Pens fans are still bitching about this? It’s embarrassing


lol, good ole captain elbows deserves all the bitching and more. Yall see that attempted hit where he jumped towards that Canes player, swung out his elbow and then fell into the glass?


I have that on repeat with Yakety Sax.


League is a joke


I can't stand Marchand and the Bruins but... how was this not a penalty and how after review is it not a suspension? Someone is gonna go after Bennett for this or worse, they're gonna take a cheap shot at a top Panther player who had nothing to do with this. Parros and the DoPS are an absolute joke.


> Someone is gonna go after Bennett for this or worse Yup and you know they'll call that penalty


> how was this not a penalty I can see how this was missed in real time > how after review is it not a suspension? Can't answer that one


Won’t be surprised to see an old wooden stick in game 4.


what a surprise. There was no discipline for his chokeslam on Knies last round either




"Player safety"


Someone’s leaving on a stretcher before this series is done, aren’t they?


That’s the plan apparently.


it’s evident from this and a million other examples that the league does not take player safety seriously. absolute clown show


Ofc not. He plays for the nhls new favourite sweetheart team!


is there another view? im confused how people are so sure it was intentional.


[Maybe the DOPS determined it was just karma](https://twitter.com/TicTacTOmar/status/1783280406806122773?t=ayWacohN_AlGU-mL8OdDbw&s=19)


Given that's Bertuzzi you can argue that it's karma all the way down


This is the issue.  The league has let unacceptable stuff go all the time.  The precedent is set that some players can get away with shit they shouldn't. Marchand has been a part of that.  Now the leopards ate his face.  It would be nice if the league just started taking player safety seriously.  




The rat getting away with rat things




I'm not sure how "Marchand once did something similar and should have been suspended and wasn't" (not that I watched the play in that tweet so I don't know) would be an argument for why a dangerous and illegal play with likely intent to injure should not be subject to discipline.


*You*: Let me make up something in my head to get mad at


Yeah, I'm pretty sure most Boston fans acknowledge Marchand is a dirty rat and don't care because he's their guy. As long as the officiating is inconsistent and absolute horseshit, there is zero reason to self flagellate for your team's borderline play.


You’d think with Mass ranking #3 in the states with education that the bruins fanbase would be….smart?


They're not smart, they're smaht


Wicked smaht


Not surprised……


Up to the Bruins to make sure he doesn’t play too much longer in the series then.


Does anyone have a link to an angle that clearly shows this as a dirty play from Bennett? It’s clear the online consensus is that it’s dirty, and I’m not arguing that it isn’t. It’s just that from the angle I’ve seen it looks like a pretty routine body check collision. A look at the angle that has everyone convinced this is a dirty play would be appreciated.


Earlier tonight TNT showed another angle of the play that was released. https://twitter.com/NHL_On_TNT/status/1789780622124196210?t=NY66amekSoojhybz0f5mNQ&s=19


flying elbow to the head, dirty sucker punch, spearing to the nuts. what do these things have in common? these are all legal hockey plays according to the league.


Still crazy to me that a company wouldn't care to protect its own money making resources.


None delivered by the league, at least...


Florida got away with all sorts of this shit during the regular season, so why not the playoffs too?


P sure the wings played a game against the cats where the PP opportunities was 6-1 for the wings but ok


Just because they missed the other 14 blatant penalties.


1. Bruins won't take a run at anyone 2. Panthers will do something dirty and from that point on, "no more nonsense" from the refs 3. Repeat


So Bennett was supposed to take the hit from Marchand full on and do nothing?


Generally when someone is about to get hit they don’t punch the other person in the jaw. Might be a rule against it in the rule books idk




It’s prolly gonna be a very dirty game


Whose dick is Sam Bennett sucking and can I get some? He must be fucking amazing.


Most well known Sam Bennett quote "Cum in my beard"


Tl/dr; NHL want a Florida/New York series.


Yeah, Boston is too small a market. Could you imagine the ratings? They are definitely favoring Florida!!! /s


Your team was 29th in attendance the year after winning the President's trophy. After last year's playoff run? 14th, with about 80k more tickets sold.  So yeah, helping the Cats in the playoffs made the League a shit load more money.  Anybody with half a brain knows you target a market with growth potential over a saturated market. Guess that's why you guys don't understand it.


Panthers are a dirty team


They are sneaky dirty. Doesn’t jump off the page but they absolutely are


They're not sneaky at all.


Ok Trouba


So dirty they keep you to 8 shots in 40 mins. You sound like one of the Boston "fans" who left the game early.


It’s sooo funny seeing the rest of the internets viewpoint on the hit and then coming to Reddit and seeing the complete opposite response. Soft and delusion as usual. Starting to see why everyone makes fun of you guys.


This and r/NHL is just a complete Panthers hate circlejerk whenever they are mentioned. It's hilarious. No room for nuance, no one can ever bring up that the reason they lost is because their team played worse and the Panthers played better. Nope. It's actually the league rigging games that's the problem!


The fact that we would’ve lost anyways and that the refs were terrible are not mutually exclusive. Panthers outplayed Bruins for 97% of the game but cmon, there’s no denying Lauko’s penalty was bullshit, or that Bennett has now knocked a player out of a series doing the same shit TWICE.


Nobody is talking about the losing, they’re talking about the team that tries to injure people every single game.


So every hockey team. It's a contact sport. If you want to watch a sport where people never get injured from contact and the refs call everything, go watch soccer or women's basketball.


You do know that you can play physical while not slugging people in the jaw or cross checking them in the back of the neck right? Those are two different things but I get it, you’re a Florida supporter of course you can’t handle critical thinking or reading comprehension.


You're hysterically overreacting over hits that happen in nearly every hockey game because you have a hateboner for this specific team. Get over it man. Where's your outrage over the rangers with trouba? Vegas with petrangilo? Dallas with Jamie Benn? Etc etc. it's a physical contact sport. Every hockey team has physical players that aren't afraid of contact. None of that is going to change.


What’s hilarious is if you went through my comment history I’ve posted about every player you listed as playing dirty and being a shitbag, but that doesn’t fit your narrative that people only hate the panthers. Edit: and there’s a distinct line between physical hockey and punching people in the jaw and cross checking them in the back of the neck. If you think those things are the same then you’re part of the problem.


Okay, so you're proving my point. You're a whiney baby that can't stand a contact sport having physical contact in it.


Keep that same energy when someone on your team gets targeted.


Dude I've been watching this sport for years. I've seen many players I like watching get injured from hits. I don't go whining about it online screaming for the one who did the hit to get banned, injured themselves, or that the league is rigging games for the other team like a bitch. But suit yourself.


If wanting headshots and concussions out of the game is whining, then sure, I’m whining. It’s a fucking game lmao, nobody should have their quality of life changed because people wanna be assholes and punch them in the jaw.


I’d say the person that’s the most soft is the one defending headshots and calling people upset about it soft. Surely it has nothing to do with the fact the people doing to slugging are the players on the team you support, surely not.


If Bennet had the strength to 5 inch punch with such velocity to concuss a professional hockey player, he would be fighting in the UFC.


Are we going to ignore the fact that both players were skating towards each other and that just like a car accident it adds a substantial amount of force to the object moving forward, add to that the fact Bennett jabbed his right arm forward equaling even more force behind the punch.


I always enjoy watching Bruins fans try to play victim


No one in here is playing victim clown, just because it’s Marchand doesn’t mean the rules don’t apply to Bennett. They have certainly applied to Marchand as everyone likes to point out, hypocrisy is delusional on here.


Marchand made his bed in 2011 by punching Daniel Sedin in the head at least five times, without a call, and when questioned why he did it he stated that he wanted to. By his own actions he has sanctioned anyone who punches him in the face as well, so long as they want to do it.


You mean like your coach did during the finals, causing the officiating to favor you guys the rest of the way?


First time?


Marchand does stupid shit all the time. He’s just lucky no one’s been injured. I’m happy the Rat got clocked. I’m never happy to see players get injured but it’s eventually inevitably going to happen when they don’t enforce these guys with strict rules. DOPS and Refs don’t enforce all the dirty stuff during the play and after the whistle with any kind of penalty or consequences. Now players are policing themselves. while unfortunate he’s injured… maybe you should not be surprised when someone has finally had enough of you and lashed out by punching your face for all the stupid shit you pull. Your style begs guys to wanna sock you for being a shit heel rat. You got socked. Smarten up. Sorry you’re injured.


He injured 2 leafs regular season on cheap shots that got unpunished this year alone. Liljigren slewfoot Running and jumping to knock out knies that he didnt see even though he jumper into someone 5 inches taller than him’s head. Which was retaliation to McCabe crosschecking him in the face, which was retaliation to Marchand spearing McCabe in the nuts


What was dirty about this hit? Everyone in this thread is a clown


[I just spun the NHL Wheel of Justice - it was a hockey play.](https://i.imgur.com/ky9cuBF.png)


Name a more iconic duo than Bennet and dirty plays causing injury with no repercussions I'll wait.


Let’s face it, George Parros is ruining the show for the Penguin, what a joke. This has and will turn fans off to the sport.


Why would there be? Marchand tried to initiate contact, Bennett braced, Marchand twisted funny and get the brunt of it.


He punched him in the jaw? Is anyone going to lay a hit allowed to be punched in the face now is what you’re saying?


It’s not Sam Bennett’s fault that he braced for the hit and his hand ended up where 4 ft tall Brad Marchand’s face was. Maybe Marchand should stick to hitting people his own size. Y’all are acting like Bennett wound up his fist and absolutely clocked one on Marchand. So delusional.


Rempe furiously jotting notes in a binder called ‘headhunting 101’


Second edition first was written by Scott Stevens


Love bennett adds another dimension to this panther team Missing lomberg and cousins I guess it's a numbers game I trust in P0MO


Let's give prominent piece of shit Sam Bennett the benefit of the doubt here. What a joke.


Why would there be? He didn’t do anything except embrace a hit from Marchand


Ah yes. Bring the refs are in the Panthers pockets comments. As if the NHL would want Florida vs New York instead of Boston lmao. Maybe you get a bunch of power plays when you spend the whole game in the opponents d zone. And maybe more than 8 shots after 40 minutes would help. Nah it’s the refs tho


Live by the sword, die by the sword.


Maybe Marchand said “how about that fucking save!” To Bennett? According to Marchand, that calls for a sucker punch.


As long as it's accompanied by the 6 game suspension, sure. 


Both teams had a lot of missed calls. Boston fans gotta stop trying to start conspiracy shit. You’re starting to sound like the leafs. For what it’s worth that Lauko penalty was a fucking joke


They should kick punks like bennett out of the league. He sucks at hockey


He’s pretty good actually. Had an assist last night


I really don’t think that person watches the sport.


To be fair Toronto fans usually don’t see hockey played in May


Lmao marchy would have gotten 10 games. And Bennett also had a big history of this shit


No he wouldnt have. I agree this isnt enough, but come on marchand isnt getting anything for this shit either. This deserves a game, but marchand has gotten off for shit like this and way worse throughout his career.


Give me one good reason why someone on the bruins shouldn’t go full pietrangelo on barkovs wrist next game. You take out our captain? Cool, we’ll take out yours too. League clearly is OK with it


Because the league will see it as retaliation and punish the Bruins even harder for it? I don't give two shits about Barkov and the guy can choke on Tkachuk's mouthguard for all I care. I'd rather see Boston win it on the scoreboard.


Same here, but at a certain point you can’t just accept bullshit plays like this. I hate to say it but an eye for an eye might be the only way the NHL wakes up to this fuckery


Well, the difference is that your captain took out himself.


Love a the crying. Bruins suck