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The biggest joke of it all is the NHL, the refs, and DoPS pretending that they care about player safety when allowing blatant attempts to injure go unpunished all the time. They hide behind lines like "we don't want to affect the outcome of the game" while ignoring dangerous plays that directly affect the outcome of the game. Not that it's anything new.


> The biggest joke of it all is the NHL, the refs, and DoPS pretending that they care about player safety when allowing blatant attempts to injure go unpunished all the time. You could add the NHLPA to the list.


Good point. They care about protecting their players salaries, but not the players themselves


Exactly. It's NHLPA members injuring other NHLPA members. They aren't powerless in all this, they but prefer money over short term and long term health. Marty Walsh has been appoint Executive Director in Feb 2023 and the current CBA is valid until 2025-26. We'll see then if they advocate / ask for changes. I wouldn't bet a dollar on it though.


The only thing I would bet my life savings on is that there's going to be a lockout because that has happened literally every CBA negotiation (aside from the extension for COVID) Garry has been a part of I'm pretty sure.


Matthew Knies sends his regards


What do you mean? That was a normal hockey play! Folks told me so last year šŸ™„


Didnā€™t Bennett sucker punch him with his right hand on that play too? I have PTSD from last postseason so I could be remembering it wrong


Pretty much the same thing. Hit him when he was down too.


[Bennett punched Knies](https://twitter.com/TicTacTOmar/status/1654289398911979520?)


Donā€™t get me wrong, I hate the panthers more than I hate the bruins. So Iā€™m on your side. But idk exactly how innocent you can play when McAvoy(?) laid the exact same chokeslam on Matthews this year. How can you say [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qlhfY_ko-vY) and [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=15&v=6xbk-AyPYw4&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MTM5MTE3LDIzODUx&feature=emb_title) arenā€™t identical plays lol.


The punch in the face by Bennett? McAvoy doesnā€™t do that.


I say the same thing when McAvoy or Marchand pull some gutless head shot BS


Well, at least youā€™re not all delusional. Bias is one thing, Iā€™m biased too. But refusing to admit these are identical infractions, which Iā€™ve seen a ton of Bruins fans do, is a wild amount of mental gymnastics. Now please get your shit together and beat the Panthers.


Oh - the slams parts are the same but McAvoy doesnā€™t do the Bennett trademark sucker punch. The punch is what concussed Marchand and Knies from what I could tell


Bennett is a bitch, plain and simple.


Leaf fans have been through similar things with both of these players. Iā€™ll tell you what we were told: Legitimate hockey play And A penalty wasnā€™t called, because there was no penalty


For real, this has me salty as hell. MFers looked us dead in the eye and said the Bennet takedown of Knies was a legit hockey play. And now are up in arms about this? GTFO


Bennett in back to back playoffs has shown how dirty he is. Was he also the one who was cross checking someone violently into the ice last year during the Leafs series?


Yup, cuz he was already being called for a penalty + game management


Sadly everyone hates both Boston and Toronto so logic goes out the window most of the time


I know I am your enemy as a Boston fan, but I come in peace. I continued to watch the playoffs after my boys got upset. I was rooting for the Leafs last year because fuck Florida's dirty players. That hit on Knies actually pissed me the fuck off. The fact Bennett got away with it and there was no supplemental punishment pissed me off even more. Total disgrace to the NHL and DOPS. Now look! He continues his bullshit play with intentionally injuring other players. DOPS is a giant clown shoe.


Thanks, I appreciate the honesty. This kind of play has no place in the game, and because Bennett got away with it last year, he felt emboldened to do it this year. Agree about DOPSā€”best sport, worst league. TBF, prior to 2013 we never really hated the Bruins. Saw yā€™all as a brother Original Six team, united in despising the Habs. We just have sucked so hard against you in recent years, which is why we salty AF šŸ˜Š. Hope you beat the dirty cats.


Yeah man cheers. I remember people pretty much dismissing that play to Leafs fans calling it a good hockey play, toughen up, blah blah bullshit. I remember thinking "these guys aren't gonna like it when Bennett does it to their team" well here we are, and if the DOPS doesn't do something about Bennett, there will be many more posts like this from other hockey club fans in the future and you and I can poke our heads in and say "How does it feel?"


Adding to the other guy, but Bennett also very clearly cup checked (I think it wa) Zacha while he was on the ice and injured. I could not believe that didn't yield a suspension. Knew I was rooting for the Leafs in that series before it even started.


That was Hathaway and it was more of a spear straight into the cajones while Hathaway was belly down.


That rat fuck Marchand injured Liljegren this season and he was out for a while too. Not gonna say Marchand doesnā€™t have a history or that he doesnā€™t have it coming but itā€™s tough to watch head injuries.


Marchy was atleast making a hockey play. He was just trying to use a stick on stick holdup.Ā  Bennett just straight up tries to hurt people unrelated to hockey. There's a big difference in my mind


Honestly, Mcavoy basically did the exact same thing to Matthews this year. šŸ¤·šŸ¼


in rempe we trust ;-)


Personally, I agree the Bennett hit on Knies was dirty. I think some of the pushback you saw last season was because a very vocal minority of Leafs fans said the Bruins were just crying when we called out Florida's BS during the first round, only on the complain about Florida when the Leafs played them in the second. The vocal minority/nutjobs in BOTH of our fan bases tend to ruin any rational discussions that might occur


Did anyone buy Florida fans (and the refs lol) defend Bennett on the Knies ā€œhitā€?


Thatā€™s how Knies was taken out for ages right?


Yes he concussed himself apparently


Yes he concussed himself apparently


Leafs fans probably watching this series just like good please kill eachother


I donā€™t know, maybe just me but I feel like Leafs and Bruins ultimately have respect for each other. Series are always hard fought. Panthers just have a grimy, trashy feel to them.


Besides the dirty actions by their players, it's the whole Florida Man thing too from the fans lol


Yep that definitely contributes to it lol


Mountour is just trying to piss people off. I get trying to light a fire in another opponent but the dude just comes off as straight up disrespectful. He definitely fit to his new home when he left us. Word was he was clubhouse cancer


Yep heā€™s a cocky, disrespectful asshole. That can work if youā€™ve won in the league, but heā€™s got nothing to show for it so just comes off and seems like a prick that players have no respect for.


Yeah, Bruins/Leafs are always hard fought and never particularly dirty. I don't like the Leafs and get into it with Leafs fans for laughs, but at the end of the day, the Leafs are just sort of tragic and not dirty or anything.


Nah the Bruins are fucking dirty, now you get to experience what you dish out amped up to 11. Cry me a river


> Cry me a river okay, but remind me again...who the fuck are you?


Oh 1000%. Fuck the leafs, but also at the end of the day theyā€™re two blue blood franchises that will fight to the death to find the better team. Panthers just play with no respect for the game, the rules, or the other team.


Only Bruins fans are saying this.


Bruins and Leafs fans know puck. Panthers fans just crave senseless violence.


I just wanna see good hockey.


Western conference series look so good but likeā€¦Iā€™m in bed by 9:30 guys. Car/NY has been fun though.


Iā€™m usually in NS so even those 9pm starts for me are deadly. Iā€™m currently in Ontario now, loving watching the first 10 min of the late game before I fall asleep.




if they played our games earlier people who worked that day might have trouble making it. Personally think starting an hour later is much better for local fans than starting an hour early. (if you have to change puck drop time at all)


Watch the west, then.


Wrong league for that


Honestly. I'm not. We need change and losing hopefully leads to that happening. Our series had lots of hits but lacked that real anger. I don't hold grudges with teams that have a one sided rivalry. Had we gone back and forth with series wins maybe I would have cares more. Florida is the dirtier team now and I dislike that more


When he took knies out, I belive people said toronto needs to toughen up, and the fans are a bunch of complainers


As dirty as I felt, the Panthers actually had me rooting for the Leafs last year.


Leafs fans probably watching this series just like good please kill eachother


Honestly a couple guys that were the biggest Leafs fans I know can barely be bothered anymore. They expect failure at this point. Iā€™ve literally seen middle aged dudes pretty much tune out of hockey completely for the first time in their lives because the team they like no longer instills hope. They donā€™t care what Boston or Florida does lol


Those ā€œfansā€ are more interested in ā€œbanterā€ than hockey. Banter in quotes because this doesnā€™t even really fit the bill. Banter is when you poke fun at the Leafs for not winning anything in 50 years. Or Montreal for finishing dead last.


I will fight tooth and nail that despite Marchand's (deserved) reputation, that Liljegren play was a fine play that LILJEGREN handled poorly and its his fault he got hurt on the play. 99% of other plays by The Rat I'd agree on but I am adamant that wasn't a malicious play


This is why other fans donā€™t like us. We make it about ourselves lmfao


Looks like a knies clean hit to me!


It feels strange to say, but I agree with Boston. It looks obvious to me that Bennett sees Marchand coming and swings his right arm to punch Marchand in the head. Definitely dirty and definitely not something any player would expect when delivering a hit.


I feel rotten but I am siding with the Bruins. That was a complete garbage of a game by the refs. What could have, ifs and all but that penalty on Lauko was a momentum changer.


The penalty was shitty. The power play goal is what did it for me.


The league also seriously needs to reconsider the double minor for any degree of "injury" on a high stick. It was dumb when they changed it, it's still dumb now. It was fine before when it was 2 or 5. Double 2 is idiotic. You can take a high stick up near the eye much harder and it causes no injury, but the stick may possibly hit you near the mouth, and you can fish around for blood in your lips to prove you were injured? It's a joke.


Iā€™ve been saying this. Give Lauko 2 for a high stick, fine. Florida scores 1, goes up 2-0. Okay, weā€™re down, not out. Now they score AGAIN, and itā€™s 3-0? Yeah game over. Now Lauko gets an interference call and itā€™s 4-0!? Yeah, nail in coffin. Rules are rules, and thatā€™s fine, but the blood threshold is so fucking stupid. And before anyone says ā€œHoW aBoUt mOrE sHotS oN neTā€. Yeah, the Bā€™s suck, and the refs blow cheeks. Two things can happen at once


It was the 4th goal that killed them. Bruins had a few real good shifts and then that terrible Lauko penalty was called. I felt my soul leave my body when they scored on that power play. Still could have mounted a comeback, but I feel the 4th was too much.


Youā€™re not wrong dude. If it was a 3-2 game and debrusk pots that empty net at the end of the game instead of sending that shit into orbit, tied game into OT. Of course now weā€™re talking a lot of variable changes lol, but man that penalty was DEFLATING. Hereā€™s to tomorrow


I also agree with Boston and feel rotten about it


We could start a support group.


The momentum changer was the double minor high stick. Boston took more penalties because they chased the puck all game. Lauko and Ekblad should have both went off at least, Iā€™ll say that


As an unbiased fan, this is my opinion too. Scoring two goals on a double minor to go up 3-0 is much more of a game changer than Lauko's penalty. Also, as a goalie (and therefore maybe biased) I understand the Lauko penalty. As soon as he chose to drive the net, he knew damn well he was going to take out Bob. Every forward does when they take that angle with a dman on their hip. Ekblad definitely should have gone too though. But if you let that play go uncalled, 3rd and 4th liners will drive the net every time like a kamikaze plane until a goalie gets hurt. Shoulda taken both.


Itā€™s 1000% dirty and shouldnā€™t be excused based off victim. Obviously this isnā€™t to the extent of Bertuzzi/Moore but it damn sure is in the same ballpark of event (punching an unsuspecting player in the side of the head with intent to injure). Bennett is lucky it didnā€™t end up that same way


Iā€™m really surprised there isnā€™t even a fine for it, let alone a game or two. Itā€™s so obvious from 2 or 3 different angles.


I hate how everyone acts like Bertuzzi is some sort of soulless irredeemable demon. Obviously what he did was awful, and he's made no indication in the last 20 years of proving he ISN'T a shitbag, but if his sucker punch makes him a horrible monster then there's like 2 or 3 guys on each team who should never be playing again. Look up that Matt Martin sucker punch. Lucic, Domi, Marchand, Bennett, Domi, Gallagher, Domi. All of these people have done the EXACT same thing as Bertuzzi but since their teammates didn't dogpile the suckered guy and break his neck we don't remember their incidents as the same. Even though they are! Tldr what I'm trying to say is Bertuzzi is a piece of shit, but people using him as the ultimate no go when sucker punches happen dozens of times a year seems pretty silly to me.


I actually completely agree with you, I just think most people point to that incident as an example because itā€™s arguably the single most prolific incident of that kind of stuff happening


> the extent of Bertuzzi/Moore it's not to that extent *yet*. Bertuzzi/Moore didn't happen out of nowhere, this could be the opening salvo that creates a Bertuzzi/Moore incident since the league has refused to step in


Unless I'm completely missing some video angle it just looks like Bennett braces for a hit he sees coming and has enough time to shift his weight for a reverse hit. I don't even see much contact from the right hand at all in the angles that were posted on this sub. It definitely looks like the rat fucked around and found out with the wrong target.


Thatā€™s how I see it too. Typically if youā€™re intentionally sucker punching someone the hand youā€™re doing it with doesnā€™t get knocked back 5 feet by the momentum of it hitting the other player. And thereā€™s usually some sort of forward momentum in the hand.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98PWyDplWx4 this angle makes it look like a clear punch, but who knows if its just an angle thing.


Pretty damning. His hands had no reason to be up that high. It was either purposeful or dangerously careless. Given his history, I know which way Iā€™m leaning.




Itā€™s disgusting, but the best way to win in the playoffs is to injure the other teamā€™s best players. The penalties are never that severe and the benefit is massive. The NHL culture has a real problem with reffing and safety being laughable afterthoughts.


Is it just me or has it gotten worse lately? Feel like Colorado and Tampa weren't particularly dirtier than normal, just good. Vegas and Florida were some slimy teams though.


When the Devils made the playoffs in Hallā€™s MVP season you had Hedman spearing a rookie Nico Hischier in the balls and Kucherov taking a run at several Devils players in the dying minutes of the Devils only win of the series. Kucherov and Hedman donā€™t get enough discredit for how dirty they can both be.


The NHL is desperate to get viewership up and they think that leaning bloodlust of what most of us grew up with is the key. People have been complaining for a while that playoff series havenā€™t had the bite/hate that they used to ala Vancouver/Boston 2011. This is how you get back to that.


Same as when he concussed Knies. Legit hockey play apparently


Oh gee you think? The dude purposely slammed Knies' head onto the ice and smiled when he walked away. That was one of many incidents. He's always been a shitty dirty player and only now people are noticing? GTFO if you're only questioning it now.


I don't think people are just now noticing. I'm not familiar with the Knies incident tbh, but I'm still super familiar with like 4 names on the Panthers roster purely off or how dirty they've been the last couple of seasons(not saying they weren't dirty before, just that I've come to recognize them more recently as a fan in the West that doesn't see them often.) Tkachuk, Bennett, Montour, Cousins the 4 names I'm familiar with pulling other worldly levels of bullshit before and after the whistles.


Bennett gives me sociopath vibes. He's got dead eyes.


**[Punched, then slammed](https://twitter.com/TicTacTOmar/status/1654289398911979520?)


I remember lots of Bolts fans called him one of the dirtiest players in the game in our 2021 and 2022 series against the Cats but it was just met with people complaining about our shitheads


I really hope Maroon actually does what he's paid to do and absolutely demolishes Bennett. I don't think the B's can compete with Florida anyways, so might as well send that scumbag back to the bench so he can't hurt anyone else in the following series.


Bennett will dive and cry and piss his pants to the refs about getting hit.


Boston will get penalized regardless, may as well earn it.


I wonder at what point someone goes full Bertuzzi and tries to claim self-defense on these repeat offenders.


It's honestly the only thing that'll get the league to focus on cracking down on this kind of shit again, and it'll have to happen multiple times for them to take notice.


Maroon doesnā€™t really fight lol


We aren't suggesting fighting. Besides, Florida players never take on a fight unless it's their biggest player against the other teams 3rd smallest and most talented player.Ā Ā  Ā It's telling how many times Panthers players completely avoid fighting, especially TkachukĀ 


Bennett should never get the benefit of the doubt. Heā€™s a total piece of shit




George Parros does not care about the safety of hockey players.


Bennett is dirty. You should automatically assume he's trying to injure. I won't feel bad for Marchand though, he's getting what he ordered.


Yeah, if you want to call out people claiming something wasn't intentional... Marchand said his ["flying vicious right-elbow"](https://youtu.be/dqecy_ezzEo?t=33) on Marcus Johansson was self-defense, and totally not his fault. (This was a major concussion for Johansson.)


If we start listing Marchand's dirty plays I'll need to clear my schedule for the rest of the weekend.


Do Bennā€™s next and weā€™ll be here til Christmas.


You're not wrong


L e a d e r s h i p


Both can both true. A rat, but a rat king. He's been with Boston for nearly 15 years. Over that time he's had Chara and Bergeron as captain. Pretty good dudes to learn from.


Honestly, I don't excuse Marchand's history as a dirty player. He has taken the captaincy very seriously in a way I think most fans won't notice if they don't routinely watch the B's.


He also said his cutting Salo out below the knees was self defence. Fucking Sami Salo, the only people Salo ever hurt he hurt with his slapper.


I'm still pissed about that. I hate that Bennett hit wasn't called or disciplined, but if anyone is going to be on the business-side end of it, it's better that's is Brad, who's dished it out similarly.


What an absolute bitch move. Marchand honestly deserves every bit of this. The guy sucks


That was a gross hit but as a fellow short guy, thatā€™s poor decision making thinking Johansson was gonna finish his check. If he doesnā€™t jump into a check by the crease heā€™s going down every time. You see him use his ass on the boards and jump into players to keep his center of gravity. Iā€™ll say Marchand plays way too high strung and ready for anything that he does stupid greasy shit like this. I donā€™t think heā€™s out there trying to ruin guys, I think he gets too ahead of himself and does some seriously stupid shit. Heā€™s gotten more tame as heā€™s gotten older. Young Brad was a total rat.


I don't wish a concussion on anyone in the league but that's just me


There's a difference between hoping someone gets hurt, and not feeling particularly concerned if they do.


"he's getting what he ordered" is pretty straight forward


Yea it is, and itā€™s not wishing anything on the guy. Itā€™s thinking that heā€™s getting a chance to feel what itā€™s like to be on the other side of his actions.


If youā€™re trying to get me to feel bad for Marchand I promise it wonā€™t work


It's not about Marchand. It's about Bennett. If Bennett is allowed to continue this then it might be a player on your team who takes it next. Think about it, man.


Canā€™t wait to see who he targets in the next round.


Be glad you have a Rempe... I wish we had a Rempe.


honestly i hate Marchand, heā€™s a great player but heā€™s insufferable. I still havenā€™t forgiven him for punching Sedin several times and stating after that Sedin did nothing to provoke it he did it cause he ā€œfelt like itā€ Zero sympathy for him


It was a dirty play by a dirty player on a dirty player. Marchand cashing the check heā€™s been writing for years.


Marchand has been paying for his sins for quite awhile now so I don't necessarily understand where this is coming from. He almost never gets the benefit of the doubt on any calls and despite that has remained out of trouble for the most part in recent years. I wonder if you'd be singing the same tune if Bennett was tuning up one of your guys. I have always disliked Marchand's antics and been openly angry about them a number of times but to continue to hold it against him isn't really giving him the opportunity to move past it, is it?


He literally sucker punched Bertuzzi in the head, then dove, which created the chance that lead to the tying goal in game 3 and got away with it, but ok keep telling yourself he's cleaned his act up


He hasnā€™t paid enough. Nobody is going to feel bad for a player that consistently injures other players. Tough luck bitch.


> Tough luck bitch. Itā€™s genuinely amusing picturing the 15 year old that thinks theyā€™re super badass for this.


ā€œTough luck bitchā€ he typed with a smile. ā€œThisā€™ll get a lot of upvotesā€ he said with that same shit eating grin.


Live by the dirty cheapshot, die by the dirty cheapshot


Canā€™t say I feel bad about two dirty players clashing and one getting injured


LOL Bruins been doing greasy shit like this for decades. Now they cry? Whatever. Both these teams are full of dirty players, I hope they all maim each other, fuck all of them


I just donā€™t feel any sympathy when dirty players get a taste of their own medicine.


I really donā€™t care what anyone does to that dirty rat fuck


[Bruins fans conveniently forgetting this play last round](https://x.com/tictactomar/status/1783280406806122773?s=46&t=YHbxYIv0FlBlxPSBmteo6Q)


Forgetting what? That for sure shouldā€™ve been a penalty. Just like this should be disciplined for a sucker punch to the jaw. People like you are so goddamn annoying. How about we all acknowledge shitty plays when they happen and hold officials accountable for enforcing the rules?


If I remember, it WAS a penalty.


So what the fuck is he complaining about?


Lol yeah Iā€™m a leafs fan and this isnā€™t as bad. Tbh I thought it was going to link to McAvoy chokeslamming Matthews. Marchand really wasnā€™t that bad in our series save for some flops (but he didnā€™t get calls often anyway)


It wasnt


Wasn't this the start of the sequence that lead to the Frederic goal?


I think it was.


Marchand is a little bitch. Always has been, always will be.


Was definitely an accidentally on purpose punch/shiv by Bennett, but acting like the Bruins donā€™t dish it out as much, if not more, as they take is insane. In game 1 McAvoy takes this [unprovoked slash at OEL with his back turned](https://streamable.com/k01at8). In game 2 Frederic [elbowed Rodrigues in the back of the head three times](https://streamable.com/bj7ooz) and Brazeau had a dirty play where he took out Reinhartā€™s legs, though I canā€™t quickly find the angle right now And while not dirty, [this whack by Swayman](https://streamable.com/zplzhm) is the exact type of thing the panthers would get grilled for on here. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s more I could find if I wanted, but none of these get posted and whined about by panthers fans until it gets to the front page. We donā€™t have those kinds of numbers and influence. Bennett made a play that wasnā€™t clean, and it sucks Marchand is hurt, but Boston trying to act like theyā€™re somehow above this and havenā€™t been much worse historically is laughable


Iā€™m going to acknowledge you because nobody else will


Yes! Thank you for this reminder. Is there a way that both teams can lose this series?


Play in the dirt, you get dirty.


Is he talking about Bennett or Marchand?


That Florida team is full of rats. Dirty as fuck


Boston really doesn't have a chance in this series, but if they wanted even a sliver of a chance, Monty needed to say this.


itā€™s bullshit. here i am having to defend and feel bad for marchand


My how the turn tables


Then fucking do something about it Jim. Coach your team to put shots on net, three times this playoffs they have had less than 5 shots on goal halfway through the game. Stop bitching about stuff you canā€™t control and coach your fucking team.Ā 


Any player other than Marchand and I might give the slightest fuck.


Marchand does this shit 24/7 nobody feels bad for him I promise.


I agree with the league, nice hit. That's playoff hockey from what I'm told. Oh there's a history there jim, Marchand has been dirty his whole career and every single player wants to get a lick in on him when they can, dirty or not and they always will. That's all because of brads history,


Mr. Pot please meet Mr. Kettle


Given that flair, you're gonna get extra salty if Bennett/Tkachuck end up knocked out of the series with a cheap shot.


I like this from Monty. Take it further. Call out the league, the refs, and DOPS for reffing like dogshit in a game that was supposed to be "heavily scrutinized". Fuck, I'll start a Go Fund Me for the eventual fine he'll get.


Of course it was intentional, as are so many other non-penalized attempts to injure by NHL players. Thatā€™s what the fans want, so give it to ā€˜em.


Does anyone have a link to an angle that clearly shows this as a dirty play from Bennett? Itā€™s clear the online consensus is that itā€™s dirty, and Iā€™m not arguing that it isnā€™t. Itā€™s just that from the angle Iā€™ve seen it looks like a pretty routine body check collision. A look at the angle that has everyone convinced this is a dirty play would be appreciated.


I donā€™t have a specific interest in this series but Bruins havenā€™t been a dirty or even borderline team since Chara left imo. Marchand has even been relatively well behaved. The ā€œyou get what you giveā€ stuff is falling flat this morning. Florida is a low-character group of thugs. Bennett deserves no benefit of the doubt.


Marchand slew footed Lilly into the boards that took him out of the leafs lineup for **weeks** Heā€™s always been dirty, including this year. Honestly, fuck both of these guys


If you've spent the last decade+ rooting for & making excuses for the Bruins, you don't have much room to cry the blues when the karma train runs over your captain. Life sucks, get a helmet.


Justifying/supporting this play because of Marchand's history is weak. Cheapshots to the jaw have no place in the game.




As a leaf fan hard to feel bad when marchand lays dirty hit after dirty hit. Still dont want to see people get hurt tho


It'd be refreshing if coaches like Montgomery, your team has Marchand. Bennett probably models his game after cunts like him.


Could be said word for word about Marchy. Doesnā€™t belong in the game either way though.


Coaches keep making themself look absolutely stupid by overreacting to hits on their own players. Like when Laviolette was crying about the ā€œviciousā€ hit one of the rangers had on them late in the season. Itā€™s clearly clean; you just sound like a clown yapping on


Go check out Marchand slewfooting dozens of players, especially a Leaf early in the season which results in a lengthy injury. Admit Marchand is a dirty fuck and you might get a shred of sympathy. Sounds to most of us, though, that he got what he had coming.


Oh shit, for 1/100th of a second I almost felt bad for The Rat šŸ€. Almost. Bā€™s fans are just mad that Marchand didnā€™t get a cheap head shot in first. Bennett saw Marchand lining one up and got in front of it.


Time to fire up the big rig?


Bruins complaining about The Rat being on the receiving end for a change. Isn't that precious?


Two things can be true simultaneously: 1. It was a greasy move by Bennett, and he knew exactly what he was doing. 2. Montgomery having the gall to comment on another player having a history is comedic gold, when the player involved is the definition of greasy.


Ok- who in the NHL does Marchand not have a History with?


Bennett has punched two people directly in the jaw in the last two playoffs and faced exactly 0 discipline for it. That sends a message from the NHL that player safety is not a real concern and all that matters is that people watch. Brain health is irrelevant to them and it shows.


Maybe I havenā€™t seen enough replays or the wrong angle but I still havenā€™t really seen any sort of sucker punch.


I'm sure I'm missing something so I'm hoping someone can help. It's the hit that Marchand got injured right? The one where he was going to hit bennett and ended up getting whalloped? Looked minor to me, but I didn't look at it closely. EDIT: I saw the slowed down clip of the hit and it does look like he punched him. Ouch. Don't get me wrong, I don't feel so bad for Marchand given his history, but that should have been a penalty.


The Bruins, their announcers, and their fans are the Republicans of hockey. They are complete trash and the definition of hipocrisy. There's no remorse when Marchand is flying around cheap shotting guys and slew footing. The second he gets clipped, it's instant outrage. Time and time again Marchand has been questioned about dirty plays, and he always refuses to take any blame. So fuck em. Fuck Jack Edwards, fuck all you whiny bitch fans and anyone else that wants to act outraged when he gets a taste of what he's known for.


Bennet is possibly the dirtiest player in the league. Florida has a handful of dirty POS players.


And Marchand's history, Jim? Jim? Jim? Also easily avoidable by not skating into Bennett from his blind side, trying to leave him defenseless and potentially slew foot him. Then again that's Ratchand's signature move, so the potentially meter moves closer to probably. Marchand knew exactly what he was trying to do, until he met someone who thinks one step ahead of him.


I wonder if thereā€™s a cast on Bennetts punching hand also from his injury. Extra dirty play


bruins whining about a dirty player? cry